Ch. 53

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"Are you coming outside with us, Sky?" Cooper asked me, as I looked up from the pointless cartoon I was watching on the screen. The other kids were outside, running around and playing.

"Sure, I guess. I have nothing to do anyways." I said, as I got up and trudged outside. Once everyone saw me their faces lit up. How could they be so happy when Jamie and Mason were gone?

"Sky! Were playing soccer, come on!" Brock yelled, as I sighed and decided to try to have fun. That's what my siblings would have wanted for me to try at least to have fun.

"Okay." I mumbled, as I walked over to everyone.


We had finished our game of soccer and I tried to have fun, tried. I missed them so much that a part of me went with them. I no longer felt happy, instead every moment, or anything that I saw reminded me about them.

"Okay, I'm gonna go inside." I said to everyone, as I walked back into Carlie's house. I sat down on the couch and took out my phone.

"Hey there kiddo." Carlie said, as she sat down next to me.

"Hey Aunt Carlie." I said in a sad tone. She must of noticed my change in voice. I mean my siblings were taken, and we don't know where they are.

"What's wrong?" She asked me, as I felt even more sadness. Everything was wrong, every single thing. I couldn't be happy anymore, I didn't know how.

"Everything. I miss them, it's not fair! They didn't do anything wrong, and they were taken from our family!" I said in a rampage, as I broke down in tears. Carlie hugged me, and rubbed my back to make me feel better.

"Sh, don't cry Sky. They will come back soon, and we will be waiting for them! And we can't show that we were crying, so smile." Aunt Carlie said, talking to me if I was some five year old.

"That's what everyone saying! But it's been two, almost three months!" I yelled, as Aunt Carlie gave me a sympathetic look. That's all anyone looked at me with now. They pitied me, and I hated it.

"Sky, you need to trust me. It will happen, just give it time. And be happy too, you know they would want you to be. Like your dad said-"

"Happiness is a Choice!" We both said at the same time. I wiped the remaining tears off of my cheeks, as I half-heartily smiled. I'll try, I guess.

"Okay, stay here and I'm going to go check up on the food!" Carlie said, as she kissed my forehead, and walked over to the kitchen area.

I was bored, so I decided to plan in the front yard. I needed time to myself.

"I'm going to the front." I mumbled, as I opened the from door, and walked out. I went to the side of the house, but it was still in the from yard.

I sat down, on the grass, and watched the sun and looked at the Idaho mountains, admiring the scenery that laid out in my field of vision. I smiled, watched the clouds pass.

After a couple of minutes, I had become bored again, so I got up to go back inside.

Out of nowhere, I heard a clicking sound. I froze up, considering the noise was way too close to my ear for liking. I slowly turned around, and looked up.

I froze at what I saw.

There was a gun to the back of my head. I couldn't move, I didn't know what to do. This was really bad, someone please come and help me!

"Hello." A strange man said, as he hit my head with the back of the gun.

Then, everything went black.


oh shit

oh shit

Shit's gonna go down soon!

Anyways, I have made a little April Fools Day scene since it's April fools day for me!

And if it isn't for you happy April Fools day anyways!

And it will be in our pranksters, Masons P.O.V

Okay, here it is:


"It's April fools day, what do you mean you don't have a prank?" Dad asked me, as everyone looked at me. We were all in the dining room eating breakfast.

"A true prankster doesn't prank on the most obvious day of the year!" I said, clearly lying.

"Okay, sure. You always like to trick us!" Jamie said, rolling her eyes, as Sky agreed with her. Dad was vlogging this. So far, no one trusted me, but I wasn't done yet.


"Okay, Uncle Jackson and Cooper come on!" I said, as Jackson, and Cooper followed me. We had went out to a restaurant with the whole family, and they were gonna help me pull my prank.


"All done." I said, as the three of us stood back and admired the work. Jackson got a text, as Cooper went over to adjust something.

"There coming in two minutes!" Jackson yelled, as we all stood by the door. Pretty soon, the cars pulled up, and everyone got out of them.

"Wait! It might be a prank!" Jamie said  as they continued to talk from outside. I rolled my eyes, this year our prank was much more better.

"Come on, you go first!" Someone said, as Gavin opened the door. Nothing happened, as he looked relieved.

"All clear!" He yelled, as everyone else came inside.

"April fools." I said, as at the same time, all three of us pulled a string, and pretty soon, a bucket with gooey stuff had fallen onto everyone. It was a really large bucket.

"Mason! Jackson! Cooper!" They all screamed, as the three of us laughed. Then, Jamie took some slime and threw it at me.

"Get him!" She yelled, as everyone chased me.

Happy April Fools Day!


Okay, so there it was!

Thanks guys for reading, and getting me to 25k!

Ily guys, bye!

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