Chapter 23

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"You're the first match of the night" Stephanie said to me and Nikki with a smile. "Go out there and show the boys how it's done!" With that she walked away.

"You ready for this girl?" Nikki said facing me.

"Hell yeah!" I said high fiving her. "No pun intended though" I said laughing.

We walked to the gorilla position and watched as they kicked off the show.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to HELL IN A CELL!" Michael said. "We are live from the Staples Centre in Los Angeles California, with a sold out crowd of 14,184! Tonight settles will be scored and titles will be on the line. Our first match of the night will be history making for the women of WWE" they then proceed to show our video packaged. Once it was shown the cell was lowered to the ground.

"Sam get ready!" One of the producers shouted at me.

"See you out there" Nikki said just as my music started to play.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I slowly walked down the ramp looking at the cell. I always wanted to be in this kind of match, but never in a million years did I ever think that the WWE would let there women do it. I smiled at the thought that they had the faith that me and Nikki were going to do well.

Nerves started taking over my body as I reached the door, I looked all around me as I stepped in to the devils playground.

I slowly walked up the steps and got into the ring.

I walked around taking it all in, then Nikki's music hit cutting me from my thoughts.

You can look, but you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

Nikki did her usual entrance and didn't even look like the cell frightened her, she got in and stared me down. Once the music had stopped the crowd were chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!" Me and Nikki smiled. "The crowd is electric for these to women tonight as history gets made" I heard Cole say.

DING! DING! DING! "Ladies and gentlemen this match is set for one fall, and will be contested inside Hell in a Cell!" The crowd cheered. "This match is for the Divas Championship! Introducing the challenger, from Warrington England, SAM!" I smiled whilst looking at Nikki. "And her opponent, from Scottsdale Arizona, she is the current Divas Champion, NIKKI BELLA!" Even the crowd cheered for her. The ref took the belt off Nikki then held it high in the air, then passed it to the ref outside of the cell. The door was then locked shut.

The ref signalled for the bell to ring and the match was under way. "Here we go ladies and gentlemen, history is about to be made!" Cole said.

"This is going to be a good one!" JBL chimed in.

I put my hand out to show my respect, Nikki looked at it then back at me. She took my hand then smiled, her smile then vanished and she kicked me in the stomach then put me on her shoulders and did the rack attack. A shooting pain went through me as she covered me for the win.

"IS IT OVER ALREADY?!" Cole shouted



Just before the ref slapped his down for 3 I lifted my shoulder up. I wasn't going to be beaten that easily.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Nikki shouted at the ref.

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