When Her Mate Moves Into Town...

By SheLovesHerWords

639K 12.6K 1.1K

Lane Connor. Adored by many and rightly so. Kind, at times to a fault, a smile that lights up any room she en... More

When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Authors Note)
When Her Mate Moves Into Town(Intro)
Chapter One- Whispers of Permission. *Edited*
Whispers of Permission- Ryders POV *Edited*
Chapter Two- What history we make in History. *Edited*
Chapter 4- Hope For Maybes *Edited*
Chapter 5- Caution: Chair Will Cause Blushing. *Edited*
Chapter 6- Relief in school. Safe? *Edited*
Chapter 7- Hospitals Gazebos and Hallways. *Edited*
Chapter 8- Holding Pinkies *Edited*
Chapter 9- Reminder: Thank the girl that pushed me over.
Chapter 10- Help. Looking for lost hickey.
Chapter 11- Sweet and Scary
Chapter 12- Ruining people. The good way.
Chapter 13- Tingles as a wakeup call. That's new.
Chapter 14- Next step? Why not?
Chapter 15- Can soon come sooner?
Chapter 16- We have an announcement. And another. Oh, and another.
Chapter 17- Life is great when things aren't great.
Chapter 18- Beating me at my own game. But hey, I'm a good sport.
Chapter 19- Now, now. Laney knows best.
Chapter 20- Lane meet Leah. The evil side.
Chapter 21- We Do Things Short 'Round Here.
Chapter 22- The moments, before the moment of truth.
Chapter 23 - Putting trust to the ultimate test.
Chapter 24 - Love from those just met.
Chapter 25- Ryders POV
Chapter 26 - Two day compromise ends quicker than expected.
Chapter 27 - Ever since you moved into town.
Chapter 28 - Epilogue
Bonus Chapter!
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 3-Fourthly, fifthly and...sixthly? *Edited*

21.1K 443 84
By SheLovesHerWords


You know, this might be my first and last warning on a chapter. I've already warned people in the beginning about what to expect so...yeah. No more warnings. You've already been warned. :)

Hope you all like this and won't hate me at the end! Don't forget, I am a firm believer in happy endings. It just takes a few bumps in the road to get there. :) Here goes!



"Wow. That's my mate?" I sigh.



'God wasn't playing around when he made this guy that's for sure.' My wolf says.



"I know. I can't handle this right now."



'What do you mean you can't handle this? He's our mate!'



"I know it's just...Ryder."



'DUMP HIM!' My wolf says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. And it is.



I sigh and say, "I know. But if my brothers were right, I'd break his heart. Even if it weren't for me finding my mate-"



'You're unbelievably HOT mate'



I blush, "Yeah, if it weren't for that, I'd still break it off with Ryder. I really hope my mates not like that. I told dad I'd be careful, and that's not just with Ryder. It's with all men."



'Yeah, yeah, yeah' my wolf replies.

What seems like five minutes of staring into his angry Black eyes, is actually only about 5 seconds and I notice that all the humans are still looking at me and Blake with confusion written on their faces. Who is this guy and why is he so upset?

I look over to Blake and notice that he sees what I see except instead of confusion on his face all I see is fear. That look. There's something about that look on Blake's face. It's just like that waiter at the restaura-OH GOSH! You've got to be kidding me. He's pissed because Blake has his arm around me? Well, had his arm around me. Actually, Blake seemed to have distanced himself from me quite a bit.

I look back up at my mate and see him relax and that the black in his eyes fade out and make way for the most beautiful shade of Honey. There's black around the pupils that make his eyes stand out even more. People always complement me on my eyes but his...his are undeniably the most beautiful eyes that, and I can guarantee this, I will ever see.

When I stop fixating on his eyes I pan out to see his whole face and I notice that he’s smirking. Oh come on! Now I've seen that look enough from B, being that he hasn't found his mate yet, when he's noticed that some girl was just checking him out. It's like whenever I see that face I imagine "I'm sexy and I know it" echoing off the walls of his head. Ok, I'm being harsh. I know I just implied that my brother has no brain, and of course that's not true. I'm just suddenly not in the mood for mister "I'm sexy and I know it" mate up there. And again I ask! Who is this guy?

I roll my eyes and look away from him. OW! How can girls do that 100 times a day? That's highly uncomfortable. Add that as another thing to the list of why I need to find a way to avoid this guy. I'm no good at this blatant rudeness that girls seem to be programmed with these days.

Someone clears their throat and I notice it's Mr. E. YES! Mr. E. to the rescue! Please get him out of here. I don't think I much like this hole that is slowly being burned into my head thanks to my mates stare.

Just then Mr. E. did the unthinkable. He did the opposite of what he was supposed to do. He did the opposite of what he is. He did something un-cool. He introduced my mate.

He introduced my mate as Mr. Parker. Our new History Teacher.

And then I did something unthinkable. I did the opposite of what I'm supposed to do. I did the opposite of what I am. I did something un-calm.

I jumped up from my seat. Grabbed my things from my desk, shoved it into my bag and left the class.

Yep. I Lane Regan Connor just ditched class. For the first time ever. While class was going on. While my teacher AND my principle were both in the room. And you think you're cool?

So I did what any normal kid who's ditching class would do. I ran to the bathroom, locked myself in a stall and cried.

What is going on in my life right now?! First, for the first time in my 18 years of existence, I bag myself a boyfriend. A cop boyfriend. A hot cop boyfriend. Secondly, I use the word "hot" now, I roll my eyes and apparently I ditch class now! Thirdly, my hot cop boyfriend, kind of sucks! He gets upset easily, he tries to control what I wear, and he makes waiters cry. I'm pretty sure that kid went to the bathroom and cried like I'm doing right now. Also, I'm pretty sure he bruised my arm. Fourthly, I don't even know if that's a word! Fifthly, that either. Sixthly.....sixthly I find my mate. Basically my hot cop boyfriend's personality look-alike. Who has a big fat "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" written all over him. And lastly, he's my teacher.

As I'm sobbing and practically talking bubbles in my head and thinking about looking up "Fourthly", "Fifthly" and "Sixthly" to see if they are words I hear someone knock on my stall door. Judging by the smell of rain, I can tell that it's Ace. Yep, in the girls bathroom. But I don't care. I open the door and throw myself into his arms.

"Come on love, look at me." Ace says while rubbing my back to comfort me.

"Nnn. Nai mwana mry." I say into his chest.

Ace laughs and asks me what I said.

I sigh, and pull back from his chest with my eyes closed and say "No, I-I wo-won't look at y-you. I want t-to cr-y." I sob.

"LC. Come on now. Why would you WANT to cry?" Ace chuckles.

"B-because I-I kno-ow that as long as I'm c-crying, you won't m-make me go out th-there." I finally get out. It's only about oh, ten years later.

Ace laughs so hard that he starts shaking and I make the mistake of looking at him.

Before I realize what's going on Ace grabs a hold of my face between his two hands and looks me in the eyes. Calming me down instantly.

"I hate you." I mutter. I just wanted five minutes of throwing all control out the window and being a girl.

"No, you don't, LC. Now I got a call from Blake and he told me what happened but I'm not going to believe anything until I hear it from you. Wanna talk?"

I nod and tell him about the waiter and other instances similar to that. I express that I don’t like the way Ryder treats people and myself. I told him about our fight this morning. I tell him pretty much everything skilfully leaving out the bruises and the real reason I’m in here. My mate.

"Wow." Ace breathes out once I'm done and shakes his head.

"I know" I say.

"Well I would have to say that "Fourthly" and "Fifthly" are words, "Sixthly" though. I'm not too sure." He says while holding back a smile.

I give him a deadpan look but then start to smile as I realize he's just trying to make this whole situation lighter for me.

“What am I doing wrong, Ace? I’m not good at being in a relationship. I am making the right choice to leave him right?”

“Um yeah! Get rid of him!” He laughs.

I lightly punch him in the shoulder and he grabs my fist and holds it to his heart.

"LC, this is your first relationship. No one’s first relationship in the history of the world has gone perfectly. Nor their second, not even their third. When you date someone you get to know them on another level. You get to see another side of them and it’s up to you to decide if you like it or not. Don’t go trying to change him, LC. He has to do that on his own.  And know that if you need me to stand by you and help you, I will. You're my baby sister. I waited for twenty five minutes for you to be born so that I can be next to you. And even though I don't remember those minutes, I'm pretty sure they were the longest twenty-five minutes ever. I don't plan on leaving your side for a while. Don't worry about possibly hurting Ryder if you do end things. We all know that's your number one fear. Sometimes you have to do something that's right for you and if they take it bad and you end up losing them in your life, don't worry about it because you'll ALWAYS have me."

We sit there for a while. Me thinking about everything Ace just said. Ace probably thinking about seeing Riley.

He’s right. I will admit that I thought about staying and trying to make things work. In other words, change him. But I can’t do that; it’s not my job. But I can be there for him as a friend. And as a friend I can smack him when he acts up with his mate when he finds her. 


"Look at that! Ditched two classes in one day! You might want to slow down, LC. By the end of this week, you might be a drop-out." Ace jokes.

"Ha-ha" I smile and say sarcastically.

"Let's get out of here huh? Ryder's picking you up. You ok with that?" Ace asks carefully.

“More than ok.” I smile.

After talking my problems out with Ace there was enough room in my mind to realize that I shouldn’t have freaked out when it came to my mate. I don’t know him so I shouldn’t just write him off. I get that he would be mad seeing Blake’s arm around me. I should talk to him but after I end things with Ryder because even though Blake and I aren’t an item, I do actually have a boyfriend.

We walk out of the bathroom and get weird looks from everyone. But no one says anything because it's Levi Freaking Connor. No one questions him.

I laugh at my thought and tell him, "You know, you should take up speech or something. What you said back there was amazing." I say half seriously have jokingly.

"Ha-ha! The closest I'll get to taking up speech is in the Locker room and on the field to get everyone pumped for the game." He says.

"Yeah, and plus, I like my talks with you. You have to save all your good material for me in case I have another breakdown."

Ace laughs and I'm suddenly tackled from behind by none other than Blake.

"LC baby! You ok? I called Ace as soon as I gathered myself and comprehended the fact that you actually did run out in the middle of class. You did do that right? I'm not going crazy?" Blake asks like he really was going crazy.

He gets a slap to the back of the head while I get a hug from Carter.

"Hey, LC. You alright? I heard what happened." Carter asks genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good.  Thanks. I'll explain everything later before the pack meeting. I have to go take care of something”. I say taking a deep breath.

"Ok. See you later then."

"Bye LC!"

"Good luck sis!"

"Bye guys!" I yell while walking away when Blake calls me back.

"OH! LC! Hey, when you were picking things up from our desk for your quick getaway you swiped my notebook. Can I get that back please and thank you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry Blake. Here it is." I look through my bag and pull it out.

"Thanks babe!" He winks.

"No problem honey!" I wink back.

For as long as I can remember we’ve always been very affectionate with the pet names. It’s never been weird. Even my brothers and parents are used to it.

As I'm walking to the entrance of the school to meet up with Ryder I'm grabbed by the waist and pulled into a janitor's closet.

In the confusion I’m pushed against the door and my head falls back hitting the door pretty hard. My vision is blurry but I don't need it to know who has me pinned because I'm engulfed with his smell. Sandalwood.

"Mr. Parker?" I say light-headed.

"Chase." He says as he buries his head into my neck and runs his nose against it inhaling deeply.

Now I'm a different kind of light-headed all together. This time it's from pure pleasure from being this close to my mate. I can’t help but think about how this is completely different from Ryders touch. I don’t know how to explain it other than I can feel. Truly feel.

When I start to actually think about what's going on I realize that there is not an inch of me that isn't covered by an inch of him due to the fact that he’s rubbing himself on me. 

"What are you doing?! Stop!" I whisper shout trying to push him away.

"What am I doing?!" He snaps his eyes to mine. And before they turn black from his anger I notice little specks of Sapphire in his eyes.

"What are you doing? I can smell every single guy that's touched you. Especially that kid Blake! You're mine and my scent and my scent only belongs on you! No one touches what's mine!" He says harshly.

Hearing him say ‘Mine’ puts a sour taste in my mouth and digs up the frustration I felt earlier in class.

He then continues to inhale my scent from my neck and as I'm trying to struggle my way out of his grasp a feeling that I’ve never experienced before surges throughout my body. It’s source?  His lips. My first kiss. I have absolutely nothing to compare this too but I'm sure it doesn’t get better than this. I’m ruined.

I’ve heard that a kiss from your mate is truly a beautiful thing. And I’m experiencing it.  Even though we were yelling at each other seconds ago my heart melts and he softens the kiss. Getting caught up in the kiss gives me another feeling that I’ve never felt before and I guess he smells my arousal because he then grabs my core. I gasp from the shock and pull away when he says huskily against my lips, “MINE!" And there it is. The spell has been broken. I push him off with all of my strength and stumble to the floor not realizing that he had me a good foot in the air being that he is at least 6'3. Since he wasn't expecting that he stumbles himself.

"I AM NOT YOURS!" I yell too upset to care if anyone hears us.

He opens his mouth to disagree but I don't give him a chance as I yell, "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" and run out of the room using his stunned mood to my advantage. As I'm walking out the door I hear a loud growl and for the first time in two weeks I'm happy to see Ryder.

As I walk over to Ryder I see girls hanging all over him but he's staring right at me. Any other time I would have found this sweet but before I was rudely interrupted, I came out here to settle something and I'm going to do just that. I hear a commotion coming from the school entrance and see Cha- Mr. Parker making his way towards us. I give Ryder a look that says, "Let's go" and he gets in the car. Right before I pull my door closed I hear,

"LANE!" from you guessed it. Mr. Parker. And now I've never been happier to see this much girls in one area looking to flirt with the new History teacher. I thank them silently as they hold him back from reaching the car.

When I close the door I notice that Ryder has stiffened and his knuckles are white on the steering wheel. As if he was also trying to avoid Mr. Parker he starts the car and speeds out of the school parking lot.

I put my head on the window and watch the trees pass by. I take deep breaths to try and calm down while also trying to figure out how I’m going to end it with Ryder when I hear him say angrily,

"Who was that, LC?"

"Cha-Mr. Parker. Our new History teacher." Technically I'm not lying, but I don't feel like talking about him being my mate right now. Well, maybe I should. It’ll maybe soften the blow and he’ll understand.


"Is there something you're not telling me?" He says through gritted teeth and it's then that I notice that the trees are all blurs.

"Ryder slow down!” I yell afraid.

"NO! Is there something you're not telling me?" He persists.

Deciding maybe it’s not the best time to bring it up and just trying to get him to slow down I bite my tongue.

"No Ryder. Why would I lie to you?  He's just my-our new History teacher." I say calmly mentally punching myself for that "my" that was almost a confession.

"Just your teacher? Then tell me LC, why do I smell him all over you?"

Before I can answer I notice that we're pulled over on the side of a back road, I'm being yanked out of his Sequoia by my arm, and he's dragging me to the back of his car. He opens the trunk and lays the seats forward still managing to hold on to my arm while I'm struggling to loosen his hold.

"Ryder let go of me! You're hurting me!" I cry out.

He lets me go but proceeds to throw me in the back of his car, climbs on top of me and pins my wrists above my head with his one hand. His other hand gripping my jaw and keeping it still so that he can stare into my eyes.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that nothing is going on between you two!" He yells baring his teeth.

"Nothing's going on Ryder!" I lie. There is no way in hell I'm telling him while we're on some back road that I found my mate! Especially when he's acting like this! What's going on with him?

"Please get off of me! You're hurting me!"  I yell while struggling to get my wrists free.

"You sure, LC?! You sure you're not messing around with him? Because..." He then starts to smell me everywhere. My arms, face, lips, neck, chest, legs, and even my core then works his way back up to my face which has me struggling even harder to get him off me. I can’t believe he just did that.

"...I can smell him ALL.OVER.YOU!" He yells.

I shrink back and shut my eyes in fear; tears spilling from them. My eyes snap open in shock when I feel that he is aroused; the evidence poking my thigh through his jeans.

"Ryder please! I promise you, I didn't do anything with him. I don't why you smell him on me!" I say trembling in his hold.

"Why would I smell him here, LC?!" He yells and grips my jaw tighter while grabbing my core.

I yell in pain and try to get his hand off of me.

 "I DON'T KNOW! Maybe he sat on my chair in class before I got there!" I cry and pray that that will satisfy him. That he'll believe my lie.

“Please let go of me, Ryder.” I whisper feeling beat and knowing that my attempts to free myself are useless. 

 "So nothing's going on between you two? You promise me?" He says loosening his hold on my jaw but not my core.

 "I promise Ryder. I'm going out with you." I know I was crazy for saying that, but the quicker he's done, the faster I can get home and shower this day away.

"Tell me you love me." He says suddenly.

My heart drops and I give him a shocked look.  I keep my mouth shut.

"Tell.me.you.LOVE.ME! Then I'll believe you." He says as his hand makes its way to my neck; applying pressure as I'm taking too long to reply.

When I don’t say it he adds more pressure.

"I-I LOVE YO-UU!" I choke out.

He lets go of my neck and I start to choke, trying to catch my breath. Willing the black dots in my vision to take over so I don't have to deal with this. While I'm trying to catch my breath he pins both of my arms down at my side with both hands and starts to rub himself on me while he whispers,

"I love you too baby. Always have. You're my girl. Say it.”

I say it not wanting to be choked again.

He starts breathing harder and starts rocking against me so hard that it hurts.

Tears are streaming down my face and don't stop. Even after he finishes. Even after he pulls up to my house. Even after he kisses me goodbye and makes me repeat that I love him over and over again. Even after he watches me walk into my house. Even after I take a shower and try my hardest to scrub this day of hell away, leaving my skin raw. Even after I fake being sick so I don't have to go to the pack meeting. Even after I lay down to go to sleep but get none.

Did that really happen? What did I get myself into? I cry while my wolf tries to comfort me.


Ah! Ok! So...do you hate me? You shouldn't. You should hate Ryder.

What do you all think of Chase aka Mr. Parker?

Do you think he's like Ryder judging from the way that he acted in this chapter?

To leave off on at least one good note...

I love Ace! That little heart to heart or rather fist to heart that they had in the bathroom was sweet.

Is it stupid of me to talk about how I love something in my story? Is that like saying, "I'm awesome. So awesome they should call me Captain Awesome?"

Wow ok I'm done rambling! Have a good one guys!

Vote, Comment and Fan if you want to! :)

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