Louigan-The reconnection

By Summer_Ireland

4.1K 108 54

This story takes place when Louise is 19 and Logan is 27. When they run into each other at college things sta... More

Chapter 1: Moving in
Chapter 2- River
Chapter 3- New faces. Old faces
Chapter 4- Questions
Chapter 5- Crush?
Chapter 6- Let the Games Begin
Chapter 7- History Repeats Itself
Chapter 8
Chapter 9- What?!
Chapter 10- The day after
Chapter 11- A Night in the Out
Chapter 12-Fixed...?

Chapter 13- Assault

212 4 5
By Summer_Ireland

Louise's POV
It's been two days since the store incident. I'm laying in bed whenever I hear a knock on the door. River had gone to the mall half an hour ago so it couldn't be her.
I slowly walked over to the door and placed my hand on the knob. As soon as it's open I realize I might have made a mistake.
"Louise!! Awe my baby. How's college treating you?" My mom Linda says as the barges into my room.
"Mom? What are you doing here?" I said. Purely shocked that she came to visit.
"Tina said you might need some help with guys. So I thought you and I could go boy shopping!" She responded, ending her sentence with jazz hands.
"Boy shopping...?"
"Yeah. Like shopping for clothes but better. Cause it's men." She winks at me after that statement.

I haven't been able to forget the way Logan grabbed me the night before. But I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I'm not pissed and don't want him touching me. Yeah. That's probably it. I think to myself trying to rationalize feelings I couldn't really understand. 

"Mom, I'm not really in the mood. I've decided that men are useless." I was lying of course but my mom is all bubbles and won't acknowledge my excuse anyways. She frowned at me before taking my hand and pushing me into the bathroom.

"Too bad my little pumpkin patch. Go get dressed!"

Logan's POV

Logan: Dude! the wedding is in two days and you still haven't talked to her.

Danny: You haven't held up your end of the deal :).

Ughhhh. Even in text he's immature and annoying.

Logan: Fine. Meet me at the mall in an hour.

Louise POV

"Don't you just love T.J.Maxx?" Linda exclaimed, holding an array of mom jeans and my hand tightly so i couldn't leave. 

"Not really. Why don't we just go to the mall? Or better yet, take me back to my dorm room!"

"Oh honey. Malls are where all the snobby people are. Besides, clothes aren't as good." Louise rolled her eyes.

"Haha! Yeah. No. Non of that is true." Linda turned to me with a sympathetic smile. 

"Sweetie. You've been sulking all day. I've never seen you like this. If you just want to go back then ill take you back." My eye's filled with tears that I refused to let my mom see. I looked at the ground before replying.

"Please. I've just been a little over whelmed lately. I just want to be alone."

Logan's POV

Danny is twenty minutes late. I'm already on he fence with this child.


"Ahh!" After collecting myself I turn to see Danny standing at my window. I get out of my car and thump his head. "You're a dick." Danny grins.

"Only to you."

We walk into the mall and make a sharp left to the barber shop. Danny lead the way as if my money was a safety net he could do whatever he wanted with.

We wait for a barber to be available. 

"So. What's your plan?" I ask. I need to know everything is going to go smoothly. 

"Well I was thinking keeping it long on top and then having the shorter sides and..."

"No you dingbat! I mean what are you going to say to Louise?" Danny's face turned cold and stiff.

"I don't really see how that's your business. Don't you think you've meddled enough in mine and Louise's relationship?" At that the barber waved Danny over and he took a seat.

Maybe if I'm lucky he'll slit your throat like Sweeney Todd. I thought to myself.

We left the barber shop and began our walk to Dillard's in silence. We were almost to the men's section when I heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. Bush! Is that you?" I turn around to see Louise's roommate River behind me. Danny and I both turn around with a horrified realization on our faces.

"River. Hi." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm afraid we can't talk. We're in a hurry."

"Oh. That's okay. I'll just tag along then." She smiled and raps her arm around mine. I quickly pulled away. 

"Trust me. I don't think you'd enjoy it. We're just suit shopping." Danny was no help. He just sat back and watched. 

"You'd be surprised what I enjoy Mr. Bush." She winked at me. Danny's eyebrows went up in a shocked and slightly impressed expression. At this he finally decides to step in.

"Well lets go then." Danny smiled as he walked to Dillard's with River and I trailing behind him. Once we got the the second floor I followed Danny into a corner while River looked at ties.

"You douche!" You realize if anyone sees me with her all over me like that I could get in big trouble!" Danny just shrugged. 

"Sorry man. When you kissed my girlfriend it gave me the impression that the student teacher rule didn't apply to you." Danny's face looked smug. I hated it.

"That's shit and you know it!" Danny raised a finger to his mouth and shushed me.

"Watch your language Mr. Bush. You wouldn't want your young student to find you unprofessional."

"I swear I'll.." River interrupts. 

"Hey boys. Don't you think this tie is sexy?" Danny giggles and walks into the changing room. River looked to me for a response. 

"Ummm. No it's hideous." I say bluntly. As ,y mother always said. Don't lead people on if you don't have anything to offer them. River frowned and walked over to me, So I walked away and into the waiting area of the dressing rooms. But instead of leaving her behind, she followed. 

"River. What are you doing? You shouldn't be back here." 

"Well Mr. Bush my feet hurt and I was looking for a place to sit." She made a fake frown and slowly took off her shoes. She slowly walked over to me and set her shoes next to my feet. "Ya know. I think I found a seat." She smiled and sits right on my lap. 

"River this is inappropriate!" I said as sternly as possible. "I'm your teacher and you are crossing your bounds." She just looked at me. Like a dumb goldfish, before leaning in to whisper into my ear. 

"You really don't want me Mr. Bush?" She asked as she slowly mover my hand up to her breast. As soon as my hand touched her boob I pushed her into the floor. 

"I said this is inappropriate. You're lucky I don't report you to the Dean for sexual assault." She makes a face of shocked disgust. 

"Ughhh! I knew you would be a waste of my time." She quickly picked up her shoes and began to walk away before turning to say one last thing. "Oh and tell Danny that his girlfriend's moping around is getting annoying." Then she left without another word.  

I leaned over and stuck my face in my palms before Danny whispered to me from the dressing room. 

"Dude. Is she gone?"

"Yeah. Yeah. She's gone." I turned to see Danny coming out of the dressing room and a fitted suit. 

"So you were listening to all of that?" I said uncomfortably.

"Nah man. I watched it." He slaps me on the back and gives me a look that almost looks sympathetic. "So what do you think?"

"It's great. Lets just get out of here before another insane pubescent girl finds us." 

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