The Supercorp Diaries

By JulesForrest

190K 6.5K 1.2K

A Supergirl and The Vampire Diaries crossover. In a world where Lena is Damon and Stefan's little sister wha... More

xoxo Gossip Girls
The Salvatores
Alcohol and New Friends
Meeting Lena Salvatore
The Danvers Sisters
L is for Lena
Road Trip
Authors Note
The dress
Match makers
Working late
Blood Loss
Shut up and Dance
Come down
Breaking Bridges
1, 2, I'm coming for you
one of her kind
love me now
The Lone Wolf
Jealous blondes
End of an era
Heart broke
Time flys
new places old faces
What Now?
New Management
your best chance
Team Spirit
What "friends" are for
Training Partners
Revenge Tactics
Plan A
Civil War
Pack Mentality
The Devil Incarnate
The latest entry
My Letter to You
Another Life
Rest In Peace
Holding On
The Devil Inside
Moving On

Dear Diary

13.8K 257 82
By JulesForrest

Dear Diary,

Okay here goes nothing. I've never done anything like this before, keeping a diary i mean. But after everything thats happened this year my therapist thought it would be a good idea, thats right i didn't make some horrendous spelling mistake i am in therapy. wow even saying that makes me feel weird, suppose i should really get over that. 

Anyway my therapist said i should write like i was having a conversation, to help grasp a better understanding of my life or some nonsense like that. so i guess when you start talking to someone new you introduce yourself right? 

Well my names Kara Danvers and I'm seventeen years old, yeah I'm still in high-school. They all call me 'Sunny Danvers' im guessing its because i always used to smile. yeah thats right i put that in past tense on purpose. that is a whole other topic to cover but don't worry we'll get their i promise. Okay what else. I'm a huge geek like literally massive , I've been going to comic-con's since i was four years old. My favourite TV show has to be between Doctor Who and Sherlock I mean just something about British Geek culture is just so wholesome y'know. 

Okay on to relationships i guess. My Parents died in a fire when i was thirteen years old , apparently people say i was lucky not being in the house when it happened but i don't see it that way, my therapist said something about survivors guilt so i guess that must be why. I miss them a lot, like a lot a lot and even after four years of them being gone if something amazing happens I'm like 'i need to call mom'  but then i remember. I cant. Thats the worst part.  

I was adopted by my Dad's brother Jeremiah Danvers and his wife Eliza, they have a daughter called Alex who is two years older than me which would make her nineteen, if im doing my maths right, which would be a miracle believe me. I've fitted in pretty well i think, i mean it did help a lot that they were my actual family and not just some random strangers. I've also learned that if Eliza or Jeremiah call Alex, Alexandria then she's in a hell of a lot of trouble. this happens at least once a week, usually in an argument about her life choices. 

You see Alex was meant to go to University to do Bio-engineering, i think its to do with genes and stuff but thats a complete guess. She declined her offer from Harvard and decided to work in the Mystic Grill, which is like a bar. Oh yeah i should of mentioned this earlier i live in a small town in Virginia called Mystic Falls, before you ask no its not a cute little town where nothing happens but again another story for another time. 

Okay what else, right friendships. so i have three best friends and yes that is possible we have had several discussions on the subject.  So the first of my three best friends is Elena Gilbert. She lost her parents a couple of years ago in a car accident so her and her little brother Jeremy  had to move in with her aunt Jenna who is one of my favourite people on this planet. Its great having a friend to talk to who understands what you've lost its almost like having your personal agony aunt. 

The second of my best friends is Bonnie Bennett. She is honestly one of the funniest people to have walked this earth, she lives with her Grams, who is really intimidating but also funny so that gene must run in the family. 

And my final best friend is Caroline Forbes. she is like the 'it' girl of the school, Cheer captain and all the boys love her and all the girls want to be her. im not going to lie here cause as my therapist said its a safe place for my thoughts, so im just going to say it. Caroline can be a bit high maintenance and when i say a bit i mean a big bit. shes Liz Forbes aka the Sheriffs daughter  which is pretty cool. 

We call our selves the four musketeers, because contrary to popular belief there were four musketeers. We all go to Mystic Falls high which is just a hotspot for drama from all walks of life, which is again a story for another day, yes theres a lot of stories and most of them are going to be for other days. My therapist told me to start at the start which makes sense i guess i mean everything has to have a startling point. So i suppose that starting point would be the first day of Junior Year, I should probably note that right now its the summer before senior year and if its going to be anything like the year i just had then i might need to invest in a bigger diary. 

Anyway First Day of Junior year flash back here we go....

      "Bonnie! Elena! over here" Kara shouted excitedly from her seat next to Caroline in her new American History class, Elena's eyes lit up the second she saw her other two best friends in the whole world and ran across the classroom embracing the whole group in a huge bear hug, it was a mystery how she never managed to break Caroline's body in half. 

"I'm so happy we all have a class together this year" Bonnie said gleefully letting her body sway happily to the tone in the room. Kara smiled her 'Sunny Danvers' smile in response just happy that she could see all her friends again after her long summer vacation. 

"I know last year we never had one class together" Caroline exclaimed a little pout encircling her mouth as memories of last year entered her brain. 

"Maybe the teachers finally had had enough of us" Kara said unable to subdue her cheesy expression, the other three girls laughed in unison, it almost looked practice but thats just how in sync they were with one another. 

"Pizza at my place tonight" Elena didn't even bother asking the question she knew they would all be their. 

"Yes, I've missed our pizza and gossiping parties" Caroline jumped up excitedly, in truth she wasn't really that bothered about the Pizza, If gossiping was an Olympic Sport Caroline would have more than one gold medal for show.

"Me too" Kara and Bonnie both said at the exact same time which bought about a fit of excited giggles bursting out of all the girls, Suddenly a tall, well built and good looking man walked into the classroom and stood behind the teachers desk having a quick glance at the class in front of him. 

"My names Mr Saltzman please take your seats so i can begin" The man said in a soft tone, ready to begin his lesson. The girls obliged and took their seats along with the rest of the students. 

"See you all tonight" Elena whispered before taking her seat at the opposite end of the classroom from the other three girls. 

little did we know that night would consist of more than pizza and gossiping 

Authors Note:

Hey guys i hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, it was just kind of a introduction to the story, also anytime i write in italics is Kara writing in her diary and the normal writing is whats actually happening. 

so essentially Kara is narrating the story through the diary but the actual flashbacks are written in 3rd person so i can do scenes without Kara if that makes sense. 

also check out my other supercorp Fanfiction Supercorp Nervous Lesbian Laughter 

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