Double Lives

By alexannam16

43.9K 2.8K 801

•Emma Swan• Quiet and studious. A total sweetheart. Always works hard and is set to become the greatest bioch... More

The Beginning
Winter Break
The Tragedy
First Day of Senior Year
The New Me
Ungrateful Thanksgiving
Danger Lurks
Special Care
Something's There
Something Is Definitely There
A One Time Thing
Not A One Time Thing
The Date
Heart Broken
Changed Forever
A New Life
The Secret Mission
Academy Life
Secret Mission: Murder
Secret Agents
A Little Drink
Shocking Revelations
A Good Day
The Next Day
A Horrific Day
A New Opportunity
Waking Up
Dead Inside
New Lives
A Quiet Moment
A New Mission.....
Giving Up?
A New Chance
Good News
Pregnancy Life
The Unexpected
The White Room
It Can't Be
Happy New Year!!!!
Is it Nonsense?
Happiness at Last
Peace at Last?
Not Again
Where I Belong
My One and Only Life

Swan, will you...?

968 56 7
By alexannam16

It's Friday and I told Emma that I was going to her house to help out with the project, but in reality I used it as an excuse to ask her something very important. I want to ask her out on a date, and if she says yes I want to ask her to be my girlfriend during our date. It's a long shot but I hope she says yes.

I get to her house and I'm greeted by her aunt at the door. "How are you Killian?" I smile. "Good, and you?" She nods and escorts me in. She walks over to the kitchen and smiles. "Emma is out in the back." I smile. "Thanks." I open the sliding door and I see Emma standing there wearing a baseball cap.

"Hey Swan?" She turns around and smiles. I gasp when I see her. She had no black make up on and her hair was back to being blonde. That's why she didn't come to school today. I stood there in awe. She took off the cap and smiled nervously. "Emma you look..." She smiles. "I look like the nerd you met last year huh?" I laugh.

"Maybe." She laughs. "So you kept your word." I nod. "What do you need help on Emma?" She smiles. "The project is almost done, I just need you to help me with building the stand." I nod. She took out pieces of wood to building the small stand. As she was gluing some small pieces I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Emma can I ask you something?" She nods. "Yes what is it?" She asks without making eye contact with me. I start to get nervous but I stood my ground. "Swan will you go out with me?" She drops all the pieces of wood and stands there completely frozen. Damn, I shouldn't have asked her.

"Umm sorry Killian, I didn't think you were going to ask me that," she says as she starts to pick up the pieces of wood. I go and help her and she backs away from me. "So is that a no?" She sighs and goes back to gluing. "Emma?" She starts to cut something and I touch her shoulder. She sighs.

"I can't go out with you." I sigh. "Too soon?" She shakes her head. "It's because of Neal huh?" She stays quiet. "Emma just give me a chance, I know..." "Killian I'm sorry but I can't..." I sigh and went back to do my part of the project. "Alright Emma, I will respect your decision." She sighs.

"Killian the reason why I can't go out with you is because..." I started to get nervous. She sighs. "I've never gone out with anyone." I gave her a baffled look. "You've never gone out on any date?" She shakes her head. "Is that the real reason why?" She nods. I sigh in relief then chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I smile. "Well Emma, I thought it was something else but Emma just say yes and go out with me, I'm the one who's planning the date anyways." She looks down. "What if I embarrass you, or I spill something on you, or..." I lift up her chin. "Emma don't worry about a thing, give me this chance, I know you will have a lot of fun."

She blushes. "Ok." I smile. "So is that a yes?" She nods. I hug her then spin her around. She giggles as I spin her around. "Oh Swan you will not be disappointed." She smiles. "Are you sure you want to go out with me?" I give her a baffled look. "Of course Emma, why wouldn't I?" She half smiles. "Well look at me, I'm not your type and frankly I think I still might hate you, I mean we never got along." I chuckle.

"Well just so you know miss Swan, you are indeed my type, you were my type when you were wearing all that black make up but now the real Swan is standing in front of me and I love it." She blushes. "Oh and isn't there a saying that says from Hate to Love there's only one step?" She blushes. I smile and caresses her cheek.

"I do hope you don't feel overwhelmed, I don't want you to think I'm rushing into things?" She shakes her head. "No I don't, I've never experienced this and I gotta say it feels good." I smile. We went back to our project and after an hour and a half we finished. Our project was finally done, well the display at least. I still need to type up everything, God I'm such a procrastinator.

We walked back inside the house and cleaned ourselves up. We walk back to the dinning room and I see that Emma's aunt had the table set up for dinner. "Killian I'm assuming you're staying for dinner?" I smile. "I would love to but my parents are waiting for me at home." Of course I lied my parents aren't home, well I think they're not home but I do feel a bit embarrassed to tell her yes. "Come on Killian, I know Emma would love if you would join us in our small family dinner?" I looked at Emma and she smiled.

I laughed and sighed. "Are you sure you want me here I mean..." Emma's aunt then pushes me down to a seat. "Sit down and enjoy dinner mister Jones." I smile. "Thanks." She smiles. Emma then serves me Lasagna and green salad. Nothing like eating home cooked meals.

The whole evening we spent laughing. My did I love this environment. I felt at home here with Emma and her aunt. The only person that I would probably wished could be here with us would be Maria. I then sighed. Emma's aunt nodded. "You don't experience this do you Killian?" I get nervous. "What do you mean?" She half smiles. "Spending a nice dinner with family." I sigh.

"No I never have that, this is pretty nice." She smiles.  "Then you can come over for dinner whenever you'd like." Emma smiles. "Yes Killian." I smile then gasp when I look at the time. "Better head on out." They both nod. "Thank you so much for dinner and for everything, I had a fun night." Emma's aunt nods.

Emma then walks me to the door. "So you had fun tonight?" I nod. "Yes I Did." She smiles. "Good." I then get closer to her. "Tomorrow we will have more fun, I promise." She smiles. "Be ready at 3pm." She smiles. "Where are we going?" I smile. "It's a surprise." She pouts. Oh my did I love seeing her pout.

"Rest up and don't worry about a thing." She nods. I then kiss her cheek. She blushes. She opens the door and I walk to my car. I get in and rolled down the window. "3pm Emma!" I scream and she nods. "I'll be ready!" She screams back. I smile and wave. I made my way back home and man did I have a huge smile on my face.

Emma said Yes to me. She said Yes! I am so excited. She is going to have a lot of fun tomorrow. God I can't wait. I unlocked the door and went inside. That's when I see a bunch of people in the living room. My dad gets up and is holding a glass of wine. "Son, so happy you're home." I stayed quiet. "Ladies and Gentleman, this is my son Killian." I nod at everyone.

"So son tomorrow morning we will all be leaving on a trip and you're coming with us." I gasp. "What?" He nods. "Yes these are my business partners and we are all going out with our families." "Dad.." That's when my mom gets up. "Killian you're always complaining how we never spend time with you." I sigh. Yeah just because they're here they want to spend time with me.

"I'm sorry but I can't.." They all sat there quietly. My dads face turns red. "Why?" He asks as he grinds his teeth. I start to get nervous. "Killian has a lot of work to do. Since you want him to be a business man he has to finish his economics assignments," Maria says interrupting us. Everyone gave Maria a weird look. I smiled.

"That's right, it's only fit I graduate with good grades so I can go to college and study business you all wouldn't want me to fail right?" They all mumble then nod. "You have a very responsible son Brennan," a man says and he nods. "I guess I do." I grin. "Well it was nice meeting you all, good night," I say and ran to my room.

I closed the door and sighed. It really hurts at the fact that they only want to spend time with me because their partners are doing it and not because they want to do it. That's when I hear a knock. "Killian it's Maria." I open it and pulled her into the room. I then hug her. "Maria thank you so so much." She hugs me back then backs away.

"I saw the smile you had on your face when you walked in which meant she said yes to going out with you tomorrow." I nod. "I'm so happy for you my boy." I nod. "Thanks for using that excuse, I'm so excited to be with Emma tomorrow and I know that if I had told my parents that they would force me to go out with them." She nods.

"I know that's why I did that." I smile. "Well I leave you to rest, gotta go tend to your parents guests." I nod. "Good night Killian." I smile. "Night Maria." She nods and walks out the door. I laid down on the bed and smiled. I can't wait for it to be Saturday.

Emma's POV
I can't believe I said yes to going out with Killian. I walked back to the living room and my aunt had a smirk on her face. "What did I hear about Killian asking you to be ready at 3pm?" I blush. "He asked you out?" I nod. "Oh sweetie, this is so exciting." I smile. "Im a bit nervous though." She smiles. "It's normal." I then sigh.

"I feel guilty though." She sighs. "If it's about Neal, you shouldn't Emma sadly to say he's been long gone." I nod. "And besides he would want you to be happy right?" I nod. "And Killian makes you happy right?" I laugh. "Who knew right?" She smiles. "I did." I laugh then hug her.

"You are the best aunt I love you." She smiles. "I'm nearly done with the dishes, why don't you go change into more comfortable clothes and see if our show is on." I smile. "Aunt it's passed 8, Im pretty sure Once Upon A Time is already over." She laughs.

"Just go change and make sure it's at least on the DVR." I laugh. "Very well aunt." She smiles. I make my way up to my room and changed. I walked back down and I turn on the TV. To my luck it was already recorded. I press play and it starts. "You better not start it without me!" I hear my aunt scream. I laughed and pressed pause.

She walks down the stairs and turns off all the lights. She then goes and sits next to me. "Ok press play." I laughed and pressed play. I loved this show so much, maybe like my Favorite characters on the show, I can too have a happy ending.

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