
By fantasy_differ

13.6K 444 57

'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

Quick ch.1
Quick ch.2
Quick ch.3
Quick ch.4
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Quick ch.19
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Quick ch.21
Quick ch.22
Quick ch.23
Quick ch.24
Quick ch.25
Quick ch.26
Quick ch.27
Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.30
Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.34
Quick ch.35
Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
Quick ch.43
Quick ch.44

Quick ch.15

285 10 1
By fantasy_differ

You can say I'm upset... You can say I'm relieved... But you can't say I don't regret leaving Barcelona. As soon as I stepped foot in New York- the overpopulated, high priced, polluted city- I missed Barcelona's colorful, fresh, and cheerful citizens that would brighten your day. The flight back was miserable for Irvine and I, even though we flew in first class. Since Irvine was doped up, she had forgotten about us leaving- but when the movers packed her stuff, she suddenly remembered.

During the whole ride to the airport was with sobs and begging from Irvine, even during the flight. However, Oscar shut that down immediately. Now we're back in New York, back to our regular lives and routine. Well my regular boring life, at least Irvine still has her exciting life waiting for her.

Stop being a sad hag Kaxity....

I brushed the tangles out of my wet hair, I took a warm shower to get over my feelings; it kinda worked but once I stepped out the bathroom, my stupid feelings came back.

"Hey there," Mom poked her head in the guest room I was crashing in until I use the money from Barcelona and a few future checks, to buy myself an apartment.

I set the brush on the dresser in front of the mirror, "Hey." I didn't force a smile like I use to, mom would see right through me anyway; like she always do.

"You're up early," She pointed out while sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me through the mirror with worry in her eyes.

"Yeah, I have a lot on my mind. Miss Skagård gave me her connections, they have a lot of request; I have to figure out how I'm going to do the art and space out my time. I don't want to go mental from the stress."

Mom nods her head in agreement while tugging a loose braid from her face. "Of course, but I'm not talking about that."

I sighed heavily while turning towards mom to give her my full attention. I told her everything that happened during the two weeks I've been in Barcelona, from meeting Violet to Susan shooting Irvine in that bar. Of course I left out the dirty stuff and kept things PG-13. "I'm fine. Of course I'm going to miss the scenery and culture Spain, but I'm good." Still, I did not force a smile- there was no use.

"This Violet girl-"

I rolled my eyes at her name, I didn't want to be reminded about the things nor people I left behind. It's not just Violet, it's about Maxwell, Justice, and Christina- all potential friendships that could of last longer than two weeks. Obviously I missed Violet, those sugar gray eyes, long legs, smile, and hair- who wouldn't?

"I don't want to talk about her or anything else. It's only been two weeks, New York is my real home."

"From what I understand, home is where your heart is." Mom gave me a cheeky and innocent smile that a woman her eyes can still pull off.

"Well my heart is nowhere to be found." I mumbled, luckily she didn't hear me because she'll give me a huge lecture about it. My mother has been through a lot back in the day, she takes love seriously- maybe too serious. "I'm just going to keep my heart in my chest, I don't have time to share it with anyone."

Her eyes widened in shock from my words, "Kaxity White, what- you know what never mind." She stood to her feet and made her way to the door. "I'm just going to ignore what you said, come downstairs when you're done- your father and I have some news we want to share to y'all." With that mom walked out my temporary room.

After brushing the tangles out of my hair, I made my way downstairs where the family was waiting for us. Mike and Neavia were sitting in the couch while mom and dad were standing in front of them.

"Looks who's back from vacation," Mike chuckled as I took a seat beside him.

Neavia climbed in between us and hugged my arms. "Miss you Kax."

"Miss you too, Neav." I kiss her forehead, causing her to give me a toothy smile.

"So what's going on?" Mike asked while eyeing our parents. "If you two are getting a divorce-"

"No ones getting an divorce," With a tired stare, dad sighed heavily while stuffing his hands in his jeans. "Sky, how do you want to present this?"

Mom sighed heavily as well before wrapping her arms around dad's waist for comfort. "Your father and I are going to take a long trip around the world."

"Oh," I said. "I thought it was something bad, this seems amazing- you two need a vacation."

"There's a catch, always a catch." Mike mumbled.

"Since Kaxity is back," Dad sent Mike a glare, obviously he heard him. "We were thinking she'll watch the house and you two. We'll be gone for a month."

"A month without parents, awesome."

"What Mike is trying to say is, we're happy that you two are taking a vacation. I'll watch over everything, make sure they're acting right at home and the streets." I beamed, this time showing a smile that's not forced. I could feel Mike's devious eyes on me, he had some plans up his sleeve that I would have to stop. "When do you two leave?"

"Um," Mom tapped her chin as she thinks. "Another week, give you enough time to move things around in your schedule. It was last minute, which we're sorry for."

"It's fine, I'll be happy to babysit these knuckleheads- like old times."

Mike scoffed but did not say anything to protest. He loved it when I babysit- he just doesn't want to admit it, since he's old enough to take care of his own self. It didn't matter to me, I still see that curious six year old body I first laid eyes on.

"Great," Dad said with a small smile upon his face. "We leave next Wednesday in the morning, until then we can spend some time together."

"When do we ever?" Mike mumbled once again, this time Neavia and I were the only ones who heard. I pinched Mike's side to make him stay quiet for the time being. Mike's attitude was new, I'm guessing while I was in Barcelona some things went down between dad and him. I guessing it's all about masculinity, the pup trying to be the alpha- I'm hoping that's what it is, if not then I plan to find out.


I stepped inside the oddly fresh scented, clean room of a teenage boy. Mike was the type to keep things organized, he was a stickler for cleaning. Mike was sitting on his bed while reading a book, an English book- his television and computer were gone, as well as his phone. "I'm still on probation." He said when he saw my curiosity.

"Oh," I chuckled before sitting next to his feet. "What's with your attitude today? That's not like you to mumble shit under your breath like that. Especially towards dad."

Mike set his English on his nightstand before scooting next to me. "I- Dad.. shit." He rubbed the back of his neck while trying to think what to say. "It's not a thing of who's going to be alpha of the household if you're wondering."

"Then what is it?"

"Well, you know how when we were younger he would be in our lives- always around. But then he left for some odd reason, mom has not yet told us about that time. Dad left us; left mom when she needed him the most, left me before my birthday- I was looking forward to spending my first birthday that he was apart of. Ever since he came back, I never agreed to his ideas- to his opinions- it rubbed me wrong. I tried to keep my feelings in, but now that mom and dad are having these arguments, I don't care anymore to keep them in or not. Christ I sound like a punk."

I shook my head in disagreement, "You're just heartbroken, that's all. But you only have one dad and you have to talk to him about it. Don't keep it in, don't be like your grandfather."

"Grandpa Charlie? I thought he was cool." Mike rubbed his chin in question.

I stood to my feet to take my leave, since he was studying I didn't want to keep him. "Maybe to you, but he never agreed with mom and dad's relationship. He was an ass, I've seen it myself."

"Yeah well, whatever. So I heard you saved Irvine from being shot to death? How did that feel?"

I sighed heavily before saying, "It's nothing like the movies. It's terrifying, crazy and during that moment you have no idea what would happen next- it's like your stuck with a life in your hands."


"Yup, wow. Well go back to studying," I waved the emotions off before walking out his room and into mine which was only across the hall.


"So, what's happening now?" I asked while taking a carrot out of the bowl of vegetables and fruits I made for myself. Irvine sat across from me while picking at the dry broccoli she picked up ten minutes ago. She too was thinking about Barcelona- probably mainly thinking about James.

Irvine sighed before tossing the broccoli back into the bowl, "My parents are taking the Winters to court, they're coming to America for the trial since I'm an American citizen and I apparently have the upper hand in this case."

"You think you'll see James again?"

Irvine shook her head no and kept it at that, no words nor facial expressions.

"Well, I'll attend to the trail- for moral support."

"I need to ask you something." She picked up the same broccoli and ate it this time. "Would you like to move in with me? I didn't get the apartment yet, but I'm going to sign the contract in another week. It's in Upper Manhattan- you know where gossip girl was taped."

"Oh, okay." Upper Manhattan was surly not in my comfort zone, since it's so far away from Mike and them. However I'm willing to try new things, besides I'll have an awesome apartment and living with my best friend. "Let's do it, I won't be able to live there for the first month- I'm looking after Neavia and Mike while our parents are going on a vacation."

"Vacation? They need it." Irvine said in approval.

"Yeah. I told them what happened, they were upset- probably still are." I sighed before plucking a grape from its vine. "I kinda miss Barcelona." I admitted. "I over New York, but Barcelona had more to it."

Irvine shook her head in disagreement, "You're only saying that because it's a new place that has everything you love. Art, friends, love. Everything that's new and out of your comfort zone."

The thought of love tugged at my heart the wrong way. I've heard love was a word that's hard to describe, it was a powerful emotion that can break anyone down. I never felt a relationship kind of love, I have a family type of love; that type of love when you'll do anything for your family and never ask questions while doing it.

"I wouldn't say love." I mumbled.

Irvine eyed me while munching on her broccoli, "Whatever it is, it's eating you up too."

"Yeah well-" a ping from my phone cut my sentence short. I looked at the screen, my lips were suddenly tugging into a smile, but I managed to fight it.

I hope you landed back to Earth safely...
~Rich Girl V

"Who's that?" Irvine noticed my sudden change in attitude  and tried to look at my screen but I hid it from her. "Is that who I think it is?"

I didn't say anything, but I didn't need to; my face was giving it all away. My cheeks were warm, pink, eyes wide and lips in a tight smile. "Maybe." I simply said.

"What did she say? Tell me."

I sighed heavily before showing her the message in defeat, "Nothing special."

"It seems like she's trying not to be awkward. Say something nerdy or whatever you say that makes her laugh."

I looked down at my screen before pressing on the message to reply back.

I landed on my ass, but I'm fine now. How's Mars? Is the gravity there still full of tension or did it calm down?..
~Natural K

It didn't take long for Violet to text back, which indicated she was right by her phone waiting for my message. It made me smile even more.

It's a little hot up here. Gravity is not in our favor, I may need to come back to Earth to make sure your ass is truly fine...
~ Rich Girl V

Trust me, my ass is fine. Besides a space girl like yourself may not be able to handle Earth.
~Natural K

~Rich Girl V

~Natural K

I'll hold you to that. See you..
~Rich Girl V

My jaw suddenly dropped, I couldn't believe Violet was going to leave Barcelona. I mean, it's probably going to be a quick vacation- nothing serious. Press is probably on her ass about the whole situation anyway.

"What did she say?" Irvine asked, knocking me out of my own thoughts.

"Oh, um. V may come to New York- but I don't exactly know when." I simply shrugged my shoulders as if it's not a big deal, which it was.

Irvine bit her bottom to keep in her girly excitement, "What would you do when she gets here?"

Once again I shrugged my shoulders, "I have no idea. But I do know I should not act weird about it, it's going to be a friendly visit."

"Right, friendly. Keep telling yourself that, Kax; it'll make you relax even more." Irvine plucked a grape from its vibe before popping it into her mouth.I which I did remind myself of such.

Just a friendly visit... Violet probably wanted to see a familiar face while on vacation, since stress is piling up in Barcelona. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides she's just probably worried about me and Irvine, that's all. Probably making sure we won't drag her name into this as well, to keep her reputation at bay. Yes! It's probably just that- her reputation. It all falls to reputation.

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