My New Life With Him (Black B...

By Danibell22

7K 296 62


My Birthday
The Wish
Old England
My First Week At The Manor
The Tears Of The Sky
A Day With The Servants
The Ball
The Cat Is Out Of The Bag
The Circus
Come On You Can Do It
A Strange Girl
A Year To Go
The Dream
Not you again
Do You Remember?
No More Soup.
Chapter 19
Can We Win?
My Choice
Authors Apology

Dream, Past, or My Future

322 15 1
By Danibell22

                      "Have they found her?" Anne cried rushing in the door from school. 

"No they haven't found any trace of." said dad disappointed. 

"Why are you worried about her? She is such a loser." Dylan stated.

 "How could you say such a thing Dylan she was part of the family!" Anne argued. 

"So who cares? If she wants to disappear then let her." Dylan uncaring said. 

"You are heartless Dylan!" Anne yelled. 

"Anne! Stop." dad yelled back. 

"But." Anne argued. 

"Anne!" dad yelled. Dylan ran off. 

"What was that for dad?" Anne yelled.

 "Anne stop! Dylan is hurting more than anyone! Think Dylan and Dani were the closest then anyone in this house." Dad hurting inside said.

 "I-I never thought of it like that. He was the reason I met Dani. If it wasn't for him then I would have never thought of giving her a chance. I'm going to go find Dylan and ask him about his feelings to Dani missing." Anne said walking the direction Dylan ran.

 "I think that's a good idea Anne." Dad smiling said. 

                       "There you are Dylan." Anne said tapping him on the shoulder. 

"What do you want Anne?" asked Dylan. 

"I wanted to ask you a question." she said.

 "Well hurry up. Ask it already." Dylan said upset like. 

"How do you feel about what's happening Dylan?" Anne asked Dylan.

 "I don't care." he answered.

 "Don't lie!" Anne slapped him as hard as she could. "Don't lie like that. It's ok to feel sad and lonely. It's ok for you to miss her and to cry. It's ok to care." Anne said to find herself crying. 

"Oh Anne." Dylan said pulling her in for a hug. 

"Do you remember? Remember the day you first met her?" Anne asked.

 "Yea." Dylan said thinking back to that day. 

                            August 24, eleven years ago. Age 8. Dylan's Point of View

                        "Kick it over here Dylan!" a boy in a red shirt called. 

"Ok but after I need to go home. Ok?" I said as I kicked the ball. 

"Yea ok bye Dylan." the same boy said. I started to walk home when I heard something. 

"You’re just a stupid baby." One boy said. 

"Yea how could your parents love such a stupid baby." another boy said then kicked a little girl on the floor. 

"Hey! You stop it!" I yelled across the field. 

"What are you going to do about it Dylan?" The first boy asked.

 "Yea, is your parents going to buy you out of this rich boy?" The other one added. I came up to them as quickly as possible and hit the first boy strait in the face. The two boys shocked they ran off. 

"Are you ok kid?" I said holding my hand out to her. 

"Yes t-thank y-you." the girl said getting up and running off. 

"Hey where are you going?" I asked chasing after her. "Who was she?" I thought.  "I finally caught up to her. Wait were am I?" I said out of breath. 

"Who’s there?" A lady asked. "Come on get out from the shallows. I know your there." she continue. 

"I-I'm looking for a g-girl." I told her and that very moment she got up into the light so I could see her for the first time. She had light curly hair and had a bright smile. She was wearing a medium length dress that had flowers on the bottom of it and be hide her was a little girl with short black hair and little curls at the end and reddish-brown eyes.

 "Do you mean Dani?" the lady asked. 

"Who?" I asked back.

 "You’re the boy who helped me today." the little girl said. 

"You ran away why?" I asked. 

"Be- because I was scared." she said in a low, scared tone.

 "Scared of what?" I asked.

 "I'm scared of, scared of." she looked to the floor. 

"I better change topic now or I won't find out anything." I thought. "Hey, is this your house?" I asked once again.

 "Umm." she hid behind the lady. 

"Dani," her voice wondered off then came back. "Dani is an orphan, which means she doesn't have a real home or family besides here at the orphanage." 

"Is it ok if I come back again and play with her, Dani I mean? Please?" I asked the lady. 

"Well I don't see a problem with that. My name is Daisy and you are?" Daisy asked.

 "I am Dylan." I answered.

 "Well Dylan it's very nice to meet you." Daisy said with a smile.

              That was the first time I met Dani and ever since then I have been with her everywhere. Now all I can think about is when the next time that I can be with her once again is.

                                                                      ~end~ (end of flashback)

                 "Dylan can you help me with something please?" mom called from the dining room. 

"Sure mom." Dylan answered getting up and leaving.

 "Anne?" Andy called. 

"Yes Andy?" Anne asked. 

"Do you remember the first time meeting Dani?" he asked Anne. 

"Yea, it was with Dylan and mom." Anne answered.

 "Was she in the family when I was born?" Andy asked Anne.

 "Of course she was. Ten years ago was when she joined this family and your six Andy." Anne said laughing at Andy's question. 

                                               July 24, ten years ago. Age 5. Anne's Point of View

               "Anne can you come down stairs please?" Dad called.

 "Coming." I called back. When I got down stairs everyone was sitting around the table and Dylan didn't look very happy. 

"Dylan how could you not tell us you were playing with an orphan girl?" dad angrily said.

 "I'm sorry dad I don't understand what the problem is." Dylan said. 

"Dad what's going on?" I asked. 

"Nothing just that your brother got into some trouble." dad said.

 "Well did you call me?" I asked. 

"Yes but I had your mother answer it for me. Sorry sweetie." dad said.

 "It's ok." I said.

 "I'm so sick of this. You always do this to me." Dylan yelled running out the door crying. 

"Dylan?" I whispered. "Dad can I go follow him please?" I asked after. 

"I guess so, I mean he isn't going to come back for a while." dad said. 

"Thanks dad. Oh and dad try understanding more about big brother. Bye!" I said leaving the house. "Dylan wait!" I yelled after him. 

"What do you want?" Dylan asked.

 "I-I wanted to meet this girl you and dad were talking about." I said. 

"Whatever." Dylan looked away holding his hand out. "I don't need you getting lost." I grabbed his hand smiling. 

"So what's her name Dylan?" I asked. 

"You will find out when we get there." he answer. 

"You’re so mean Dylan." I said letting go of his hand. 

"I'm letting you come aren't I?" he grabbed my hand. "Now shall we go?" he smiled the perfect smile when I was with him. When we got to the place it looked old and for some reason home like. 

"Is Dani here?" I heard Dylan asked a man at the door.

 "Yes, I will get her for you." the man replied. When the door opened again a girl about my height was standing in the door way. 

"Hi Dylan." she said quietly.

 "Hey. Oh Dani I want you to meet my little sister Anne. She is around the same age as you." Dylan said moving out of the way so she can see me. The girl ran down the stairs and held out her hand.

 "My name is Dani. Nice to meet you Anne." Dani said. I shook her hand and began to talk. 

"Hi Dani. I want to become great friends with you. OK?" 

           I found out that Dylan met Dani a year ago and that they played together every day after school. Even though this was true we still became best friends and would never let anything happen to her. Well how can I say that I couldn't even protect her when she went missing? Oh Dani where are you?


             "Anne can we go play ball now. Please." Andy begged.

 "Yea sure let's go to the park. Ok?" Anne said smiling.

 "Yea! Let’s go!" Andy jumped up running to the front door.

 "Mom! Andy and I are going to the park!" Anne yelled while leaving.

 "Ok sweetie be back before lunch." Mom said back. 

             "Honey can you help me with something in the study room?" dad asked. 

"Sure I will be there in a moment." Mom said putting down a towel. 

               "You needed me?" mom asked dad.

 "Yes, I need help with these papers." dad said looking at the papers putting them in piles. Mom picked up a pile of papers and started to go through the papers.

 "Oh look how cute this picture is of the family. Do you remember this was when Dani started to live with us." mom handed dad the picture.

 "Yes, I was wondering were that went. She was so cute." dad said.

                                          August 26, ten years ago. Dad Point of View

                "Dad, mom if only you would just meet her. She’s really nice I promise." Dylan pleaded. 

"Fine Dylan you win ask if we can have her over tomorrow night." I said.

 "Really?" Dylan yelled. "I'm going to go tell her. You won't be sorry dad I promise.“ Dylan ran out the door. About an hour later Dylan came happily running in the house. "Dad! Dad! Dad! Ms. Daisy said yes! She said yes!" Dylan was bouncing up and down. 

"Ok son clam down. Why don't you tell your mother about this?" I said.

 "Ok dad." he left as fast as he came. 

"Dylan just told me that Dani is coming over for dinner. Is that true?" Emily said, my wife.

 "Yes Emily it's true. Dylan wouldn't stop about us meeting her till I said yes." I sighed. 

"Well that's so nice for you to take an interest in your son's friends." Emily said smiling while picking up another pile of papers. So the next day came and we had everything set up. Everything was clean and prefect. In till Dylan came home with Dani, then things got messy and loud. We all sat down and ate dinner shorty after she came. 

"So Dani what do you like to do for fun?" I asked her. 

"Umm, I like to read, sing, and play the piano." Dani answered.

 "You play?" Emily asked. 

"Yes, but I stopped playing." Dani said frowning.

 "Can you please play something for me?" Dylan asked her.

 "Umm, I don't know." She said grabbing on to her sleeves. 

"Are you ok?" Emily asked. "You’re grabbing on to your sleeves." She added.

 "Oh no! I'm sorry it's a habit." Dani said as her face started to turn red. 

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you embarrassed." Emily apologized. 

"It's ok I don't mind." Dani said. "I can play if you want. I don't mind." She said with something in her eyes I have never saw in any other child in my life. Dani got up and walked to the piano and started to play. At first I thought it was going to be bad but I found myself and everyone around me in tears.

                 That was when we found out that she was meant to live with us. After about two months later we adopted her and she has been with us ever since. I hope where ever she is she is happy and safe. Also that one day she comes back home to us.

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