
By fantasy_differ

13.9K 489 57

'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

Quick ch.1
Quick ch.2
Quick ch.3
Quick ch.4
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Quick ch.11
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Quick ch.19
Quick ch.21
Quick ch.22
Quick ch.23
Quick ch.24
Quick ch.25
Quick ch.26
Quick ch.27
Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.30
Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.34
Quick ch.35
Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
Quick ch.43
Quick ch.44

Quick ch.20

299 11 0
By fantasy_differ

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, even though the weather forecast called for a huge storm. The sky was gray, air cold, slight drops of rain coated the windows, cars and people who unfortunately did not carry an umbrella. The weather did not stop Linnea from going out and dragging Neavia, Mike, Irvine and I out with her. She practically pushed us into her black five seater BMW and drove us to New Jersey. We really don't know why, she said it was a surprise- I hated surprises.

Neavia was quite happy, Mike and Irvine did not want to leave the house that day, and I could not stop thinking about Violet. All this week, Violet and I have been fucking like rabbits every chance we got.

I stared out into the world, the storm was going to roll through any moment now; but it still did not stop Linnea. She apparently has a plan to give us a fun day, being that she wore jeans and a t-shirt; an unusual attire for her unless she's going to plant in her garden.

"You guys are going to have fun, I swear." She said with a huge grin on her face.

"Om det här är något sätt att söka mig, kommer det inte att fungera." Irvine said in a low voice while looking at her mother from the passenger seat. Whatever Irvine said, it made Linnea's smile disappear immediately.

"Jag gör det inte bara för dig, du kan vara min enda bloddotter men du är inte min enda "barn"." Linnea snapped back, obviously she had enough with Irvine's low attitude.

It's been a week... A week since Susan's suicide and when Irvine tried to speak with James. I knew Irvine would try to talk to James soon, since she gave him enough time to get himself together.

Irvine scoffed while looking out the window as well. "Whatever." She mumbled.

As soon as we crossed state lines, there was no more rain- only clear skies and sunshine. Linnea became happy once again, she turned up the radio and danced in her seat to the latest pop song. Mike groaned and put his ear bugs in to listen to some awful rap song kids listen to nowadays.

A few hours went by, Neavia was fast asleep in her car seat, Irvine kept staring out the window, Mike listened to his music while I kept fantasizing about Violet; her naked body, sugar gray eyes, hair, touch and taste. Oh god her taste!.. I can still taste it upon my tongue- sweet and a little tangy.

"We're here," Linnea sung out while driving into the large entrance.

Six Flags New Jersey sign reflected on us as we drove by. No wonder Linnea wanted to travel far with casual clothing on. "Seriously? Six Flags?" Irvine questioned.

Linnea ignored her daughter's comment and paid for parking. She found a good parking spot where we still had to walk, but not too far. "Alright, everyone out."

"Neavia," I wiggles her arms to wake her up from deep slumber. "Wake up, we're here."

She yawned while rubbing her eyes, "Here?"

I unbuckled her from her seat with a huge smile upon my face, "Yeah, here. Six Flags."

Neavia gave me an confused look, only because mom and dad never took her to Six Flags; considering that she's young. We were out the car sooner than later, making our way to the ticket stand. Linnea took Neavia's hand as she brought our tickets; I wanted to pitch in for Mike and Neavia tickets, but Linnea put up a fight. Of course I'm going to pay for the food.

Irvine and I walked along side each other while the others started to walk off and get on rides. "Hey," I nudged her side. "What's up?"

Irvine shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing. Just tired. I-I'm thinks about calling James tonight, after all of this." She gestured towards the crowded amusement park.

"O-okay, but just prepare..."

"I know."

"Come on you two!" Linnea yelled back at us while waving her arms, Neavia has done the same- mimicking her movements.

"Jag jävlar hatar den här skiten." Irvine mumbled while crossing her arms with a pout.


The next day was...how can I say this? Exhausting? Frustrating? Crazy? Maybe all three. Irvine called James that same night we went to six flags, it did not end pretty. She ended up calling me that same night, crying her eyes out because James said some awful things.

I knew it wasn't a right time for Irvine call, but if I stopped her or cause her to wait even longer than before- she would go into deep depression if she kept acting like the world is always gray. Now she's sad and angry, two emotions I would rather have her feel than depression and hurt.

Irvine sat next to me, her head on my shoulder, legs tucked underneath her, eyes red from crying, and body covered by a comfy blanket as she cradled a beer I brought with me not too long ago. She sighed heavily before finishing her second beer, while I was still on my first one. "I fucking hate this," She mumbled as she cracked open another beer. "I heard Susan killed herself after Jeffery broke up with her, talk about crazy."

"Wow," I simply said while setting my half empty beer on the coffee table. "Don't take James words personally, okay. He's still grieving."

"Whatever," She mumbled knowing it was true. "I just want to get drunk off of cheap beer and Romance drama,"

"While you do that, I'm going to make us something to eat. You need to fill your belly before you take anymore beer." I stated before getting up. I made my way to our kitchen and pulled out every pan I would use.

I started to cook a simple meal- grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup- the only meal Irvine would eat and have it stay down.

"Here you go," I set the plate and bowl down in front of her, as well as a cup of ice water. "Eat up."

Irvine gave me a look, brows raised in question. "You're not eating?"

I shook my head no while taking my spot next to her, "Nope, I'm not hungry."

Irvine frown at me before splitting the sandwich in half and giving me half the piece. "Eat."

I took the sandwich and took a small bite, "Happy now?"

"Yup. Talk to me, distract me from James."

I scoffed while taking a bigger bite out of the sandwich, which is delicious. "Well, your mom gave me another connection of hers; I have to do a portrait painting of this old woman and her six cats." I chuckled.

"Stuck up old white rich woman, I can't." Irvine shook her head while laughing.

"Watch it, in forty more years that could be you- but with poodles and chihuahuas."

Irvine nudged my side, "Whatever. Talk to me about your love life."

"Love life? There's nothing to it."

"Of course there is," Irvine sat up to give me her full attention. "Come on, did you two confess y'all love for each other yet?"

I choked, almost. The piece of bread was so close to my windpipe, I had to take a moment to get myself together. "No, we are not on that level. Nowhere near that level."

Irvine pouted and finished her sandwich before picking up the warm bowl of soup. "Aw, tell me some more. Have you two been out on dates?"

"Not really. She'll cook for me, we'll watch a movie and then fuck and fuck again and again, until we were tired." I shrugged my shoulders.

Irvine sipped on the soup with amusement in her eyes, "Wow, I'm envious."

I chuckled while shaking my head, "It's interesting, I gotta say. I asked for her number."

Setting her empty bowl down, Irvine grabbed the cup of water. "Number? As in phone number? Or fuck number?"

"Fuck number, it's a lot."

"A lot. Like ten? Fifteen?"

"She didn't say the actual number, Violet just said she'll be classified as a whore. Quote n' quote."

Irvine sipped on the water, obviously intrigued with this little story of mine. "I call thirty or so. Women? Men? Both? Orgy? She probably did a orgy. That's so hot."

I ran my fingers through my fro and let out a deep breath. "Yeah well, yeah."

"That doesn't mean Violet will be a whore- quote n' quote- while in a relationship with you."

"I know, just feels like I'm a teenage girl all over again- the virgin who would always follow the bad girl. There was Joe and TJ-"

"Whoa whoa, don't compare Violet to Joe- especially not TJ." Irvine suddenly pinched my cheek. "But the sec seems good, right?"

"Awesome...fantastic...mind blowing. I just-" I couldn't contain my smile and blush. My phone buzzed on the coffee table, taking both of our attention. I grabbed the phone and blushed even more.

Aphrodite, I was thinking of you all morning. Are you available for dinner?..
~Rich Girl V

I sighed heavily before biting my lip and typing.

Sorry, Mike has a game today. Rain check?
~Natural K

Okay.. How about I take all three of you out to dinner after the game? Would you like that?..
~Rich Girl V

Yeah, we would like that.
~Natural K

I set my phone aside and gave Irvine my full attention, she did not mind my sudden lack of attention. She gave me a smug look, knowing it was Violet who was texting me at that moment. "Another invite for a hot fuck?"

I chuckled while shaking my head, "More like an invite for a family dinner after Mike's game. You're coming, right?"

"Of course, Mike would be pissed if I didn't. Besides I wouldn't miss you cuddling up to Violet for the world. Be like: 'Hashtag Relationship Goals' or 'Aww *heart eyes* I wish that was me and my future bae'. All that jazz they do on twitter."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, "Violet and I aren't as affectionate outside closed doors."

"How would y'all know? You two apparently never leave the house, or went on a dinner date. I have a point, I know I do." Irvine dismissed the subject once she picked up her own phone and started to type away.


I was never a sport watching fan, but Mike's basketball game had me intrigued. They were 46-50; Mike's team was four points off, but it seems like they catch up in no time- only if the coach would let Mike play a little bit more. Coach Frost has been around for a while, probably past years before I walked into this school. He was a old muscular man that's always been a DILF in my eyes, when I was younger- now he was a man getting on my nerves.

Coach Frost turned to the rest of the players and called a students name before turning back to the floor. "Brown! Step out!"

"What?!" I stood to my feet in protest. "Are you serious, Coach!" I yelled out, of course he ignored me and my other rants. Irvine pulled me back down on the bleacher before I could hop over the three bleachers and people in front of us.

"Calm down tiger," She said while patting my shoulder.

"It's not fair, obviously Mike is doing better than most of the boys on this damn team. Christ, this must be punishment for last week- I would have to speak to Principal Charles."

"It's only the second quarter, don't worry."

I blew raspberries while eyeing the score board. 46-52... Fuck!.. "They're going to slaughter us."

Irvine chuckled, not at my comment but the way Neavia was playing with her hair. "Your sister worries too much." Neavia laughed before nodding her head in agreement.

I playfully rolled my eyes at them before scanning the floor, however the game nor the scoreboard caught my eye- it was the pair of sugar gray eyes that locked into mine from the entrance. It seemed like everything around me froze and only the both of us were in the large room. My heart picked up pace, my palms formed sweat, and breathing became rapid. The more she neared, the more I lost myself in her eyes. God her eyes... They trapped me so darn easily.

The sound of the loud buzz knocked me out of her trance, I took on a deep breath and averted my eyes to the scoreboard. 48-52... Half time was only ten minutes, enough time to relax and pray that Mike would play in the other half.

"Hey," Her voice was smooth like velvet in my ear, it made my spine shiver. "What did I miss?"

I turned to her with a small smile, "Well, the coach is keeping Mike from playing in the first two quarters. Now they're killing us." I gestured towards the score board.

Violet placed a hand on my lower back, at that moment I was chill as a sloth. "I'm sure they'll catch up in the other half."

"That's what I'm saying," Irvine scoffed beside me.

"Hello Irvine and Neavia." Violet cooed once she spotted Neavia's adorable face.

"Violet," Neavia practically crawled all over our laps to give Violet a hug.

"Hey, I thought you were going to hang out with me- traitor." Irvine pouted while crossing her arms in front of her chest. Neavia laughed out from Irvine reaction and snuggles into V's chest. "Your sister bout to take your girlfriend, you better watch out."

Violet chuckled while pinching Neavia's chubby cheeks. "So adorable."

The teams came back out to the court, Mike was the last person to walk out- but instead of walking on to the court, he went straight to the sideline. I stood to my feet, my hand raised in question. "Really?!"




All three of them said my name in warning, all three pulled me back into my seat. I huffed out while crossing my arms in front of my chest. Violet twirled a lock of my hair in between her fingers and kissed my cheek, that immediately calmed me down. "Thanks," I said. "I needed that."

"Want me to give you a kiss too?" Irvine teased while giving me a look while inching her face towards me.

I rolled my eyes at her while nudging her side, "Get out of my face."

"I'll give you kiss, Sissy." Neavia kissed my forehead, making me smile at her.


The restaurant Violet made reservations for was a family diner, like Ruby Tuesday's and Applebee's. Unfortunately Mike's team did not win this game: 56-68... But we still had a good dinner. Violet paid for everyone by sneaking the check- that little minx, but it didn't matter- I have a way in repaying her.

"Thanks for dinner," I comment when everyone was in the house, leaving Violet and I to ourselves under the night sky and city lights.

"Welcome, I'm glad you all enjoyed it." She caressed my cheek before kissing my lips ever so softly. She pulled away slightly so she can look into my eyes. "Oh Aphrodite, the things you do to me." Her words basically came out as a whisper.

"What are the things I do to you, Suadela?" My words came out as a whisper as well.

Violet lips tugged into a smirk, "You made me fall for you, hard. You're perfect."

I shook my head in disagreement, "I'm not perfect. I have imperfections bigger than an elephant, I'm not perfect."

She kissed me once again to keep myself from explaining and describing my imperfections, "I love you're imperfections, that's why you're perfect to me,"

I could not help but smile and blush, "Wow, I never felt so giddy." If this is just saying she loves my flaws, I wonder what it will feel like if she says those four actual words. Oh god... My insides melted just thinking about it.

Violet chuckled, her cheeks also turning red. "I have to go to a charity dinner in two days; would you like to be my date?"

"Yes, I would gladly attend. Rich white people all in a large room while giving donations because they feel like they need to do this good deed to purify their money buried souls, that'll be awesome."

Violet laughed, "I'll talk to you later, get some rest." She kissed my lips before walking to her car, "Goodnight Aphrodite."

"Sweet dreams, Suadela."

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