August 3 2016 (part 3)

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Tyler's POV
Crap! I didn't expect Jenna to be home so soon! I haven't even finished packing all her stuff yet! I guess I'll have to do that while they're watching a movie. I should text Maddy and Tatum and tell them that when they get here, not to bring Jenna upstairs.
To: Maddy and Tatum
Hey girls! I'm gonna surprise Jenna with a trip to Paris and I need you guys to keep her downstairs when you guys get home so I can pack. You think you can do that?
From: Maddy and Tatum
Sure thing, Tyler! That's so romantic☺️
Okay, now that that's all set, I should be in the clear!

Jenna's POV
Tatum and Maddy have been acting really weird every sense I brought up that thing about me reading the letters. What's going on?

Just as we're about to get in the car, I start to feel really nauseous and then all of the sudden, I have an awful feeling that I'm gonna throw up.

"Girls can you wait up a second? I'm not feeling too well. Where's the nearest bathroom?"

As soon as I say that, they both look at each other and Maddy says

"It's all the way on the other side of the mall. Do you think you can make it?"

"No. I'm gonna throw-"

Just as I was saying that, I throw up all over the floor. I hear Maddy and Tatum scream and then I hear Tatum start talking.

"Oh my god, Jenna! Are you okay?!"

"I don't know. I felt nauseous and then threw up yesterday morning and then I was a little nauseous this morning but I have no idea what could be going on!"

Maddy looks at me and says:
"Uhh Jenna, is your period late or is it on schedule?"

"Well now that I think about it, I'm think I'm like two weeks late. Why?"

"Well I don't want to get your hopes up but Jenna, I think you might be pregnant."

A/N-Hey guys! I hoped you liked this little cliffhanger! Sorry this chapter is kinda short but the next chapter will be longer! I'm promise! Also, THANK YOU GUYS FOR 3k READS! HOLY CRAP! That's so awesome! You guys are the best! And remember, stay alive|-/

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