Ch. 66

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"Mom! Dad!" I called out, as the hospital staff wheeled me into Mason's room. They had told me since I could be moved to a actual room, I could go with my brother and surprises my parents.

All three of their heads turned to me.

As they put me next to my brother, mom and dad ran up to me. Mom was the first to engulf me in a hug. I felt all the fear wash away as I held onto my mom for dear life.

As soon as we pulled away, my dad engulfed me into a bigger hug. All these emotions of finally being found overwhelmed me, as I started to sob. All the pain and emotional trauma we had been through had finally came out as I sobbed into dad's shoulder.

"I-I m-m-missed yo-you guys," I spoke in between sobs.

When I stopped crying, I instantly felt much better. Dad had pulled away from the hug at this point, and all three of them watched me.

"You had no idea how much we missed you guys," Mom whispered, as dad wrapped an arm around her. Mom grabbed my hand and I squeezed hers in reassurance.

"I knew you would try to find us, I knew we would be reunited again!" I told them, as mom gave me another hug and kissed the top of my head. She did the same for Mason.

All of a sudden, a question came to mind.

Mason and I were together but had somehow ended up fine, well, besides all the trauma. Where were Jamie and Chris? The gunshot had went off in the forest, meaning something had to happen!

"Where are Jamie and Chris?" I blurted out randomly. Mom and dad shared a look, as Mason averted his eyes from me. Mom and dad gave each other another look.

"Mason, what is it?" I questioned him, my voice soft and quiet.

"We don't know anything yet Sky." He told me, as I felt myself sigh with sadness.

"Nothing? At all? Are you sure we don't know-"

"Sky, he is telling the truth. We don't know anything yet," Dad said to me.

After that, we continued to talk, and dad eventually texted Gavin to come up and visit us. Gavin said he would be there soon or some excuse like that.

It felt good to reunite with my family.


"No!" A voice cried out, causing Avia and to share a glance. It was the girl that ran in here about a few minutes ago. The police had came to talk to her about something, and now she was violently sobbing.

I noticed that some of those officers were investigating on the triplets case- including, Officer Abraham. He was comforting the girl as she sobbed.

Deep down, I felt that girls pain. The endless nights wondering if I would ever see my siblings again. Those nights were the worst, I barely slept. But no one knew about it, they all had their own demons to face.

As Officer Abraham talked, I heard some of what they were saying.

Words like "I'm sorry" and words like "He didn't deserve to die the way he did" and other things I couldn't pick up. Whoever died it must of been a horrible death.

My phone buzzed and it was dad texting me to come up to a certain room on the second floor. I texted him back that I would be coming up soon with Avia and Emmi.

"Come on guys, we have to go to mom and dad." I told the girls, as we all got up and left the waiting room. As we were going, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and noticed it was Officer Abraham. The girl had went off to sit somewhere in the waiting room while other officers let her cry.

"Officer Abraham, what are you doing here?" Emmi asked with surprise.

"I came to do some police things about your sisters and brothers case, and other stuff. Where are your parents?" He questioned us, mostly me.

"We are actually going up to see them. I think they are in one of the triplets rooms!" I explained to Officer Abraham.

"That's good, because I need to talk to them. Can I join you guys?" He politely asked us.

"Sure!" Avia pipped in as the four of us headed up to meet dad and mom.


Guess whose back?


Next chapter will include two point of views. Either Emmi's or one of the parents, and of course, Jamie also. So we finally get to see her again, yay!

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