
By fantasy_differ

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'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

Quick ch.1
Quick ch.2
Quick ch.3
Quick ch.4
Quick ch.5
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Quick ch.10
Quick ch.11
Quick ch.12
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Quick ch.18
Quick ch.19
Quick ch.20
Quick ch.22
Quick ch.23
Quick ch.24
Quick ch.25
Quick ch.26
Quick ch.27
Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.30
Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.34
Quick ch.35
Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
Quick ch.43
Quick ch.44

Quick ch.21

359 11 5
By fantasy_differ

I sat on my wooden stool, in front of the large canvas with a paint brush in my hand. It has been awhile since I painted, my inspiration levels were low and my mind was occupied. Now it was clear like the sky, everything that happened the past two weeks were now slipping out the window slowly, and I had a few ideas on my mind. One of them being to paint two goddess under the sun near the sea; that was my other track of mind talking, the mind that's stuck on Violet.

If anything else, Violet would be the one to occupy my mind- she hypnotize me without being near. Just thinking about her makes me feel something new, a spark went off in my chest; it was small but also powerful. Whatever it is, it's going to cause some serious issues with my mind and body.

"..Whoa, that's graphic." Mike said while hovering over me, he came in here in search of advice and money; but before he could beg me for such, he has gotten distracted with my art.

The painting wasn't for innocent eyes. The goddess were naked, only a thing silk cloth covering their private parts and instead of basking in the sun, they were fucking under the sun. Not only my other side of my mind were on Violet, but it was on sex as well. Like I said, Violet hypnotized me; not just with her eyes, but with sex as well. During the week we had times to ourselves, she showed me new and improved positions for sex; we had toys, music in the background, she talks dirty to me, roughed me up, and even had me take control. The two times I had sex, it was all just me being on the bottom and they're fingering me- not that I'm complaining, a girl would like to get eat out once in a while.

I set my paint brush down and looked away from my not yet finished art piece. "My wallet is in my purse, only take out ten dollars."

Mike ignored my comment and kept staring at my artwork, "Aren't you supposed to be doing this cat portrait or something?"

"I do, but I have to go to the woman's house later today. Aren't you supposed to be at practice or something?"

Mike looked away from my work and stared down at me, "It's Saturday, no practice on Saturday. Actually I'm supposed to meet up with my friends in Times Square."

"And you're just telling me this now?" I stood to my feet, which was no use because he was still taller than me but one and a half head. "And what were you going to do with ten dollars anyway?"

Mike raised an eyebrow at me, "I need to put money on my bus card and I barely have money myself to go shopping. I'll pay you back."

I waved that last sentence off, "Don't bother. Here." I walked to my purse to take out my wallet. "Here's thirty." I gave him a crisp twenty and ten- it was the only cash I had in my wallet, the rest of my money were on my card. "Text me if you need anymore cash, I can transfer it to you."

Mike grabbed the money from my hands with a kind smile, "Thanks sis.."

"Don't 'thanks sis' me, Mister. This was still last minute, next time give me a week heads up."

"Got you. Good luck on the art thing." He walked out my room and soon the front door.

I decided to give my painting some rest and wake Neavia up, since I would have to take her into work today.


"...Try not to touch anything, okay." I said as soon as we stepped to the luxurious Upper East Side penthouse that cost more than my life insurance. Neavia held onto my hand as she looked around in amazement, I knew she had the itch to touch anything and everything- that's why I said what I said.

"Miss Higgins is in the living room," The housekeeper that invited us in said while gesturing towards the open living room space.

"Thanks," I adjusted the painting item on my other arm, the canvas and paints were slowly getting heavy, luckily I had Neavia with me to hold the brushes. An older woman with pepper hair pinned up in a fancy bun, a pink suit that cost more than my rent, a diamond ring of a size as a rock and a cat under her arm- a hug fluffy fur ball that made Neavia squeal in excitement.

I kept Neavia at bay, I did not know how this woman would react to a child running around. Mostly every old rich woman I encounter does not like children, from the look on her face- nor did she. "Hello," I first greeted, causing her to look away from my innocent little sister. "I am Kaxity White, Linnea pointed you out to me."

The woman looked at me up and down in a judging way. I wore my painting clothes; paint stained sweats, shirt and my dark green converse- it wasn't presentable, I knew that but I'm not going to ruin my fancy clothing for this. "Very well," Her already thin lips turned thinner. "You can set up near the window for better lighting,"

We scurried to the patio window and I quickly set up while Miss Higgins gathered up all the cats she wanted in the painting, hopefully they can stay still. "Neav, go sit on the couch and play." I unlocked her little ipad and immediately went into a gaming app.

Neavia eyes lit up once she saw and held the iPad that seemed large in her little hands. She took a seat on the couch further away from us, but still in view distance.

"First," I woke up while taking out my Fijifilm Instanx camera. "I'm going to do a few snaps just in case on of your cats decides to up and leave during the painting." I took a few, only two snaps and placed the film to the side. I grabbed onto my paintbrush before observing my models, then I went to work.

It took a few hours to finish the artwork, luckily the cats were too lazy to even move. Miss Higgins kept quiet and still, it seems like she has done this a billion times. "I am done, Miss Higgins." I set the dirty paint brush down and stood to my feet. Neavia was fast asleep on the couch, iPad still in hand.

Miss Higgins set the gray ball of fur down on its four feet, it shook its tail before strolling off to god know where. She stood to her feet and made her way around the canvas to examine my work, critique it. She rubbed her chin before saying: "Excellent work, darling. Here," she stuff a rod of money in my hands. "I would surly spread your name to my fellow friends and colleagues."

I looked down at the rod of money that you would only see in rap videos, I choked on air. "T-thank you. However the painting is only three hundred dollars, this seems six hundred extra."

Miss Higgins laughed in my face, "One thing about business sweetheart, always up your price for rich folks like myself."

"Oh thanks." I stuffed the money in my pocket and started to pack up my belongings. "Have a nice day," I picked Neavia up from the couch, not before wiping my hands clean and my brushes.


I went through my closet, fussing and cursing my way through dresses that's not exactly made for such formal events. I was stuck in my purple lace bra and thong, undergarments Violet brought me from Victoria Secret. I stomped my foot on the groan like a child, trying to think of o should go through my mother's closet; but her dresses wouldn't fit because she's thicker than me.


A sharp knock came upon the door, I immediately grabbed my robe and put it on before the door could open. I let out a deep sigh of relief once I saw those sugar gray eyes, but then I panicked once more when she saw I wasn't ready.

"Good thing you didn't pick anything out yet," Violet comment while closing the door with her foot. She then displayed a beautiful dress, made of silk; it was long, a V-neck opening that would show cleavage and spaghetti straps. Formal and sexy.

Violet already wore her dress; a short long sleeve red dress that stopped at her knees and began at the base of her neck- plain, formal and sexy. "I brought this yesterday, I should of shown it to you sooner."

"It's fine, thanks. I was about to have a panic attack, if you haven't come sooner." I grabbed the dress by looping my finger on the straps and laying it flat on my bed. "Luckily I went with a natural look with my makeup."

Violet stood behind me, she placed butterfly kissed along my neck, up to my ear lobe. "I brought you shoes as well, it's downstairs by the steps."

"Thanks, I'll meet you downstairs." I'm afraid if Violet stayed in my room as I get dressed, we would never leave in time.

She did not protest, she also understood where I came from. "Okay."


The charity party was set in a mansion in New Jersey, there were a lot of older rich individuals participating in such a party; I felt out a place, just a little. Violet stayed by my side as soon as we walked in, she introduced me to several colleagues her father use to work with. Bed believe I was nervous as hell.

Violet noticed my nervousness and kissed my cheek, "Relax," she tugged me along, deeper into the crowd of rich folks that swelled like expensive cologne and money. It made my stomach twist, but I sucked it up and kept my head held high.

Soft classic music started to play in the background, the floor started to spread out to leave space for a dance floor. A few couples started to dance in their small invisible spaces.

"Want to dance?" Violet whispered in my ear.

I eyed the dance floor that was slowly increasing with bodies, "Um, sure. But wouldn't it be a little odd? We're surrounded by rich white people that has closed minds and probably voted for Trump."

Violet brows raised from my statement, "Most of these people here is either my families business partner or my employees. They won't say shit unless they want to be unemployed and living off their last months check."

I admired her courage and attitude. V had strength and confidence like no other, it turned me on; made my skin warm and heart pace increase. "Suadela, you're so sexy."

Violet smirked before tugging me to the dance floor, she put one hand on my waist- obviously taking lead. My eyes wandered around the large room to everyone staring us down and whispering amongst themselves, but none dared to speak out. All must be afraid of Violet and her family's name.

Violet pulled me closer to her body before kissing my exposed neck, not caring about hundred pairs of eyes on us. "Just relax, okay. No one will harm you."

"I'm not really worried about them harming me."

Violet sighed while standing straight to look into my eyes, "Reputation again, huh?"

I did not say anything, but my silence was enough to answer her question. Violet dragged me off the dance floor, past the thick crowd and up a set of stairs so we were inside a random large bedroom. She immediately indulged me in a passionate kiss that made my legs wobbly.

I pulled away with a smirk upon my face, "We can't have sex in this room, or in a strangers home. It's disrespectful."

Violet scoffed while pulling me back into her chest, "It's quite thrilling, isn't it? I mean, anytime someone can walk in here and see us fucking." The back of my knees hits the edge of the bed, making me lay back on the cloud like bed. "You need to stop worrying, Aphrodite. You'll get gray hairs." She kissed along my neck and down my exposed cleavage.

As she attacked me with her sinful lips, Violet pulled my dress up to my waist to expose my purple lace underwear. "Sexy," She mumbled against my skin.

My head tilted back into the thick sheets once I felt her fingers enter my wet core. "Oh fuck. W-we can't do this- oh god baby." The sensation of her tongue going down my warm skin and soon licking my sensitive bundle of nerve; sucking and biting. I gripped her hair, pushing her deep into my legs and holding her there until I fell apart. "Shit!"

Violet chuckled while running her hands through her hair, "Feel better?"

I slowly nod my head yes, "Hell yeah. But we were lucky that no one walked in, let's go." I sat up and adjusted the straps on my shoulders.

Violet laid back onto the bed, the complete opposite on what I wanted to do. "Stay and relax, come on." She tugged me down next to her. "I love how sexy you are when you're frustrated." She sweep a lock of my hair out of my face.

I chuckled at her comment, "I love it when you don't follow rules."

"I love your moans."

"I love your tongue."

"I love your imperfections,"

"I love your perfections."

"I love you."

My breath was caught in my throat, eyes widened and heart rate increased. "Uh, wow. I-"

"...Seriously?!" An intruder walked into the room, or should I say owner of this nice mansion. "Out the bed! Now!" The older woman yelled out, her face turning red with anger and embarrassment.

I stood to my feet immediately and pulled my dress down so it can cover my private part. "Sorry," I chanted as a dark red hue spread up my neck and to my cheeks.

Violet took a her damn time, she eventually stood to her feet with a devious smirk upon her face. "Sorry, Aunt Jessie."

"Aunt?!" I said in disbelief. I looked between the two, examining their features. Both rocked short brown hair with blonde streaks; a natural hair color, tall and skinny frame, and sugar gray eyes; they were practically twins. However Violet's skin held a kiss by the sun glow, while her Aunt was pale as a ghost- probably because she just caught a half naked woman in her bed with her niece.

"Aunt Jessie, this is Kaxity my girlfriend. Kaxity, this is my Aunt; Jessie Hunt. My father's side of course." Violet was so calm with her words, as if she done this before; I wouldn't be surprised.

Jessie shook her head in disappointment, "Your father is here, clean yourself up. Now!" She slammed the door shut, knocking a few pictures off the wall.

I flopped down on the bed and looked down in embarrassment, "Oh my gosh, this can't be happening."

Violet laughed, literally laughed as if this whole situation is hilarious. Maybe on her part, she'll get a slap on the wrist while I'm being judged by her family. They're probably judging me now, probably calling me all type of slutty slurs. "Don't worry Aphrodite, my family doesn't care about this. Yeah my aunt seems a little pissed, but she's just trying to make a first impression- you know, trying to show that she's not as laid back as I see her to be. Besides, this is my room; I usually crash here when I'm in New Jersey, instead of paying for an hotel room."

That made me feel slightly better, but her family's reaction was no longer on my mind. She said those three words, and trust when I say I feel numb- a good type of numb. My insides has already melted away and my heart has exploded in millions of pieces- I was shocked and surprised. "Violet, what you-"

"We should go now, we don't want to keep them waiting. Come." Violet walked towards the door and I followed.

It could have never been so crowded, the air was thick and the soft music seemed loud against my ear drums. I was panicking, I squeezed Violet's hand multiple times as she lead the way through the thick crowd until she stopped in front of her Aunt and a nice looking couple. I assume it's her dad and step-mother.

You would say they would be considered as your average all American souther old married couple- without the large Texan hat and republican attitude.

"Mom, dad. Surprised to see you two here." Violet said with a wide innocent smile.

Mister Hunt seems like the type of father to fall for his daughter's smile, while Misses Hunt and her aunt were not fazed by Violet's smile- they were immune to it, being that they use that trick back on the day to their own fathers.

"Sweetheart, who is your friend?" Their eyes cut to me, two pairs of sugar grey eyes and one pair of emerald eyes. It was intense and it made me want to full back into the crowd. However Violet looped an arm around my waist and kept me still.

"This is Kaxity, my girlfriend."

"Hello," I said while forcing a smile so I wouldn't look scared. "Nice to meet you all."

"Kaxity," Misses Hunt tested out my name on her tongue. "I heard a few things about you, I had to force Violet nowadays to talk about her personal life."

Violet groaned while slowly rolling her eyes, "Not technically, I've been busy with work-"

"Mmhm, sure you were." Jessie comment while taking a sip of her champagne. "Man, I will kill for something stronger right now."

"Jessie," Mister Hunt said in a warning voice. "Calm yourself, we have special company."

If he's worried about giving off the best impression for me, than I would say 'don't bother'.. I already humiliated myself... "You have a lovely home." I said towards Jessie, who I'm not yet sure what I should call her. If I say miss Hunt, then that would be confusing- considering Violet's step-mother. But she's a Misses. Christ!..

"Call me Jess," I guess she noticed my internal battle of frustration. She gave me a warm smile, I finally noticed her skin became darker slightly; showing her slightly pale skin. It was of a milky white hue, reminds me of a vampire sorta- either she barely gets out the house or she puts on her good sun block.

"Instead of calling me Misses Hunt, you can just call me Z- short of Zachary." Misses Hunt, or should I say Z jumped on board as well. "So Kaxity, what do you do for a living?"

"Wow," Violet said while taking two flutes full of champagne off a silver tray going by. "Go ahead and jump right in, shall we. Next thing you know it, they'll be asking you about your 401k." She handed me a flute and I immediately held it tight in my hand.

"Calm down, Ginger..." Mister Hunt said while rolling his eyes. "We just want to know the girl."

"Ginger?" I question. "That's your middle name?"

Violet's cheeks immediately turned red in embarrassment and her body suddenly went stiff but she pushed it away, "Not the best name, I would say." She mumbled so only I would hear.

"Well, Mister Hunt-"


"Alexander, I am a painter. At the moment I am doing portraits for fellow wealthy New Yorkers." I stated.

"A artist, interesting." Z tapped her chin as she thought. "Why don't you come to an art gallery with me next Friday, in New York? It's supposed to be a huge event and mostly every famous artist supposed to be there."

My forced smile has now turned into a willing one, my fast beating heart slowed down and my nervousness died down. "Wow, I would love to."

"Great. Surly Violet will give me you address so I can send my driver to you."

Violet downed her drunk then and there before setting it on another tray that went by. I have not yet touched my drink, it was still tight in my hands. "That's all great, but Kaxity and I should be going."

"Really?" I questioned. "We just got here." I pointed out.

"But you can't have Mike and Neavia alone in the house all night. Her younger siblings." Violet explained. "Come along." She set my full glass on a near by table and tugged me out of the crowd and place.

"What was all that about?" I said once we were settled on her car.

Violet huffed while gripping the steering wheel, "I didn't want them all up in your business. As soon as you get settled around them, they'll ask all sorts of questions; personal questions."

"Wouldn't they just look at my background file?" I said, pinpointing the actions V took to get to know me.

Violet lips twitches into a cocky smile, "Well, my method did work. But they wouldn't do that, they're very old fashioned; Z would probably ask you all sorts of questions about your life when you two go to that gallery. Dammit, I can't even attend- I have a meeting that night that I've been pushing off for the past week. Christ, I hate meetings."

I chuckled at her odd frustration, "That's what it takes to be a boss, Ginger."

Her body suddenly went stiff, the air was no longer loose and playful; instead it was dark and frustrating. "D-Don't call me that, okay. I hate that name, it brings bad luck and...memories. Just promise me you won't call me that."

I was confused, really confused. Not too long ago her father called her that, but she do not exactly smile and laugh at it. "Okay, I promise."

She was no longer stiff, the air between went back to being loose and playful. "Good."

"Violet," I said while exhaling.

"Yes, Aphrodite?"

"I- What you said in the room, this three words..."

Her smile suddenly dropped with unease, "Yeah, about that..."

"It's fine, I'm not mad or anything."

"Oh, okay. Then what's the problem? I said it too soon, didn't I- that's what I was afraid of."

"Well," I started to say, but never finished. I was lost for words, literally; my mind ran blank on what to say next. Should I say is back? If I did it'll seem forced. Should I stay quiet? That would make things awkward... Crap! What do I do?!... "Let's listen to music." I turned the knob for the volume. To my luck a good pop song was playing, but it was more like a love song that I love myself. I quickly turned the station to R&B, nothing there was playing love songs on a Saturday night; mainly club music.

The music filled the air, but it did not decrease that awkward tension; not one bit.

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