Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

590K 27.7K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

38. Curve of Guidance

4.4K 283 76
By NeelamMenghani

Happy Forever Friday!!

This one is dedicated to the lovely  keerti5

You always leave my speechless with you motivating and heartwarming comments.

Thanks a lot dear! Love you much!

*Please read the Author's Note in the End. Thank You.*


It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the Obvious.

— Alfred North Whitehead



In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[A Meet to Remember]


Niera's POV


"Why should I run for something that can't be mine?" she asked innocently; for the first time in our every meet, I found her this vulnerable and lost.

I saw her as a child lost in an outlandish world and trying to find her way back to her home.

Trying to be tough but failing miserably.

"Happiness is ours my dear. Pain is something you have to let go in order to embrace happiness."

She was about to interrupt me but I held my finger to my mouth to stop her and being an obedient child, she obeyed.

"You taught me to fight and win now let me tell you how to live" I smiled in encouragement.

"Life is somewhat like a chest box, you want to keep memories safe in it so that you can cherish them lifelong. But that's not possible dear. Memories are past they are meant to be cherish in your heart but you can't live in them you have to let go.

"So, the new happiness which is waiting for you can reach you. You have wrapped yourself in the layers of agony of past that you can't see the smile that is waiting for you to embrace." I said and she kept staring at me in deep concentration.

"Pain is not your companion. Joy and agony, they are like fair weather friends, they come and go with accordance of situations in life. You must enjoy their company when they come and most of that enjoy your life with them. Holding one while neglecting other is like betraying the colors of life."

"Look around you, nature suffers in storm but it's the part of growth for it. After every storm, there is a new bright day, just like you said. I never saw any plant mourning over the yesterday's storm and left blooming." I tilted my head for a greater effect.

Um! Can you be a little specific, she must be getting confused.

I monitored her expressions but they were frozen like iceberg of glacier.

Seems like she can't understand what I'm trying to tell.

Very well!

"What am I supposed to do with all this pain and agony?" she asked; hope shimmered in her dull eyes making me smile.

"All we can do is release that pain and reach out for Life's hand. Over and over again. Never stop reaching for life while searching for smile around you." I explained with a smile hoping this time I could make a difference.

I really want that gloomy face smile in the brightest of life, I want her to embrace life like she deserve. The pain she suffered can't be changed but her heart and soul deserve their joy of life.

"It is difficult."

"But that's the battle you have to win, everyday. Until you win and rise above it." I smiled concluding.

"You won again!" she whispered with a smile crawling over her face and gleaming eyes.

I frowned but before my mouth can form a query, I strong gust of wind rushed past me, almost making my back stumble backward. It was normal but there was nothing normal in it. The air carried a sweet scent in it. The scent was enchanting, similar to what my nostrils had dealt with.

The temperature rose to several degree in that second, my goose bumps rose in attention while my nose taking in the sweet smell.

What happened?

Is storm coming?

But scented storm—must be a natural phenomenon. Insanity mused while sanity planned to strangle it with bare hands.

"You must go. It's the right time for you to leave." My strangling plans were interrupted with her words.

There we are here again!


"Take care and have Faith and Hope." She wished and it was my signal to shut my mouth and take my idiot self away from here.

Fair enough! She knows better.

"You too. Good night and think about my words." I greeted back with a smile, this smile was genuine.

She gave a curt nod with the same impassive face.

Economic mode activated!

I nodded in response before standing and making my way toward the exit.

The fog which was until now floating in corners dared to dance around like it got permission to roam around in freedom.

As I was making my way out, a thought struck me and I took a revolution on my axis, "By the wa—"

I wanted to ask her something but my desperate vision searching her hindered by the thick layer floating all around.

"Huh? Strange." I muttered before going back but again my clumsy self had to make an appearance on the wrong time.

My feet stumbled over the brick arrangement and my body went straight south to hug the muddy park floor.

Yay! What a lovely night!

Thanks Fog! May you live long far away from me!

My face collided on the dusty muddy flourishing green grass which saved my thirty two soldiers from falling out of my mouth also saving my other body part from breaking.

Thank god! Sorry god! Now, I'll use my precious eyes.

I promised while standing up again. Dusting the fog from my clothes, my eyes went back on their searching job but found nothing but thick imprudent fog.

Where is she? I can't see her.

Where did she went?

Should I go and search?

Maybe I should, after all she was alone with me and it is night time.

No! She asked me to go, I think she too left.

But you're not sure.

My mind and heart were in conflict. One was speaking the speeches of rationality while other concerning about her well-being.

Niera! She said that last time too. You should go, she must be fine.

Finally defeated with my mind's reasoning, I turned toward the exit. The cold metal gate felt like ice to my frozen palms.

Taking small strides toward the direction of the Motel, I freed my mind to capture with the meeting I had a little earlier with her.

Her worry and concern were eating me conscience while her words had created another havoc inside me.

Why her eyes were gloomy?

What was there in her past that made her this much mature?

How could she embrace pain but reject happiness?

That fragile soul is in pain but how should I help her.

My conscience was fidgeting with the concern and pain wrenching my heart.

I was lost in my trance while her words reverberated in my mind.

"Once an alley anonymous, now a haven of solace."

What does that mean?

Why she said that when she saw me?

Questions clouded in my mind while my concentration was on the concrete path beneath me.

I was so lot in my thought world that I didn't paid any heed toward the surroundings.

But my concentration broke brutally with a strong gust of wind rushed past me, nearly pushed me toward the side.

Shaking my head, I gingerly captured the sight of surrounding but I didn't got the chance to inspect my surrounding because a car like in video games screeched near to the tree, blocking my way.

My shocked state, went in coma at the sight.

Dear lord! Who is this driver? Is he okay?

I was finding answers but my answers finding mind hid itself behind the sanity when the dust around the car evaporated and the door of the driver side opened with a harsh force, I must add.

My sanity died, rationality suicide and subconscious smiled when I saw the face.

The red face with rage was coming closer to me and I gulped down my heart back to its ribcage while chanting prayers to save me.

It was none other than, raging, wrathful and ready to murder.

Mr. Furious Valentine!!!!

Niera William, you were a nice girl!






You know what is the most dreadful event can happen in one's life:

The riled up anger and frustration making their way out in the most outrageous way. You don't want to show them but you end up creating a scene.

That's how I ended up the latest blunder of the night.

I was lost; drowning myself in my thoughts like a feature float in air with no direction and destination to land upon.

What people advise is keep going, that's the only way to survive in this world where defeated losers are nothing but a stain in grace.

Mind was brimming in chaos, a total mess which was taking different considerable aspects of the events in an utterly rubbish matter.

"Aunt Bambi!" a melodious loud squeal resonated around me, throwing my wandering mind back in reality.

Not surprised much with the interruption, I turned around, removing my gaze from the night moon gracing the night in its twilight to my cutest company who was pouting at me with her hands stiffly holding her waist.

The sight made me smile itself making me forget about the problematic situations before I tilted my face to read her expressions.

Her eyes were a little squinted which she actually maintained to exhibit her cute serious frown, her cheeks were chubby and getting their cheery glow with the cold weather around, while her face was resembling an angry elder sister who caught her younger sibling crying over a pity reason.

But still she looks beautifully adorable, isn't she?

Yes! My mind agreed while smiling fondly at my Tiger.

My smile widened only looking at her before her scowling when deeper, "Again thinking about the same?" she stated rather than asking and my smile stayed in tact on my face while I shook my head at her reading evaluating nature.

Such a mature nature in such early age. Indeed she is our little Jerry.

Caring calm and comforting!

"Come here!" I called; opening my arms for her, bending a little.

She left the strict posture before taking long strides to me and wrapping her small fragile frame to my chest, resting her head on my neck.

I returned the gesture cradling her closer to me. Love and adoration only I felt for this 'Small packet of Magic' in my arms.

I kept silent at her query, at my dilemma. Silence I felt was far comforting in the warm embrace.

"You're still upset." She remarked, her warm breath falling on my neck.

I knew lying wasn't an option with her.

It isn't an option with anyone.

You're a hopeless liar.

"Shouldn't I?" I countered softly. My mind was firm with the fact that I was angry but my stupid heart had other considerable arguments for over evaluation.

"Why should you?" She raised her head from my neck, staring hard at me with her big brown eyes. Her eyes held a distinct glow in them while her face was gleaming in innocence.

Her words caught me of guarded making me frown.

My frown might have caught her, so she giving a brief roaming gaze at my face, kept a steady gaze on my eyes.

"I told you, they were angry because they care." She answered in resignation.

How could the two bulls went crazy over a chicken care when they are literally chasing the little soul in sheer anger? I was persistent to ask but before my mouth could make an attempt, sanity slap it shut throwing glaring daggers.

Does that make you a chicken?

No, what I implied was that they are angry bulls.

Dear, it implies that you are an utter idiot who have no idea of the flowing words and senses.

I know what I wanted to say but I can't share it with Tiara, neither I want to but then I have to deal with her.

"Yes, they care." I agreed, "But dear, the way they behave, it—it wasn't right and appropriate." I argued, too depressed with the way my dear friend and Mr. Valentine nearly strangled me in their blazing anger.

Okay, Mr. Valentine. I was expecting something like this from him but Jerry; he nearly gave me a heart attack with his angry different young man with deep voice and hard tone look.

For once I was forced to consider the possibilities of him being a violent twin of Jerry. But no, he was my erupting friend standing beside Mr. Volcano Valentine.

Yes, I guess Mr. I Rule People have a very strong negative effect on people. Conscience shook its head, earning an annoyed look from sanity.

"Wasn't it?" Tiger's counter question drew me out; I retained my focus back on her, her gaze was darted on me with her big eyes.

Yes, it was.

"If you would have been at their place and Uncle Prince would be yours? How you would have behaved?" she asked before dangling her feet to put her down. I obeyed, putting her down slowly before she bounced back to the bed, dangling her legs in a rhythmic manner.

Her cluster of words caught me in a web of emotions. I went blank before my mind made an attempt to put me at their place while placing Prince at my place.

He is dancing in the murk of night while I'm losing my patience in anxiety and fear for my lifeline, my baby boy.

The thought itself shaken me to the core making me sweat on an imaginary situation while my heart was ready to go in a serious trauma.

At that time, the sister in me took command; anger was dominating while instincts took a front seat.

How could he do this? Risking his life like a game. I'll put him in imprisonment, more like grounded for a life time. That's final! The elder sister growled and other speaking-talking parts of brain nodded in agreement, without poking any argument.

My anger and fear must be visible in my eyes and face, as her tilted her face to watch me closely.

"Um!—" I floundered feeling lost of words to reply while my mind was trying to process the situation from their perspective.

"Exactly!" she exclaimed squealing. The grin on her face was proclaiming the joy of her success.

I stood dumbfound, rooted at my place while my eyes were transfixed on the little grinning girl in front of me. I was at awe of this girl's intellect. How efficiently she explained me their prospect with such simple and precise words.

How she possess such intelligence? I asked myself.

No, how the people around me possess such intelligence to be more precise?

Must be, not because they possess great intelligence, it might be because 'You' are not using yours'. My sanity had a unique way to make me understand things and situation.

Insulting you meant?


Shaking my head, I gave a thought at her words, they were angry; furious would be more suitable at me because of the result of my own laxity. It was me who neglected the priority of reaching Motel before dark. I was the cause of Jerry's Hulk mode and blazing fire erupting session on the security men.

I felt guilty when Jerry was taking their interrogative session but my heart went numb when Mr. Valentine growled in his thunderous anger.

It felt, the lightening would fall on them with his growl!

Shuddering at the reminisce of the dreadful moments, I pulled myself out from the visions of his anger and diverted my concentration back on Tiger who was staring at me intently.

Smiling, I left the shadows of those thoughts, "My Tiger is very intelligent."

Saying this, I made my way toward her while raising my palms like doing a magic trick. With each step I took she squeal back with a huge giggling grin plastered on her face.

Her adorable smile caused a smile to appear on my face. In next seconds, I tackled her causing her sequel before me tickling her. Our giggles erupted in the silent room, dominating the surroundings with our laughter.

"I think we should head for Dinner, what say?" I asked her once; I went lenient on her when she went crimson red with all the fits of laughter, result of our tickling session.

I must add, she was representing an honorable member of beet root family.

"Okay!" she replied with a louder enthusiasm.

"Let's go then." Both of us made our way toward the door. When she was bouncing on her steps, my mind was taking slow steps toward the dining hall clouded in its trail of thoughts.

The vacant corridors seems more haunted in the night, our steps were guided by the small ceiling bulbs which were illuminated enough only to provide the light for our poor eyes to determine the next step in right direction.

I wonder what I'll do here if someday, the lights won't work.

Colliding with the walls doesn't seem a bad idea. Is it? Someone have to remark.

In my own preposterous babbling, I never realized we reached the front desk area. The entrance door was closed or locked apparently, locked and sealed for nights or perhaps days.

Suits you and your behavior!


The front desk wasn't any different scenario from the corridor, empty deserted and vacant.

I wasn't expecting Mr. Alfred or Mrs. Martha as they were at Dr. Baron's Hospital for Mrs. Martha, her health wasn't taking a positive sign of recovery and to be honest, I wasn't ready to face them, I was too engrossed and lost in myself to face and answer them. 

More like abide her bitter words coated in Aloe Vera gel. I know I have to face them but tonight I am too exhausted to take another round of humiliation and distress for how unreasonably imprudent and careless I'm.

But I'm. My conscience has to probe, throwing me in the brook of guilt.

Yes, I'm. I agree, I quit, I accept but what now? Whatever happened, happened. Now I'm guilty, I'm ashamed and I'm on this punishment task. Locked up in this Vintage architecture of this motel when my friend is furious at me showing cold shoulder like I was reason he lost in Olympics games.

A tug on my arm, draw me back, my eyes regained the focus and I realized I was staring at the door with some hidden grudge. Tiara beside me was figuratively dragging me to throughout the large vacant area.

We reached Dining room and my eyes met with sheer darkness, my grip on her small fist tightened at the view while my heart started its pounding a little harder.

With a shaky breath, I reached for the switch and turned on the lights. A moment later, the room illuminated in a bright glow of LED lights and bulbs.

My eyes seep around to take into view; the room was spacious, wide and deserted like ever. But suffocating was what I felt once my fear washed away with the supply of light. The big window was shut close, the only supply of fresh air and ventilation was shut and my lungs didn't take the news happily.

The cords of my brain took their leisure time to reach toward the lungs and console it about being patient and calm but the panicked organ was far from consoling.

"Aunt Bambi! I'll be back." I heard Tiara's soft voice reaching my ear drums while felt her small palm slipping from my vice grip and I immediately panicked.

"Where—" I tried to utter but before my slow processing mind could command mouth to croak out the complete query, she was already out of the room. I spun around in utter bafflement to see her but only plain wooden door oscillating greeted my frightened self.

My query died down in my throat as I spun around back again to the dining hall, the window was closed and sealed with the draped curtains over it, restricting the glow of night to enter in the hall. Though, it wasn't the sunny shining sun light that could lit up the hall in its brightness yet the twilight has its affect.


My feet was a little wobbly courtesy the three inches heels I wore while bouncing in the park which were the cause of my falling hugging the grass on the earth and then my feet tolerated the torment of running while being dragged by high speed bulldozer called never mind.

With shaking legs, I reached the window, the air around me felt thick to digest and my lungs were desperate to take in the fresh air of night.

My palms reached the draped curtains; my finger tips felt the softness of the fabric before I slid them away in one direction. The view hindered by the fabric curtains came into spot light. The glass window was showcasing the darkness in its glory while the ancient trees swaying in the tunes of wind.

Seems like the nature is enjoying the company of night in twilight!

"Aunt Bambi!" Tiara's high pitch squeal from a distance made me jerk and take two steps away from the window panel. Startled, I dashed toward the source of the squeal. Her squeal was like a whisper but the intensity was shrilling.

Where she could be?

I guess that way! Mind tried to concentrate on the source and directed me toward the direction of 'Restricted Corridor'.

Seems like I'm going to break another restriction.

Quite so! But this time it's the need of the moment.

I ran through the corridor of old paintings, I have been here once when I was playing a helping hand to Mr. Alfred when he was trying to pursue his angry wife, he told me discreetly that this part is forbidden for wandering as here they have kept the old paintings and furniture which holds a great importance because of their ancient designs.

I was at awe of this corridor at that time, because from the furniture to the royal vintage paintings, every article here was marvelous piece of art, crafted in perfection. Even it was old, they held a distinct glowing pride of their past.

But now, I was too occupied to throw a glance at the glory, as my focus was solely captured by the squeal of Tiara whose voice held a hint of fear in it. I picked up my speed, rushing past the paintings shimmering in the night, the light was adequate only for me to put my next feet on the floor and not on the expensive furniture and collide with them.

By the time I reached on the other end, I was fighting for the next breath; my lungs were desperate for oxygen, and heart leaping out of place to accommodate with my leopard pace.

"Tiara!" I called while breathing; I reached to the entrance of backyard and found the brown oak wood doors wide open, the area usually kept closed.

Then how they are unlocked? They are kept locked and I highly doubt if Mr. Albert has done it because as far as I know him, he won't.

With you being alone here, he would never. My subconscious remarked wryly.

The garden area was a mirror of mini nature in its all glory, the area was wide with only a pair of white wooden chairs were placed, a center table in the center. Green grass was swaying all around as your eyes can reach with tall trees guarding the area under their shelter. The night giving a brighter look to them in the twilight.

But my heart rejected to praise the nature because my concern and heart beats were leaping for my Tiger who was not visible to my poor eyes in this glowing backyard. I roamed my panicked gaze around to take a wider look of the place in murk but I didn't found anything worth noticing.

"Tiara! Wher—" my words melted in my throat when I saw the small curve ball with a black head in the farthest corner of the yard.

I squinted my eyes a little further which was on the verge of closing and found a familiar fabric wrapped around the curve ball. 3

Is it her?

Great! You have a tremendous amount of nonsense to blurt at the wrong time. This was some raging part of me snapped concerned for Tiger.

I couldn't agree more. Removing those preposterous thoughts, I made my way out to the ball with black head.

As I set my foot out in the green grass, I felt a bondage in my movement, like a force was restricting my movement.


I felt that weird, I averted my eyes from the ball and focused it around me but I saw nothing, nothing at all.

Then why it felt like a bondage, restricting my move out of this threshold.

I waited a moment to take a clear view around me before taking another leap. I set my foot again, the green grass tickled the surface of my feet, it felt bristly like frozen in the harshness of wind, it was weird but stranger and eccentric phenomenon was the feeling of that bondage against my waist which was restricting my further movement toward outside.

This time, bewilderment took command in my mind while a strange feeling started to crawl inside me. My grip on the threshold hardened as my fists turned white while my palms turned sweaty. Drenched completely in sweat, I raised my fidgeting hand to encircle it around my waist, to take another investigatory round for any bondage.

Of course you are not bound with any hook or rope.

But then why, I feel like restricted to move further?

Perhaps, it's your phantom of hallucination lurking around.

But I felt it twice. It can't be my hallucination. I tried to reason out the reality of my experiment but then, the distinct perception of reality was far different from my hallucination.

Okay, if it's a bondage, break it and move further. An advice knocked in my subconscious and I was forced to consider.

Okay! Try it!

This time with a harsh force, I tried to put a step outside; the same green grass bathed in twilight pricked my skin while I felt the same bondage. I sighed in realization.

It is not a hallucination but a declared series of experiments I witnessed.

As with severe force, I raised my other foot to take a step, I felt the bondage getting tighter, I had to bit my lip to seal my muffled perplexed cry fighting the bondage.

"Aunt Bambi!" Tiara's shrilling shriek resonated around the grand corridor and I took an involuntary step backward then another since the force around was directing me to.

I snapped my head toward the direction of her voice and found her small frame in utter stiffness while her face was drenched in shock and mouth hang open, eyes falling from their sockets.

My frown of bafflement was a minute reaction considering her horrified ones but then mine had a quizzical touch in them.

"How did you came here?" it was her first question when she recovered from the shock, her eyes were still hanging out from the sockets while her cheeks were paler than the clouds in clear day.

By running. I was very much in favor to ask but something more important crossed my mind.

"Tiara, how can you be here? You were there—" I snapped my head outside to the direction of that curve ball with black head. But found the space clean and clear till the farthest corner.

My jaws dropped measuring the length of my height to the floor while I found a blockage in mind.

There was nothing—just nothing in the garden but that curve ball figure wrapped in fabric totally vanished in thin air.

Bu—but how?

I—I saw it with my eyes, I swear, I saw it. Not once but several times.

It was there in front of my eyes at a long distance. I—I can't be wrong.

My subconscious and eye nerves, all were in deep bewilderment at the sight. I scratched the portions of my brain again and again to confirm but it was there in my memory but not in front of me.

"I was there? No Aunt Bambi. I went to your room to fetch this. Grammy gave this to Dada when we were leaving from home. This—" Tiara gave me her answers but I was too lost to hear and process them in my mind, my mind was struck at the act of illusion happened just in front of me.

My mind was too engrossed to process her words but I shifted my eyes back at her, trying to confirm whether she is stating the truth or not.

Her babbling continued while her eyes were transfixed on the white Tiffin box in her arms, too heavy for her to hold. I oscillated my gaze between the backyard and then at her before, gulping down the bile of fear and wiping the sweat beads forming in my palms.

"T—Tiara baby where were you?" I asked her again, my voice betraying me revealing my shaken state.

"In your room. To take this, our Dinner." She answered holding the heavy Tiffin bag in her tiny hands.

Her tilted face was fixed on my frightened flabbergasted sweating face while the mine gauging the truth in her words and frame.

She isn't lying.

And it's freaking stupid to consider her there, because she can't vanish from outside and come from behind like a touch of air. And besides my eyes were focused on the curve ball outside.

It isn't possible!

No she can't be but then who was there or perhaps what?

The question haunted me, ruling my mind until I was shaken from a small tug on my sweaty palm. I snapped my eyes at the distraction; Tiara had this concern look plastered on her chubby face as asking a silent query.

"What—?" I knew it was coming but I shut her query with a shake of neck.

"Nothing! I thought, y—you are here so I came to check. Le—lets go." I whispered back, taking her offered hand in a flint grasp.

"Albert Uncle gave you the keys?" her next set of words, took my off guarded, hauling my determined stride.

"Why would you ask that, dear?" I countered.

"He keeps this garden locked at night but it's so pretty." She informed before squeaking at the beauty of the garden. Her feet taking a trip toward the direction of the wide open door but my grasp on her palm restricted her further.

"No baby! Not now, we'll take a walk in morning." I tried to reason but a thought of her in that mysterious area where there is restriction to wander at night is there, made me restless while fidgeting in fear.

I was hell bound to break every rule cast-ed over me but I won't take a risk on Tiara doing the same.

She is my responsibility and more than that she is an important part of my priority.

You care for her idiot!

Yes, right!

Then take care of her.

She pouted on my action making a pleading face, but the aunt in me was weak compared to the fear this incident has bore in me.

I shook my head at her sternly, I was unsure whether I had to put a strict face to pursue her but my Tiger understood and nodded.

Good Girl!

At least someone is disciplined here. A part with sarcasm brimming to the edge commented but I dutifully ignored.

"Let's have dinner." I suggested, regaining my normal tone, leaving the curtains of fear aside.

I won't worry her.

Tiara nodded before I took the heavy Tiffin bag from her small hands and indeed the bag was heavy for a little kid.

I took a step toward the hallway but my feet jammed when a gust of cold air touched my feet, raising goose bumps in attention. I stiffed before revolving on my axis to meet the old oak door wide open revealing the magnificent view of night glowing over the garden but this view was only a creepy scenario crawling fear in my spine, I shuddered before with a thought of leaving it open for the whole night.

I wasn't sure if, Mr. Albert will come tonight or not and if he'll, when?

Leaving it like this, was the farthest decision I was considering right now. So, gulping down the bile of fear, I took a step ahead in the direction of the threshold. Holding the cold ancient designed metal knob in my hand, I tried to push the doors close.

The old work of art was heavy and inconsiderate to give in with the pleas of a normal girl.

I wonder how the people of that century could use it. It needs the push of at least two people like Hulk to operate it.

With mammoth efforts which took my breaths and gave a mild attack to heart, the doors finally closed but not before I gave a brief glance at the direction of that curve ball. There wasn't anything apart from the murk.

I am sure, this isn't hallucination. In fact, something was there and more important something was bounding me, restricting my move to reach outside in the garden but what, if I can't see, but feel. How? How is that possible?

We both made our way back to the corridor, my heart thumping loudly; its beats clear to my pale ears whereas my hand was grasping the string of the Tiffin bag like grabbing the neck of my potential victim for murder.

Tiara beside me was awestruck with the art work around her, her tiny palms were trying to reach out for the furniture mixed in both ancient and modern work completely disregarding the hysterical state of her Aunt Bambi.

Don't blame the child. She has nothing to do with this and keep your hysterical paranormal experience to yourself. You don't dare to share this with her. My conscience ordered in a stern tone and I caught the urge to roll of eyes at this.

No I won't. Promise!

In fact, all this wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have heard her screech, calling me. I wouldn't have gone to that direction.

Oh yes!

"Ah! Tiara, baby where have you been?" I asked again; making sure to regain the normality in my voice.

"Huh? In your room." She answered; skeptical at my query.

"Why did you called? Were you hurt or something?" I asked further; drawing my attention solely at her. Gauging her reaction.

"Me? No, when?" she shrugged and my shoulders sank.


"Why would I?" she adjoined; muttering to herself.

"So you didn't call me?" I cleared; my mind doing jazz in the beats of Salsa completely out beat off beat and flabbergasted.

"Nope!" she answered and I felt an urge to go in coma.

If I didn't heard her, if it wasn't her then whom I heard?

The door of the dining hall came into view and the investigating session inside my head came to an abrupt halt. "Um! Tiger, let's get back in the room. We'll have dinner there." I suggested, more like stated.

Tiara gave me a look which was a little difficult to comprehend but after approximately four seconds she nodded in agreement and I took a sigh of relief.

"Okay then—Ah! Wait!" her ascending steps came to an abrupt halt with my finished shriek.

"Let me check the door." I said dragging her toward the front desk area.

Well they have locked you inside; it's crystal clear like a drop of dew in the leaf. No one defies Mr. Majesty's orders apart from you. A nagging part of me had to intrude.

Yes, I'm very much aware of that but crossing checking won't hurt. I reasoned back.

Then why are you dragging Tiara with you like a trolley bag? It questioned further I bit back the urge to throw it out of the locked doors.

Simple! I don't want to repeat the mystified series of event by allowing her to vanish in front of my eyes.

Great aunt Bambi!

We reached the front desk hall; the Great A V was dangling in the wall in its glory while different glowing lights erupting from its filigree, modern art piece shimmering in the darkness.


The sight made me scowl, I seriously need to take an appointment with psychiatrist, this A V is getting on my nerves and the mystery around this Identity symbol has been a headache since my first day. Gracing the omnipresent identity with my deadliest glare, I preceded toward the main entrance door.

The wooden door seems locked and sealed but since, I wasn't in the mood to leave any loophole in our security, especially Tiara's.

I checked the door twice, pushing and pulling it with all my saved stock of energy but no avail, the door was stubborn enough to not even budge a little.

Good! It's locked and strong! Phew!

Though, the doors were locked yet, I had a strange feeling of fear crawling over my chest with this particular event.

Don't think further and concentrate on Tiara, the poor child is bouncing around the motel because of you. At least feed her dinner.

Oh yes, how will a manage babysitting her? I am such a useless fellow.

Uhm! Well about babysitting, I think the matter is other way round; she is taking care of you right now.

It's not like that. I argued but then I have other important things to do.

"Let's go baby." I took her in arms before heading back to the room; the great annoying A V crossed my path and shot it a glare.

Once we done the dinner which wasn't exactly cold as expected, we were particularly famished, me for skipping the other important meals of the day and Tiara had her little portion of her favorite meal with satisfaction. Grammy was sweet, as she sends us a generous portion of desert which became the favorite part of the night as we enjoyed it.

When I asked her about it, she said both the girls enjoy the treat and Grammy has sent her love for me and excited to meet me. I was more than happy hearing this as I was desperate to meet her too and thank her for delicious meal she send for me.

"Okay so what now, shall we go to sleep?" I asked once I cleaned the table.

"No." she pouted in response.

I gave her a quizzical stare which she returned deepening her pout like a duck making me chuckle.

"Then what shall we do, my Tiger?"

I asked going near her, placing her on my lap, playing with her braid.

"Girl gossip." She squealed.


Gossip! My facial muscles crumbled in utter surprise.

She is just seven years old and she wants to do gossip? I have to do a serious talk with Jerry.

"We will talk about us." she explained, gauging my gawking expressions.

Oh! She wants to talk about us. Thank god! My confusion washed away.

Silly you!

Yes! I'm.

"Okay. What you want to know?" I asked resigned.

"Your past." She said with such conviction, I found myself bound to take look at her face which held nothing but plain curiosity.

Are you?

No, just the fragments of joy nothing else.

So the next hour I spent, telling her about my family and my work which she heard keenly. To be honest, there wasn't much interested in my past to tell but I salute the listening skills of the girl, she was attentive throughout.

Exact replica of Jerry!

"Now end this, you must sleep, it's getting late." I suggested with a stern face, smiling at the end.

"Okay! Aunt Bambi!" she called.

"Yes, Love."

"Alpy Royce is a nice man. Please don't be upset from him. He cares for you, so does Dada. Please don't scold them." She pleaded with a sad face making my stone heart melt like ice.

I felt bewildered at her mature request wrapped in the gem of innocence.

I couldn't do but smile at her before nodding affirmative.

"I won't."



I nodded and kissed her good night. She slept after that while I opened my laptop to work but my mind was at rest with only one image dominating my every sense.

His furious eyes but the spark of vulnerability in them!!!








Is what graced me when I put my mind in the events happened in the past few hours. The act of being imprudent could have caused us all a great loss. But then our Queen wasn't considerate to think about herself.

The faint growls of Majesty are reverberating around, giving faint measures to his erupting anger and bounded will. Alpha Royce is seething in rage while his protective instincts are at alert.

I sighed heavily, clutching the old papyrus in my hand, my mind is far from concentrating on the ancient sketches when the present situation has taken a twisted turn.

What have you done, my dear? I kept seeking the answer to this question but only a resigned sigh I receive as a answer.

"Would you like to have some tea, Sir Gerard?" my tired form snapped at the interruption. Raising my head, I found, Raymond's tall figure towering over me with a smug smirk plastered on his face.

Without breaking the eye contact, I placed the old papyrus sheets on the center table, before taking the offered saucer and cup from his hand.

"May I ask the reason of this smirk, my dear friend?" I asked taking a brief look of his form.

"Or perhaps, I must be the one should ask you. Why you have this resigned look on your face?"

"Like you need a briefing."

"Not generally but I seriously can't comprehend the reason of this sullen look of your face." he answered with a apologetic unknown face. his expression raised a level of my temper but I kept my emotions in check before speaking.

"Well then, let me take you to a straight revision,—" I placed the saucer on the side desk, untouched, "—You deliberately trapped Niera in the game, raised question on her reputation to infuriate Majesty and us all. You very efficiently with your word play, entrapped Majesty in his rage only to pressurize him, provoking Majesty to take such crucial decision in hast, just to shut your arrogant self. He almost accepted her if—"

"If your worthless subjects were not obedient enough to intervene." He interrupted with a straight face.

Standing straight, he made his way toward the direction of wide balcony, the twilight of moon was spread for the world to relish but for us, it was the knock of another change. Though, he didn't went out to catch the sight of Crimson Moon yet he stood there, perhaps, taking the presence of coldness from the environment. Exhaling he continued,

"I trapped her in that game to find her strength, it was a task of deliberation only for the sake of Kingdom, guiding her was my duty as a Royal Guardian which I'm bound to fulfill. Raising question on her dignity or reputation was the only way to confirm my suspicion. I did what I needed to do. About manipulating Majesty, I beg your pardon, but if I wouldn't have taken that step, Alpha Royce would have guarded his heart till eternity and surely you never would have wanted that."

"We both know he won't take that step without her will. And her acceptance is what I see in a long run is nearly impossible." He adjoined firmly. His voice was firm, yet his words carried a sense of concern in them.

I averted my eyes from his sharp features to the wide space in front of me, a wave of guilt and dread washed over me with his words.

My eyes felt heavy with the pressure mind took upon and I shut them close in utter exhaustion.

The entire evening flashed back in front of my closed eyes and I could only let it happen.

When we were with Majesty and Raymond tried to provoke Majesty to accept Niera as his Luna, we almost succeed but just at time, Jerry rushed inside the cabin with sweat drenched self, his face held fear and anxiety but his eyes carried a deep pain of concern which he didn't tried to show. 

The trance in which Majesty was seething broke making him furious but when Jerry uttered the reason of his uninvited visit and the reason of sweat distress form, it snatched the sense of sanity from us all.

Niera was supposed to be dropped to the Motel but when security team returned, Revin got the news of her taking the option of walking back to the motel in evening. Above that, when Revin cross checked with Albert, they informed Niera hasn't reached yet. 

The atmosphere turned one of despair where the raging Majesty rushed out in her search while Revin rushed toward the Motel. The guilt and disappointment was clear on his face.

Though, I knew he wasn't worried about the punishment he'll face for the delinquency he did by delegating his responsibility but the concern for Niera was eating him alive. 

We all were worried but strangely we didn't found any news of any trespassing in the territory from the guard wolves but Fergal removed them from the area taking my command.

Fergal tried his best, the wolves searched the area but there was no sign of Niera anywhere. The time we have suffered in the absence of any news about her was a penance but what Majesty suffered, one could only imagine. Complete despair!

We found our breaths when I received Revin's message that Niera is in the motel and Majesty found her in the outskirts of Woods. I knew he'll be furious at her step and proved when the growling Majesty came back here instead of heading back to his Villa.

 He is roaming around in sheer infuriation in front of the emblem but then I wander why this innocent child have trample over every warning and advice suggested to her.

"One only plays with fire when they are unaware of the consequence of getting burn or they have spent too much time in burning." Raymond's words drew me back in the reality.

I averted my eyes from the wide space to meet his black ones.

"She is which one of them Raymond?" I asked him, trying to read his shrewd mind but his raised brow gave me another image.

"A bit of both." He stated earnestly; making his way back to the sitting arrangement.

"Her naivety is her sole but her heart carries the fragment of pain which her eyes protect. She is broken yet she is precious. Like a candle in the darkness." He said while I tried to comprehend his words.

"Are you trying to imply she is doing this intentionally?" I raised my question in anger.

"Perhaps not but her conscience is accepting her defiance for our laws." He remarked.

"Raymond—" my query was silenced with his next set of queries.

"Where is she now?" he asked.

"In the motel."

"All by herself or in the supervision of the care taker Vampires?" he probed further.

I gave him a closer look before answering him, "She is there alone with Tiara, Revin's—."

"Serene's niece. And what is the guarantee that she won't repeat her act of adventure again in the dark?" he asked taking a seat in front of me before clearing the nonexistent creases of his blazer.

"Banerjee has casted a spell over the motel which will bind her therein and restrict her exit or the entrance of—"

"—any other supernatural entity inside. 'Astringency Spell'." He concluded on my behalf.

"Yes." I nodded affirmative.

"But in morning?"

"The spell is time bound, she won't even know or feel."

"And after that, tomorrow. Until how long you're planning to keep her like this? In dark, I mean." Raymond drew his words, stretching them for a purpose, I knew my friend won't talk until his words have a reason, worth in communicating.


The door of my cabin flew open revealing Majesty, who seems quiet calm by now but one look at his eyes and I knew how much those blue iris are holding there on.

He made his way toward us, his strides long confident and erupting a surge of raw energy. The room bathed in his majestic aura making us weaken around him.

Rising from our respective seats, we both bowed in is presence but received no response whatsoever.


"Did Banerjee followed what he was told to?" his words dripped in the command of an Alpha. One couldn't counter his words.

"Yes my Majesty."

He gave a curt nod, his eyes transfixed on the wall in front not ready to meet with the presence of others.

"We had a discussion left unfinished, Majesty." Raymond initiated, folding his hands behind his back.

"Is this about your tricking me for accepting Niera as my Luna?" Majesty countered; calmness was dominating his voice while his eyes flashed a coil of brown in them.

"No Majesty. I am very much aware of the fact that now it won't be possible. Since, you have come here after making up your mind and 'heart'." Raymond answered.

"Stay in your limits Raymond. Don't forget where and why you are standing here."

"I'm standing in the lands of Kingdom Alicia, a place where my rights and responsibilities exist. And about the reason, I'm here at the call of Sir Gerard, his request brought me here." Raymond answered in utter confidence.

His answer caused a flash of anger in Majesty's face but he wiped it out before his eyes snapped at my direction.

"I hope you don't forget your limits while fulfilling your duties here. Though, I would like to know the reason of this request Gerard. That made you call a Guardian in the Kingdom." Majesty asked me, his flint taunt was directed to Raymond.

'Haven't you told me about the Crimson Moon?' Raymond mind linked; his eyes sharp and holding query.

'No' I gave a monosyllable response.

His eyes flickered in acceptance.

"The matter of Royal Vault needs his presence; we have already discussed this Majesty."

"Yes we have and I remember you omitted another piece of information from me." He turned his head to meet Raymond's eyes.

"But I'll trust you there Gerard. Finish this, soon." he commanded, his command held a hint of infuriation which made us frown and suspicious at the same time.

"You wanted to discuss something Guardian Quinn?" Majesty asked, sitting on the couch nearby.

His demeanor calm as the core of sea but I'm afraid, I feel the knock of Tsunami from this depth.

Raymond nodded before retrieving his respective seat on the couch following me.

Taking a deep breath, Raymond initiated, I knew Niera is going to be the topic of this discussion, apparently, we all knew.

"She doesn't know about our Kind." Raymond rather stated. His voice firm and void of any emotion. His eyes directed toward Majesty, gauging the change in his demeanor.

But Majesty sat unaffected, Raymond's statement cause no change in him.

"I'm glad you noticed." Majesty shot back; impassive as ever.

"She is here for her company's work to solve the misapprehension." I stated, leaning back a little further to the sofa.

"Or rather adhering to her side of the proposition." Raymond said while reaching for the glass of water. Staring at the transparent tumbler, he continued, "Finding the culprit in A V Inc. in the prescribed period allotted to her. Am I heading in right direction Sir Gerard?" He asked placing the tumbler on his lips, his eyes transfixed on me.

It wasn't hard for him surmise this much. After all he knew how things are conducted here.

"Yes." I nodded affirmative.

"Can I ask how much time she has?" he probed further; raising his perfectly arched brow.

"Until she gets another copy of those credentials." I answered nonchalantly but my eyes following his moments.

In response, Raymond's smirk only widened. He didn't ask further but nodded in understanding while drinking water.

For once I thought, he is satisfied with the answers presented to him but then he has this old habit to surprise people with his wit.

"How long will it be?" he persisted.

"You have worked as a government. You tell us, how long will it take for them to hand over those legal credentials to Greefy Inc.?" I opted to ask rather answer.

There was uneasiness I found inside me, the comfort I was seeking was missing around me, rather it was anxiety that was dominating me.

"One phone call." He said placing the glass back on the table. His demeanor calm as the sea, his eyes gleaming in mirth.

"One call from you and those documents will be on your desk in next hour. Or they are already with you. Locked away or rather destroyed in ashes." He raised his arched brow, smirking. Though, this time this smirk was his acuity.

His words were precise yet they crossed the boundaries of decorum of the Royals. There effect was anything but simple.

"Not so fast, Raymond." I intervened sternly.

My eyes went toward Majesty who sat discreetly. His body movements were restricted to minimal but I knew his shrewdness was evaluating Raymond's profile.

"So they are locked. I surmise. Sir Gerard but I suggest to—" he halted his further words abruptly as smirking he stated "Never mind."

The smirk on his face promised the volumes of storm but very calm.

"The crucial matter in hand." He announced while straightening, attentive.

"When are you revealing her?" he asked.

The atmosphere around engulfed us in a thick layer of silence.

"About?" I probed.

"The existence of supernatural entities Sir Gerard. She must know soon." He enunciated further, a sincere concern was gleaming in his voice.

"She isn't ready." Majesty answered; lost deep in thoughts.

"And when do you think she'll be?" he pressed further; his eyes evaluating Majesty's demeanor.

"Time will prepare her." I answered; reaching out for the papyrus script scattered on the table.

"For what? For her to keep an open mind when the revelation will be made or her being worthy enough so that you can put her on the place of Queen." Raymond's words were flint but his eyes held firmness in them.

I gave him a frown in response which wasn't in confusion but in disapproval. I understood what he meant but I was bound with the laws.

The atmosphere sealed in silence again but this silence wasn't comforting at all, rather it was disrupting.

"Curiosity is a bewitching trick. When you restrict a child to go near the fire, he won't find his peace until he go near it, touch the magic of it. Whatever restrictions you'll cast on him, his naïve curiosity will him make restless for the restricted Fire. Until—"

"Until he harms himself through the same source of curiosity. Then he'll stay away from it. Because now, he knows why the restrictions were casted on him." He concluded with a sigh.

We stayed quiet for some time before, Majesty's eyes rose and met Raymond. "You want herself getting harmed in—"

"I apologize Majesty. But I suggest you reveal her the reasons of these restrictions before she put herself in any endangerment. Because fire could harm but our Kind is lethal."



June 30, 2017

Another SUPER LONGGGG update, just for you.

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