
By fantasy_differ

13.6K 444 57

'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

Quick ch.1
Quick ch.2
Quick ch.3
Quick ch.4
Quick ch.5
Quick ch.6
Quick ch.7
Quick ch.8
Quick ch.9
Quick ch.10
Quick ch.11
Quick ch.12
Quick ch.13
Quick ch.14
Quick ch.15
Quick ch.16
Quick ch.17
Quick ch.18
Quick ch.19
Quick ch.20
Quick ch.21
Quick ch.22
Quick ch.23
Quick ch.24
Quick ch.25
Quick ch.26
Quick ch.27
Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.30
Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.34
Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
Quick ch.43
Quick ch.44

Quick ch.35

196 7 1
By fantasy_differ

Jail... The number one place that can break the toughest woman in the world.. I never thought I'll be the one to spent time in such a cold, dark, moldy place with horrible food and seats; I was always the one to keep my nose in the clean stuff, never back talked to adults nor do anything illegal- except for weed and I did vandalize once or twice, but that was so long ago.

From all the television shows I watched, I learned a few things: 1) Keep yourself unknown and distant- never put yourself out there and be the top dog. 2) Don't be anyone bitch, and if you have to- choose someone that'll give you protection. 3) When it come down to it, make an awesome weapon- you'll be protected but also be in risk of going to the shoot.
Fuck, I'm going to die in here- especially if people going to find out what I did not do. Kids are the number one points that should not be fucked with, them, animals and old people.

I sat on the very uncomfortable bench with my bare foot crossed under me, women were all around; hookers, addicts, and young drug/gang members that got caught. They were half my age, on the streets selling dope to make a hundred dollars a day. What kinda profit is that?... Anyway, I did not show my fear- even though I wanted to cry. No, I sucked it up, kept my head on the swivel and body to myself.

"What can a girl do for a cigarette over here?" One of the hookers yelled out, her Brooklyn accent was thick and voice rasping from all the smoking. She also smelt of sex, liquor, cheap perfume, and baby formula; it all made me gag.

"Quiet down Iris." A female guard stepped forward, her hands were gripped onto her belt as if she was holding up her pants, eyes slanted and cold as if she were watching a bunch of pigs, she scanned the large cell before eyeing her target- which was me. "White! Someone set bail. Let's go!"

I couldn't be so happy, I slowly stood to my feet to keep myself from running out of there like it was a fire. Once I stepped out of that cell, I felt home free. The guard escorted me to the front so I can collect my stuff, which were just a couple of dollars and my belt. I grabbed them and did not bother to put it back on.

"Sorry it took so long," Violet comment once I were ear shot and in her view. "Here." She set a pair of my flip flops in front of me.

I stepped into them and took a deep breath, "It doesn't matter, as long as you got me out of here." I stated before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug, which I needed.

"Let's go," Violet pulled me along out of the precinct and into the streets of Manhattan. What the hell happened? What were you charged for?"

The warm night breeze felt so good in my icy skin, unfortunately it wasn't enough to make me fully relax. That's when I told her everything about the situation, the two of us stood on the sidewalk next to the precinct.

"You waited all this time to tell me this." She said calmly, but I knew from her stern face expression that she wanted to blow up. "Do you know where Samuel could be?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no clue. Apparently he's close by for the New York police department to arrest me. I can't believe this happened." I whined but kept my composure.

Violet sighed heavily before grabbing my hand and tugging down the street in the direction of my apartment. "I'm going to take you home and figure this out from there."

"You're mad, I can tell. I didn't know she'll go through great lengths such as this one. Christ, it's going to be on my permanent record."

"If this woman was willing enough to use her own son as a pawn in her sick game; then she has no remorse in risking her life and yours in such way. You trust others so easily..."

"I don't you..."

"You do Kaxity. It's risky, especially a woman in your position." She pointed out, the one thing I try to push down from my personality. I have a very warm heart that's a sucker for others.

"Let's discuss this at home. Sapphire and Tupac must be terrified."

Violet not I said anything else, maybe because we were too busy thinking about what the hell to do about this whole issue. It was all crazy and stupid on Sara part, Violet had like ten lawyer on her side that can drag Sara through the dirt with no remorse. But why would Sara do this if she knows of Violet and the type of money that holds so much support.

"You'll be surprised from how much gold she has on us," Violet comment as soon as we stepped to my door. She opened the door and let it swing wide open to show the hold Sara had on us, apparently. Samuel sat in the middle of the apartment opening while playing with the puppies, he looked calm and at peace, the difference from the last time I saw him.

I stepped into the apartment, my face stern and fingers balled up into tight fist. I was not mad at him, his the pawn, I'm upset at his mother- who is apparently supposed to be my mother. "Samuel," I said his name in disbelief. He gave me an apologetic smile but put his attention back onto the puppies, who was loving every second of his time.

"When I came over to get your shoes, I found him at the door." Violet comment before standing by my side. "Samuel, we'll be right back. Okay."

He gave us a simple nod, not caring on where we were headed. Violet tugged me upstairs into my bedroom before closing the door behind her. "I know you don't want to hear this, but Samuel is the person who holds your fate. He can easily lie about you kidnapping him or not. If his mother sent him all this way then that could be the story."

"What do we do? It's all in his word. I can't just corner him and interrogate him until he spills. Can't bribe him either." I sat in the edge of my bed and stared off into space.

Not too long ago I were preparing an romantic dinner, next thing you know I'm trying to see if my biological brother is a scammer like his mother. I can't even call her my mother, no blood of mine would ever do that. I should of never searched for her, that was my mistake there; but no, I had to because I wanted to get in touch with Samuel.

"At the moment, spend time with him; because surly after this he's.... Samuel will take his mother side. While you do that, I'm going to call some people to get things under control; make sure police doesn't come back and search for Sara."

"Okay." I said dryly. "I need to call Irvine." I looked around the room and suddenly remembered my phone was downstairs.

"Here." Violet pulled out my phone from her purse. "I snagged it just in case."

"Thanks.." I grabbed it from her but held it in my hand as a distraction. I needed to call my best friend, but I wasn't exactly in a talking mood, Violet noticed from my body language.

"I'll be downstairs." She simply said before dismissing herself from my presence.


I walked downstairs cleaned and refreshened from the awesome shower I took. It was enough to get the negative thoughts out of my head, but it was enough to get the mist of germs off my skin; a jail cell probably holds more germs than a public bathroom.

Instead of Samuel playing with the puppies like before, he was eating the Thai meal I brought earlier that night while watching cartoons. Violet was standing in the kitchen texting away. I made a beeline towards the couch next to Samuel.

"Hey bud," I said while trying to come off friendly. I didn't want to scare him away or force him to make a decision in going to his mother's side; which he probably is. "How's the food?"

Samuel set the small plastic fork into the container of noddles before turning to me. "Good. Thanks for feeding me."

"No problem. So, how did you get here? I mean to my apartment."

"Well, I took a taxi."

"With who? Your mom?"

He shook his head no, "By myself. Mom and I were visiting New York for some odd reason, she was talking about something when I found your address; so I decided to pop up at your door."

"So your mom had no idea of you leaving?"

He shook his head once again, "Nope. I wanted to see you. I should say you're apartment is cool and so are your puppies." Samuel looked and sound so innocent, which makes it harder to see if he were telling the truth or not.

Violet walked into the living room with a more calm look upon her face. "Do you want anything to drink Samuel? Water? Juice? I'm sure we have soda."

"Water would be fine, thank you."

Violet nods her head before going back into the kitchen, she soon came back with a cool bottle of water. "Have you been in touch with your mother, Samuel?" She set the bottle on the coffee table in front of him.

He shook his head no, "I don't have a phone."

A dull knock on the front door was barely heard in the room, Violet gave me a look before answering it. I took my time to greet whoever decided to visit at this time of night or day. Instead of a welcoming smile, I glared at the intruder; more like bitch.

Sara stepped past Violet with a cocky smirk upon her face. "You apparently have my son."

"I can kill you for what you've done." I said through greeted teeth.

"Wow, not only a kidnapper but a murderer as well. Just like your father."

My hands twitched, the urge to smack the shit out of her was strong; but that's what she wanted, my rage and capability of hurting another. I stepped behind Violet to calm myself down, if I see her face or my urge got the best of me; all hell will break loose.

"Mom," Samuel walked out of the living room with Tupac and Sapphire behind him.

Sara sighed heavily, "Did they harm you?"

I scoffed. "Of course not."

"Never know, you gays has another identity that's hidden."

Violet stepped up to her, only a mere inch away. "Ignorance like that brings another identity out of us that we apparently have. Take your son and leave, you're lucky we're not charging you for false statements and arrest."

Sara ignored Violet threat and looked towards me, "Seriously, legal threats. I thought you grew up in foster care and the streets, not Wall Street and white privilege."

"Mom, maybe we should go." Samuel cut in. "Bye Violet and Kaxity." Grabbing his mother's hand, Samuel tugged Sara out the apartment. Violet slammed the door shut and locked it aggressively.

"Why does feel like we lost or something?" I questioned.

"We didn't. That's what we make her think, then when she's all relaxed; we hit her and she'll be the one rotting in jail. Just give me sometime to bring her down." She fished out her phone and scrolled through it until she showed me a photo and name.

"Amber Truce. Who's that?"

"A good friend of the family and a social worker. She wants to play dirty, I'll play dirty."

"So putting my brother into foster care will solve things? It's not all hearts and rainbows in there, it's terrible; especially for a boy his age." I stated.

"So what do you want to do? Let her roam free as if she won. He knows what she using that boy for, other than her tricks. I'm sorry Kaxity, but I'm not letting her go so easily. I already came in contact with Amber and she's already gathering up a case." Violet walked off, indicating the conversation was over.


The morning cool breeze on my skin relaxed me, it helped me calm down; I needed relaxation after the chaotic night I had. It was worse then the time my own father cast me away because of the sudden proposal. It actually pained me, not because of Sara's ignorance; but because of the little boy that's going to have the most complicated and tough life a child should never face.

"Hey bud," The person I really needed, but never had the guts to call, stepped onto the balcony connected to my room. Her fiery red hair swayed with the wind and her pale skin now held a little color from the tropic sun. She sat next to me on the wood beach chair beside me.

"Irvine, I thought you wouldn't be back for another two days."

"Yeah well, I decided to cut it short. It wasn't going so well as I thought it would. It seems like your week is not going all that well either. I heard from Violet that you were sent to jail."

I sighed heavily before tucking my feet under me, "Sara accused me of kidnapping Samuel. I got arrested, Violet bailed me out and here I am; regretting the day I ever met her. But I don't regret meeting Samuel."

Irvine sighed heavily as well and placed her hand under her chin. She eyed me with a concern look in her eyes, "Don't get attached Kaxity. Never get attached."

"He's a child, Irvine and my biological brother." I pointed out.

"A child who lived with his mother his whole life. You can't question a child love for their mother, it's unbreakable and no one can get in the way of that; even if it's for their own good." She said in a rather truthful and hurtful way.

We sat in silence, staring out in the city of Manhattan; the sound of honks, pedestrians and pigeons below us. It could of been a peaceful morning, a mug of coffee, some breakfast, or even music playing; but I wasn't in the mood. Neither of us were in the mood.

"What happened in Barcelona?"

Irvine placed her knees under her chin, "James and I aren't getting back together. I ended things, it wasn't pretty but it needed to be done."

"That's why you left early?"


"You still love him?"

She gave me a look, a weak smile played on her face. "Of course. I never felt this way with anyone, never. I wish- I regretted doing the things I've done, instead of acting like a child; I should of just handled it in a better and different way. Sometimes I wish I could bring her back, for James, things would be great between him and I if I could bring her back. But I can't."

I swung my legs out from under me and indulged my friend into a tight hug that both of us needed. I smothered down her hair that smelt of honey, it was soft and I always found myself playing in it; not in a creepy way. It actually reminded me when I were young, being a colored girl in Queens where at the time being white was like hitting the jackpot; I wanted to be just that- a girl with long natural beach curl hair, lighter skin and have money. Now those days are over. Reality has come to my side.

Irvine pulled away before wiping the tears from her eyes, "Fuck. I hate crying, it's signs of weakness..."

"No, it's not. It's signs of you having a heart, and you care- not just for yourself." I poked her nose, making her smile from ear to ear. Irvine kissed my cheek by grabbing the side of my face and pulling me in. "No, I'm melting."

Irvine pulled away and nudged my side, "Don't fake like you don't like it."

"Oh please. If I wanted to be kissed on, I would of called Violet up here."

"Speaking of Suadela."

I scoffed at her, "How did you know..."

"These walls are thin sweetheart, your late night sex talks are like a bad script in a porn movie."

I nudged her side while rolling my eyes, "Those are private conversations. But don't say that name in front of her, it's supposed to be a private joke."

"Uh huh, private joke being her tongue licking the the hell out of...."

"Hey, stop! No more okay."

"Sorry to interrupt." Violet stepped outside with an exhausting look upon her face. She barely gained any sleep last night, nor did I, but I managed to get a couple of Z's. "Can I speak to Kaxity for a sec, alone?"

Irvine nod her head both giving me a small smile and leaving the balcony, she slide the glass door closed behind her.

"When was the last time you got some sleep?" I questioned as she took a seat next to me. "You need to rest, your master plan can wait another day."

She shook her head in disagreement, "I need to take a short business trip. I need you to stay out of trouble..."

"Stay out of trouble. You make it sound like I'm a child." I chuckled, but it immediately died down once I knew she was serious. "You think trouble follows me? Don't you?"

Violet didn't say anything, but her silence was enough of an answer. I stood to my feet, face twisted up in hurt, arms crossed in front of my chest and eyes swelled. "Aphrodite..."

"Don't Aphrodite me! I hate this. I hate the fact that after every situation you think it's all my fault. Yeah I made some mistakes, but you don't have to treat me like a child who'll fuck you every given second."

She stood to her feet as well, she grabbed onto my shoulders and looked down at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel this way at all; I'm just concerned."

"I can take care of myself now. Go ahead on your business trip, Irvine is back and she'll make sure I stay out of trouble." I walked back into my room and laid down.

Violet stepped in while rubbing her eyes, "Let's not fight, okay. It's been a long night, we're both tired and I need to rest. Can I do that, please?"

I moved the covers to the side before sliding in, I then pat the cool empty spot beside me- inviting her in. Violet removed her pants before sliding in next to me. She kissed my lips before closing her eyes, just like that she fell asleep.

I ran my fingers through her hair slowly before laying down as well. "I love you Suadela."

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