Not So Secret Stalker (a Just...

By alwaysinabook

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When Justin goes on his Australian tour, some things happen that weren't on the list. He was getting stalked... More

Not So Secret Stalker (a Justin Bieber love story)
Chapter 2. Abbey, Orange juice and spaggetti
chapter 3. Who or what is that.
Chapter 4. This isn't like me.
chapter 5. What happens backstage, stays backstage.
chapter 6. What are you doing here.
chapter 7. Not in the mood.
chapter 8. The bitter taste of loss.
chapter 9. lazy day
chapter 10. Hide and seek
chapter 11. Kidnapped.
Chapter 12. Abuse
chapter 13. Getting help.
Chapter 14. Reality hits
Chapter 15. Touched by an angel.
Chapter 16. The wake up.
Chapter 17. Make our house a home.
Chapter 18. Jaydes new life.
Chapter 20. Talent.
Chapter 21. Family reunion
Chapter 22. Good Idea at the time.
Chapter 23. Payback.
Chapter 24. Rubbish Surprise.
Chapter 25. Learning new things.
Chapter 26. Crazed Fan
Chapter 27. Surprise
Chapter 28. Party!
Chapter 29. Regrets.
chapter 30. Consequences
Chapter 31. Interview
chapter 32. Questions.
Chapter 32. Travelling.
Chapter 33. Honeymoon turbalance
Chapter 34. Home Early
Chapter 35. Not the way I planned it
Chapter 36. New Life
Chapter 37. What a Day.
Chapter 38. Happily Ever After.

chapter 19. More then a Friend.

1K 11 0
By alwaysinabook

By the time we got back to the house we had eaten all our food. We chucked the rubbish in the bin and went straight to my room. We turned on the Xbox and I let her pick out the game. Of she picks Call of Duty (COD).

"You are going to be beaten by the king of the Xbox!" I yelled out.

"Not if I can help it!", she yelled back.

Of course, she beat me. Not only beat me but kicked my ass at it. She was good.

"Come here you!", I yelled at her playfully tackling her down. We landed on the bed and I was tickling her. She had the cutest laugh. I stopped tickling her and we stared into eachothers eyes for a moment.

"I love you Jayde", I told her.

"I love you too Justin.", she said back.

I looked into her eyes for a second but then very slowly made my way in to kiss her, She kissed me back, softly at first but then the kiss got more passionate, She caught her breath.

"I thought I was like your sister so isn't this wrong?" she asked.

"Your not legally my sister so shutup and don't spoil our fun", I joked with her and she giggled. We went back to kissing.

She flipped me over so she was strateling me, She was playing with my hair as she kissed me, i was hesitant at first but then i got the confidence to touch her thigh, She moved a little closer to me, she was smiling in bewteen our kisses. Before i knew it we were pulling at each others clothes, I knew it was wrong but it felt so right.

She started unbuttoning my top, and i let her, like i was going to stop her now! once my top was off and on the floor i started to unbutton her top. She was getting excited.. as was I, before i knew it we were both at 4th base.. do i even need to tell you what happened next.. i dont think so.

Some time later she rolled off of me and stared into my eyes trying to catch her breath,

"Wow Justin, Your amazing" She said with i smile, i lent over and kissed her once more.

"What did you expect?", I joked and winked at her.

"Sometimes I wonder with you Justin." she laughed.

I pulled her close. We were both very tired and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

The next morning I woke up and Jayde was still alseep. I layed with her for a few minutes and then decided to get up and have a shower. When I got out the shower and got dressed, I walked back into my room. Jayde was awake and smiling.

"Goodmorning!" she said in a cheerful tone.

I walked over to her and kissed her.

"Goodmorning Beautiful!', I said in the same cheerful tone. "Why don't you get up and have a shower. I'll be out in the kitchen, okay?" I leant in and kissed her again.

"Okay. I'll meet you out there." She got up and walked over to the shower.

When I got out into the kitchen mum was eating breakfast. She looked up when I came in and signalled for me to sit next to her. She finished her breakfast and put her plate in the sink before coming and sitting back down next to me.

"Justin. I think we need to talk. About Jayde and you." she said in a casual voice. This can't be good.

"I've seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you and I'm guessing there might be something more then just a friendship there.", she kind of smiled but then it faded. I didn't like where this was going.

"I just want to make sure you're... being responsable. Because as you know when a girl and a boy love eachother very much..." I cut her off as fast as I could!

"Mum!! I don't need to or wan't to hear this okay. I know, about everything. Just never mention this again. Okay?" I was so quick at telling her this.

"Okay, okay. I just want you too know that you can trust me with anything Justin." She kept going on.

"Yes mum. I know. Just zip it with this conversation, PLEASE!", I told her and she put her hand to her mouth and pretended to zip her mouth shut.

"Thankyou!", I told her and poured two bowls of cereal. Jayde appeared from around the corner just as I poured in the milk.

"How was your shower?", I asked her casually.

"It was good.", she replyed trying to keep her smile hidden.

We sat at the table and started eating. My mum got up and left the room and as she walked out she gave me thumbs up and winked.

"Oh my Gosh.", I said as I put my head in my hands.

"You alright?", Jayde asked.

"Yeah Just fine. Just, um thinking." I smiled at her and she gave me a puzzled look but didn't ask anymore questions.

I looked over to the door and saw my mums hand pop up from around the corner and gave me another thumbs up. Oh my Gosh. I'm so going to die if I don't get out of here soon. I sighed.

Later that day Jayde and I decided to go out somewhere. we had to get out of the house. We were stuck on ideas so we wrote out some random places on some paper and put them in a hat. Jayde picked one out and I picked one out. I read mine out first;.

"The park."

She read hers out next. " Ice skating."

 We both agreed on the iceskating so we got dressed up warm and headed out to the car. I was driving us there. I loved to drive so I did whenever a I had the chance.

When we got to the ice skating rink, she jumped out the car before I even had a chance to turn it off and ran around to my side of the car. I turned the car off and locked thee door just before getting dragged into the ice skating rink.

She went to go hire some skates but I stopped her.

"Nuh uh uh! I bought our own.", i said and held up two purple pairs of ice skates. She smiled and we slid them on. We jumped on the ice and she was off and doing twirls and jumps. She had gone around the rink once and came up  behind me.

"BOO!", she yelled and pushed me. I slid across the ice.

I knew how to ice skate but it had been a while since the last time. I pushed of and soon I was keeping up with Jayde. She got speed up and jumped landing in a twirl. I tried to copy her and... 'smack'. I landed face first on the ice.

"Ouch that hurt.", I complained as she helped me up. She was laughing.

"How come your so good?", I asked her. Rubbing my wrist which I had hurt when I fell.

"Oh silly me. I didn't tell you?", I shook my head, " I used to be a prefessional figure skater!" she told me getting all excited that I had found out one of her talents.

"Thats great!" I told her, " Got any more talents I don't know about?" I teased her.

"Um, Maybe one or two. But i can't show you now. Later." She told me and grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

Three hours later we got tired of ice skating and we had blisters in our feet from the skates.

"Lets go home now and then I can show you another one of my talents." she smiled.

Once we got home I hung my keys up on a hook near the door and took off my jacket and shoes.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked as she followed me into the kitchen.

"Um, I'll just pour myself a glass of water.', she said and walked over to the cupboard and got herself out a glass.

She gulped down her glass of water and put her glass in the sink. She walked out the room and went into my room. I didn;t know what she was doing. I finished my drink and followed her into my room.

"Ready to see another of my talents?", she asked me and smiled.

"Sure. What you got for me?", I asked and smiled back.

She turned around and picked up... my guitar? Then she started playing and my whole body went into shock.

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