The Lunas Blood

By Lumira_Reign

93.5K 4.6K 909

"If I have to sacrifice my life for the ones I love...for you, then I will." She says with authority. "And no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Really important!
Chapter 13
Before I post Ch. 14(*Important*)
CHAPTER 15 (Teaser)
Chapter 15
Sneak Peek(Not edited)

Chapter 3

7.9K 429 109
By Lumira_Reign

Bursting through the doors in a fiery manner, the Kingdom shook in its sturdy foundation from which his forefathers built with their bare hands. Not one single wolf got in his way as he charged through the hallways of his aching castle. No one dared to say a word, not even a glimpse was shared. The obscure feeling challenged the King as the shadows of his powerful strides led him to where his father took his dormant.

He was annoyed for what his father had done, and it was even more vexing to him that he took his son as fool. As if he wouldn't find out. He's the King, he knows everything and everyone that passes in and out of his kingdom.

“Ah my son, what did I do to deserve to be graced with your heavily presence? Is your mother near?” Jackson smiled while opening his arms wide and high, waiting for his son to walk towards him to receive such an embrace, but just like he predicted, his son curved around the aging man with a blank expression. Jackson knew his son all too well, and knew exactly why he was giving him that look and why he was receiving the cold shoulder.

Just like his mother.

Jackson sighed and rolled his eyes, “Say it already so I can have my peace about it now.” Jackson dragged on, his voice was knowing and his stance was slanted slightly over his chair. If you were to watch the two interact, you would think that they had switched roles, Jackson was a youthful man while his son was more serious and draining. The brooding young King sat in his glorious chair, with his arms crossed across his strong bust and his thick brow lifted at the sight of his father's appointed look.

“Do you peg me for a stupid man? Father-”

“Before you try to jump my case, hear me out!” Jackson interrupted his son, holding his hand up in surrender, knowing that if he didn't try to justify his actions his son would never want to hear it.

“This was an emergency that I had to take care of, and I needed Christopher to handle it. I made a promise some years ago to a very dear friend of mine, and I am a man of my word. So before you so righteously bite my ass, I need you to understand that-” a loud knock was pounded on the heavy mahogany doors, concluding Jackson words right then and there. The young King narrowed his eyes sharply, already knowing who was behind those doors he granted them in with a deep growl, “Enter.”

Christopher hurriedly opened the double doors expecting to see just his Former Alpha, he was very surprised to see his King. After realizing that he was in the presences of his Alpha he quickly dropped to his knees with his arm across his chest and his head lowered towards the ground.

“ My King-” he announced with the utmost respect, looking up to Jackson, Chris shared some vital news about the girl he had just brought in, “- she is safely placed down corridor and is sound asleep in the West Wing.” as he finished, Jackson glanced at his son's unmoved expression.

“That is good, make sure she is not to be disturb. I will see my way down there after I have a little talk with my son.”  He did not move nor did he change his calming features as he watched his Beta leave out of the room. He only sat there in his big chair, behind his big desk, in his big office. Jackson could tell that whatever his son was thinking it wasn't what he thought to be good, so he swiftly continued on with his explanation as if he was never stopped before.

“She is the daughter of my Former Beta and is my goddaughter. Her grandmother and I had arranged for her to be under my guidance if the lifestyle she was in became too dangerous. I do not know what happened to her or what the circumstances were, all I know is that when she called for her to be picked up, I did so with haste. Thus so, Christopher was the next available source that I could hinder for a few days to bring her here, he was already heading that way, so it was a perfect opportunity-”

“ -From what Christopher reported during their voyage back, she looks as though she were beaten but I am not sure until I see the wounds myself and if I see to it that she has been touched in any way, we will surely be being paying her Alpha a visit. “Jackson took a calm breath, not caring at all of what his son had to say about what he had done behind his back. He was his father first and he will respect that above all his frustration with the man. The two powerful males sat there in absolute silence, with nothing more to say. The young King knew that what his father did was noble and a fatherly thing to do. He knew of the girl he was talking about, for he knew her for years in his prime time. She was a secret that the family kept hidden. And has hidden well, so well that he almost thought she was dead himself.

“Do what you must, but please do not ever go behind my back again. I cannot tolerate the agitation that comes with that father. You of all people should know how it feels. In the meantime I will inspect her myself, to make sure she is fully capable of living in this Kingdom.” With that the young King got out of his throne like chair and left his father alone.


The smell of vanilla and cinnamon breeze passes through my nose in a heavenly way. I had just awoke from a well needed nap, and had not yet gotten up or moved from the spot that I had wakened up in. The soft plushness of the comforter and the firm fitting mattress had me dreaming of a permanent stay in the slumber I was in. In all my years of living I have never loved a mattress such as this one.

The black sheer curtains were hanging from the dark cherry wood canopy, lightly caging me in the bed. It gave off a sultry persona in which it settled within me easily. I had no knowledge of where I was or where I am. Chris took great measures to make sure that I didn't, he said it was his Alpha’s orders. He blindfolded me as we approached the border lines and told me that where we were going, no one must know. It was a bunch of riddle lines of excuse that I didn't understand until we crossed into the territory. I could feel it, the power of the land sucked me right in, and it was so tantalizing. I held my breath for what seemed like five minutes but really it was only three seconds.

Now, I am just lying in a bed, buried under the softest white blanket thinking about everything and nothing. I am a seventeen year old girl, who has not yet shifted or has ever had a kiss. I’m a prude of my age, that’s for sure. I have never been to a party or has ever been anyone's crush, nor have I ever made any reckless mistakes or has ever had any regrets that could haunt me. All I have come to know is that my parents are dead, I have no family except my grandmother, and I lived under a man that beat every chance he got. I was nothing more than a slave to him. The people that I thought loved me, showed me that there is only one way to live in this life. Surviving.

A tear rained down from the tip of my nose, splashing onto the soft white sheet. This life was a sad one, but I deal with it every day. There were many times where I could just end it, end the pain, the loneliness, the guilt, the want, happiness, and end it all.

But I didn't.

I made and promise to my parents just before they died, and I will keep it until my last breath. Closing my eyes, I gathered up all the strength I could to stop these tears from slipping from the past. I stretched my hand out under the covers, reaching it out to touch the beaming sunlight that was on the other side of the bed. It seemed like an impossible thing to reach even though it was just right there, so close for me to grab.

“Sir-” my head shot up quickly from underneath the comforter. Whomever was behind that door sounded like a young man, or a young girl?

“Drex, get me some fresh towels along with my medical supplies.” I gasped. It was sudden, I didn't expect to hear another. This one was clearly a male, a male that walked with power. You can surely hear it in his voice. As soon as I heard the small pattering of feet descend from the doors, I laid my head down and pushed the covers over my face.


The doors opened widely as he walked through. Just as he expected, the beast within him rumbled around, growling and pawing in satisfaction. He could smell her as soon as he stepped foot out of his office. He was indeed surprised to find such a scent so intoxicating and was very conflicted as it led him to the West Wing of the castle, where his family’s hidden secret laid.

But there he was. Brooding and staring at the heap of covers in the middle of his bed. He could tell that the girl was not asleep but pretending to be, so he decided to play along and wait for her ‘game’ to end. He took a seat right across from her in the farthest corner. It was a good spot to him, to observe what he could see of the girl that captured his nose.

Vanessa waited until she heard nothing.

Was he gone?

She thought. She heard absolutely nothing, not even a pin drop. She took another breath before popping her head from underneath an absurd amount of covers, hoping that her thoughts were true. He narrowed his eyes at the wild short hair ball that puffed out from underneath the covers. She was frantically looking around the room looking for him, but did not see him or what she thought to be a male.

She's like a small child...

He thought as he chuckled lowly to himself. That seemed to catch her attention as she stopped any further movements and started to slowly turn her head to where she heard the low dark chuckle. With only one thought passing through her mind she shivered involuntarily.

It is a male.


There in the corner farthest to my right, I saw him. His eyes glowed in the shadows of where he was sitting, bright yet dull gold eyes stared back at me. For a moment I forgot how to breathe, and my chest swelled up with an emotion I was unfamiliar with. From where he was sitting I could not tell a single detail about any of his features except his eyes. They were menacingly intriguing, and big and I have never seen anything like it. I blinked a few times, before finding myself in awe again with how beautiful he looked in all his darkness.

“Are you hurt?” The heavy smoothness of his voice brought me out of a short trance and into another one. He was now more into the natural light that illuminated brightly from the window next to him. His dark thick eyebrows rested on top of his idiosyncratic eyes, his hair was obsidian black and was cut along the sides and of the back, but the front held curly long strands that sat on top of his forehead. He was beyond gorgeous and surpasses the understanding of the entire perfect ideal male specimen. I pinched my thigh in hopes that I was still dreaming, still sleeping wildly underneath this God sent comforter.

Please be asleep, please, please, please…

“Answer me or I'll see for myself.” his threat burned from his throat as he glared at me through his scrutinizing eyes. My body shook from the depths of his voice, all I could give him was a shaky, “N-N-No”. He said nothing as he got up from his seat and walked towards the bed in defiant strides. I hissed loudly as my wounded leg was grabbed and pulled until it rested in his bear claw like hand, the gauze was painted in my dried blood and the cloth itself was barely hanging on. The ointments that Magna had put on me wore off and was now stinging like a fresh burn.

Nothing came from his mouth as he unwrapped the used-up gauze from around my leg. I groaned lowly at the horrid sight. Looking at my leg now I see how bad it really was. Three deep, long, gashes were drawn around my leg like war stripes, the stitches that Magna gave me were now open and the cool air seeped through the unlocked skin, hitting the exposed flushed flesh. I hissed once again as he carefully turned my leg, looking at it with a cavernous deep scowl. With a harsh inhaled breath, he asked this simple question.

“Who did this to you?” I shuddered upon hearing his anger, it was evident in his voice. You could almost feel it roll off him in tumbling layers of emotion. Biting the bottom corner of my lip, I glanced up at him. He looked so calm and balanced it almost portrayed a delusion in place to hide the identity of his rage that had slipped between his luscious, pink, and dull lips.

Once again I was a mute and did not answer him. When his glowing eyes slipped down to meet mine, it was a silent command for me to open my mouth and speak it was also a silent warning. So I sucked in small sigh and closed my eyes for the five seconds I had left before his own hell unleashed on me.

“I-I fell off a t-tree” I lied. Like that was going to save me.

“Humph” he hummed under his breath clearly not believing a stuttered word I just said. He gently set down my leg when the door slightly opened and a young boy hurriedly came in with a large black tote bag and a batch of fresh clean towels.

“Here you are Sire.” The boy bowed and handed the tote bag to the man. I was both startled and amazed at how formal this young boy was, not to mention how he kind of popped out of nowhere.

“Thank you.” I flinched just a bit as I heard the coldness drip from the words that were meant to be a kind gesture. The boy bowed once more and stood straight with his hands by his side. Not once did he grimace or showed any discomfort in the man’s command. The man sat his bag down, completely ignoring everyone around him he stiffly dismissed the awaiting servant.

“That is all I wish for you to do for right now, stand by the door in case I need to call for you again.” His command was loud and stern but the boy did not flinch or shake like I did. No, he only bowed and turned on the heel of his feet and stationed himself right at the hilt of the heavy double door. The man inspected my leg with skeptical eyes and grunted every now and then. I did not know what to say or think, I had so many questions but I didn't know how to ask. He's an intimidating man and knew it too. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat of any anxiety that threatened to come up.


“I’m not a doctor.” He swiftly objected. My eyes widen as his tongue clicked against the ceiling of his mouth, “What-” before I began to ask him about his preoccupation with my health and why he was in my room probing and poking at my leg, he harshly pushed a chair towards the edge of the bed and sat down with his arms crossed over his robust chest, his cold eyes caught mine within seconds of him sitting; making everything in me cringe with fear and of something else.

“Who did that-” he pointed his thick olive tone finger towards my leg, “-to you?” I opened my mouth to dispute out the same lie I told him just minutes ago, but the narrowing of his deadly eyes made my tongue twist and I stumbled to say what I wanted him to know.

“I-I told y-y-you, I f-fell-fell out of a tree.” Midway sentence, I chose to not look at him. Instead I focused my attention to the dark blue hues of his inky strands, and prayed that my life wouldn't be taken away because of my stupid stubbornness. A loud grunt from the brooding man across from me, caught the attention of my unwilling eyes.

“Does this tree happen to have six inch claws with a diameter of two inches, along with a severe case of anger issues?” His eyebrow raised up in question and his lips thinned out into a straight line. I sighed and said nothing as I looked down at my feet. His lips thinned and the crease between his brows deepened. “That’s what I thought” He got up out of his chair and stood directly in front of me, looking down at me with no emotions or anything to confirm what he was thinking.

“I’m taking you down to the infirmary where I can properly stitch you up, and I will further my inspections down there.” All I could do was nod my head weakly. I cautiously lifted my injured leg up and scooted my way off the bed. I sighed and closed my eyes, breathing in heavily before I leaped off.

“Mmmmfff” I groaned in pain, biting my lip to contain the scream.

“You know you could have asked me to help you off” He said with the least amount of sincerity. I kept my eyes closed and bit my tongue from the indignant response that was about to come out of my mouth.

I sighed as the pain dulled just enough for me to breathe normally. Hisses and groans spew out of me as I limped across the room to where he stood. His dispassionate face was even more beautiful, now that I've seen it in more light. His glowing amber eyes narrowed at me, causing me to pause every movement I made or was about to make.

“What?” I snapped. He jerked his head back and squinted his eyes, a loud deep growl liberated from his throat and shook every nerve in my body. Next thing I knew I was being held up against the wall with my legs around his waist and his rugged beefy hand clenched around my throat loosely.

“Watch your tone with me pup,” He spat, “You may have gotten away with it with Chris, but you will not get away with it with me. Am I clear?” He seethed through his teeth. His minty cool breath blown across my face, surprising me that he didn't have dragon cooch breath like most of these whore having Alphas’ out here. With my mouth agape and my eyes wide with astonishment, I realized just how close his thick pink lips were to mine.

If only I could just taste…

Wait what?

“Am. I. Clear?” His hold around my neck tighten just a bit to feel a little pressure, but I wasn't really paying attention to that. The way he smelled, made my mind go blank, and the way his thick black eyebrows knitted together as he glared at me in anger, did something to me. Just the way his pink luscious lips parted as he breathed harshly, made my inside stir. Unconsciously, I licked my top lip slowly, wondering if this Alpha male would punish me if I stole a kiss.

God this man is gorgeous…

What the fuck are you thinking? STOP.

Breath to breath, chest to bust, he was so close. So close. I didn't move an inch away from him as he leaned in just enough to tease my lips with a glimpse of a possibility. A possibility were it could get me into a hell of a lot of trouble, or, it could lead me into something I could regret. The temptation to just gasp so that our lips would intertwine in passion was too great for me to risk.

And his eyes…

They glowed with an image of burning amber. The hand that was loosely placed around my neck felt hot and I could feel the tiniest jolts of fire prick my skin as he gazed deep into the windows of my soul. For what he was looking for I do not know.

Neither of us said a single word yet, and I was not too sure if we were going to. It was strange, very strange. I didn't know what was happening, I didn't know what we were doing. My skin, my brain, my eyes, my nose, my mouth-they all seemed to yearn for him, the feeling of want and lechery has never been so strong. I inhaled lightly as I felt my legs wrap around him tighter, the hand that was around my neck was now pushing the hem of my dress up.


But it felt too good. The heat of his skin felt so relaxing and it put my body into a dangerous trance.

“Mmm you smell divine” he hummed against my neck. His hands did not cease their movements, but only traveled higher until they've reached the curve of my ass. I held my breath when the new feeling arose in me. My hands moved from where they were placed by my side and slowly raked their way up to his obsidian, thick hair. It was soft and the roots were wavy. I tugged it little and the sound that came from his lips, made me imagine the things that I swore I would never speak of.

“Unless you want me to pull down your little panties and really show you who your Alpha against this wall is and on surface I can find, I advise you to not do that again” he said lowly into my ear. The sensuality of his tone made me squirm as my core jumped and thumped to the beat of my heart. I soon realized that squirming was not the right thing to do.

“P-please...l-let me go” I whispered. I did not want to do anything that would cause me a heart full of regret. The will to defy him was overbearing, I wanted him to do those things to me. That was the problem. I don't know this man, and I want him to fuck me like there's no tomorrow. The hold he had on me grew stronger and I whimpered as the growl of his beast vibrated against my poor core.

“You will not leave me!”

“But I- my wounds!” I felt like I shouted, but I know that my voice sounded like a desperate quite plea. His eyes snapped down to my leg. His jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth together, “Fine, but I will care for you now mate.”

With that he slumped me over his shoulder like a useless sack of nothingness and walked out of the room.

He's my mate…

Oh fuck me.

SO .....

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