Chapter 27

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It had been a few weeks since Zach had planted the news on me that Survivor Series was going to be my last match. I didn't argue with him because I loved him too much and I didn't want to loose him, however I wasn't sure if I wanted to give up my dream and go back to the UK.

I had been quiet for the past few weeks, not really speaking to anyone and keeping myself to myself. That was probably because Zach was always with me every minute of every day, I was never allowed to be on my own with anyone. He now knew my password to my phone and Twitter, constantly checking it when something came through to make sure that I wasn't talking to anyone I shouldn't be.

This was no longer a relationship that I was happy in, I was now trapped in a prison and controlled all of the time.

This wasn't the man that I fell in love with. The man I fell in love with didn't check my phone all of the time, didn't tell me what to wear, who I can talk and hang out with. This wasn't the Zach that I once knew, this was a monster.

Apologies for the late chapter, and it only being short!

Thought it would be interesting just to write what Sam was thinking.

Going to be updating quite a bit today, at least to the Survivor Series chapter!

Stay tuned :)

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