Ch. 72

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It had been a day or two since Jamie had woken up. Dad had went to visit her room and ended up being kicked out because Jamie had a panic attack. Then I overheard them say she is going to need therapy when she gets out and was starting on it now. They said she also had some heart surgery of some kind.

Right now, the police were going to talk to us. They had went to Jamie's room about a hour ago. Bad mistake, because she freaked out and started panicking again.

"Now, do you remember how you got taken Mason?" One of the officers questioned me. I shut my eyes and the auditorium scene played through my head.

The clown getting shot, the shooters, them threatening Amelia. Then getting taken, and being abused.

I felt tears rise but I tried to blink them away.

"Take all the time you need," The other officer sympathetically said. I took a deep breathe and began to explain the story to them.

I explained from the begging of what happened. From the time I walked into school to the time I ended up in the hospital, here. Then they asked me to talk about my first kidnapping, which brought back memories of being chocked to death in a bathtub. By the time I finished, the officers gave me sympathetic looks and apologized.

They asked Sky to talk next.

"Can you explain where this all started?" One of the officers questioned like it was a interview.

"It started when I went outside of- actually no, it started earlier. It started when we had our ninth birthday about three, four years ago, and a creepy man was looking at us in the trampoline park," Sky told them. I could tell this was hard for her.

Wait a second, a guy was watching us?

"I remember think 'oh, he can't be bad, he's just looking at someone else or something'! But now, I realized that I was wrong. That him, and his brother who kidnapped us the first time we're watching us because of a certain reason. No, they aren't those random kidnappers that take you off of the streets in a van that says 'free candy'. No, they had a reason for it. The man who kidnapped us the first time was my 'biological fathers' brother, and the second time, was Grant himself. So this started out before we were born, but I don't know how it did," Sky rambled, as I was stunned.

How come she didn't tell me all of this?

The officers asked more questions, but I zoned out again, lost in my own thoughts.

I was thinking about all the bad times we have had. All the fucking kidnappings we have been through, as well as other times such as breaking arms and almost being drowned by your uncle.

The officers got up to leave the tense hospital room. I noticed mom and dad outside of the door, with Brock and Daxton, who looked excited to see us. They had certainly grown over the last few months.

But before then left, I thought of something.

Where was Chris?

"Wait!" I exclaimed as everyone's head turned towards me. I began to feel nervous, with all the attention on me.

"Where is Chris?" I questioned with curiosity. No one had mentioned Chris yet and I was getting apprehensive about the topic.

The officers exchanged a look, as the walked over to my bed.

One of them kneeled down to my height.

"Son, was Chris your half brother?" The officer questioned as I nodded my head. Somehow we were related to Chris because we both have the same dad. The officer sighed, rubbing his head. His partner stood in back of him, waiting patiently.

The look on his face gave me the chills.

"What happened to him?" Sky asked.

"When the gun went off in the forest, Chris was unfortunately injured. He was shot in the diaphragm, which caused him to bleed out and stop breathing," The officer spoke.

As soon as the words left his mouth, I began to feel remorseful and pained. I was pained by his loss, even if I barely knew him. Chris didn't deserve to die, he had his whole life ahead of him.

I didn't want to feel all these emotions, but I knew, I would have to. It hurts to know where someone you loved has just been taken from you without any warning.

Now, I would have to wake up and think 'another person dead'. Even if I didn't know him very long, he was still a special person to me.

After all, Chris was my half brother and he was still family. Even if his father was my father, we all hated our 'father'. I could tell he never treated Chris well either.

And I knew from the moment he mentioned the gunshot that Grant had shot Chris.

"I'm sorry." The officer said to us.

"He can't be dead! He still has to be alive, he can't be! That's not fair!" Sky cried out as dad went to comfort her. Sky began to sob as dad shushed her but that didn't stop her from letting all she was feeling out.

I felt tears slip and fall down my cheeks. I usually didn't cry, but how could I not? Another person, taken from my world once again. The loss and the grief was just all adding up. The list of people would never get shorter

The officers slowly left and mom came into the room with the boys.

This time, I couldn't help but mask up my tears. I didn't want to fake it right now, Chris's death had taken a toll on me. And also, that asshole Grant needed to pay for what he has done.

Soon I felt two small pairs of hands hugging me. I realized that they were Daxton and Brock. I continued to silently cry as mom also came over and engulfed me in a hug.

"It's going to be okay Mason," Mom soothed me.

Dad was also trying to get Sky to calm down.

"No it's not, because more people die mom," I told mom.

"He won't ever lay a finger on you again. He's pronounced brain dead, since the police had to shoot him after he shot Chris," Mom told me as the boys went to sit on the couch.

"Good, he should be." I spoke, gritting my teeth.


"They said you guys can see Jamie tomorrow!" Dad told us.

"They did?!" Sky exclaimed.

"Yeah, since she was asking for you earlier." Mom told us.

We would get to see Jamie tomorrow.

How would this go?


Might write another chapter!

After this, there might be another time skip. Or not, I don't know lmao.

Chapter not edited.

Ily guys 💓💓💓

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