Maple Love 🍁

By Hetalia_Yaoi_Forever

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This is a Prussia x Canada Mpreg Fanfiction! I hope you peeps enjoy! Art and Characters are NOT mine! Warning... More

Chapter One: Invisible? Not Quite
Chapter Two: Developing 'Feelings' ? Part 1: Unawesome Embarrassment
Chapter Two: Developing 'Feelings'? Part 2: What's Happening?!
Chapter Three: Spending Awesome Time Together
Chapter Four: Drunk Sex
Chapter Five: Confusion
Chapter Six: Long Time No See
Chapter Eight: A "Normal" Day
Chapter Nine: Finally Together
Chapter Ten: The Dreaded Curl
A/N (#HeadcannonForYourThoughts ^)
Chapter Eleven: Meeting Carlos (Cuba)
Chapter Twelve: Becoming Close Once Again
Chapter Thirteen: Ludwig Doesn't Approve
Chapter Fourteen: Torn....
Chapter Fifteen: Hurt
Chapter Sixteen: Move On...?
Chapter 17: Hardships
Chapter 18: In the Dark

Chapter Seven: Tell Him or I Will

202 7 0
By Hetalia_Yaoi_Forever

Regular POV
Matthew was not at all excited to talk to Alfred. He was being too over protective and irrational. When Matthew arrived at Alfred's house he saw everyone just leaving so he hid. Behind a tree, waiting for everyone to be gone.

Mathew's POV
Oh maple! I don't want to be seen! I tried my best to hide behind the tree and not be seen. After about 10 minutes passed, all the cars were gone accept for Papa and of course Alfred's. I sighed and made my way to the door, lightly knocking it.

After waiting a few seconds, Alfred opened the door "Come in little bro."

It's so scary when Alfred is not all hyper....

I walked in and made my way to the living room and saw Papa drinking wine.

He looked at me "Bonjour Matthieu my boy."

"Bonjour Papa." I hugged him tightly.

He chuckled "After all these years, you still call me that. It makes me feel old."

"You are old you old frog....." Arthur walk into the living room from the kitchen.

Papa dramatically gasped "How dare you offend my age?! I'm am perfectly young and prospering!"

Alfred laughed "Says the dude that cracked his back earlier!"

I started to laugh myself because of this moment of being around people that hasn't forgotten me. My real family. Well Papa refuses to tell me who Arthur is to him and how this is a family. He either changes the subject or ask if I have to do something. Usually I do. Really, all wanted to know if we're related or something. Well, I know me and Alfred is related, but what about Arthur and Papa?

Papa put down his glass of wine on the table, which is now empty "I told you that I just twisted it the wrong way!"

Alfred gasped "Dude! is that a gray hair?!"

"Where?!" Papa felt around his hair attempting to find it

Me, Alfred, and Arthur laughed at him.

Papa instantly knew that it was a joke and scoffed "I'm not old. It's just effects of being a great country."

"I'm pretty sure that's that same as being old." Alfred said as he still laughed.

"You'll have your time of aging! Just you wait!" Papa retorted.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah you old geezer. Anyway let's talk about Matthew's little problem." I saw Alfred's happy expression change into a serious one, which sent shivers down my spine.

Arthur sat down in a nearby arm chair and I sat down next to Alfred.

"You told me that the last person you was with is named Gilbert and he represents Prussia or West Germany, right?" I felt Alfred staring daggers into my soul. It made me feel weak and can't move at all. I refused to make eye contact with him because it is so scary, so I just nodded.

"That guy is actually a friend of mine." Papa spoke up "He was in the Bad Touch Trio with me and Antonio. You know, the good old days."

Alfred looked at Papa "Thanks for the info." He then returned to looking at me "You said you found him in your bed and you two was only in boxers. And you had him tell you what happened at a game you went to the same night. He told you that you got drunk and what not. That's all?"

"W-Well....." This is not going so well....Alfred is so good at piecing things together. I'm just here trying to get things clarified.....I think that Gilbert might have done this to me. I want to prove myself wrong, but everything is becoming too obvious now.....

I heard Alfred sighed "He might be the one that knocked you up. You literally said everything that makes it obvious."

I put my face in my hands "I just wanted you to clarify for me......thank you."

Alfred pulled me into a hug "Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't want to......he might not take it really well.....I rather not get hurt by something mean he might say....." I my eyes started to lightly burn due to tears about to form.

"You have to tell him!" Alfred made me look at him "You better tell him or I will! No one knocks up my brother and doesn't accept it! I'll give you two days or else!"

I pushed Alfred away and stood up "I can take care of this on my own! You can't just weave your way through and make a plan where you just force him to be with me! If he doesn't want to be with me! Then so be it!" I stormed off and walked out of Alfred's house 'That went well.....'. I made my way to the hotel I'm staying at and went to my room, then just kicked off my shoes.  I laid down on the perfectly made bed, eventually falling asleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up and sat up, stretching. Oh maple.....I forgot to change clothes. My phone started to ring in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was Papa calling me. I answered it and put my phone up to my ear.

The Conversation:

Me: Bonjour Papa

Papa: Bonjour my little Matthieu. I have something to tell you.

Me: Okay, I'm listening.

Papa: Since you're older and would understand more. I'll tell you everything. Family wise and your pregnancy.

Me: O-Okay

Papa: I found you by yourself when you was around 2 years old. I took you in and raised you by myself. When a few months passed, Arthur and I crossed paths and he was carrying Alfred. We both noticed that you and Alfred looked very much alike, so we figured that you're both are brothers. Arthur and I did develop a relationship for a good two years because we thought that it would be best to work together and raise you two, but he hurt me really bad.....and decided to take you away from me. I then took Alfred away from him. We both had a war and eventually I got you back and Arthur got Alfred back. We then parted ways. Sorry for all of the lies I told you .

I couldn't believe what I heard. Mixed feelings started to crowd my mind. Am I angry? Sad? Or happy? Actually, I'm happy. He lied just for the best.

Me: It's fine Papa. I understand.

Papa: That's nice to hear.

Me: Can you tell me about the pregnancy?

Papa: It's quite hard to explain, but some countries can get pregnant. You and Alfred are two of them. You have some female reproductive organs.

Me: I-I see....

Papa: Alfred should've told you about it because he gave birth to most of the states.

Me: Oh maple....that's a lot. I just took children under my wing and gave them land to represent.

Papa: Sure is. I remember you doing that. You picked some good children.

Me: Y-Yeah and I'm happy about that.

Papa: Now as for your actual child, you have to find land for him or her.

Me: Yeah.....It's going to be hard because most land is taken now.


apa: I'm sure that you'll find a perfect piece of land for your child. I'll help you whenever you need it.

Me: Thanks Papa. I really appreciate it.

Papa: I have to go now. Take care of yourself.

Me: I will.

Papa: Au revior Matthieu~

Me: Au revior Papa.

I hung up the phone 'That wasn't so bad.' I lifted my shirt and placed my hand on my stomach, which is quite flat, but it is hard. It's quite amusing. How am I going to tell this to Gilbert....

I sighed. Maybe Alfred is right......I should tell Gilbert. I took out my phone and texted Gilbert.

The Text:
Me: Hey Gilbert, I hope you had a safe trip home. I wonder if I can come over.

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