My Protectors

By Nocturnalxoxo

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Myra Celeste, a gal with four boy best friends who acts as her brother and protector. Through the ups and dow... More

I. The Kings
II. Uh-oh
III. The Parents ‍‍
IV. Farewell
V. Hellhole
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

949 21 4
By Nocturnalxoxo

Chapter 12

“I’ll let you see your friends again.”

       To say I was shocked and surprised would be an understatement. I’m astounded and flabbergasted, my hands were gripping Mom’s arm. Her smile didn’t drop and she didn’t tell me it was all a joke and I would never see them. But it didn’t come… not that I want it to.

“W-what?” I stuttered idiotically. Mom softened my hands and grasped it with her own.

“I don’t want to be the mother that takes away her daughter’s happiness away. I want to be there for you at all cost. So, I’ll let you do what you want and I’ll be behind you and support you.” Mom muttered softly. Tears of joy sprung from my eyes, I launched myself at her. Hugging Mom with all my might, she giggled at my obvious happiness and hugged back.

“Thank you. Oh, thank you Mom!” I gushed with the brightest smile I could master plastered in my face. Mom held my face in between her hands and kissed my forehead affectionately.

“No Mija… thank you for forgiving me.” She mumbled. I smiled softly then our moment was interrupted by a small knock on the door. Mom looked at it confused but I had already an idea who is it. When Mom saw my smile, she nodded knowingly. She turned the knob of the door and let the kings in. They were pretty tensed at first, and I was amused by it.

“Good Morning Mrs. Celeste.” Bryan greeted Mom politely while the others merely nod at her in respect, hoping to get in her good side. Oh, if only they know. Mom smiled at me before looking at them with an intense stare that made them fidget.

“No… call me Aunt from now on.” Mom spoke up. The kings looked at her in bewildered. Probably thinking the same things; Is she bipolar or something?

“W-what?” the four of them stammered in unison much to Mom’s amusement.

“I said from now on call me Aunt, no formalities needed. If you’re Mija’s friends, then I’ll welcome you.” Mom informed them gently. It took a full minute of processing before they finally realized what Mom was really implying.

“Y-you mean?” Mark trailed off.

“Yes. I’m letting you see each other again.” Mom confirmed their thoughts. The kings’ faces broke into a huge smile making Mom laughed at their expression.

“Do you really mean that Mrs.—I mean, Aunt?” Luke asked once more. His eyes were twinkling with happiness just like the others.

“Yes.” Mom once again stated. And that’s it. The kings fist pump in the air together and they started laughing in glee. Luke engulfed Mom in his bone crushing hug, surprising her and me at the same time. Theo, Mark and Bryan also joined the two of them and soon they’re all in a group hug.

     The emotions I’m currently feeling right now is overwhelming. Happiness, ecstatic, giddiness all of the words that has the same meaning of joy will be considered. Just by thinking that from today, I have my mom back and my friends. Would life get any better? Is this God’s gift for me because I passed his trials, barely? I didn’t have enough time to muse with my thoughts because; Doctor Greene and a nurse came in with Dad in tow.

“Good Morning Myra.” Doctor Greene greeted happily. She’s the assigned doctor for me and I’m quite happy for it. When she’s not being in her doctor mode, she’s really an awesome person. We got along real great this passed two days; I wouldn’t be surprised that if she’s my age we would be best friends. But then again she’s not… Well, at least I can still consider her as one.

“Hello Dr. Greene.” I smiled back. Dad stood beside Mom, who glanced at him and smiled apologetically. And just like that, Dad’s cerulean eyes twinkled and I knew that their problem last night was long forgotten.

“I see you have many visitors.” She stated amusedly while looking at the kings’ for a split second.

“Yeah, they’re my friends.” I introduced. Dr. Greene nod absentmindedly then I saw her posture straighten, meaning she’s in her doctor mode.

“Well Myra, your back is almost healed. Only a couple of bruise but that’ll fade in no time.  Your head doesn’t feel any pain, does it?” She asked gently. I tilted my head from side to side, seeing no ache there, I shook my head in answer.

“That’s good…” She muttered while scribbling in her notes. The nurse went beside me and started reaching something. “Well, I can sign you out now if you’d like. You’re almost fine, but if your head starts hurting again. Do come here, okay?” Dr. Greene asked… no, its more like she ordered. I nodded in understanding, she’s the doctor so why would I argue?

“So, she can check out now?” Dad seek in confirmation which Dr. Greene answered by nodding.

“That’s great then!” Mark exclaimed happily.

“Let me just sign her out in the station and you can go.” Dr. Green sent us her genuine smile one last time before trudging out of the room with the nurse trailing after her.

“Well, it’s good to know you’ll be out of here My.” Dad was the first one to break the silence which fell on us as soon as we were the only ones in the room. The kings’ were sitting on the couch not making any noise while Mom prepared my things.

“I know right?” I muttered before mumbling a small thanks to him. Dad knitted his eyebrows in confusion. Sighing, I gestured mom first then the kings. He got the message and shook his head no.

“I just gave your mom a piece of mind but I didn’t said anything about them—“ Dad motioned the kings, who’s oblivious to our talk. “—its all her idea. Not mine.” He clarified.

I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly before giving him my toothy grin. “But thanks anyway daddy.” I stated affectionately. He encircled me in his warm hugged before walking towards Mom to help her. The kings’ made their way to my bed when they saw Dad walked away. Mark and Theo sat on the either side of my bed while Bryan and Luke stood behind them.

“I don’t really know what happened but I’m happy anyway.” Mark commented as he glance at my parents.

“Yeah, I agree.” Bryan piped in.

“And now, we can see you again! Thank heavens!” Luke dramatically exclaimed making me giggled while the others merely rolled their eyes at him.

“But… your mom won’t flip on us again now, will she?” Theo asked before he was smacked by Bryan. He let a small ‘ow’ before glaring at Bry.

“What was that for?!” He cried as he massaged the back of his neck. And here I thought; only Luke can be dramatic.

“For being an ass.” Bryan simply answered ignoring the death glared thrown at him. I decided to speak up before anyone can join in and make it a lot worse. Though they were purely joking, it can’t be help that sometimes they got really physical.

“Nah, my mom’s may be bipolar at times but she doesn’t get back on her words.” I stated firmly. Its true though, Mom always said that if the words came out of her mouth… it will never get back. So, I trust her on this.

“Well, that’s good!” Mark said excitedly.

“Come on now y’all, we’re ready.” Mom called us. Earlier this day, I persuade my mom to let me change my clothes into something I actually can call one. Not the hospital’s gown. With a lot of begging, she finally gave in and let myself change into something. So now, I’m already ready.

“Yey!” I cheered. Carefully, I got out of my bed where I spent my two and a half days lying on. The kings’ were by my side as soon as my feet landed on the cold tile floor.

“Theo, can you get my shoes there?” I asked cutely. Theo nodded and grabbed my doll shoes under the bedstead. With a final glance, I walked out of the room with kings’ following me. I was about to jump in joy, happy in being released but then my happiness was cut off when I saw a wheelchair in front of me with my parents grinning apologetically. Nah, they’re not actually sorry. I thought mentally.

“W-what is this?” I asked them though I knew full well what this is for.

“I’m sorry Mija. I know you despised wheelchairs but every patient after being unconfined must be wheel chaired out of the hospital.” Mom explained. I sucked in a deep breath before nodding hesitantly. I despised wheelchairs; loathed would be a better word. I don’t like being pushed around by these things but then again I’m the patient so I cant do anything than sit there and let some nurse guide me.

I cautiously sat on it making myself comfortable. “Okay.” I gave them the go signal before a nurse started pushing me around.

“Tis okay My.” The kings’ tried to calmed me down. Keyword, tried. Because as soon as they said it they burst into fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes at them but I nonetheless let the nurse to continue whatever she’s doing.

A/N: So... I've updated two chapters today.

Anyways, the prologue for my story called Rebel Delinquent is up :) Hope you like it!

Vote & Comment y'all :)


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