Dear Jenna

By sierra920

15K 828 239

Tyler and Jenna Joseph just got married a few months ago and it was just bliss for those fews months. But, wh... More

July 30, 2015
August 3, 2015
August 6, 2015
August 10, 2015
August 23, 2015
September 6, 2015
September 23, 2015
October 8, 2015
October 20, 2015
October 25 2015
November 27 2015
February 3 2016
August 3 2016 (part 1)
August 3 2016 (part 2)
August 3 2016 (part 3)
August 3 2016 (part 4)
August 3 2016 (part 5)
August 3 2016 (part 6)
August 3 2016 (part 7)
August 3 2016 (part 8)
August 3 2016 (part 9)
September 17 2016 (part 1)
September 17 2016 (part 2)
December 14 2016

May 16 2017

191 10 16
By sierra920

Jenna's POV

One week until Brooklyn is here! Tyler and I are so excited to meet our little peanut.

Her nursery is almost all set up and ready for her! All we need to finish is the crib but Tyler is almost done with that so I definitely wanna post a picture of it when it's done!

"Hey hun! Just finished putting together her crib! You wanna see it?"

"Of course!"

As I start walking upstairs, Tyler comes from behind me and puts his hand over my eyes so I can't see! He says the finished product has to be a surprise.

"Are we there yet Tyler??"

"Ok, open up."

As soon as I open my eyes, I fall in love with the room. Even though I've seen it almost completely done, it looks so different with her crib in it.

"Oh Tyler! I absolutely love it! I can't wait for her to be here. I have to post a picture of it!"

jennaajoseph: can't wait to meet you, Brooklyn. #oneweek

"Thank you so so much Ty. I love you so much"

"I love you too, Jenna. Now let's go get something to eat for lunch!"

***after lunch***

After lunch I was STUFFED. I had a delicious salad with all sorts of fruit on it and I had a delicious smoothie! Tyler got a huge burger and a soda.

"You wanna watch some TV, Tyler?"

"Sure! Friends?"


As the episode of Friends that we were watching comes to an end and Tyler is snoring away on the couch, I start to feel a sharp pain in my stomach. But it passes so I kinda dismiss it.

A couple minutes later I get another one that lasts a little bit and then another one that comes even sooner than the last one! this what I think it is?

"Tyler..wake up."

No response.


"Wh-What?! What's happening?"

"I think I'm going into labor! My contractions are only 5 minutes apart!"

"You weren't due for another week though!"

As Tyler says that, I look down and there is a pool of water around my feet.

"I think my water just broke!"

"Uh uh ok. We need to get you to the hospital now. Get in the car and I'll grab your bags and call our family."

***at the hospital***

Tyler pulls in to the hospital parking lot like a mad man and immediately puts me into the first wheelchair we see and barges into the hospital doors.

"Help! My wife is in labor!"

As soon as he says that, a couple nurses come running over toward me and help get me to the maternity ward.

One of the nurses probably could tell that I've never done this before and that I'm freaking out because she grabs my hand and tells me that everything is going to be okay and that I'm gonna do great. I just need to breathe.

I really wasn't in the mood to hear anybodies advice or opinions but what she said actually helped to calm me down a little bit.

Tyler is running along side the nurses and is crying which makes me cry.

"This is it Jen, we're gonna meet our baby girl."

The nurses get me into a room and put me on the bed and tell me that the doctor will be in soon to help me with my delivery.

The doctor walks in after about an hour and seems pretty nice.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Joseph, I'm Doctor Mullins. I'm just gonna check to see how dialated you are. Oh wow! It seems you are already 10 cm dialated! That's impressive! You actually can start pushing now!"

***after pushing***

"Ok Jenna! Last push!"

I push as hard as I can and then all the sudden I hear a baby crying. My baby. Our baby.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Joseph! You're parents to a beautiful healthy baby girl! Would you like to hold her?"

Tyler and I both say yes excitedly and the doctor hands us our baby.

"So what's her name?" the doctor asks.

Tyler and I look at each other and say

"Brooklyn Leigh Joseph."

***morning after the birth***

"Tyler, we should let the clique know. I'm sure they'll appreciate that."

"Ok Jenna! I have the perfect picture."

tylerrjoseph: brooklyn leigh joseph. may 16, 2017 at 7:48 pm. 7 lb 5 oz. 19 inches. my little love.

jennaajoseph: my heart can fit in my arms right now. brooklyn leigh joseph. may 16 will forever and always be a special day.

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