February 3 2016

596 36 3

Dear Jenna,

Today was one of the best days of my entire life. You woke up today. You woke up after a little over 6 months of being in a coma. This has been one of the hardest 6 months I've ever had to go through. I don't even know how to describe how happy I am. When you woke up you remembered everything about us and about me. You forgot a few small, recent things but other than that, you woke up just like nothing had ever happened. Of course you were in some pain and a little discomfort but other than that, you were perfect. We talked for hours and hours about what you've missed. I told you about the new album, the song that I wrote for you, how supportive the fans have been and everything in between. The only thing I didn't tell you was about your pregnancy and what happened to the baby. The doctor and I both agree that I should just wait to tell you that because you're probably super overwhelmed with everything as it is. The doctor says that you can go home in a couple of days. They just have to keep you here a little longer for testing and all those other medical terms that I didn't understand. I think this is my last letter to you. It's not a very long one but, it's the best one. I love you Jenna Joseph. Stay alive, stay alive for me.


A/N-Hey guys! Don't worry, this isn't the end of the book! There are gonna be a few more chapters but I'm probably gonna change the p.o.v that I'm writing in. Thank you guys for 1.7k reads! You guys are so amazing! And remember, stay alive. |-/

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