Chapter 35

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Since I lost at TLC and to make the storyline more realistic, I had been given some time off TV and was at home.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" My mum said to me with a smile on her face handing me a card and a small box.

"Thank you!" I said returning the smile.

Today was my 19th birthday, and for the first time in three years I was actually at home with my mum and was going to spend the day with her.

"Open it then!" She said trying to do it for me.

"Okay okay calm down" I said laughing.

I ripped open the envelope and read the card, it had the same usual thing written down.

To Sam,
Happy 19th birthday!
Stop getting older!
I'm so proud of you :)
Love mum xo

She wrote the same thing every year, but just changed the age. Still it meant the world to me and I gave her a smile.

I then proceed to rip open the wrapping paper on the small box which revealed to be black. I tossed the paper next to me on the bed and slowly took the lid off and a heart shaped necklace was looking at me.

"Thank you mum! I love it!" I said giving her a hug.

"I'm glad!" She said smiling.

I unhooked the chain and handed it to her for her to put it on me.

"I'll see you downstairs for breakfast" She said after she had put it on me.

I picked up my phone and took a photo of myself and uploaded it to Twitter along with "Birthday starting out great! Love you momma bear <3"

I made my way downstairs to the smell of pancakes, a traditional birthday breakfast in my house.

The rest of my birthday was spent watching Disney films on my own as my mum went out, but I was fine with that.




I didn't think about who could be at the door and went straight to answer it.

"Dean?!" I said with shock and surprise in my voice.

"Hey!" He said smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I said stepping out of the way so he could come in.

"Well I heard it was your birthday, and didn't think spending it on your own was fun so here I am!" He said holding alcohol in his hand.

"Okay, two questions. Number one, how did you know I was on my own? And number two, why do you have alcohol?"

"I assumed you were on your own actually, and it's your birthday why wouldn't I have alcohol?!" He said laughing.

"Well I am on my own, but my mum could come back at any minute. And you know I'm not 21 yet, so I can't drink"

"Well technically you can drink, you are British and you're legal over there. But you can drink because it's in your own home" He said shoving a bottle in my hand.

"I don't know, as I said my mum could come back any minute" I said looking at the door.

"Come on, just one then I'll go" He smiled once again.

"Fine! Only to shut you up though" I said opening the bottle.

I few hours later I was rolling on the floor pissed out of my head.

"Yooou cannnot beee seriouuuus?" I asked Dean.

"I am!" He said laughing.

I got up and stumbled across the room nearly falling over in the process, but before I could fall on the floor Dean caught me.

"Hasss anyyyoneee tolddd yooou hoooww cutttee yoooou arreee?" I said right up in his face.

"Actually I get told that everyday" He said laughing.

"Youuurrrreeee cuutttee" I said poking his nose.

"You're annoying when you're drunk" He said putting me down on the bed.

"Doonntt leaaavveee meee Deaannn" I said pulling him closer to me.

We looked into each other's eyes. I suddenly felt like I was under a spell, our faces were pulling closer together. The next thing I knew we were kissing.
Not the best chapter, but it will lead up to the drama in the next one!

Thanks for reading, means the world to me!

Hope you all enjoy Fastlane tonight! I'm trying to go in with an open mind tonight, ahahaa!

See you all next week xo

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