Ch. 92

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"So she r-ran away?" I stuttered.

"She did and I don't know why. Jamie, where would she be?" Kendrick's voice came out, concerned on the phone. Kendrick had explained to me that she had just got up and left for no reason, which didn't sound like Sky at all. He said he woke up and found her gone, which I kinda find it hard to believe.

The last time I talked to Sky, she was happy and fine.

Now, she was nowhere to be found.

"I-I don't know, but shouldn't you call the police first?" I questioned, trying to rack my brain for where she would go and a logical reason as to why she ran away.

"I thought I should call you and Mason first to explain that-"

"Yeah, I'm going to call him and see if he can get a flight, I'll be there as soon as I can." I spoke, hanging up.

Immediately, I ran to my dresser and started to throw some clothes into a small suitcase I found. Since I was still in college, I would have to ask for a leave- oh wait, I just took midterms, so I'm good.

"So I just saw Eth- what are you doing?" My roommate, Frankie asked me, holding a beer as she watched me frantically pack. Frankie wasn't her real name, just a name she told me to call her.

"Gotta catch a flight, family drama."

"Mind telling me what happened?"

"Sisters gone, gotta try to find her and can you fill Seth on why I'm leaving?" I asked her, zipping up my suitcase and grabbing my phone, booking a flight to Pennsylvania as quickly as I could.

"Ooo I knew it! You do actually care for Seth! I mean, why wouldn't anyone? He's over six feet, is a mix of races, has nice skin and those gray-blue eyes! And-"

"Frankie, we are just friends, okay? Now I have to go because my flight is in a few hours!" I exclaimed, grabbing my essentials and my suitcase.

"I'll tell him you love him!" Frankie called, as I walked out of the door.

"Frankie if you do-"

"Relax, I'm not going to do it, now go, you have a flight to catch!" She yelled, as I shut the door and started walking towards the exit.

I needed to go find my sister.


The ending is coming soon, you won't expect what will happen. Well, hopefully everyone won't, but you can predict what you want to.

Ily guys 💓💓

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