10/11 Motionless || k.th ✔️

Af LadyKimTae

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Would it be like a fantasy Would I forget you I'm afraid ©LadyKimTae Started: 09/14/16 Completed: 1/29/17 **... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 21

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Af LadyKimTae

Taehyung's POV
Months later

"Baby, you look fine." I tell her, she looks up at me and smiles. Her dress was beautiful, the lace complimented her skin. "Fine as in, okay? Or fine as in.." She hints for the hot compliment. I chuckle, pulling at her waist. "You're finer than red wine." I press my lips against her ear. Her hands running down the front of my shirt. She had this new smell to her that I loved, she smelt like tropical flowers.

We stood in our hotel room, cuddling a bit too much then we should be. We're almost late to the reception that we should be at already because I'm the best man and Val is the maid of honor. Oh.. I'm pretty sure that you got the idea already, but we're attending Samantha's and Ivan's wedding. Of course, as anyone could predict, Samantha had said yes to Ivan's proposal.

Since Ivan loved Sam so much, he let her choose everything. But then again, why would the guy choose? Sam chose a beach wedding, every girls dream.. I think. I got a sneak peek of the set up and it's amazing. I'm brought back to reality when Valerie grabs my face and kisses my lips. I smile against her lips, pulling her closer to me. My phone beeps, must be Ivan.. crapping himself.

I slowly pull away from her, savoring the sweet taste of her gloss. "We've got to go." I tell her. She nods. "Ivan must be a nervous wreck." She answers. I chuckle. "He's much like a little chihuahua." I say. She frowns. "He can't help it, he's marrying the girl of his dreams." She says. I nod. "True." I say. I turn us so I can get a good look at what we're wearing.

I nod. "We look like the most perfect couple." I tell her. She smiles and closes her eyes for a second as I hold her. "I'm so in love with you.." She whispers loud enough for me to hear. It made my heart feel funny, but I liked funny. I used to think I was weird.. well.. I don't think I've grown out of it, it's somewhere in there.

I kiss her face, causing her to smile really big. "Let's go.." She says, taking my hand as we head out of the hotel room. Lucky for us, the wedding was being held on the beach in front of our hotel. Val and I split as she walks to the room Sam is in. I give her one last look. Her hair in a half up half down look, beach curls in her hair.. that's what she called them, I'm not very smart about female hair styles.

Back to the point, she looks gorgeous. She's so beautiful it makes my stomach fill with huge birds. She waves to me and I wave back, before she disappears into the room. I knock on the door Ivan is in and I'm instantly pulled inside. "Taehyung. What took you so long?" Ivan asks in a complete panic. "Calm down, I was getting ready." I tell him. He let's out a breath and fixes his coat. "I'm really trying not to be a chihuahua right now." He says.

I chuckle. "Yes, please don't." I say. "Does my hair look fine? I don't know whether or not to style it this way.. or the other way." I pat his shoulder. "You look fine, so please.. Calm down." I tell him again. He was already breaking a huge sweat. "Okay, okay." He takes a deep breath. "Do you think Sam is nervous right now?" He asks me. "Maybe, I don't know." I chuckle. "You're really no help." He tells me.

"Dude, I'm telling you right now.. she's nervous. The women are always the ones who are the most nervous. They're the center of attention, they have to worry about everything." I say. He nods, my words finally making him feel a little better. "Your parents?" I ask. "They're running late, but they'll be at the reception." He says. It was a good thing that I was here then, if I weren't.. he'd be alone, which wouldn't be very good for him to be on his wedding day.

Which made me feel a little bad about being late to meet up with him.

Since it was a laid back wedding, Ivan and Samantha chose not to have grooms and brides maids. They only wanted Valerie and I since, one it costs too much to have more people and two they said that we're the only people that are their friends. I had a speech ready, and I tried not to be nervous.

Valerie's POV

I watch her as she casually eats a cup cake. "Sam.. um.. is eating before the wedding a good idea?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I told her the same thing, but of course she won't listen to me.", "Maybe, because you're not here real mother.. Just the whore her father left me for." My eyes widen. I see Sam roll her eyes. Is it really the time to be yelling and talking about things that are irrelevant to the wedding.

The two older women in the room are Sam's mom and Step mom, if you haven't gotten the idea yet. I grab her hand and pull her away from the nagging adults. She looks at me. "Thank you. They've been fighting over everything. Literally all the little things." She says. I frown, "I'm sorry that I didn't come on time." She shakes her head. "No, its okay." She smiles. "I'm happier that you're here now." She confesses. I pull her into a hug. "And you look bomb by the way." She tells me.

I pull away and look down at her dress.

"You look amazing Sam. Ivan is going to lose his shit when he sees you." I tell her, making her laugh. "If he hasn't already." She says. I look down at her dress again, she's so perfect. From her toe nails to her hair, she's perfect. I tilt my head at her. "How come you're not nervous?" I ask. She shrugs. "I don't get nervous about huge things for some reason." She confesses. "Its like going up and presenting, I would never be nervous for that." She says.

I smile. "I hope I'm calm like you when I get married." I tell her. She throws me that Sam smile. "Do you think Tae will pop the question?" She asks. I haven't given it much thought. "I don't know, actually." I say. "You guys are perfect together, it would be a shame if your two didn't end up together and have babies and a lot of se-", "Sam, right now isn't the time to talk about this." I blush, covering her mouth like the old times in college. She laughs like always.

"Calm your balls, they're too distracted to listen." She says. I look over at the grown women and they're blabbing away about things I could care less about. I bite my lip. "How's Korea treating you?" She asks me, directing my attention to her. I grin. "Its great, we're currently living with his parents, until they give him the okay to leave. Since they were all devastated when he left." She leans in. "You guys still.." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I chuckle and push her shoulder. "No, his mother makes us sleep in separate rooms." Sam's face drops. "You're kidding me." I shake my head. "You two are grown ass people, and you're listening to him mommy." She says. I nod. "We're in her house hold, Sam. Taehyung and I have respect for her rules, and we feel that Sex isn't a must in our relationship." I tell her with my cheeks getting super hot.

The truth is, Taehyung and I haven't been intimate for the three whole months that we moved to Korea. Last night was our first time in the bed together, but we were much too exhausted from the plane ride here to even think about having sex. He just hugged me close and we slept. It brought a smile to my face remembering last night. How he held me tight to his chest, how he whispered sweet things in my ear while I fell asleep.

"Earth to Val." I hear. I blink a couple times before I look at Sam. "Yeah?" I ask. She starts to laugh. I push her shoulder. "What?" I ask. She laughs harder. "Your face was hilarious." She says through breaths. I smile. "Glad I could make you laugh." I say. Wasn't that the maid of honors job? To keep the bride calm, though Sam at this moment is NOT calm.

"And how about you and Ivan? Keeping the fire going, like back in college?" I ask causing her to instantly stop laughing. I smirk, she's nervous now. "N-No, you know.. we promised to keep that for our wedding say. A-And we were able to keep our parts to ourselves..." She pauses. "For a whole week." She says. I laugh. "Wow, you and Ivan are real horn dogs." I say. "But it's so good." She pouts making me cringe. "I didn't need to know that ya nasty." I say.

She wiggles her eyebrows. "Is Tae good?" She asks, making me almost choke on my saliva. "He makes you choke on it?" She asks, making me really choke on my saliva. She laughs and pats my back. "Its okay, Val." She leans in to me. "Tonight is going to be different for the both of us." She says. I look at her. "If you two are staying here for your honeymoon, no one is getting sleep tonight." I tell her. Her eyebrows knit.

"I'm not loud during sex.." She crosses her arms, followed by a shrug. "I'm really quiet." She says making me chuckle. "Its not you, it's the fact that the bed bangs really loud." I say, not being able to keep a straight face. Her face heats up. "Aaaah. That." She whispers. I chuckle and pat her shoulder. "Its okay." I nod and shake her shoulder. "Sam, they're waiting for you." One of her mother's says through the awkward conversation.

Sam shoots up, "Thank the Lord baby Jesus." She says, making me laugh harder. I follow her out of the room. "Just take deep breaths and remember that at the end of the day, you'll be with Ivan. And you two will be husband and wife." She nods, looking forward as we walks down the hall. For sure, now, she was really feeling nervous. "Sam, you're fine." I say, patting her arm. She nods. We walk out of the hotel and walk onto the beach.

We take a couple of pictures and then we walk out to the deck where a boat waited and we headed to the private beach where Sam's wedding was taking place.. oh.. I think I failed to mention that we're in the Bahamas right now, and one of Sam's mom's, I forget which one, owns the private beach. So basically, Sam has the best step or actual mom ever. She just had it made for her. That lucky little bitch.

I pull Sam into a tight hug, "I love you Sam." I tell her. She looks at me in shock. "You bitch! Confessing to me on my wedding day!" I laugh, pushing her shoulder. "You're so dumb." I tell her. She smiles and hugs me back. "You'll always be my bitch, till I die." She says in my ear. "Samantha! You shouldn't be using that language on your wedding day, it's supposed to be a holy day." Her step mom?, says.

"Is it too late to tell her that I'm not a virgin?" She asks in my ear. I laugh. "I think so." I tell her. "Well, gosh dang it, I'm screwed." She says. "Screwed with what Sam?" Her... mom? Asks. Yeah, I didn't really take the time to ask who was who. "Oh nothing momma." Sam says. Ah. Okay, the prettier older woman is her real mom. Explains where Sam gets her features, should have seen it before.

I then look at the other lady and back at Sam's mom, then I look at her Sam's dad whose minding his own business. Wow. One, he's stupid for leaving Sam's mom cause she gorgeous. And two, I need to mind my own damn business. Sam fixes my hair as the boat comes to a complete stop. We all get out of the boat and her father instantly takes her arm. Sam's moms and I head out to the service. There were a lot of people waiting, and Ivan looked really sweaty.

When his eyes fall on me I think he literally craps himself. I smile and wave at him before walking over to the live band, telling them Sam is on her way. I spot Taehyung in the front row. "I saved you a spot." He says. I smile. "How was Ivan?" I ask. He begins to make dog whimpering sounds. "Taehyung, please be quiet." I hear Ivan, causing me to laugh. Taehyung chuckles and throws Ivan a peace sign.

I look at everyone and give them the sign to stand up. The slowly rise and face the path that Sam will be coming from. When I catch a glimpse of Sam's father's hand I signal the band, they begin to play the traditional wedding music. I honestly thought that it would all be hard, but it wasn't. I sense Ivan become extremely antsy. I give him a look, he looks at me and he takes a deep breath.

I nod and smile at him, and right when he looked away from me, his eyes set on Sam. It made me smile even bigger to see the happiness and relief in his eyes. His eyes seemed to glow as he looked at her. My gaze shifted to Sam, and I smiled even more. She had the biggest smile on her face, she looked no where else then at Ivan. Her father gives her a huge hug and hands her over to Ivan.

We all sat down when the priest told us to be seated. The ceremony was very beautiful, and I was so happy for the both of my friends. I felt a big hand grab mine, I turn and look at Taehyung. His eyes looking into mine, his eyes pulled into his smise as he smiled. (The shape your eyes make when you smile, smise) Soon the beautiful ceremony was over and both of my friends share a kiss that sealed their love.

We all cheered for them, and we all followed them to the area that dinner and the rest of the night will be spent. Everything about this wedding was gorgeous, I was honestly a little jelly. We all stared in awe as we made it to the set up. Sam grabbed my hand and led Taehyung and I to the table they were eating at. Seats were immediately filled and dinner was served. I began to feel the nerves as it was almost time for the maid of honor to give her speech, yeah.. me.

And I was sure that Taehyung could feel it too, but not really cause I know that he's used to being in front of a lot of people. I watch anxiously as Ivan and Samantha have their first dance together as husband and wife.  "You'll do great, baby girl." I hear in my ear making me shiver. I turn my head and his face is right in front of mine, his vanilla scent making my mouth water. I smile, he leans in and presses his lips against mine.

Maybe it was the wedding atmosphere, but it really made me want to marry Taehyung right now. Who wouldn't?

He slowly pulls back before kissing my cheek. I shut my eyes for a second, "I love you." He says in my ear, his deep voice making my heart thud to those three words. It made me smile really big, and I couldn't help but hug his neck. When we finally pulled away Sam and Ivan were making their way to the table. I take a deep breath and stand up, using my butter knife to hit against my wine glass.

I'm handed a microphone that had been connected to a huge speaker, that's connected to a generator. "Hi, for those who don't know me.. I'm Valerie Sanchez. Sam chose me to be her maid of honor and I wanted to take this moment to say something to my best friends." I turn to Sam and Ivan. "What a day for the two of you, it's unbelievable that today happened for you." I smile.

"If I had never met your guys, I don't know where I would be. Sam, you're like a sister to me. Ivan, you've changed so much since college, and I'm so happy that you two found eachother." I say, earning a huge smile from the newly weds. "Is give you both my blessing that you'll grow old together and have many babies." They both chuckle. "I love you both so much." I say, blowing Sam a kiss. I earn an applause, I turn to Taehyung and hand him the microphone.

I'm about to sit down when he wraps his arm tight around my waist and holds me in place. "I'm Taehyung, the best man." He clears his throat. "Man, what is there to say?" He asks, shaking his head. "Well, let's be honest Ivan.. both of us never saw you here." Ivan starts nodding and laughing, also earning laughs from the crowd. Probably his family. "And when I first met you, you were such a little pain in the butt. Always telling me not to touch your things." I laugh along with the crowd and the newly weds.

"And I was completely surprised when you started dating Sam, I thought she was crazy because you were so into your work and computer games to even care about girls. Also being that you never really talked to the opposite gender." He pauses, letting everyone calm down. "But, in the first few months of your relationship.. I saw how Sam changed you in a amazing way. You were more outgoing." I look at Sam and Ivan, their faces lit up.

"And I knew for a fact that she was the right one for you. And it was a good thing you bought that engagement ring instead of that car." Sam instantly looks at Ivan, whispering. She obviously didn't know that he used his life savings to buy her the ring. "You two are perfect for eachother, and I knew in the end you two would seal the deal." He nods. "Thank you for letting us be here for your special night." Taehyung raises his glass and we all raise out glass. "To Samantha and Ivan." He says.

We all take a sip of our wine, "Honeymoons aren't meant for sleep." Taehyung adds making Sam and Ivan spit their wine back in their cups. Many people cheer and others laughed. Taehyung bows his head and everyone sits down. There was only a few hours of the wedding left, and I was time for the throwing of the bouquet. I didn't want to do be a part of it, but Sam made me. Let me tell you, it didn't even make a difference because I didn't catch it.

I know that just catching a boutique doesn't mean if I'll get married soon or not. Or maybe it does, I don't know. "Its okay baby." Taehyung tells me. I shrug and sit next to him, leaning up against his chest.  He kisses my head and he quickly grabs my hand to pull me on the dance floor, well.. the sand area for dancing. We stand there for a while until we found the rhythm of the slow song. His arm around me and my hand holding his.

He kisses my cheek, I close my eyes as we dance. I loved this moment, I loved being here with him. Here at sunset, reminded me of our first time on a date together. 

Taehyung's POV

I look down at her and she smiles. I kiss her lips, she was pulling on my back making our skin touch more. My fingers running slowly over her soft skin. I slowly pull away from her and her eyes lock with mine. I think long and hard about what I'm about to say. I get off of her and cover her body with the sheets. I stare at her for a long time, trying to think.

"Valerie.." I start. She smiles. "Yes?" I scoot closer to her. "Let's get married." I tell her. Her eyes filled with surprised, but she smiles bigger.

Hey! yo! update!

I really didn't plan on working on this book again, but I was getting requests that you guys wanted to see Sam's and Ivan's wedding.

Here it is. And I'm just letting you all know, I'm not making a book 2. So please, with all due respect, don't go off and make your own book two of Motionless. I don't want to go through this again with being a mean person, because that's not who I am.

I hope you all enjoyed. A little cliff hanger. And if the end got a little, wtf. I really wasn't in the mood to write a smut, so I just wrote the after math of the smut. Yee. Any who.

Love you all!

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