August 3 2016 (part 5)

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Jenna's POV

Two pink lines. I'm pregnant.

I can't believe this is actually happening. Tyler and I have never even talked about kids before! I have to tell Ty but I wanna wait until I get home. This isn't something you tell someone over text or over a phone call.

I should tell Tatum and Maddy. They'll be thrilled!

As I walk out of the bathroom, I see them and they run up to me and both start asking "So are you pregnant or not?!"

I guess my face showed my answer because before I could even get the words out of my mouth, they both start crying and then hugging me. They're the best sisters I could ask for.

Tatum lets go of me first, after like a ten minute hugging session, and asks me, "Have you told Tyler yet??"

"No, not yet. I'm gonna wait till we get home so I can tell him in person"

As soon as I say that, Tatum starts to look really concerned, like that's not a good idea or something. I have to ask her why she has that look on her face.

"Tatum, you have a really weird look on your face, is everything okay?"

She snaps out of it and says "Yeah! Everything is fine! I'm just so happy for you!!"

Tatum's POV

Crap! Tyler is gonna still be packing for the trip to Paris when we get home! Jenna can't find out about that trip! I need to text Tyler and tell him that Jenna needs to tell him something important when she gets home.

To: Tyler
Hey Tyler! We're heading home from the mall now but Jenna has something really important to tell you so she's gonna wanna talk to you upstairs so I would hide all the suitcases and anything that you have out for vacation.

From: Tyler
Oh my god, Tatum. Thanks so much for telling me! That would've been really bad! Thanks again!

Phew! Now that that's taken care of, Maddy and I just need to keep our mouths shut about the trip!

Tyler's POV

I wonder what the important news could be. I hope it's good! I'm so thankful that Tatum gave me a heads up that Jenna was gonna talk to me when she gets home. I would've been awful if she found out about the trip!

I hear the girls pull into the driveway so I double check our room to make sure that there is no evidence of the trip I have planned. Everything looks good!

When the girls come in, I see Jenna come up the stairs and into our room so I give her a hug and a kiss. I ask her "How was your day at the mall, babe?"

She looks really happy and says "It was really great! I have something super exciting to tell you!"

Curiously, I ask, "What is it?!"

I could have never have guessed what she said next.

"Tyler, I'm pregnant."

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