The Forgotten Tards

By shaytards_love

44.1K 2.2K 410

(Copyright Shaytards_Love) Jamie, a blond hair blue-eyed little girl was abandoned by her family at an orphan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
Special Thanks

Ch. 98

74 7 0
By shaytards_love


The real world started to come back into place as I felt myself regain consciousness. At first, I kept my eyes shut, but when I didn't feel the weight on my stomach I started to move around.

Finally, my eyes sprung open. I was expecting to feel the weight of my baby inside of me but all I got was a smaller stomach and-

Oh my shit!

Did Jodie call my siblings over to the hospital?

Before I could react, I felt something in my hand move. I looked over and realized that Jamie was holding her hand in mine, asleep in the chair next to my bed. On the other side, Mason was sprawled out on the small couch.

Jamie's eyes opened and called for Mason to wake up. Mason slowly rose up but got fully awake once he heard me ask for water. Once I drank it, we all began to speak.

"J-Jamie? Mason? What are you guys doing here?" I groggily questioned them. Just seeing my siblings already made me regret my decision from ever leaving them.

"Jodie called us and told us everything. I'm gonna scold you like mom would but first-" Was what Jamie said before her and Mason pulled me in for a tight hug.

As they did, I felt a jolt of pain in my stomach. I hissed which caused them both to pull away. For the next few hours, the three of us caught up and I explained everything to them and vice-versa. They informed me on how the family was doing and how Kendrick was supposedly 'depressed' because I left.

Talking with my sister and brother made me realize it was stupid to leave them. We decided that once I have gotten better from the emergency C-section that I would have to confront Kendrick and file a restraining order even though he deserves worse.

"The family's gonna come see you when we go home after they release you." Jamie informed me.

"Wait, go home?" I croaked out.

"Yeah, your going to be staying with mom and dad until you heal. Since-"

"Guys no, I can't give them the burden of-"

"Sky," Jamie spoke, taking her hand in mine, "We love you and you aren't a burden on any of us, so you can forget any other idea."

"Yeah we just got your back and you're not going anywhere." Mason stated as the three of us grinned.

All of a sudden, a nurse came in with a small pink bundle in her arms. Tears popped into my eyes as I gasped when the nurse handed her to me.

I've only seen her for a minute and she already has me wrapped around her little finger. My newborn daughter was squirming in my arms as more tears formed into my eyes. Seeing her like this makes me want to protect her from everything, including her asshole of a father.

"I'll give you three some time alone," The nurse spoke, leaving. Jodie and Sam were coming back in an hour, so it was just the three of us for now.

My daughter already had a tan skin-tone, similar to mine. Her nose was similar to Jamie's for some reason and she had dark black hair peeking out from under her cap. Sure enough when I removed it, I saw a huge mess of curly hair.

"Well, she did get that assholes hair," Mason spoke which caused me to smooth her hair. That seemed to be the only thing she inherited from Kendrick. Otherwise, I didn't see a trace of him anywhere in her.

When she opened her eyes, they caught me by a surprise. She was only a day old and her eyes were a bright green color similar to mine except with a grayish tint in them.

"Well, she got your eyes." Mason stated as Jamie quietly applauded him.

"Wow, thanks for pointing that out captain obvious!" Jamie spoke, as Mason playfully smacked her shoulder.

As they bickered, I came up with the perfect name for my daughter.

"Guys, I just figured out her name." I stated, rocking her back and forth in my arms. She stopped squirming and proceeded to fall asleep as I smiled.

"What is it?" Jamie and Mason questioned me.

"I think I'm going to name this princess-"

"Jamie Jr!" Jamie exclaimed.

"Mason Jr!" Mason exclaimed at the same time. She squirmed in my arms again as I shushed the two which caused them to apologize.

"Her name's gonna be, Aurora Lynn." I stated as both my siblings agreed on it.

Looking at my baby sleeping, I realized that I wanted nothing more than to protect her.


Well it's Aurora Lynn since I really loved those names!

Only two more chapters than an epilogue, how do you feel?

Ily guys 💓💓

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