Chapter 40

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"You wanted to see me?" I said walking into Stephanie's office.

"Correct!" She said smiling. "Well done on choosing the right side last week by the way!" She said clapping her hands whilst I looked down at the ground. "Aw, don't feel ashamed Sam, we all have to do things in life we don't really want. But enough of that! To help you practise for the Chamber match, there is going to be a four on four Divas Tag match tonight! You will be teaming up with Eva, Brie and the Divas Champion Nikki to take on Paige, Charlotte, Sasha and Natalya. You know, the four women you teamed up with at Survivor Series?"

"You're kidding right?!"

"Oh no I'm not! Remember when they all said they would have your back at TLC and then never showed?" She asked me.


"Well that's because SOMEBODY" She said pointing at herself. "Gave them a BIT of money to leave you alone" She laughed.


"Do you want your match at Wrestlemania or not?" She said getting up in my face. I just looked at her without saying a word. "That's what I thought. Now get out and go win the match!" With that I slowly left.

You can look, but you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

"This Divas Tag Team match is set for one fall! Introducing the team of Sam, Eva, Brie and the Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!" They all did there normal entrances whilst I walked slowly behind them.

"HOLD THE ROPES OPEN FOR US, NOW!" Nikki shouted at me. I lowered the ropes for all three of them.

Natalya, Charlotte, Sasha and Paige all came out and just looked at me.

I got pushed to the outside and was told to stay there and watch what they were about to do.

For the majority of the match Natalya's team had the upper hand, and I couldn't help but smile.

Nikki suddenly punched Natalya in the face and they were both down. Nattie was crawling to her corner first and Nikki wasn't moving. Brie had her hand out trying to cheer Nikki on.

"COME ON!" Eva suddenly screamed at me. I watched as she ran round to the other corner and grabbed ahold of Sasha's leg and pulled her off the apron. I didn't know what to do so I ran round, but was stopped by Paige.

"Don't do this!" She said to me. I needed to though, I wanted my my match at Mania.

I turned away, but then ran at her and speared her. I quickly ran and grabbed Charlotte before Natalya could tag her in.

I watched as Brie got in and hit Nattie with the Bella Buster for the three count.
Aye! Two chapters done!

One to make up for last week, and one is for next week.

Done one for next week as I'm away for the weekend visiting family so won't have time to update!

Normal updating will continue in two weeks time! Getting closer to the end of the book now :(

Really enjoyed writing this and my first book, going to miss them! However I am doing a Shield and a John Cena book after this! Not sure which one first, probably the Shield one as it won't be very long.

HOW GOOD WAS WRESTLEMANIA THOUGH?! Best one since 28 in my opinion!

Did you enjoy it?! What was your favourite match? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS

Quick shoutout to The Undertaker though. My all time favourite wrestler! And the man that got me into wrestling! Going to miss him so much. Hope he has a happy retirement. Thank you for entertaining all of us for 27 years! #ThankYouTaker

Anyways, thanks for reading!

See you all in two weeks for another chapter, peace xo

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