Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

32. Check'Mate'

5.2K 327 94
By NeelamMenghani


Were the King wins the game and his Queen is his Strength...

Apologies guys!

A major part of this chapter is related with the Chess game. Feel free to consult me for any confusion at any point where in the chapter or in Chess game. I'll try my best to solve it.

There are a few points on chess mentioned in the end; you can read them as well. Since Chess is something, one can't explain in words but I have tried my best to explain it. In any case feel free to ask. Thank you!


The Queen is the most powerful piece because it's not about her ability to move all over the board but the sacrifices she is willing to make to save her King's life.



In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[To Save the King]

Niera's POV

"Your Move. Raymond." My Valentine's silence piercing commanding voice saved me as I shut my falling mouth while casting my head downward toward my mobile.

"Check!" my eyes snapped toward the victorious excited exclaiming announcement which was made by Mr. Grey Sky.

The chess board was in front of my eyes but my eyes took a wider view and saw Mr. Grey Sky was smirking slightly with triumph gracing his face in sheer joy; other people were equally flabbergasted with his exclamatory announcement.

Shock and anticipation were sparkling on their faces. Anticipation of Mr. Valentine's next move.

Whereas Mr. Valentine was lost in the chess board, his eyes transfixed on his King who was under the flint custody of Mr. Raymond's Bishop.

I squinted my eyes to the shattered pieces on the board, trying to comprehend the current game and envisaging his next Move.

It was King in the custody of White Bishop his only chance to escape is shifting one square to the left but it'll leave only one for him as White Queen is waiting for him to announce Check again and then it will be Check and Mate!

But wait! I pursed my lips concentrating harder.

His pieces! They are either blocked with other Pieces and which are free; they are of no use at this point.

So Mr. Valentine is going to lose?

My own words left a sore taste in my own mouth even without speaking but when I was washing my sore mouth with positive prayers something caught my eyes.

His queen!

His queen is free but in order to save the King he has to use her.

But then why isn't he using his Queen!

One move and he can save the game. It least for now.

Mr. Valentine might didn't heard my unspoken words as he was about to touch his King.

Oh great Lord! He'll surely lose if he takes that left square.

Mr. Valentine, please use your Queen!

The one who can save your game!

Please not the King but Queen!

"Niera! Came down Bambi. They are playing! Calm down!" my mental screaming was interrupted with Dr. Baron's soft concerned voice reached my ears and I was twitched on my arm.

Jerking up, I saw six pairs of eyes were staring at me intently and I knew I said that loud.

Quite loud baby Panda!

Quite loud!

"Miss William! You are taking very much interest in the game. I'm impressed with your attentiveness. Majesty are you going to follow her advice?" Mr. Raymond smirked and I flushed deep crimson.

Dear lord! Why I'm so inconsiderate of my surroundings!

Why I had to lose this connection between my Mouth and Brain, all the time?!

"Why not Niera complete this game?" My top floor busted in perplexities while my eyes popped out of their sockets and nearly landed on the white rug accompanying my jaws which were dusting the rug.

"Niera!" a combined gasp erupted in the hall with somewhat similar responses people showed on Sir Gerard's not so sensible statement.

Yes, it was Sir Gerard! Who was grinning in his hundred megawatt smile.

"Niera!" This voice sent shivers of excitement through my spine whenever it calls my name. It touches my heart and seeping in my soul.

"Why not? It's the part of the responsibility, Majesty." Sir Gerard responded but it all went above my head.

"Will this Queen save the King, Niera?" he turned and asked me with a glimmering hope in his eyes.

"Can you save the King?" he asked again.

I was utterly flabbergasted but then I saw him staring at him.

It will be a blindfold ride in the well of death Niera.

Your losing this game means his loss, who is already losing.

It's not your cup of tea. You're a novice in chess. You only know what Prince has taught you. This game and in front of Mr. Grey Sky. You'll lose and only you but Mr. Valentine will lose with you.

Don't depend on a blind hunch... please!

"Niera! Will you save this Game?"


Face palms!!!


Niera's POV


Is nothing but a game of Chess. Situations decorated in chaos anticipating your move while the player anticipate the moves of life and plan his way to safe himself.

But then, life is unpredictable, the game here is unprejudiced, lacing with morals. It leaves you with nothing but to play with your entire being.

One move; either brings you closer to the victory or the same move can be ordained as the milestone of your defeat.

To win or to loose, whatever you need to write your victory or fall is 'in your Hand!'

Play wisely!!

Play wisely!!

That was what resonating inside my mind, my conscience was screaming at me while sanity was sitting at the farthest corner of my mind hall with face hiding in palms dejected and lost.

Saving the game! Face palms!

Niera where you think and talk is beyond alien.

Have you ever played this game apart from Prince, Papa and your moron School mates who were as novice in this game as you were. Subconscious sneered.

Why did you utter a YES for something you're not a connoisseur in? Mind whined, drowning in depression well since the time I declared the applaud-able example of insanity.

But I have played with them, I know the game. I tried to reason. After all I have played a few games with Prince who is a Maestro in chess.

Yes... kindly rewind your memory disk and pause it there when your own brother brutally defeated you in simple moves. Indeed he is a maestro but you aren't Niera dear. Subconscious snapped in Aloe Vera coated voice.

And here I thought, my insides can't be more depressing.

Alas! I was so naïve.

"Bambi!" someone's soft whisper reached my ears, my mind didn't took long to recognize who it was because there was only one comforting person in this gargantuan hall with whom I felt comfortable and miraculously only one who calls me Bambi.

I averted my gawking eyes from Sir Gerard's victorious smiling face to a soft yet concerned looking Dr. Baron.

My eyes met his and he gave me nod, this nod was one symbol reflecting many clustered messages.

One I felt was assurance second could be comfort, there could a hint of encouragement or he was just boosting my shallow, hollow ready to burn confidence.

Whatever it was, he was trying to help me, offer me solace for which I would be grateful to him in future but now, I was entirely lost in palpitating. My nerves were constricting somehow which resulted me in shivering my limps.

Now, stop being a drama queen and save the King. Conscience muttered with daggering glares.

And don't worry, it's just the game. A game of chess. That's it! Just a game. It was a warm considerate part inside me which was trying to comfort me and boost my confidence.

But then I was lost and drowned.

"Go ahead Niera! Take your steps." Sir Gerard encouraged while my heart was pounding in my mouth and the bloodstream disposed the frozen blood in my stomach.

With one glance at the chess board and the last straw of my reputation and his, the Queen's, I stood up from the nearly swallowing me sofa.

My first step was small, lenient almost dragged but with second step, my mind played the trick. When I took a whip of the enchanted air, my eyes left the sight of the discouraging chess board and the trapped King and took the shelter of the 'Real King' present in the room who was staring at me with a whirlpool of expression visible under his mask.

His gaze and trapped turmoil of emotions entrapped my mind in their spell while his eyes bound mine.

Then, what could happen, my fears, anxiety and distress were arrested under the flint custody of his gaze and his blue orbs opened the doors of confidence, freeing it from the claws of nervousness.

The second step I took more like I dug in the rug, it had confidence, grace and more than anything; it had faith.

Faith which I gain on myself. Faith, I received from his shimmering blue eyes.

Mr. Valentine knew magic and this magic casted around him can bring people to his feet but for me, he freed me from my own fears, providing me wings of his faith.

"Are you willing to play Miss William?" a distinct firm voice reached my ears while eyes were directed toward the source.

Looking straight into my eyes, Mr. Valentine asked me in his rich husky voice. Though, his words were firm but I felt a distinct softness in them.

Or maybe you're hallucinating!

Definitely I'm!

His eyes were masked in impassive perfection but I read query in them. A genuine query.

As if asking me, my decision.

This realization brought a foreign feeling in me, a stupid nerve inside my heart tugged and warmth spread inside.

You have an extraordinary absurd sense of Biology! Subconscious sneered.

I cut the rubbish insulting comments of my mind abruptly as I melted in his answer seeking gaze which was transfixed on me seeking my response.

Mind and sanity were at battle, one wanted to run away on my instincts with a straight 'No' while other was stretching to provide a decent apologetic speech conveying the idea of my 'No'.

But then their internal battle was cease fired abruptly when my vocal cords came into action and neck muscles were enforced to nod with a firm 'Yes' again.

How gibberish you can be?

A firm confident kick of 'yes' to your escape plan?

Have you ever heard of 'save yourself when you have a chance before it's too late'?

Idiot! Moron! Duffer! Dumb!

My sanity was calling me with pleasant titles and mind was narrowing its petite eyes but it all went unnoticed by me as my eyes were busy witnessing the changes in front of me.

My Gorgeous Saviour's lips twitched in a tiny smile which was reflecting through the wrinkles around his Blue intense eyes.

He is happy to hear a Yes.

Perhaps he is amused.

And here a bucket of water splashed on my mental sandcastle.

He gave a curt nod toward me before his gaze tears away from mine to somewhere else where he threw a brisk look.

I perceive he was giving a sharp look at Sir Gerard.

Bless this man! He is getting unpredictable day by day.

Call it a side effect of your company. Here comes a sassy response which shut my well mannered side.

The next instance Mr. Valentine rose from his comfortable stance and shifted a little, with him other stood too and well I was standing already.

He was about to sit when the loud warning rings started to ring completely startling me.

Oh please, I wasn't sure but if you'll seat next to me, I'll definitely lose this game. Your close proximities will make me melted chocolate fudge.

Please seat at a distance.

I was praying with pursed lips, not wanting my silent prayers to take a loud level action.

Finally you're using your precious small brain. Praise the lord!

"Majesty, Miss. William needs to take her stand in the game. I suggest your sitting near her will obfuscate her. Isn't it Miss. William?"

I was asked wryly with an arched brow and I was left speechless.

No money for guessing but this was none other than the reading expert Mr. Grey Sky whose voice and eyes were dancing in amusement while his facial features proclaiming that he read me again.

Like an open book.

At least this time, he helped you. Conscience remarked as I saw the facial expressions of Mr. Valentine hardened but he sit on other white sofa which was exactly between me and Mr. Grey Sky. He sat there with one look at me with undefined expressions and one hard glimpse at Mr. Raymond.

And what am I suppose to do?

Stand here till astronauts find another Galaxy.

Miss. Dufus, take a leap of confidence and jump on the vacant seat which is special made for you. Mind had a very sarcastic way to command, I must mention.

I did as I was commanded by my frustrated infuriated brain and went to the vacant sofa set which was proudly swelled with plush feathers stuffed inside but as I was about to plop on its ever inviting white blinding surface, a voice halted my jump.

"One last time, I must warn you Miss. William. You're about to set your foot in a territory where wisdom requires to be presented in its tactful way. I hope you're aware of what is about to come your way, in 'his' victory." Mr. Grey Sky announced and my whole body stiffened.

Is he warning me?

No, he is just showing you the mirror, darling. Stay put.

"I'm very much aware of where I'm heading Sir Raymond. But thanks for the warn—advise, though." I corrected my words on time before blurting the blunt truth.

But who was I kidding, it was the Army of highest officials accompanying me, my unspoken words were very well received and interpreted in the most efficient way.

Mr. Grey Sky in response just smile, which could be defined more as smirk.

"Have a seat Miss. William." He raised his manicured pale hand and gestured to the vacant seat like a gentleman.

Such polished manners.

Anyway, I sat with a nod; the aura of confidence was swirling around me with the dense chilling enchanted wind. It was around me, with severe intensity.

"So it's your move. Play wisely." He stated when I sat in front of him.

I gave him a look; a blank void one whereas my eyes were in desperation, desperation to hide my nervousness from the audience.

My fists were damped with sweat drenching my mobile phone.

The hysterical turmoil in me was shaking my insides whereas there was a revolution taking place in my stomach, where freedom fighter butterflies were marching all around.

Taking a deep breath, I did a futile attempt to calm myself but I was far away from calm I was melting.

However, Nodding, I switched my gaze from his flint shrewd one to the chess board in front of me.

The positions of the pieces were exactly the same, like I saw them from my previous seat. They were the same; the King was in Custody of White Bishop who was giving him a check. The King can make only one move that is to his left square.

Black King is only two steps away from his defeat. The exactly same position where Mr. Valentine handed over the game to me.

One thing, I have experienced and learned sitting in this sofa, at his place.

That, being an audience is an easy task. Just see or just hear the person sitting beside you and comment like an expert. But the state of mind changes and the experts inside you learn his place when you step into the field.

When you become the player.

Only then you can understand how it feels.

And that exactly the case with me. Apparently with anyone sitting on his place.

Though, the game is same but not my state of mind. It was far easy to squeal the moves from the audience row, like a maestro. The real game is now and I find myself hyperventilating. The butterflies in my stomach are flying and reaching higher to my lungs and heart resulting me to lose the last straws of confidence.

I can't lose now. It's about my self respect.

Nope, Bambi, it is about 'His' respect. Choose your words and move wisely. My mind corrected me with thin pursed lips.

Stealing a glance at the previous player who was staring straight, I proceeded with one move which I could work, at least for now.

The crystal piece was shining with elegance whereas I took a moment to admire the design of elite class work done over shimmering polished surface, I placed the Queen softly, considerably afraid to break the delicate article with a force placement.

I moved the Black Queen, who was standing diagonally three Squares away between the King and the Bishop, blocking the White Bishop to reach the King.

A glint of hope sparked in my eyes as the Queen was successful to save the entrapped King from White Bishop's Check Position.

But the victorious spark of my eyes short lived when I raised my eyes to meet his shrewd one which was dancing in Mirth. There was amazement in them, but it wasn't on the move I made to save my King but his accuracy for anticipating my moves.

"Fairly a surprise Miss. William." He remarked wryly with a faint monotonous look and my smile fell in coma.

Why would my move be a surprise when I howled my move at almost all the national news channels?

"Your Turn Sir." I stated but my words were concluded with a distinct clearance of throat which resonated around me. My exasperated gaze took a break from Mr. Ever Smirking Grey Sky and went toward the source of disturbance.

To be honest, this throat clearing didn't felt like natural throat clearing.

Quite so!

"Sir." It was Mr. Black who whispered in a hushed tone with a little shake of a head. And to clear the 'Doubt of the Dollar', it was him who distinctly cleared his throat to gain attention, my attention apparently.

He whispered two and a half seconds ago, but my slow functioning brain took its profligate time to read and comprehend his unnerving facial expressions.

It was said in an indicating manner like pointing out something which I was about to blunder in my words and actions.

He is shaking his head like refraining me to stop but what?

Being the over excited Kangaroo I'm, my mind jumped to find the root reason for his nervous warning shake of head with the word 'Sir'.

Oh yes! I said Sir. But why is he shaking his head on the Sir title. It's a respectful title to be honored then why he stopped me. I frowned while musing.

"Because the Title 'Sir' can only be associated with Gerard. As Gerard is the Knight(*) with the Honor from the Queen of our Kingdom. That's why his Title and status of the Royal Guardian are discreet and above others." This was Mr. Valentine who answered my nonverbal questions.

Or you asked quite loud.

I frowned deeply at his words as the silence engulfed the Hall in its embrace.

The new piece of information was quite gargantuan for my appetite.

I heard him while my brain listened to him attentively and as the whole announced sentence made sense my frown vanished and an astonished wide gawking expression took its place.

I snapped my gaze to Sir Gerard who sat there unfazed with the grand announcement; his eyes were as gentle and shrewd as I see him always. There was no proud, no pride was gleaming in them.

Only modesty portrayed in them.

They held gentleness in them but there was pride in other's eyes with a small smile. Apparently not mine but each eye was on him with a smile which soon too crawled on my face with astonishment.

Wow! He is so amazing.

Indeed he deserves the Title of the Knight with the honor of Queen.


That means the Queen of Great Britain has honored him. Wow!

"No Bambi. Not the Queen of Great Britain but the Great Queen of our Kingdom. Don't get confused between them." Dr. Baron corrected with a Bow, taking the Queen's name.

Their Queen's name.

To which I could only do a silent 'Oh'.

"When?" the single word escaped my mouth before I could consider the meaning of this four alphabet word.

Well that was very turtle of you.

"A long time ago." Mr. Grey Sky answered and my neck reacted to his words with a tornado like speed and I felt a sharp glare from the moving nerves.

He was smiling again and I was perplexed again.

Long time ago? Don't they remember the date or year?

Well, they must, it's the matter of honor. I would have remembered the exact date and time with seat number, location and what I wore with the name and clothes of my adjacent seat holders or perhaps the names of the whole row if I had attended something royal and grand like that.

My subconscious was staring at me with a look which forced me to add, even if I was just sitting in the audience.

"The date was something which we can never forget. Shall I tell her the date of your Knighthood Sir Gerard?" Mr. Grey Sky asked Sir Gerard caressing his chin with his fingers and with a never mind.

"I suggest you should concentrate on your unfinished game Raymond and Niera. We shall discuss about my Knighthood later." Sir Gerard responded deadpanned.

And my over excited dancing on the wall curiosity fall from the bed.

Slumping my shoulders in resignation, I averted my gaze and mind from the Knight discussion and tried to concentrate on My King who was standing on the same position as the Queen saved him for now.


This reminds me, who is the Queen of this Kingdom?

Definitely, not Queen Elizabeth II. Then who is the Great Queen?

My mind was concentrated in inscribing questions to put next that I didn't noticed the next move of Mr. Raymond who was now caressing his chin with his fingers. Again!

In total comfort and leisure!

"I think the Queen should be given a chance. It'll be too early for her to be captured. After all she just made her appearance in the game. Isn't it, Majesty?" Mr. Grey Sky mused, drumming his fingertips on his knee in a rhythmic manner.

I eyed at the Board in sheer seriousness, while my conscience was glaring at the White Bishop.

Mr. Grey Sky just moved his rook to one square.

As the rules of Chess and the mind of sane player states, My Queen must have been captured till now by the White Bishop as it was a fair chance for my adversary to weaken me in game.

But Mr. Grey Sky didn't take the opportunity but taunted Mr. Valentine for not using the Queen till time.

His shrewd eyes were conveying a message which my eyes were desperate to read but then again, he is Mr. Grey Sky who won't let anyone to read him not until unless he want them to and at this moment, he only wants Mr. Valentine to read his message.

In response, Mr. Valentine's eyes didn't left the shield of impassiveness but a raw layer of rage was surging under them.

I shrugged from inside before diverting my mind in the game.

Why? Why he didn't en-cashed the opportunity to capture my Queen, my biggest strength.

He isn't an errant novice player but his shrewd features are proclaiming his experience and passion of years for Chess. His excitement is visible through his eyes.

Then why he saved my Queen?

Perhaps, he is assured that he'll win even in the presence of your Queen.

The Black King will lose in the presence of his Queen.

Not so fast Mr. Grey Sky.

I smiled as I made my next move, staring at him with same intensified gaze which he was shooting at him.

I gave him a sharp move, to which he responded with a smirk. He is confident of his victory, that's what I see in his eyes.

No he is confirm of his victory, he is just waiting for me to take the next move. A move which will mark his victory.

No! I can't let him win.

Not because of my nervous wreak state and moves. This game belongs to Mr. Valentine and he will win.

I can't let him lose. I won't let him lose.

Chanting this decision in mind, I closed my eyes for a brief moment which was a relief as Mr. Grey Sky's astute eyes were making it hard for me to think straight.

And my heart invaded the bounds of mind with the clear crystal image of Mr. Gorgeous Saviour flashed in my closed eyes.

His eyes blank apart from his authentic sharp blue iris noticing our every move.

Strangely strange, whose eyes should have dragged me to a pool of anxiety, they were the source of my solace.

My nervous twitching brain cells that were doing Arabic style dance around the bonfire of my burning confidence are now calm and went back on functioning with his invading image.

"What about the Princess, may I ask how is she doing, Sir Gerard?" my concentration broke with the word 'Princess' and my eyes snapped opened.

Gone the need to calm down, my eyes peeked up furtively as the bonfire was already erupting smoke in ashes after Mr. Gorgeous Saviour's invading image.

"She is—Princess is perfectly fine. Just like always." Dr. Baron answered; with the sadness and dejection I noticed in his voice, my eyes automatically found his sorrowful face.

But alas! He wasn't the only one, the anticipating blank faces of people around me turned upside down with the mention.

Especially Mr. Valentine.

My heart wrenched at the site of his mournful face but his eyes didn't gave me much time to witness his sorrow as his expressions changes with the direction of air.

Dense, impassive and hard.

I shook my head at his changing demeanor while my eyes casted downward.

I don't know why, but I felt a strange hollowness inside my chest. It was weird to even consider that I can comfort him.

Because I don't even know the reason of his sadness nor I'm close to him, we are bound with his deal that's it. But then why his sorrow is my sadness, his eyes seeking assurance finds mine and how this nervous wreak heart of mine wants to see his face as a soothing balm. Why?

Because you're nuts. An empty nut which needs to be treated in hospital.

And then sanity barged into my psychology lesson and I was kicked out to reality.

Strange enough, I was too lost in him to heart the further discussion.

Probably, because it's your daily agenda to get lost in him of at least once in a 24 hours. I received a whining remark and my cheeks flushed in the bright shade of crimson.

Okay! Behave! Concentrate on the game. I mentally chided myself.

I turned my attention on my King who was standing at the same place like it's his favorite tea time place, I was mentally glaring at him But my glaring session distracted when I sensed a stare at me, raising my head gingerly, I found Mr. Valentine was staring at me intently.

My pink cheeks turned red noticing the intensity of those Caribbean blue eyes; and for every action there is a reaction. In response Mr. I Rule People smirked slightly. Slightest but a smirk formed on his face.

Is he amused?

Who won't be, to see a red pumpkin on a white sofa with a black and white chess board in front? It would be an amusing site to see. Conscience remarked.

Other things are fine but who is red Pumpkin? I gave a thought but then never mind.

Before this Red Pumpkin could burst in blush, I averted my eyes from my blushing plant and dragged my concentration on the game.

You're not fun today. Where is that over excited Duffer who was at least a bit funny. A very whining part inside me asked and I could nothing but rolled my eyes at this Statement.

 Right! I should be funny in this Massacre prototype condition! Seriously! where did I lost this essential called Sanity.

Probably! you left it back home. A reply came from inside shutting me up utterly.  

Mr. Raymond didn't disappointed, though participating in the discussion, he didn't left the command over the game, though, his smirk were less but I received his blank serious facial features with cold demeanor.

"Distractions often leads to defeat, Si—Mr. Quinn." I stated with confidence oozing from voice when I played my move.

The hall which was walking on the murmurs of people discussing matters, fall in the grave of eerie silence.

"Check!" I announced when my Black rook gave a check to his White King.

I leaned back a little as my stiff back was screaming for some relief and the moment was now in my court, so giving in to the pleas of my aching back, I leaned a little. Not too much to submerged in the sofa.

People around maybe didn't take it as my arrogant manner, as they were gawking at the board with wide eyes and a small smile on their faces. But my eyes noticed the change on two significant face.

Sir Gerard had his all knowing ever smiling smile but one man in the room took my breath away with his half twitched delight showing lopsided smile and I don't need to mention who and my reaction was a deeper shade of flush.

But then, how can the opponent of Mr. Raymond can smile for a long time, he gave me a look, a look which wiped my smile in that instant and made an appearance on his sophisticated face.

"Indeed." He said then gave a brief glance at the board.

That was his first glance from the time I proclaimed the Check.

"But not with the one who knows how to defeat the shadows of defeat." He said with utmost sincerity dripping in saccharin of hubris.

"Check Miss William!" He announced with his counter move and the rug decorated white floor from my feet shifted below me.

I snapped my gawking eyes to the board in front of me and the sight I received and position of my Pieces made my eyes to pop out from their sockets and fall on the rug.

I bit my lip as I saw the current position of my King and his King.

With one move he not just only saved his King but he also gave a Check to my King, just with his Knight who captured my Rook and now standing between the King and my Bishop.

Either I have to save my Bishop or King.

Miss. Moron, of course you'll save your King, what will you do with Bishop?

Camel ride?

"Distractions may often lead to defeat but Impulsive steps always leads to defeat, Miss. William." He smiled back, like teaching me a lesson.

I nodded instinctively, accepting his wise words.

With defeated expressions, I shifted my King to the other side and let the White Knight capture my Bishop.

He indeed has a shrewd knowledge of defeating the Shadows of defeat.

My evaluations on his outer profile were all accurate to his personality; his charisma is speaking in silence while his demeanor is proclaiming his wit around crowd.

Well! What I heard from Jerry was factual. He is a man with Grey Sky.

A man who walks with the power of his strategic tactics and mastermind to defeat the opponent only through his one watchful witty and astute gaze.

He can defeat the defeat with a blink of his eyes.

And soon I see my defeat to be presented in a silver platter to him.

The mere thought made my insides crunch and crumble like cookie,

This will be so embarrassing. My sanity down casted its head as an overwhelming burden of defeat was ready to pound on its shoulder.

A defeated damsel hiding her face.

No! No! No!

I can't fail in the game. This game belongs to Mr. Valentine.

He deserves to—

I mean he was suppose to sit here and—

But you jumped on the first opportunity to create a controversy.

Niera, now whether you like it or not. You have to face this, defeat or Victory.

You have to take stand for 'Him'.




A game of wits!

That's what people call it. But when I see this game being played in front of me. I find it as a ray of hope radiating in the murk of darkness.

A heart lost in naivety found the pearl of darkness and now the credulity of life will bring the shine in the heart of sea.

"Sir Gerard! Apologies to interrupt in your delight musing over the situation but may I ask why you are so undeterred to put Niera in this uncomfortable blunder." Dexter broke into my concentration through his anxious words. Though, they were coated in anxiety, I felt a hint of exhilaration in them.

Still smiling, I averted my eyes from the palpitating Niera who was busy concocting her next move to Dexter who was sitting beside me.

My eyes met his, enjoying his state of anxiety mixed with anticipation with my smiling one.

Dexter doesn't need to be explained, I was aware that one look from me will answer his queries if not then, at least my gaze can ease his distress which it did.

His distressed exasperated eyes found relief at some extent meeting my eyes but they held question in them. Questions were brimming in them seeking relief.

Broadening my smile, slightest, I nodded at him to ask away.

"Why did you put her in that complicated situation, Sir? For goddess's sake, she is just a fragile child." His words were firm; his defiance was clearly shimmering through his voice.

His concern for our Queen made me smile broadly.

Again, she succeeded to win another heart through her naïve soul.

"She is a fragile child who needs to learn her lessons. After all this fragile child will soon sit on the highest rank of the Kingdom." I responded bluntly.

It is a truth. Blunt bleak truth.

"Why now? She can learn her lessons step by step. Why did you throw her in front of Guardian Raymond?" He asked with detest. This time, he didn't attempt to hide his disagreement and disapproval, neither through his words nor from his face.

"Learning takes place in flint conditions is a lesson 'well learnt' Dexter. A calm sea doesn't produce a skilled sailor then here we are talking about our Queen." I stated; staring at him.

"Indeed, she can take command step by step but then it'll just a formality and the history of our world proclaims the strength of rulers who learn their lessons from life.

"Whether it was Majesty who was forced to face the harsh reality at a fragile age of innocence or our Great Queen who taught us the definition of greatness." I continued with pride speaking in my voice.

The reminisce of our past crashed in our heart, the shadows of past lurking around the ray of present, shaking us from inside. The pain and agony long buried in our heart woke alive with one mention.

This pain and melancholy doesn't shook only me but the pain was mirrored in Dexter as well.

That's what binds us. The glory of past brings the swell of pride in our heart but the brutality of past joins us in pain.

"Will she—" he didn't completed but averted his eyes back to the lost girl in front of us. He kept his gaze on her and continued, "Will she able to accept her defeat?" he asked; unsure of his words.

"Her winning or losing depend upon her steps. After all Chess, she is playing.

"Chess: The game of rules, the exploration of sagacity."

My words eased the worried furrow lines from Dexter's forehead but I knew words weren't sufficient to ease his anxiety which was bubbling inside him with her stiffened form.

With one brief glance toward Dexter, I averted my eyes back to the two players who were doing their best to save the game while my mind was lost in its own piled up thoughts and the events of past.

Arrival of Raymond was the need to face the matter in front of us but when I heard about the desperation Niera was burning in with Majesty's absence, I knew, her heart is melting the guards which her innocent mind had formed around her.

And my leap of faith, strengthened when I heard, 'She found Him.'

The Naivety of her soul is breaking the ice of his Heart...

And then I knew the destiny played its card again. He was found to her and the mate buried inside him saved her again.

This sealed the initial step of their fate, the dawn of the beginning.

"Take your time Miss. William. There is no hurry." My eyes went to the source of the voice and found Raymond smirking in enjoyment, whereas his eyes are focused on his adversary who was glaring at him with her sharp steely gaze.

Although, Raymond wasn't just receiving her angry glares but his eyes were aware of certain four other pairs of eyes gazing him with their angry disapproving gaze.

Though, Niera didn't wasted her energy on him but redirected her eyes to her King who has fallen himself in the trap of Raymond's White Knight.

Her nervous distraught stance was the mirror of her distressed disturbed state of mind.

And without any doubt I knew Raymond was reading her, easily under his scrutinizing gaze.

Oh dear! That's what I asked you to learn. Learn from Raymond.

I'm amazed you read him, quite efficiently which was a surprise for him. Someone accurately reading him but what we both noticed in you that you failed to express it.

Perhaps, you didn't. I mused. Recalling her sweating stuttering form when she was asked to express what she learnt from his steps.

I knew she was trying to read him, hard with all her knowledge and skills she possess. But then her knowledge and experience are as novice as she is, naivety is her soul that makes her another feature of interest for Raymond.

Though, I never announced clearly, Raymond knew I was hiding something precious from him. He knew already, there was something this visit was holding for him in distinct future.

And Niera's uninvited visit and her expression of words to stand for her self esteem amused Raymond to a different level.

Her one look, and he read her, scrutinized her under his calculative penetrating gaze. Niera stood for herself rather than cower away from her inner turmoil; she took a stand when her mind and body were commanding her to run away.

It was clear that she was anxious and palpitating with a storm of uneasiness inside her but she stood still even after Raymond's harsh interrogation which was cascading melting lava of fear over her frozen confidence.

I admire the strength of this fragile soul, who was shaken in adversity yet refused to step back.

However, it wasn't just me but every Supernatural entity attentive in presence was admiring her bravery and will.

Even Raymond who sensed something extraordinary in her, inclined to know the deterred zest and to reach to the factual core of the situation, he very cleverly took the assistance of his wit, using his words to get a provocative reaction from Majesty and others.

The smirk, he revealed was a statement that he reached to the palpable core.

Because Alpha Royce announced it himself through his commanding demeanor. Just words are needed and I believe after this game, they won't be needed.

But then who can stop him from demonstrating.

"What is it Miss. William?" my reverie was disturbed with Raymond's incredulous query.

I dragged out myself from the world of thoughts and my gaze went to the center table where Raymond was sitting with a blank expression marring his face which was apparently seeking answers from his adversary while his adversary was sitting straight with squared shoulders emanating confidence from her demeanor.

"What does it look like Mr. Quinn?" she shot back affronted. Switching my gaze from her to My Majesty, I found him with a pleasant look. A soft smile was creeping on his flamboyant features whereas his eyes were gleaming in pleasure.

Pleasure of his sight!

"You're baring your Precious Queen to my Queen only to capture a small pawn. Is it worth risk taking?" Raymond was asking Niera with narrowed eyes, scrutinizing her features which were nothing but blunt and blank with a comfortable and relaxed eye movements.

"It is a risk, I have to take." She responded; bluntly.

Her response brought a frown on other's face with a quizzical questioning stare.

I tore my eyes from her to give a glance at the game where the White Queen was standing in front of the Black Queen, in one move the White Queen can capture the Black Queen, the Biggest support of the King.

I rove my gaze to the board; she has no strategic back up to counter strike, neither a Check move than why she is baring her Queen to the opponent.

Then why Niera took that step.

"You're naïve than I assumed you to be. If you think, I'll let this opportunity to go, then you're certainly mistaken Miss. William." Raymond remarked with his arched brows, his eyes are speaking volumes.

Not for others but my Friend is an open book for me. He shall never show his puzzled mysteries to others but for my eyes they are revealed, long ago.

And here he is unable to read Niera's next move. As a matter of fact, I too am.

Every person in the hall is awestruck with her blunt move.

"Sir Gerard! Is she that desperate to run that she is presenting her Queen to Guardian Raymond?" Theodore's infuriated voice reached my mind through mind link.

"We shouldn't have let them meet. She isn't ready. Now, Guardian Raymond will de-motivate her spirit and confidence." He continued, his aggression increasing with each spoken word.

I gave him a sharp look.

"Theodore! The game isn't finished yet."I stated firmly.

"But it'll be after all, she is in desperation to run away." He replied exasperated.

I knew Theodore was enraged with Niera's impulsive move. She was warned to think before taking her steps. It was Raymond who indirectly hinted her for her moves but in desperation to win the game or perhaps accepting her defeat, she is creating unfavorable conditions.

"Does she run?"

"Does she left?"

"No! The game is not finished, nor did she leave the game. Have patience Theodore." I announced sharply with a steel gaze directed on his way.

Theodore didn't seem appreciative of her move nor from my assurance as Theodore sees the reality of result in action which he finds absent in Niera's action.

Raymond's shrewd smirking eyes met mine for a brief second, but that brief minute was sufficient for him to convey his hinting disappointment.

"You impressed me Miss. William with your brave step to take the command of the losing end but now when I see this shape of the game, I'm doubting my previous assumptions." Raymond said wryly with an unimpressed face.

He intertwined his palms, resting them on his knees.

"Do you want to take your move back? You can and you must." He offered with a firm blank tone, his words void of any emotion but eyes grasping her every change.

Niera's stiff shoulders stiffened again while her back stood straight but her face refused to show any sign of emotion to cascade her inter battle.

Trying to shield her internal battle!

Taking a deep breath, her released her stiffed muscles a little but grasped them again, the next moment.

"A player isn't allowed to take back his move." She stated in a flat tone.

"Absolutely. But they also don't take such deranged decisions. And here as your adversary, I'm allowing you to rectify your mistake, not once but twice. So use your chance." Raymond responded with a serious face and flint eyes.

My eyes left Raymond's serious face to witness the reaction of My Majesty, whose face was showcasing his impassive mask but his eyes were transfixed on the Queen who was in front of the White Queen.

The atmosphere fell in the embrace of silence which wasn't comforting but anticipating.

"I refuse." My gaze broke from Majesty's face and landed on Niera who sat comfortably on the sofa with a blank expression.

Her response made Raymond to raise his brow in query which didn't unnoticed by Niera.

"I refuse to move back. I suggest you should take your move." She enunciated her statement.

I leaned back against my sofa, with a soft smile marring my face.

The game is afoot!

"You are losing." He remarked.

"I beg to differ. I'm playing. The end of this game will decide the Victory or defeat." She stated plainly. But the raw aura of confidence was surging around her which left people flabbergasted and perplexed on her move.

Her eyes were transfixed on Raymond but then her gaze flickered at Majesty's direction. They both held each other's gaze and he nodded at her curtly.

It felt like one was assuring other while other providing solace to one.

Dexter witnessed the exchanged with me as a small smile crawled on his lips when he met my gaze.

"As you wish." He stated exhaling as his gaze dropped at the board. He took the chance to capture the Queen but changed his mind. With his Queen. He captured the Black Rook, weaken Black army.

Exhaling deeply, Niera made her next move which was moving her King.

"I was hoping to have an exhilarating game with you Majesty. But I'm disappointed." Raymond commented; attempting to provoke.

"The game isn't over yet Mr. Quinn."

"But you are Miss. William."

"The biggest Mistake a player does in any game is assuming his opponent a weakening." She stated making her next move staring at the board but then her face rose and her determinant eyes met Raymond's with a spark of command.

"Check!" she exclaimed with no emotions whatsoever on her face.

All the ears and eyes present in the room snapped at her and landed at the direction of the board.

"Defeat isn't register until unless the King takes his strike. You're opponent was weak indeed but not a loser."

She stated with an authoritative tone which was proclaiming her ascendancy.

She averted her eyes from Raymond to the direction of Majesty with a smile crawling over her lips which mirrored on Majesty's face.

My heart swiveled in joy as I witness the smile on my Majesty's face, a smile which was genuine and reflecting the delight of his heart.

They both turned to meet Raymond's gaze.

I took my time to rejoice the moment but then my eyes went to the Chess Board which was a moment ago, proclaiming the defeat of my Queen through the Black Queen.

The sight in front of me, gave me the live insight of my Queen's strength and her determination to stand and Win.

The Queen is standing proud in front of the White King, only at a distance of one square but to save the Queen the King is standing beside her, and Queen standing as his Shield.

The White Queen is far away lost in capturing the pawns of Black Army. My eyes widened at realization. The King is Alone...

That's states, in two moves....

"Checkmate!" my unsaid reverie was announced loudly by My Queen who was now smiling a little.

The atmosphere fell in the mist of silence where the air of bewilderment took the sanity of others to a different level.

"I didn't take the learning from you because I learnt mine well and that's what one needed to win in a game." She stated softly.

I saw her face which was smiling but this smile wasn't victorious or proclaiming her pride but it was genuine which was coated in her happiness.

The same smile I witnessed on my Majesty's gleaming face.

A genuine smile of pride.

We all stood from our seats, which broke her smile replacing with astonishment as she stood too.

"Well done Bambi." Dexter praised her breaking the trance of astonishment.

"Raymond, the Queen won." I announced, he nodded with a smile.

Accepting his defeat

"Indeed. She won!"

"The King won, the role of the Queen was to protect the King." Niera corrected the next instance.

I accepted her words while other smiled staring at each other, the infuriation, anxiety, distress whatever was thickening the ambiance flee away far leaving the breeze of Victory in the enchantment.

She  didn't disappoint but won our Trust.  

The vague presence of authority strengthened to severe intensity in the air subjugating us all under its command.

That means she succeeded in her first step. Praise the gracious spirits.

My gracious gaze went to my Majesty and my Queen.

"The King won't sacrifice his Queen." Majesty announced.

"And the Queen won't let the King lose." Niera concluded.

They stood staring at each other while we Bowed to them.


May 6, 2017

(*) Knight: A man given a rank of honour by a British King or Queen because of his Special Achievements, and who has the right to be called "Sir".

Some Chess time:-

1) In the position of check: Under the standard rules of chess, a player may not make any move which places or leaves their king in check. A player may move the king, capture the threatening piece, or block the check with another piece.

2) The Queen can move in any direction, straight, diagonally and can cross a distance. There is no bound; that's also makes her the strongest support for the King.

3) There are two Bishops, two Rooks and Two Knights with eight Pawns at both side with one King and One Queen.

Apologies! But I wanted it to be exceptional.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Chess is a game of Rules, in exploration of wisdom.

I hope after reading this chapter your interest in this game increased, if not then try your hands and wits.

As with this chapter Niera successfully saved the Black 'King' with his 'Queen', not only this she won the game and truth of Majesty's Subjects.

I would love to hear your views on this chapter.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be highly appreciated.

Thank You,


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