The Nerd Duchess

By Chocolatesandbooks

116K 4.4K 454

It was her senior year. Her last year in the Academy that treated her no less than a mere 'commoner'. In her... More

The Nerd Duchess
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Nine

3.8K 173 27
By Chocolatesandbooks

Chapter Nine

Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked at the boy who was standing a few feet away from her. It's not him.

It can't be.

Victoria thought to herself. It can't be him.

Even when they only met twice over the summer, she could still remember him. Every single thing about him.

The last time they saw each she never thought they would see each other again. It was that thought that made Victoria very courageous in telling him about her. The whole truth about her. Of course, after he swore he would never breathe a word out to others. Even when he is a complete stranger to her as her to him, she believed him.

Now, he stood in front of her. His hair is still unruly as ever. His silver eyes bright and luminous as she remembered.

He wore the school uniform for the boys; a pair of black pants, a black suit jacket that has the school crest on it breast pocket underneath is a pair button down and plaid blue vest and a blue necktie.

He was being constantly clung on by Alexa. Victoria could see him subtly telling her to let go of him.

He may be born in the 21st century but he has manners from the 18th. It was one of things that interested and attracted Victoria to him that night at the bar in Malibu a few weeks ago.

"We should go," Victoria said urging them to hurry passing the crowded hallway as everyone wanted a glimpse of the new student, of the new royalty.

"What? Why?" Elizabeth nodded but Hayley asked.

"Alexa alert," Elizabeth said pulling Hayley faster but not fast enough as Alexa saw them. But instead of  Alexa calling out, it was...

"Tory?" a familiar male's voice called out.

Victoria continued walking her head bowed down.

"Tory," Hayley whispered. "He called you OMG! He is calling you! How does he know you?"

Elizabeth, on her other side, was also asking the same thing.

"Tory," he called out again but this time. Footsteps followed them. "Wait up. I want talk to you. Please."

"You should talk to him," Hayley said softly.

She felt Elizabeth urging her to stop and so she did. She took a deep breath before she turned towards that handsome man who was calling out to her.

"Hello, your majesty," she said in a clipped tone.

"Tory, I told you to call me Charles," he said standing in front of her leaving Alexa to glare daggers at her. "Remember."

"I remember," Victoria whispered. A small smile found its way on her face before she could stop it.

"So," Charles said a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends, Ri?"

"Ri?" Hayley and Elizabeth said confused looking at Victoria with an annoyed gaze. Their hands on their hips. Another nickname. But Victoria hates nicknames. The only one she tolerates is Tory.

"I don't know, Charlie," Victoria said hotly annoyed of another nickname. "I'm starving so. I better head to the dining hall and you go back to your company because I'm pretty sure she hates waiting." She said, looking over his shoulder to Alexa.

"Charlie?" Hayley and Elizabeth whispered at each standing side by side looking at the scene in front of them. "What is going on?"

"Dining hall?" Charles said. He knew that she was annoyed at him but he really wanted to talk to her. He didn't care if she didn't want to talk to him. She is one stubborn soul. He knew that. But that wouldn't stop him. She knew that he is as stubborn as her. He wants her to understand the way he did with her situation.

He smiled at her before he snake his arms around her waist pulling her to him. "Then, we should go in together. I'm starving myself, Ri. Lead the way, love."

"I am not your love, your majesty. Besides, you have your own tour guide," Victoria huffed annoyed looking at Alexa whose glare didn't falter. She turned to the two girls who are still standing. "Let's go guys."

She walked passed Charles who looked at her, his mouth gaping open.

"Besides," Victoria said, "We wouldn't want your boyfriend to wait any longer, Hayley." Victoria could see Hayley blush at the mentioned of Adam but she paid no heed and walked away from them.

"Hey," Charles turned to look at the two girls who were left standing at the side.

"Hi," Hayley and Elizabeth greeted Charles.

 "I'm Elizabeth," Elizabeth said.

"Hayley Summers," Hayley introduced.

"Charles D'Angelo," Charles smiled. "You're friends with Tory, then?"

The two nodded.

"Let's go then, we would want to have her blowing another gasket, wouldn't we?" Charles smirked.

"Of course," the two replied.

"Besides, Miss Froggy princess doesn't really like waiting," Elizabeth said in afterthought.

"Froggy princess?" Hayley looked at Elizabeth with a knowing glance.

"Her new nickname," Elizabeth shrugged.

"Let the way to the hall, then?" Charles asked.

"Of course," the two said. "Follow us, your highness,"

"Please," Charles groaned as he followed the two. "Not the title. Charles is just fine."

"Of course, Charles," they laughed.

As the trio left, they have completely forgotten about Alexa who had resulted to dropping her jaw on the ground as she saw that the young duke left her for those low-lifes.


Victoria was almost halfway through her lunch when the trio arrived at their table.

"Oh great, he is here and they are friends," she mumbled under her breath as she eyed Elizabeth, Hayley and Charles sat down in front of her beside Adam who was wearing an amused smile on his face.

Adam was silently laughing at the evident distress in his friend's face. He smiled giving a small peck at his girlfriend's cheek who was seated right beside him.

"Hi, your majesty," Victoria said after Adam introduced himself.

"Hey, love," Charles smirked as he took his plate from the passing personnel who were still busy distributing lunches.

Victoria glared at him.

"So," Hayley said breaking the awkward silence that was settling against the group. "When did you two meet?"

"Malibu," the two said in unison.

Victoria continued to glare at him but Charles merely smiled at her. It was as if Charles was use to the glare the stubborn girl in front of him was giving.

Elizabeth was amazed as to how Charles can hold himself against Victoria when she is in one of her moods, because she, herself, even if they had been friends for so long, couldn't tolerate her that long. She was happy that she got a glimpse of the old Victoria Rostova. The fun, out-going, easily irritated, and adventurous Victoria Rostova not the shy, push-over, know-it-all Victoria Rostova who is afraid to speak up.

But as much as she wanted to reminisce on the old Victoria Rostova and how she was and also how the girl in front of them resembles her so much, she wanted to stop the tension that was crawling it's way to their group.

"Okay," Elizabeth said dragging the word out as she diverted the attention to her. She stared at the raven-color haired boy who was in a staring contest with her best friend. It seems as if his attention was solely on her.

"What is it, Liz?" Victoria said.

"Yeah, Elizabeth?" Charles said.

Both didn't move away from each other's eyes as they silently continued their staring contest.

"What is your class after lunch?" Elizabeth said in a sore attempt to lose the tension between the two.

If it was possible for the smirk that was already in Charles' face to grow then at that moment it would have as he said the one word that seem to added to Victoria's already destroyed day.


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