Chapter 22

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It was the RAW before Hell in a Cell and tonight me and Nikki were going to be signing a contract for our match.

Stila grace
I'll never gonna be the linoleum
Now welcome to the queendom

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Stephanie McMahon!" Lillian announced as Steph walked down to the ring.

She got in with a smile on her face and grabbed a microphone. "Now I know a lot of you do not like me-" the crowd cut her off by chanting "YES! YES! YES!" She just laughed and continued to speak. "But, but tonight is not about me. It's about the women of WWE, because this Sunday two of those women will make history!" The crowd cheered. "So with that being said, tonight to end RAW there will be a contract signing for Nikki's and Sam's match on Sunday. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the show." She smiled then left the ring.

End of RAW

Stila grace
I'll never gonna be the linoleum
Now welcome to the queendom

Once again Lillian announced Steph as she walked to the ring to make sure that mine and Nikki's contract signing went smoothly.

"Now as I said at the beginning of the night, this Sunday Nikki and Sam make history by becoming the first EVER women to compete in a Hell in a Cell match!" The crowd cheered once again. "So with out further a do, let's get this contract signing underway. I would now like to introduce to you the youngest EVER Divas Champion, and the woman that will be challenging Nikki for her title on Sunday! Ladies and gentlemen, SAM!"

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walked down to the ring slapping some of the fans hands with a smile on my face, once I got in the ring I shuck Stephanie's hand and sat down.

"Now we can't carry on without the Champion, so ladies and gentlemen I now introduce to you the Divas Champion NIKKI BELLA!"

You can look, but you can't touch
You can keep dreaming on the stars above

Nikki came out with Bri and held the title high above her head and just glared at me. She then entered the ring and just snatched the microphone off the table.

"See this is the kind of disrespect that I'm talking about people! She didn't even bother to notice that you were here Steph, nor did she show any respect towards you!" She was about to put the microphone to her lips before I continued to talk. "But I think I know why she's like this. You see Nikki is so used to people doing everything for her, she doesn't know what it's like to work for something. You see while I was busting my ass back in the UK wishing I was here, you were just granted this opportunity. And then when I was down in NXT you just so happened to end up dating one of the top stars of the company, now I know you can't help who you fall in love with, but I think it's a bit of a coincidence that you ended up becoming Divas Champion and nearly held it for a year without barley defending it" she just looked at me and I put my hands up in defence. "I'm just saying"

"See that's your problem Sam, in fact it's everyone's problem. Before I got with John I was busting my ass as well, because yeah I was given this opportunity that a lot of girls like you wanted, but that doesn't mean I didn't want it. I had to prove myself to EVERYONE because I wasn't a wrestler that they hired from the indies and I didn't come from a wrestling family nor did I get here how you did, I was given this opportunity. But for eight years I've had to prove myself to everyone single women in that locker room, every single person in the company and all of these people. No I didn't grow up wanting to do this, it wasn't in my blood, but when I got here I did want it. I wanted to be the woman that every little girl looked up to, I wanted to be getting in this ring every night doing what I love to do and I wanted to be Champion. And I'm very lucky because I get to do just that. So for every person that told me I couldn't do it, for every person that doubted me, guess what? On Sunday I get to make history, and I get to do it with you" with that she signed the contract and the pushed it in my direction.

Before I signed it I had to say one more thing. "On Sunday it's just you and me right? No Bri or Eva getting involved, no dodgy things happening. Just me and you doing what we love to do?" I put my hand out for her to shake.

"I promise" she then took my hand.

With that I signed the contract.

"Well the match is official, on Sunday Nikki you will be putting your title on the line against Sam in first ever women's Hell in a Cell match. Good luck" she smiled and left the ring.

Stila grace
I'll never gonna be the linoleum
Now welcome to the queendom

With Steph's music playing in the background we stared each other down to end the show.



So so so sorry for being away for so long!

I had college to finish and a job to go to, so had no time to update this what so ever :(

But no worries I am now here because I am done with college now!! YAY :)

Thank you all for staying with me and not getting annoyed, means the world to me!

I shall try to update every night as much as I can!

I hope you all, enjoyed this chapter? Let me know!

Also you all enjoying WWE at the moment?! DEAN IS CHAMP! I know I'm late, lol

Any ways follow me on Twitter @SamisWWE97 and thanks for reading, peace xo

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