August 3 2016 (part 4)

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Jenna's POV

"No! That can't be possible, Maddy!"

"Well why don't you get a couple pregnancy tests and you can find out for sure."

"Okay, let's go pick some up."

Maddy's POV

I think I should tell Tyler that we're gonna be home a little later than expected. I don't think he'll mind.

Hey Ty! I just wanted to let you know that the girls and I are gonna be home s little later than we thought because we forgot to grab some stuff we wanted.

Okay! That's no problem. Thanks for telling me. This will give me more time to pack for the trip!

"Jenna, I just told Tyler that we're gonna be home a little later than expected because we forgot to get something that we wanted. He told me that it was totally fine."

"Okay. Thanks Maddy."

Jenna's POV

As we went up to the cashier at the gas station to pay for the pregnancy tests, I started to feel extremely sick. I'm not ready to be a mother. I just got out of a coma 6 months ago and I was in a car accident a year ago that put me into the  coma. I don't even know if Tyler is ready to be a father. His career is just really taking off and he has no time to raise a kid and I would hate to ask him to put his music career on hold.

Don't get me wrong, I would love the baby with all of my heart if I end up being pregnant but life would be a lot easier if I wasn't pregnant.

As soon as a pay for the tests, I run too the bathroom in the gas station and rip open the box.

After I pee on both of the sticks that I got, the box says I have to wait a couple minutes for it to get the results.

I get up, wash my hands, my eyes not leaving the two sticks that could change so much.

After a few minutes have gone by, I look at the tests and I see that they have the results.

One pink line means not pregnant and two pink lines means pregnant.

It's two pink lines.

Dear JennaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora