Hostile Actions // Teen Wolf

By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

216K 6.1K 1.7K

Erin and Isaac are finally together. It has been a few months since the kanima, Jackson moved to London, Scot... More

Hello Again!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Next Book

Chapter 2

10.9K 349 182
By Isaac-Derek-Stiles

Sorry about the longish wait guys, I was at my dad's and was all bleh so I hope this makes up for it... 

Thanks for all the comments! (Even though I asked for them OOPS oh well)

Keep up the comments and votes, please, please, please!

QUESTION: how old are you guys? 

I wanna know how old my beautiful readers are:3





<^_^<                   >^_^>

I rushed into the doors of the hospital, immediately being overwhelmed from the smell of chemicals and cleaning products. Some people gave me weird looks while others ignored me. I spotted Scott's mom sitting at the desk and raced over to her. "Mrs. McCall!" I yelled hitting the bell used to get attendance over and over loudly and she spun around confused, "Erin, what're you doing here?" 

I stopped ringing the bell when people gave me annoyed and dirty looks and began looking around for my boyfriend as I said, "where's Isaac?"

She turned from being confused to concerned and said, "he should be in room 215 but Scott texted me and said he wasn't in there." I groaned and walked away down the hall looking for him. As I turned the corner I ran into someone and looked up recognizing the Alpha.

"Derek? What're you doing here?" I asked and he shook his head grabbing my arm and dragging me down the hall. "No time, come on." I pulled my arm away from his and followed him down the hall and stopped me by the closed elevator turning to me. "Stay her and don't get up for any reason." He shoved me down to sit in a waiting chair.

He turned towards the elevator as it dinged open revealing a huge man in a nurse's outfit holding Scott up by his neck and yelling "I'm an Alpha!" Derek ran up to him digging his werewolf nails into the man's back. The Alpha roared releasing Scott and I then saw Isaac sitting unconcious in the wheelchair making me hop up and run into the elevator and stopping by his side.

Derek threw the Alpha out the door of the elevator and he landed on the floor rolling away from us. Derek turned around calmly, acting as if nothing happened and looked between Scott and I before saying, "aren't you two supposed to be in school?" 

I simply rolled my eyes.

<^_^<          >^_^>

Awhile later the four of us -Derek carrying an unconscious Isaac- entered his old, burnt up house. Scott was on the phone with a rambling Stiles and all I really paid attention to was Stiles saying "Ms. Blake's class" which made me remember the crow accident that totally slipped my mind. I followed Derek and helped him set Isaac on the table staying at his side.

He went to crouch down on the floor and lifted up some floor tiles as Scott and I watched him until Scott asked, "you don't still live here do you?"

"No, the county took it over, but there's something here that I need. It'll help heal a wound from an Alpha."

I lifted the gown to the side taking in the smooth stomach before saying, "yeah but it did heal." 

"Not on the inside." Derek said plainly, pulling some plants out of the hole that looked to be wolfsbane.

"Hey, are you gonna tell me who that was back there? That Alpha?" Scott asked after a long pause. I bit my tongue knowing I wasn't allowed to say anything about it. That that Alpha was part of the Alpha pack and was the one that took Isaac and are now holding Boyd and Erica. Nope, can't say a word, which is really hard. I usually tell Stiles everything and he tells Scott but I haven't even told Stiles. 

"The rival pack" Derek said simply, avoiding the important part, "it's my problem. I know you wanna help, and you did. I owe you one. Now go home."  Derek glanced at me with a roll of his eyes, "I'm not even gonna attempt to seperate her from Isaac so you, go." I couldn't help but smirk, he got that right. I'm not going anywhere. He began picking up plants and didn't look up finishing with, "go back to being a teenager."

He stood up and walked over to the table setting the plants down next to me. Scott hesitantly turned to walk away when he reached up to grab his previously tattooed arm and I knew exactly what he was gonna say.

"Uh, hey, Derek. If you wanna repay back that favor now. There is something you can do for me."

And that's how a half an hour later, Scott sat in a chair while Derek was looking at his arm about to begin his tattoo. Stiles had arrived a few minutes ago, and him and I were standing above them watching. Isaac was still unconsious, but Derek had used the plants to heal him already.

"There I see it." Derek said as he examined Scott's bicep with his Alpha vision before going back to normal again, "two bands right?" Scott nodded with an "mm-hmm" and Derek realeased his arm, "what does it mean?"

Scott paused for a minute in deep thought before saying, "I don't know. It's just something I trace with my fingers." He circled a finger in the dust on an old stand creating a small band, then two fingers around it making a bigger one.

"Why is this so important to you?" 

"Do you know what the word "tattoo" means?" Scott asked and Stiles leaned forward a bit whispering "to mark something." Scott nodded, "well that's in tahitian. In Samoan it means open wound. I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I was 18, I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now, to make it kind of a reward,"

"For what?" 

"For not texting or calling Allison all summer." I nodded. All summer when I wasn't searching for Erica and Boyd, I was with Stiles taking Scott out places and trying to cheer him up. We even had a sleepover and stayed up all night to make him feel better. We did a few illegal things, getting drunk included. Well, Stiles and I got drunk.

And I fuzzily remember Scott having to pull Stiles and I apart when we were close to making out. So that night was a bust, not only did we fail to get Scott drunk and Allison off his mind, we were caught by Sheriff Stiinski. I thanked Scott a million times the next morning, I was dating Isaac so that wouldn't have ended well. Even though the both of us were drunk, Isaac can get pretty jealous and Stiles probably would've ended up with a wolfy beat down.

"Even when I really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes. I was trying to give her the space she wants. Going four months later, it still hurts. It still feels like a-" he paused not finding the right word for it and I helped him offering, "like an open wound." He nodded with a small "yeah" followed by a sigh. 

The sad moment was interrupted by Derek saying with no pity, "The pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt." He reached over grabbing something and brought it back looking at Scott for permission who nodded with a "do it." He turned it on and a flame came from the end.

"Oh, wow. That's a lot for me, so, I'm gonna take that as my cue. I'm just gonna wait outside." Stiles began walking and I rolled my eyes grabbing the back of his shirt. "Nope" I said pulling him back to behind Scott. "You can help me hold him down." I grabbed Scott's right shoulder, nodding at Stiles who grabbed his left. Scott gave Derek the okay and the alpha held up the flame thrower making the flame start to burn Scott's skin.

Scott began thrashing slightly and started yelling out as his eyes flashed gold. 

<^_^<           >^_^>

Scott ended up fainting from the pain when Derek finished and when he woke up Stiles and Scott grabbed their stuff and began to leave. Derek and I returned to the table with the unconsious Isaac and he began picking up the left over plants. "You painted the door" Scott said from the next room, looking at the now red door. Derek painted over the Alpha sign that was on it, not wanting Scott to find out about it. Well, looks like that didn't work. "Why'd you paint the door?" 

"Go home Scott." Scott ignored his orders and flicked out his werewolf nails pressing one to the door. He scraped it down peeling the paint off and Derek dropped the plants rushing into the other room yelling, "Scott!" The teen ignored him once again and used all ten claws scraping the paint off until he could clearly see the sign on the door.

"The birds at school and the deer last night, just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. How many of them are there?" Scott said finally figuring it out.

Derek sighed, "a pack of them. An Alpha pack."

"All of them? How does that even work?" 

"I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion." 

"We know they have Boyd and Erica." I said finally coming onto the room. I stopped next to the door leaning against it and crossing my arms, "Peter, Derek, Isaac, and I have been looking for them for the last four months."

"Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack?"

"With all the help we can get."

"Where is she?" A voice said and we spun to look at Isaac who was awake and sitting up. I walked over to him as he continued, "Where's the girl?" 

What girl? He met a girl? She better have kept her hands to herself. Wow, I'm seriously getting jealous over this... 

"What girl?"

<^_^<           >^_^>

 Kinda short but oh well.

 Soo let me know what you think?

Question: how old are you guys?

Vote, vote, vote!

Comment, comment, comment!


I'm not gonna say a lot in case some of you haven't seen it! 

But it. was. cray.

So don't forget to vote and comment! 

See you soon!

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