Chapter 24

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I was once again pissed off, this time though I was going to try and not let my anger get me suspended.

I saw Renee and a camera man coming towards me, I was definitely not in the mood, but once again didn't want to let my anger get me suspended.

"Sam, excuse me Sam! Can I have a quick word please?" She came running up to me.

"Why do you even ask when you're going to annoy me anyway?" I snapped.

She jumped back a little. "Sorry, ask your question" I muttered.

"How do you feel about the ending of that match?"

"How do I feel?!" I laughed. "How do I feel? Well I'm definitely pissed off! Right now you should be interviewing me as a TWO time Divas Champion! But nope, Nikki is still waltzing round with that title all thanks to Eva. For once I would love for her to defend the title on her own without any help. But that will never happen, because it's Nikki freaking Bella!" With that I walked off.

Next night on RAW

You can look, but you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Eva Marie, Brie and the Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!" They all walked to the ring with smug looks on there faces.

"Last night I successfully defended my Divas Championship-" before she could continue my music cut her off.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

"Are you serious right now Nikki?! You, you successfully defended your title?!" I said getting in the ring. "Hold the phone people! Were you so badly knocked out last night that you didn't see Eva come into the ring?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about" she said laughing.

"Of course don't" I said rolling my eyes.

"I really don't know what you are going on about, making up excuses just because you can't beat me Sam is just pathetic"

"CAN'T BEAT YOU?! Hold on a minute I beat you a few months ago on RAW for that title" I said getting up in her face.

Stila grace
I'll never gonna be the linoleum
Now welcome to the queendom

But before I could say anything else Stephanie came out and interrupted us. "Last night was supposed to be history making, but Nikki you ruined it-"

"EXCUSE M-" Nikki tried to interrupt her.

"You are not excused" Stephanie interrupted her back. "Nikki you did ruin it, so I think the odds should be evened up. So at Survivor Series it will be a traditional 5 vs 5 match, team Nikki vs team Sam. Each of you can choose your teams, but choose wisely as it will be winner takes all!" Me and Nikki both looked at her confused. "Nikki you will be putting your title on the line in that match, and if Sam's team wins then Sam will become the Champion" a smirk came across my face, I knew exactly who I was going to have on my team.
Sorry that this chapter is up a bit late, watching Friends whilst writing this!

I hope you all enjoy it, let me know thanks :)

I shall be updating after RAW tomorrow when I have watched it!

Hope you all enjoy RAW!

See you all soon xo

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