Fighting Love | Stefan Salvat...


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Emily Gilbert is the older twin sister of Elena Gilbert by three minutes and the older sister of Jeremy Gilbe... Еще

The One With The First Day Of Sophomore Year
The One With The Animal Attack
The One With The Mysterious Brother
The One With The Werewolf
The One With The Hospital
The One With The Strategy Meeting
The One With The Masquerade Ball
The One When Emily Gets Kidnapped
The One When All The Truth Comes Out
The One With The Petrova Talk
The One With The Sunday Morning
The One With The Plan
The One With The Deal
The One With The Aftermath Of The Full Moon
The One When Emily Babysits
The One With The Murderous Bite
The One With John's Arrival
The One With The Wolf Pack
The One With The Getaway
The One With The Gilbert Journals
The One With The Dagger
The One With The Return
The One With The Girls' Night
The One When Katherine Helps
The One With Isobel's "Help"
The One With The Farewell And The Letter
The One With The Dance Request
The One With The Failed Plan
The One With The Undaggered Original
The One With Maria's Plan
The One Where Jenna Finds Out
The One With The Connection & The Apology
The One With The Vial
The One With The Goodbyes
The One At The Grill
The One With The First Date
The One With How Emily Feels
The One When Klaus Takes Emily
The One With The Participants
The One With The Sacrifice Pt. 1
The One With The Sacrifice Pt. 2
The One When Emily Is Dead
The One When Emily Comes Back
The One With The Switch
The One With The Party
The One With The Voices
The One When Everyone Finds Out
The One With The Skype Call
The One With The Trap
Hi, guys
The One With Plan A
The One With The True Alpha
The One With Emily's Memories
The One When Emily's Finally Back
The One At The Airport
The One With The Cure
The One With The New Journey
The One With The Skype Call
The One When Emily Misses Stefan
The One When Stefan Hears Her
The One With The Heart Spell
The One With The Witch Call
The One With The Toast
The One With The Q&A
The One With Elena
The One With Twin Night
The One With The Check-Up
The One With The Arcade
The One With The Two Sides
The One With The True Alpha Blood
The One With The Silence
The One With The Article
The One With The Research
The One With The Birthday Party
The One With The Board
The One With The Truth
The One With The Phone Call
The One With The Fresh Start
The One With The Real Truth
The One With The Werewolves
The One With The Great Smoky Mountains
The One With The Version Two Hybrid
The One With The Chase
The One With The Mac
The One With The Answer
The One With The Road Trip
The One With The Wall
The One With The New Plan
The One With Gloria's Bar
The One With The Chili
The One With The Ruby
The One With The Ghost
The One With Senior Prank Night
The One With The Picture
The One With The Blood
The One With The Blood Donation
The One When Stefan's Home
The One With The Training
The One With The First Day Of Senior Year
The One With The Emergency Meeting
The One With The Three Shadows
The One With The Stefan Plan
The One With The Bonfire
The One With The Aftermath
The One With The Journals
The One With The Ghosts
The One With The Jail Cell
The One With The Tomb Attack
The One With The Cellar
The One With The Runic
The One With The Text
The One With Rebekah's Story


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Emily groaned quietly when someone began to push onto her shoulder to wake her up. She carefully opened her eyes and saw Elena looking down at her with a worried facial expression. Emily was confused why Elena was waking her up, they usually woke up at the same time. Why was she still asleep while Elena was awake? Emily glanced around the dark room. But when she looked across the room, she froze in her spot. Sitting in a stiff chair across from the bed she was laying on was someone she didn't recognize. Emily came to the conclusion that she and Elena had been kidnapped since she didn't know the stranger and she didn't know the room she was in.

Emily carefully removed herself from the uncomfortable bed and grabbed onto Elena's hand. She took slow and cautious steps towards the locked door. Emily glanced back at the stranger but she saw he was still asleep, so she slowly reached for the deadbolt lock and steadily unlocked the long chain of the lock. She carefully sat the chain down before moving towards the last lock. It was the loudest sound she thought possible. As soon as she unlocked the door, a booming voice spoke from behind her.

"I wouldn't," the voice spoke loudly.

Emily gasped and quickly turned around to turn the person who kidnapped her and Elena. Emily was shocked when she saw it was Ben McKittrick, who she went to school with just a few years ago.

Ben smirked when he saw Emily's facial expression. "Well, isn't it Miss Emily Gilbert, Mystic Falls princess."

Emily glared at the older boy, "let us go. You don't want to do this," she didn't want Elena here anymore than she already was, so why not try to talk her way out of it?

Ben stared deeply into Emily's eyes and spoke slowly, "don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?"

Emily realized Ben was a vampire. And a new one at that, since he didn't notice the vervain hanging around her neck. Emily squeezed Elena's hand tightly before speaking in monotone, "I understand."

Ben scoffed before turning his back to the two sisters. As soon as Ben turned around, Emily quickly opened the door and tried to push Elena out of the room. But of course nothing is that easy, because someone was standing directly in front of the door. It was a young girl with dark hair, she pushed the two sisters back in the room and slammed the door shut.

"Seriously!?" the girl spoke to Ben in anger while holding each of the Gilbert sister's arms with a tight hold.

"I told her not to move!" Ben yelled out. "I did that eye thing that you taught me!"

"And you forgot the lesson about vervain!" the girl yelled while pushing the two sisters to a small door. "This one is dating a vampire," the girl spoke while pointing towards Elena, "and this one is best friend's with one," the girl spoke while pointing towards Emily.

The girl pushed the two girls against a closed door. "Who are you!? What do you want with us!?" Emily yelled to the girl she didn't know.

"Does it matter?" the girl spoke before pushing the two girls into a small room.

As soon as the door was closed, Emily began looking around. She realized that they were inside of a bathroom. Emily sighed, she glanced over at her sister who still looked frightened. Emily grabbed her sister and brought her in a tight hug, "we'll be okay."

Emily looked over Elena's shoulder and saw a figure lying in the small bath tub. Emily gasped, "Bonnie!" Emily grabbed Bonnie's head and when she didn't move, she came to the conclusion that her friend was knocked out.

"Elena, hold her head," Emily commanded her sister before quickly running towards the sink. She saw a rag lying on the side, so she quickly grabbed the rag and ran a little bit of cold water on it before jogging back to her sister and Bonnie. Emily carefully dabbed Bonnie's forehead with the rag, hoping it would wake her up. "Come on, Bonnie," Emily mumbled.

"Emily?" Bonnie spoke hoarsely while glancing up at the older Gilbert girl before glancing beside her and saw a worried Elena.

"Oh, you're okay!" Elena yelped happily.

"My head," Bonnie groaned out in pain.

"It's okay Bon Bon," Emily told her friend before she and Elena carefully helped Bonnie sit up in the cramped bath tub.

Bonnie suddenly gasped in remembrance, "oh my God! Ben is a -"

Elena quickly put her finger towards her lips, "shhh!" Elena whispered before pointing towards her ears and whispered, "they can hear." Elena jumped up and turned the sink water on.

"I'm so stupid!" Bonnie cried out with her eyes closed.

Emily leaned down towards Bonnie and carefully moved her fingers through Bonnie's brown hair, "hey, you didn't know," Emily consoled her friend.

"What's going on? Why are we here?" Bonnie questioned quickly.

Elena glanced over at her twin sister before answering Bonnie, "it must have something to do with the tomb and Emily's spell book."

"Spell book?" Bonnie questioned confused.

"It would used to open the tomb," Emily explained quietly.

"Why didn't I know about any of this?" Bonnie asked.

Emily sighed, "I didn't want you involved in this. I tried to keep you away from it so they wouldn't need you."

"Need me for what?" Bonnie questioned the older sister confused.

Emily bit her lip before explaining, "they need a witch to break the spell and let the vampires out."

"No way!" Bonnie yelped.

Emily grabbed Bonnie's hand tightly, "I know."

Suddenly Ben busted into the room and stared down at the three girls. Emily quickly stood in front of her sister and her friend protectively. Ben stomped over towards the sink and stopped the water flow before staring back at the three girls.

"You're wasting your time. I'm not going to help you," Bonnie spoke strongly.

Ben smirked at the three girls before pulling Emily and Elena up and held the two girls in a tight grip, "that's why these two are here. Motivation for you to behave," Ben explained to the Bennett witch. "You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy," Ben smirked.

Ben pushed the two sisters out of the small bathroom and exclaimed, "she wants to talk to you," before pushing the sisters into the main room and closely the bathroom door.

Emily huffed when she stood up straight. She helped Elena stand up and grabbed her arm. She looked up and saw the female vampire staring at her and Elena with a smirk. "Well, well. Elena Gilbert," the girl spoke while staring at the youngest Gilbert sister, "you really are Katherine's doppelganger. You must have the Salvatore brothers reeling." the girl then turned towards the older sister with a smirk, "and Emily Gilbert. Mystic Falls prize possession, everyone's favorite girl."

Emily rolled her eyes, she didn't want to hear about her life story so she glared at the girl, "who the hell are you?"

"I'm Anna," the girl paused, "your brother may have mentioned me." Anna smiled, "I mean, we're like, practically dating."

So this was the girl that Jeremy was talking about and the girl that Damon went to talk to at the Grill. She was a vampire, Emily had already figured out. Protecting her brother from vampires just became much more difficult.

"Bonnie's not gonna open the tomb," Elena spoke boldly next to her sister.

"Oh, I think she will," Anna spoke simply from the window.

Emily twitched her head to the side, trying to figure out this Anna girl. "Why would you want the tomb open?" Emily questioned. "Surely you don't want Katherine out," Emily commented.

Anna rolled her eyes, "trust me. No one I know wants to see that girl again. Except Damon, the lovestruck idiot."

"Then what is it?" Elena questioned. "Or who is it?"

"My mother is in there," Anna told the younger Gilbert. The vampire moved slowly in front of Elena, "Katherine couldn't help herself. She just had to toy around with both of the Salvatore brothers. And when she got caught, so did my mother. I watched Jonathan Gilbert take her away."

Elena shook her head and looked away, "I'm sorry." Emily sighed quietly, she did feel bad for the vampire, but she kidnapped her and Elena so she really couldn't feel sorry for her.

"You really mean that, don't you?" Anna asked Elena before chuckling, "yeah, I think we'll skip the dead mom bonding so you and your sister can start serving a purpose."

"Which is what?" Emily questioned the vampire.

Anna turned towards Emily and answered simply, "leverage." Anna grabbed a cell phone from the side table and held it in front of Elena, "this belong to you?" Elena tried to reach for her phone, but Anna quickly moved the phone from her reach, "ah, ah, ah."

Anna moved across the room towards the shaded windows and pushed a few buttons on Elena's phone before putting the device towards her ear. It was silent for a moment before Anna spoke with no emotion, "they are fine. For now. Tell me you have the grimoire and they'll stay fine."

Emily grabbed Elena's hand tightly when she noticed her sister's scared facial expression. She wasn't going to let Anna or Ben hurt her sister or friend that was still in the other room. And she knew with certain that Stefan wouldn't let them get hurt either.

"Which means your brother has it," Anna stated before staring at the two sisters, "and I have the witch." Emily realized Anna was trying to make a point both towards Stefan and her and Elena not to do anything stupid. "So one of you had better meet me in the very public town square in 30 minutes so we can safely discuss how fun it's gonna be to work together," Anna told Stefan before hanging up Elena's phone.

Anna quickly made her way towards the bathroom door without even glancing over at the Gilbert sister. She banged her right fist against the white bathroom door and stated, "I'm leaving." Ben quietly opened the door and dragged a very tired Bonnie Bennett from the bathroom. "Keep them buttoned down," Anna commanded. "Compulsion won't work. Just use violence."

"Right," Ben mumbled. "I got that."

Anna didn't give Ben a second look before quickly walking out of the small motel door. Ben pushed Bonnie towards one of the small beds and commanded, "sit. Behave." He took off his black jacket and turned towards Bonnie in wonder, "so you're the key to this?" Ben mumbled under his breath, "literally." He continued, "the one that opens the door." Ben sat across from the three girls in an uncomfortable chair and asked the Bennett witch, "tell me, how long have you been a witch?"

Elena quickly interrupted the conversation that Elena knew Bonnie didn't want to have. "Is there anything to drink here?" Elena questioned the vampire.

Ben suddenly stood up and walked over to Elena and questioned with a smile, "are you offering?"

Emily quickly stood in front of Elena and glared at the vampire, "back off, Ben."

Ben chuckled at the oldest sister before calling over his shoulder when he moved back to his seat, "there's water on the night stand."

Elena moved carefully from behind Emily and reached towards the small wooden night stand, she reached for the glass that held water. She brought it towards her lips for a small sip before Bonnie called out. "Can I have a sip," Bonnie questioned Elena.

Elena moved the glass from her lips and looked at Bonnie confused. But Bonnie continued to stare at Elena with a pointed look. After a few seconds, Elena finally realized why Bonnie wanted the glass, so Elena carefully handed the glass over towards Bonnie. The Bennett witch grabbed the glass of water and quickly threw the liquid on Ben. Emily realized what Bonnie was going to do, so she quickly grabbed Elena's hand and pulled her up, getting ready to run out of the room. Bonnie stared hard at Ben's body before he began shouting in pain when Bonnie lit his body on fire. As soon as he was lit on fire, Bonnie made a dash for the door and Emily quickly pushed Elena in front of her before the two tried to follow after Bonnie.

Ben grabbed Emily's waist and held her tightly against his chest while holding Elena's hand in a tight grip and yelled out, "come back in! Shut the door!"

Bonnie slowly squeezed through the small space in the door and mumbled, "don't hurt them."

"Don't make me!" Ben growled at the Bennett witch while holding tightly on the two sisters. Bonnie knew that if she left, her two friends would be in danger. She slowly closed the door behind her and leaned against it. "Lock it!" Ben growled out. Bonnie glared at the vampire in hatred before turning her back towards the three in the room and locked the deadbolt on the door.

As soon as Bonnie had locked the door, Ben pushed the Gilbert sisters towards one of the beds and started to pace up and down the tiny motel room. Emily helped Elena sit on the edge of the bed once Ben turned his back to the sisters. Emily glanced over at Bonnie in worry once she sat down on the other bed. But Emily didn't get to question her friend before Ben spoke up. "Witches don't have eternal life, right?" Ben questioned Bonnie. "So you guys can die."

"Yep," Bonnie nodded, "we can die."

Ben chuckled and turned his back towards the three girls. "Ah. that sucks," Ben smiled over at Bonnie.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the front door of the motel was smashed into tiny pieces. Emily quickly glanced over at the doorway and sighed thankfully when she saw it was Stefan Salvatore. All you could hear was Ben yelling in pain in a shaded corner from the brightness of the sun that was shinning through the doorway.

"Stefan!" Elena yelled while standing up from the small bed.

"Let's get outside!" Stefan commanded to the girls before stepping further into the room.

Emily quickly grabbed Elena and Bonnie's hand and pulled the two girls through the doorway and into the bright sun. Emily sighed thankfully as soon as she felt the sun on her skin, knowing that Ben couldn't touch them. They weren't totally safe since Anna was still walking in the daylight but Emily knew that they would deal with that when the time arose itself. Emily glanced over at her sister in worry but Elena gave her a small smile, letting her know she was okay. Emily nodded and moved her eyes over to Bonnie, who didn't wait for a question and pulled the two Gilbert sisters into a tight hug. Emily hugged Bonnie just as tight. She knew that the witch was still new to all the vampire stuff, it could get scary sometimes so she understood how afraid Bonnie was at the moment.

Emily was glad to leave the small motel behind her, but she knew that it wasn't the end. Anna still needed a witch to get her mother from the tomb, which means Bonnie would still be involved. Emily knew this was only the beginning, but she was going to whatever she could to protect her loved ones no matter what vampire comes in her way.

After leaving the motel, Stefan drove the three girls to Bonnie's Grams house. Emily was sitting in the dining room with Bonnie and her Grams while Stefan and Elena were out of the room. She felt protected and safe in the older Bennett witch's house, even if it was only for a little while.

"How did you know where we were?" Bonnie asked her Grams softly in wonder.

"Many things can fuel a witches power," Grams began, "worry. Anger. After Stefan told me they had taken you, I had a lot of both. Simple locator spell was easy after that."

"I'm sorry," Emily spoke up. "I never wanted Bonnie to get involve into this," she told Grams.

Grams gave the older Gilbert a small smile, "I know." Grams smirked at the two girls, "not as sorry as they're gonna be."

Emily chuckled slowly, she always loved being around Bonnie's Grams. She could always put a smile on your face or make your face red from laughter. And she always made you feel like you were apart of the family, which was why Emily always felt like she was her own Grams.

Suddenly, Elena and Stefan walked into the dining room and walked closer to the two Bennett witches and the oldest Gilbert. Elena stood beside her sister and asked, "so what do we do now?"

Stefan moved on the other side of Emily and stated, "well, for now, you need to stay here," Stefan looked said while looking at the four different faces.

"A prisoner, in my own home?" Grams asked while staring at Stefan with a small smirk, "I don't think so."

Stefan shook his head at the older woman, "I can't protect you if you leave the house."

"We'll protect ourselves," Grams told Stefan with no room for argument.

It quiet for a moment before Elena spoke seriously, "we need to let him have Katherine back."

Emily quickly turned her head towards her sister and looked at her like she was crazy. "You can't be serious right now, Lena." It's not that Emily cared about what Damon wanted, all Emily cared about was that her loved ones were protected and with him getting Katherine back, no one is safe.

"He's not going to stop until he gets her," Elena tried to explain her reason. "If we help him, maybe that ends it."

"No!" Bonnie yelped. "He doesn't deserve to get what he wants."

"What other choice do we have?" Bonnie questioned while glancing between her sister and her best friend.

Emily honestly didn't know what they should do, because if they let Damon free Katherine then they both would cause destruction in Mystic Falls and if they didn't let that happen, then Damon would cause destruction trying to get Katherine. Either way something bad was going to come out of it.

"Witches being pulled down by vampire problems," Grams spoke, "as much as we tried to do to stay out of it." Grams looked over at Stefan, "I'll open the tomb. You get your brother's girl and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be all over."

"We still have to get Damon to agree," Stefan stated.

Elena shrugged, "he already agreed once."

"And then we betrayed him," Emily huffed.

Stefan nodded his head in agreement, "so now he's angry."

"He's hurt," Elena corrected her boyfriend. "There's a difference." Elena paused while glancing between Stefan and Emily. Elena mumbled, "I think I know what I have to do."

Emily realized what Elena needed to do and looked at her sister in worry. She didn't trust Damon enough to have Elena go over and talk to him alone. "Are you sure?" Emily questioned her sister, wanting to make sure Elena knew what she was doing.

Elena nodded her head confidently, "I have to do this. He'll agree to this."

Emily looked at her sister for a few moments and she noticed how serious Elena was so she nodded her head in agreement. Emily trusted that Elena could handle herself while trying to convince Damon to agree.

Once there were no more sun shining through the sky, Emily made her way through the woods and towards where Bonnie's dreams always took place, right below Fell's church. While Elena went to convince Damon, Emily arrived with Bonnie, Grams, and Stefan. Emily standing beside the two Bennett witches above the tomb when suddenly Stefan came up from the small hole in the ground where the tomb was located.

"Cleared the debris away," Stefan stated. "Set the torches up like you asked," Stefan told Grams before continuing, "we can get down now."

Stefan carried a shovel that he had with him and moved around the woods towards multiple cans of gasoline that was laid next to a large rock. "What is that?" Bonnie questioned Stefan while looking at the different cans he had.

Stefan stood up straight and looked over at Bonnie, "it's everything I need to destroy them."

Once Stefan handed Grams one of the flashlights in his head, she spoke up to the vampire, "are you sure that Damon will come back with her?"

But before Stefan could answer the oldest witch, Damon came whistling towards the four people with Elena following in tow. "Brother. Witches. Emily," Damon simply stated while continuing his fast pace down towards the tombs.

Emily sighed thankfully when she saw her sister unharmed. Emily pulled her sister in a hug before questioning, "are you okay?"

Elena nodded her head at her sister before looking over at Stefan, "I just want to get this over with." Emily nodded her head in agreement, she also wanted all this about the tomb and Katherine to be done with. Elena turned towards Bonnie, "are we ready?"

"I guess so," Bonnie mumbled before nodding her head.

Once they all made their way carefully down towards the tomb that was underneath the very old Fell's church, Emily stood against the far wall with her sister and the two Salvatore brothers. They watched the Bennett witches carefully. "Air," Grams spoke clearly while lighting one of the torches and moved on to the next torch and spoke, "Earth," she moved to the next one and spoke again while lighting enough torch, "air."

"Water," Bonnie called out while holding a plastic bottle of water and handed it to Grams who sprinkled the water around the torches.

"That's it?" Elena questioned confused, "just water from the tap?"

"As opposed to what?" Grams questioned back towards Elena while focusing on the water.

Elena shrugged, "I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something." Grams smirked over at Elena but didn't say anything else.

Damon suddenly opened the inside of his jacket and pulled out a small bag. Emily looked over at him confused, "what's that?"

Damon smirked over at the older Gilbert, "it's for Katherine. Gotta have something to get her going. Unless you're offering a vein to tap." Emily rolled her eyes at the older Salvatore brother and looked back to the witches. Damon chuckled lowly before glancing over at Stefan, "admit it. You can't wait to get rid of me."

Stefan chuckled, "I can't wait to get rid of you."

Bonnie looked up at the four and stated, "we're ready."

After a few moments, Bonnie and Grams began to speak in a different language. Emily realized it was the spell to open the tomb. "What are they saying?" Damon questioned after listening to the witches for a few minutes repeating the same words.

"Sounds Latin," Stefan told Damon.

"I don't think it's Latin," Elena mumbled.

After a few more seconds of the spell, suddenly the torches flared up higher than was natural. Elena grabbed onto Stefan's arm tightly and asked nervously, "what's happening?"

Stefan didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent and held Elena closely towards him. After a few more moments, there was a loud sound coming from inside the tomb. Everyone looked towards the entrance of the tomb and saw it was opening slowly.

"It worked!" Bonnie yelped in disbelief.

"Of course it work," Grams told her granddaughter.

Damon looked over at Stefan, "we have some fires to build."

Stefan nodded before looking down at Elena lovingly, "I'm gonna go get the gasoline."

Elena grabbed Stefan's hand and gave him a small smile, "I'll come with you."

When the couple turned towards Emily, she gave them a small smile, "go. Everything will be okay."

Once Stefan and Elena moved up the stairs of the tombs, Damon turned towards Emily and asked, "you ready?"

Emily rose an eyebrow at Damon, "for what?" She had a feeling that she knew what Damon wanted.

Damon turned towards the two witches, "you think I'm gonna go in there by myself so you can seal me in?"

Once Damon grabbed at Emily's arm, Grams growled out, "don't take her in. I'll bring the walls down."

"You'll bring the walls down if I don't," Damon growled back. "You think I trust you?" Damon questioned the older witch.

"As much as I trust you," Grams told Damon.

Emily rolled her eyes, "we don't have time for this. Let's just get this over with. He doesn't trust us, so I'll go."

Damon reached across the ground towards one of the torches and asked theoretically, "may I?" before Damon moved to the front of the tomb.

Emily looked over to the two witches and gave them a small smile, "I'll be okay." Emily looked over at Bonnie seriously, "make sure Elena does not follow me in here." Once Emily saw Bonnie nod her head, she walked through the entrance of the tomb and followed after Damon with a flashlight in her hand.

Emily carefully followed Damon through the surprisingly large tomb. After a few moments of walking in silence, Emily suddenly heard small quiet voices. "What is that?" Emily confusedly questioned.

"They can sense you," Damon mumbled out. "Now, where is she?" Damon questioned to himself before vamp speeding away, leaving Emily alone.

"Damon!" Emily yelled. She rolled her eyes and carefully walked through the tombs, looking for Damon. Emily was really wishing she would have went with Stefan and Elena. She was surrounded by very hungry vampires in a small area in the tomb. "Damon!" Emily called out, trying to find the Salvatore vampire.

Emily shined her flashlight along one of the walls and saw a vampire sitting against the wall. Emily gasped in shock. You could see how old the vampire was by the old clothing and the vampire's bones could be seen from how long they had been down in the tombs. It was the most creepiest thing Emily had ever seen, so she quickly tried to get away from the vampires, but every time she shined the flashlight around the tomb, she saw vampires everywhere. Not paying attention where she was going, Emily tripped over one of the vampires and almost landed face first into the hard ground. Emily quickly tried to find her flashlight, and when she did it was shined on a vampire who suddenly opened his eyes and all Emily could see was the hunger in his eyes. Emily yelled out in fright and quickly stood up from the ground and tried to turn away from the vampires, but she did, she came face to face with a healthy vampire, Anna.

Anna shined the small flashlight she had in her hand at the older Gilbert sister and smiled fakely, "you must have a taste for it." Anna moved closer towards Emily, "you scream and shriek and even bother to escape, but then you just come right back to it."

Emily backed away slowly, not wanting to be to close to the vampire that was still mad about her escaping with Elena and Bonnie. She suddenly tripped over two sets of feet but caught herself before she fell. Emily shined her flashlight on the vampire, and when she did, Anna yelped, "mother!"

Anna bent down next to her mother before turning towards Emily in anger, "your friend did this, you know."

"Giuseppe Salvatore did this," Emily corrected the vampire.

Anna stood up from the ground and moved closer towards Emily, "and Jonathan Gilbert." Anna paused before continuing, "I made a choice a long time ago that it would be Gilbert blood that brought her back to life." Anna shrugged carelessly, "I had Jeremy all ready to go but..."

Emily realized what Anna wanted from her, so she quickly turned around and tried to run out of the tomb but she had no chance against vampire speed. Anna sped in front of her and grabbed onto Emily's wrist and took a large bite causing Emily to yell out in pain. Once the blood started to flow from the wound, Anna pushed Emily towards the ground and pulled Emily's wrist up to her mother's mouth.

Emily tried to pull her wrist away from the hungry vampire and pleaded, "stop! You don't have to do this!"

Anna ignored the Gilbert girl and spoke to her mother softly, "I'm gonna get you out."

"Let her go!" A new voice suddenly yelled.

Emily swiftly was lifted from the ground and away from the vampires very hungry mouth. Emily quickly spun around and saw it was Stefan who saved her. She didn't have time to relax before Stefan commanded, "go! Go! I'm right behind you."

Emily didn't bother to wait another moment before she dashed around the tomb, trying to find away from the hungry vampires with a bleeding wrist. Finally, Emily saw a brightness ahead of her, and realized that it was the entrance of the tomb. She quickened up her speed before running right through the entrance. As soon as Emily walked through the entrance, Elena came rushing towards her and pulled Emily into a tight hug. Emily hugged her sister back, thankfully to be away from the hungry vampires.

"Emily," Bonnie spoke carefully. "Stefan..." Bonnie trailed off.

Emily looked back at the tomb confused, "he was right behind me." Emily stared at the tomb for a moment before Stefan arrived, but he didn't walk through the entrance. "Stefan, what are you doing?" Emily questioned in confusion.

"It's gonna be okay," Bonnie promised, "we'll fix it."

"What happened?" Emily quickly turned towards the two Bennett witches.

"I can't," Stefan mumbled from the edge of the tomb.

Emily looked at Stefan with wide eyes, "you can't what?"

Elena spoke sadly beside her sister, "he's stuck. The spell is still up."

Emily looked over at her sister in shock, "and you let him go in there!"

"We heard you scream, Emmie. This was the only way to protect you," Elena tried to explain to her sister.

Emily nodded her head, she knew it was the right thing to do but now Stefan was stuck inside of the tomb and she didn't know if the witches could even do the spell to get him out. Emily grabbed onto her sister's arm out of nervousness for her best friend.

"We won't be able to hold the seal for long," Grams told Stefan who nodded his head and moved back into the tomb.

The two Bennett witches began to chant the spell once again and after a few more moments, the torches began to flare up. Elena turned towards the entrance of the tomb and mumbled, "I think it's working."

Suddenly Anna came walking slowly out of the tomb with her mother. Emily pulled Elena behind her while staring hard at the two vampires. "I just wanted my mother back," Anna tried to explain. "Jeremy's fine. He's outside. I won't touch him." Anna continued her way out of the tomb and up onto solid ground.

Grams noticed the flames began to falter, so she yelled out, "Bonnie, keep going!" Grams turned towards the two sisters, "they better hurry."

"Stefan, they can't hold it much longer!" Elena yelled into the tomb.

Suddenly the flames went even lower. Emily glanced over at her sister, who had a scared facial expression. Emily grabbed Elena's hand before running into the tomb. She knew Elena was going to, but she wasn't going to let the same thing happen to Elena that happened to her. The two girls ran as fast as they could until they heard shouting and ran towards the voices. Once they stopped, they saw the two brothers arguing. Elena quickly shouted, "Damon! Please!"

Damon stared at Elena with a hard expression before stomping out of the small space and walked towards the entrance of the tomb with the two Gilbert sisters and Stefan following quickly behind. As soon as Stefan stepped out of the tomb, the large door closed behind him and flames went away from the torches.

After Emily took a deep breath, she remembered what Anna had said and quickly ran up the stairs of the underground tomb and made her way through the woods, looking for her brother. Emily quickly spotted a body lying on the wooded ground, she sprinted towards the body when she noticed it was her little brother. Emily heard footsteps, but didn't turn around since she already knew it was Stefan and Elena. Stefan leaned over Jeremy and listened for his heartbeat, once he did he looked at the two worried sisters, "he's okay."

Emily gasped when she heard Jeremy groan. She hugged her brother closely towards her chest. Emily was beyond worried about her brother that Anna had hurt him, but he was okay which Emily thankful for. Emily glanced over Jeremy's shoulder and saw Elena walk slowly towards Damon and hug him. Emily sighed lowly, she knew Elena felt bad about Katherine not being in the tomb, but it wasn't her fault. Maybe it was for best, for everyone.

While Elena went with Bonnie to take Grams home, Emily wanted to make sure her brother got home safely. She needed to know that he was okay and safe so he could forget about this horrible day.

Emily walked into Jeremy's room with a glass of water and a couple of Aspirin pills. She handed them carefully to Jeremy before asking, "how's your head?"

"Uh, it's alright," Jeremy mumbled. He looked up at his older sister, "I just wish I knew how I passed out. I didn't drink that much, I swear."

Emily gave Jeremy a soft smile, "I believe you." Emily looked at Jeremy in wonder, "do you remember anything?"

Jeremy shook his head, "the whole thing is pretty cloudy. I just... I know how this looks." Jeremy looked down at the glass in his hands, "I'm sorry."

Emily grabbed the glass from Jeremy's hand and sat it on his desk before squeezing Jeremy's hand lovingly, "it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong and I trust you."

Jeremy gave his older sister a small smile and nodded, "yeah, okay."

Emily gave Jeremy a smile and squeezed his hand, "I'm going to go head over Bonnie's where Elena is right now." Emily looked at her brother in worry, "are you sure you are okay? You don't need me to stay?"

Jeremy shook his head, "I'm just going to crash."

Emily looked at Jeremy for a long moment before nodding her head and walked towards the door. "Jenna's here if you need anything and if you need to talk, just call me." Emily smiled at her brother one last time and spoke, "I love you, Jer. Good night."

Jeremy gave Emily a real smile, "I love you too."

Once she made sure Jeremy was okay, Emily made her way downstairs and towards her car. She glad that at least one of her siblings would be okay tonight. Jeremy was the last person she wanted involved in the vampire world, but somehow he squeezed his way in the between it. Emily wanted to protect her little brother from everything vampires as best as she could. Jeremy didn't deserved to be involved in this life.

Once Emily had arrived at Grams' house, she made her way towards the kitchen where she heard voices. When she walked in, she saw Elena was on the phone who gave her a small smile before returning to her phone call. Emily realized it must had been Stefan. She walked further into the kitchen and saw Bonnie making tea. Emily moved towards Bonnie and questioned softly, "how are you doing?"

Bonnie gave the older Gilbert a small smile but sighed, "I'm tired but I will be okay."

Emily nodded her head, "do you need any help?"

Bonnie shook her head while holding up a teacup in hand but then she turned back to Emily with a small smile, "could you clean up in here?"

Emily chuckled at Bonnie, "of course. Just relax, I got this." Bonnie gave Emily a thankful look before moving out of the kitchen.

Emily was washing some of the dishes Bonnie had used to make a cup of tea, but suddenly she heard yelling. She quickly dried her hands off before moving towards the yelling with Elena quickly following behind her. Once Emily walked into the room, she saw Bonnie yelling for her Grams.

"Grams! Grams! Wake up!" Bonnie yelled before looking at the two girls helplessly, "she's not breathing!"

While Elena pulled out her phone to dial for help, Emily quickly jogged towards the bed where the older witch laid. Emily looked over at Grams carefully and noticed she wasn't breathing. Emily couldn't believe her eyes. All she could hear was Bonnie yelling out for Grams. Suddenly Bonnie jumped away from the bed before coming back with a grimoire. "I'm gonna fix it!" Bonnie exclaimed while wiping the tears from her eyes. "I can fix this!"

Emily looked over at friend sadly, she knew this feeling very well, being in denial. Emily grabbed Bonnie's hand softly, stopping her friends shaking hands from flipping through the old book. "Bonnie," Emily called out.

"No! No!" Bonnie yelled and tried to flip through the book again. "I can fix this! Grams, I can fix this!"

Elena walked over to her best friend and carefully pulled the grimoire from Bonnie's hands while Emily quickly pulled her friend into a tight hug. "Bonnie," Emily mumbled sadly with tears in her own eyes. Grams had always held a special part of Emily's heart. She was family for Emily since the Gilbert's didn't have many family members. But all she could do was hold her friend close to her like she had to do with her siblings. There was no words that would make Bonnie feel better, so she just held her friend closely to her while Bonnie cried her heart out. Emily glanced up at her sister who was watching with tearful eyes as well. Elena walked slowly and sat and next to Bonnie and grabbed onto her best friend's hand tightly. The two sisters knew that Bonnie just needed them to be there for her at the moment, that's the only thing they could do when something like this happens.  

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