Strawberry Fields Forever (A...

By PickleGirl58

4.1K 82 17

Two teenage girl's find an abandoned strawberry field, But what happens when they go back in time to the Beat... More

Chapter 1: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 2: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 3: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 4: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 5: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter Six: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 7: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 8: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 9: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 11: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 12: Laura's POV/PickleGirl58
Chapter 13: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 14: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 15: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 16: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 17: Violet's POV/ECC309
Chapter 18: Laura's POV/ PicklesGirl58
Chapter 19: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 20: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58
Chapter 21: Violet's POV/ ECC309
Chapter 22: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58

Chapter 10: Laura's POV/ PickleGirl58

157 2 1
By PickleGirl58

Laura's POV-

I got up from the front step and went inside. I went to the boy's apartment and went inside just in time to see George giggling with Violet. They were eating strawberries, and I scrunched up my nose. I didn't like strawberries all that much. George locked his eyes with mine and he stopped giggling and he looked at his feet. I looked at Violet, who gave me a small smile. I knew she'd been the one to make him feel better. And I knew she didn't like me messing it all up again.

"I'm gonna go and..." I trailed off and walked out of the kitchen. I was freezing and I needed a hug. I found Ringo and Paul sitting on the couch still talking. I wondered where John was. And I hadn't seen Astrid and Stu since we left the club.

"Hi, love." Paul said patting the seat next to him. I sat next to him and sighed. He put his arm around me and I instantly felt the warmth of his embrace. I curled up into him and buried my nose in his shoulder. He didn't seem to notice my glum and down expression. Ringo did though.

"You OK, Laura?" He asked. He looked like he already knew. I nodded, lying to him of course, and closed my eyes as I nuzzled farther into Paul. I must have fallen asleep.

Paul's POV-

I looked over at Laura. She'd gone to sleep. I tried not to show how happy that made me. It looked like she'd rather have George for a while. Ringo was talking to me about our set list and he'd asked her if she was OK. I wondered why, but didn't ask.

"Paul," Ringo said seriously. I looked away from Laura and smiled.

"Yes, Rich?" I asked wrapping my arm tighter around her.

"What do you think's wrong?" He asked looking at Laura. I frowned at him and he rolled his eyes, "You didn't notice? C'mon, Paul it's obvious she's been crying. And John and George were screaming at each other just a few minutes ago!"

"John and George argue all the time, Richie." I rolled my eyes this time, "And Laura said she was fine."

"Well it's obvious she was lying about it." Ringo said. I shook my head and stood up.

"Nah," I said picking her up. I carried her into my bedroom and gently put her on the bed. I covered her up and kissed her cheek before I left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I found George and Violet sitting on the couch where I'd been sitting. I smiled at them, but George scowled at me.

"What'd I do to you?" I asked sitting down on the arm of the chair Ringo was in.

"You stole my girl." George mumbled crossing his arms as he pouted. Violet rolled her eyes and poked him.

"She wasn't your girl, and if Laura knew you were arguing over her she'd probably dump the both of you." Violet said seriously. I looked at her and shook my head.

"No he's just mad because she doesn't like him." I said smirking. I was very proud that I'd managed to ask her out first.

"How do you know she doesn't like me!?" George asked jumping to his feet. "You never asked her and you pulled her away before I could see!"

"It's not my fault you're too slow!" I smirked at him and he clenched his jaw.

"I wasn't slow!" George hollered, "You told Violet to steal her away!"

"She didn't have to!" I said, "Clearly Violet wants us together more than you!" Violet stood up next and held up her hands.

"Hold it!" She said over us, "I only went to get her because-"

"Because why?" George turned on her and he looked really upset.

"Because he pulled me away from John and I wanted him to leave me alone!" She said, offended he'd accuse her like that. "I didn't know he wanted to ask her out! And I certainly didn't think Laura would say yes if he did ask!"

"And why not?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well because-" Violet huffed and rolled her eyes, "I can't tell you!"

"Why not!?" George hollered.

"Because I'm not supposed to! You know..." She looked like she was coming up with an excuse, "Girl stuff!"

George groaned and walked to his room. He slammed his door shut and I jumped at the sound. Violet rounded on me suddenly.

"Why can't you leave him alone!?" She asked angrily, "He has a right to be mad at you, and you know it. Stop pretending he had a fair chance when he didn't."

"He had a perfectly fair chance!" I protested. "He's just mad because I got her first!"

"If he had a fair chance then you shouldn't have pulled Laura away from him." Violet wasn't yelling anymore because John had come out and he looked worried about her.

"If I'd done that then he'd have her!" I exclaimed. Violet looked at me like that was the point. I was mad now. What exactly was she trying to say? That she didn't want me with Laura? John must have seen that I was getting angry because he jumped between us and pulled me out of the room.

"Relax, Paulie." He said grabbing my shoulders, "You're arguing about a bird who's not even apart of the conversation. Do you think she'd want you arguing over her?" I shook my head and looked away from John,

"Violet's right though." He said after a few minutes of quiet. I snapped my eyes back to him and felt like hitting him.

"Right about what?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

"Georgie didn't have a fair chance." John said filling a glass up with water. He took a drink of it and raised his eyebrows at me.

"You're only sayin' that because I drug your girl away when you were tryin' to kiss her." I scowled and walked out of the kitchen. Violet was gone and Ringo was walking into his bedroom after watching the whole argument. He wasn't getting involved, which was smart on his part. I needed to go to bed. I walked into my room and got into bed. I'd actually forgotten that Laura was asleep in here until I accidentally elbowed her. She groaned and sat up.

"Sorry love." I said closing my eyes. She didn't respond. That or I didn't hear it. I was asleep before I could blink again.

Laura's POV-

I was hit. I sat up and looked around. Where was I? What had hit me like that? I rubbed my ribs and looked over next to me. Paul was falling asleep clutching his pillow.

"Sorry love." He mumbled. I scowled and got up. I wasn't sleeping in here with him. I knew what he could be like. Even though he was asleep, I didn't feel comfortable sharing a bed with him.

I went out to the living room and picked up a throw blanket. I wrapped it around my shoulders and curled up on the couch. It wasn't all that comfy, but I was not sleeping with Paul.

What had I done last night? I sighed sadly. I'd slept with George last night. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, but only for about five minutes. I was poked in the cheek. I opened my eyes to see George crouching next to me.

"Why're you sleeping in here?" He asked. He didn't sound upset or mad at me anymore.

"Because I'm not gonna sleep with Paul." I mumbled snuggling into the throw pillow I had.

"Why not?" He asked frowning.

"Because I don't know him." I said with a sigh.

"You didn't know me, but you slept in my room." He said brushing my hair out of my face. I looked at him, confused.

"Well that was yesterday." I said trying not to smirk, "I've grown since then." He giggled and shook his head.

"I'm sure." He sighed, "Go sleep in my room." He demanded lightly. I sat up and shook my head.

"No," I sighed looking at him. Almost too tired to argue with him. Almost.


"Because it's your bed and I don't want you to sleep on the couch because of me." I said fluffing my pillow.

"Who ever said I was sleeping on the couch?" George asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and George sat down next to me.

"If I'm not sleeping with Paul because he's in there, why would I sleep with you?" I asked crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.

"No funny business, I swear." He said holding his hands up in surrender. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him and sighed. "You're Paul's girl and I wouldn't do that to him." I frowned and pulled back.

"I'm not anybody's girl." I said seriously. George pursed his lips and I sighed. I put my head against his shoulder.

"I'm really sorry George." I mumbled against his shoulder. His arms slid around my waist and I closed my eyes.

"What for?" He asked, sounding like he already knew.

"For Paul." I said pulling back. "I know I might have hurt your feelings...a little bit..."

George looked at his lap and put on a face I thought was a bit forced, "Nah, Paul gets lots of girls. Why would it bother me if you go out with him?" I felt stupid suddenly. Did I misjudge that maybe he liked me?

"No reason." I sighed, feeling a bit disappointed actually, "Um, I think we should go to bed." George stood up and pulled me up off the couch. I'd never actually told him I was sleeping in his room, but I really wanted to be near him. I let him pull me into his room and I got under the warm covers of his bed. George got in next to me and we both laid there silently.

"You know, funny business doesn't mean we can't, you know touch a little bit." I mumbled looking at him. He scooted closer to me and I did the same and turned on my side to face him. George sighed and put his arms around my waist. I didn't protest, because I wanted to cuddle him. I buried my face in his chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I fell asleep before anything else could be said or thought.

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