Angel [Victor Nikiforov]

By pale-blueheart

308K 8.1K 1.1K

Shirayuki Mizore, an ice skater from Japan that's widely known. But after a fall she decides to take a break... More

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 7}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 29}
{Chapter 30}
{Chapter 31}
{Chapter 32}
{Chapter 32.5}
{Chapter 33}
{Chapter 34}
{Chapter 34.5}
{Chapter 35}
{Chapter 36}
{Chapter 37}
{Chapter 38}
{Chapter 39}
{Chapter 40}
{Thank you!}
{Christmas II}
{Christmas III}
{New Years}

{Chapter 28}

4.6K 139 24
By pale-blueheart

"Hi!" I exclaim as I meet Victor and Yuuri outside, ready to leave.

"Konbanwa! Mizore." Yuuri greets me.


Victor grins and pulls me into his chest.

"O - oh!" I exclaim as I remember and bow my head, "Yurushite, for yesterday."

(Forgive me,)

Yuuri laughs nervously, making me glance up to see him turned away, scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry for walking in unannounced..."

I smile and stand back up straight, "Well! We should get going."

"Hold on!" Yuuri announces as Victor and I have started walking off.


"Yes, Yuuri?" Victor answers, turning to face him.

"You better take care of her!"

My face flushes a light shade of pink, "Yuuri!" I exclaim quietly.

Victor laughs and looks away, looking a little embarrassed, "Of course."

"Watashi wa atode anata o torimodosudeshō!" I mutter, loud enough for Yuuri to hear.

(("I'll get you back later!"))

He smiles and chuckles, "Nani? Watashi wa anata no tame ni shiawasedesu."

(("What? I'm happy for you."))

"Baka..." I say, still hiding my face as Yuuri walks up.


As we start walking, I smile slightly, 'I'm glad Yuuri is alright with it.'

I look over to the two men and watch them talking and laughing between themselves.

'Oh god, i'll have to tell every back home...'

I groan quietly to myself.


"Hello?" I ask as I hear yelling in the background.

"Konnichiwa, Mizore." A deeper voice that expected answers.

"Oh! Takeshi!" I exclaim in surprise.

He chuckles, "Gomen. Yuuko is fighting with the girls."


I sigh and chuckle, "Same as always? She should give them a break."

Takeshi laughs before calling out, "Yuuko! Mizore says to leave them alone!"

"It's too late for them to - Mizore?"

I laugh as I hear her run over and snatch the phone out of her husband's hands.

"Mizore! Is everything okay? How's Yuuri?"

"Everything's fine. Yuuri's doing well too." I answer.

"Yay! Tell him that I wish him luck!"

"Alright." I answer with a smile.

"So how come you're calling?"

"Ah, well... you see... Wait. Are the girls close by?" I ask.

"Not anymore."

"Okay... I'mdatingVictor." I say quickly.

"Whaaaaaat?! Finally!" Yuuko yells in excitement.

I smile nervously, "Yeah..."

"Well I have to call the Katsuki family. Bye Yuuko!"


(Good bye!)

I end the call before searching for the last contact.


'Alright... where did I leave Victor and Yuuri?' I think to myself as I head back.

Turning the corner, I spot both of them.

"I'm back!" I say as I walk towards them.

"Mizore~! It's been so long since i've seen you!"

I glance to the wall opposite them and internally sigh, "Hi, JJ."

He smiles and laughs, "Aw, not happy to see me?" He asks as he sees my face.

I wouldn't say I hate JJ, but; he is one to get on my nerves.

"So. I heard you got someone now." He continues, not caring about my answer.

"Someone?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Surely it isn't a secret. You're dating someone!"

"E - eh!" I exclaim, a blush rising on my cheeks.

JJ smirks as he points to Victor, "Shouldn't you be going up?"

I let out a breath and nod, "We should."

Victor nods and taps Yuuri, causing him to take out his headphones.

"Bye JJ." I say before walking ahead before Yuuri and Victor.

Once we get there, I see Michele Crispino on the ice.

As I watch the end, I realize Victor and Yuuri have left my side.

"Whoops." I mumble to myself and walk over.

"Yuuri! Yuuko wishes you good luck!" I say as I smile at him.

As people start to realize Victor's here, they start cheering and calling out his name.

He turns and waves to them, smiling widely.

All of a sudden, Yuuri leans over and grabs Victor's tie, pulling him towards him.

"The performance has already begun, Victor." I hear Yuuri say quietly.

"You're right."

"Don't worry. I'll show my love to the  whole of Russia."

I smile softly as I watch as he pulls away and skates off.

"He's come so far... i'm so proud." I mumble, my smile growing even more.

As he starts, he blows a kiss to judges.

I chuckle to myself as he goes on.

'Wow... his doing really well.' I think to myself.

I glance over to Victor see the same thoughts going through his mind.

Going into his jumps, he lands his triple axel.

"Nice, nice. Keep going." I say quietly.

Soon he lands a quadruple salchow.

Victor and I start clapping as he says, "Yuuri! Amazing!"

I glance back to see Yuri listening to a woman. 'Hmm... she looks familiar.'

People start clapping again as Yuuri lands another jump; taking my attention back.

Once his performance is done, Victor jumps with his arms up, "Yuuri!"

"That was amazing, Yuuri!" I exclaims, leaning over the side as he skates back.

Victor suddenly looks behind me, causing me to look over.

"Sugoi, Yuri!" I mutter.


He looks amazing, his costume suddenly fits him  very well.

I glance back to Yuuri as he gets to the exit.

"Get out of my way, pig." Yuri says as Yuuri stares at him.

Both Victor and Yuuri stare at him, shocked, and their mouths wide open.

"T-this is Yurio's real agape!" Yuuri exclaims.



Both Yuuri and Victor yell and look at each other.

I chuckle, "You both look like proud parents that just realized something good about their child."

Victor laughs as he smiles back at me.

I glance over to the someone calling them and tug on Victor's sleeve.

"Come on; we have to see Yuuri's score." I say, already heading over.

"Yuuri ~ ! Come on!" Victor exclaims.

Soon enough, we're all on the seat.

Out of nervousness, I start tapping my foot.

"Woah Mizore, you're more nervous than I am." Yuuri says, laughing nervously.

"Hah, I don't think you're right." I answer.

"The score for Katsuki Yuuri. 109.97."

"You did it Yuuri!" Victor says and wraps his arm around him.

I grin and lean over to hug him, "You beat your personal best again!"

As Victor suddenly gets down, out of his chair to kiss Yuuri's skate; i'm off laughing.

Yuuri suddenly looks up and yells, "Yurio! Davai!"

(Good luck!)

"Ganba!" Victor then yells as well.

(Good luck!)

"Good luck!" I yell third and lastly.

He glares, looking annoyed before speeding off to go and start already.

I chuckle and follow Victor and Yuuri out.


"Hey... Yuuri. What's wrong?" I ask as I walk back from the bathroom.

'Did something happen back at Japan?' I think, starting to be worried.

Yuuri, ignoring me, suddenly turns to Victor.

"Victor! Go back to Japan right now! We'll do this on our own!"

I look at Yuuri with a shocked expression.

"Yuuri?! What happened?"

As he proceeds to tell us what happened, I can only stare in shock.

"Yuuri... I - I... I can't go back." Victor says.

"But you have to go back! Right Mizore?" Yuuri says and looks over at me.

My eyes widen and I start shaking my head before thinking back.

No wonder Yuuri is insisting so much, he must be thinking about what happened with Vic - chan.

I sigh, "Yuuri is right... Victor."

"Like I said, I can't go back."

Victor raises his hand to his head to think.

I look over to the left to see Yakov.

"Vic - oh."

Victor is already rushing over to his ex - coaching.

As I watching them talk I hear Victor ask for him to be our coach.

I gasp in shock like Yuri and Yuuri.

I see Yakov shake his head and Victor looks back at me, worried.

"D - don't worry. I have someone in mind." I suddenly say loudly.

Victor nods and looks back at Yakov pleadingly.

The older coach takes a moment before nodding.

I let out a sigh and hug Yuuri, 'Daijōbu.' I think

(It's alright.)


Hello minna! I hope you've had a good day so far~ Finally back with another chapter! Now this isn't really one of my best since I guessing I had a hard time getting Mizore into place with everything that happened... but I hope you like it anyways.

Sorry for any mistakes that you might find somewhere, I always try catching some before publishing. 

Voting, commenting and sharing really helps and makes me super happy...!

- Author-chan

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