Ch. 12

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Masons P.O.V:

We had been walking for which seemed like hours. Me and Avia asked people for directions for the house and or neighborhood. Some said they knew where it was and some said they didn't. The people who said they knew where it was gave us directions. It was around late afternoon.

"Mason, we are here." Avia said

I stopped and look up. We were at the street of where the house was.

"Let's go find them and get out of here and go back home." I said

Avia smiled and nodded.

We walked into the neighborhood. The houses looked like a normal houses on a normal street.

Me and Avia walked over to the adress.

"How are we going to stop them or who ever is doing this?" I said as I grabbed Avia by the arm.

"Let's just go in." She said with a shrug.

"No, we can't just do that. We have to look around the house, the property and the backyard and see if we can see which room they are in and who is doing this." I said

"Ok, that's a good idea." She said

We walked along the house, being careful not to get spotted. We went into the backyard first. It was a little field of grass with a kids swing set and a trampoline. The grass was a dull green color. The swing set was worn out and the trampoline looked like it was old but still useful. There was also a front deck with steps leading up to it and chairs on it with a sliding glass door.

Then we heard footsteps.

"Someone's coming, hide!" Avia said as we ducked below the front deck that it had.

The footsteps were hard and not gentle at all. Then a man ran down the steps. He looked around the yard. Me and Avia crawled deeper into the bottom of the deck. The man was looking around. He was coming towards us but slowly.

We moved deeper into the deck.

He was still coming.

"What do we do?" Avia whispered.

She was thinking and panicking

Then something caught my eye. It was a small window.

I had a idea.

"Avia follow me." I told her

Avia's P.O.V:

"Avia follow me." Said Masom.

I have him a 'what' look. He pointed to a small window that was hidden.

He crawled into it first. The man had changed his direction to try to find us.

"Here, take the stuff." I whispered.

I threw my backpack through the window.

"Got it!" Mason whispered from behind the window.

I tried to crawl in. I was half way through when I heard a twig snap. I turned my head and saw the man coming toward the deck with a large knife. My eyes widened.

I crawled even faster through the window. Eventually, I was in.

Masons P.O.V:

We stayed hidden for 5 minutes to make sure the man was gone. Wen we didn't see his shadow, we sighed.

The room was dark. I got out my flashlight and opened it up. So did Avia.

It looked like we were in a basement. It was an old, creepy one like you would see in movies.

"What's the plan?" I asked Avia

"Try to find them and stay hidden." She said

We felt stairs and walked up to them. I saw light under the crack of the stairs. Avia opened the door slightly. It relieved a hallway.

"Wait! I need to do something." I said as I handed my backpack over to Avia.

I took out my pranking kit and did something to the basement.

Then I finished and smiled at my proud work.

I returned to Avia. She was confused.

"What did you do?" She whispered

"Oh, nothing." I said while evil smiling.

She laughed.

"Ok, cost is clear." She said

We closed the basement door and left.

We explored some of the house. I went to the kitchen and looked out of the window slightly.

The man was still outside.

"Avia, we have time." I whispered to her

She saw the man outside.

"Ok, now let's go find them." She said as we walked around the house.

It surprisingly was a big house from the inside of it.

Eventually, we came to a room and heard crying/talking.

"I hear them." Avia said

"Me too." I said

"Let's go in." I said

She nodded and opened the door.

Jamie's P.O.V:

We were crying and talking a little bit for what seemed like hours.

Then someone opened the door.

I expected to be the man but it wasn't.

Sky expected it to be them too because she ran into the corner of the room and her face went pale and so did Brock.

But it wasn't, it was Avia and Mason.

"Guys!" I said as I ran up to hug them.

Sky and Brock did the same.

We hugged for a long time.

They were holding 3 backpacks.

"Guys, we have to leave before he finds us." Said Sky and Avia

We nodded.

"I don't think you are going anywhere." Said a voice

We all jumped and turned around. It was the man.

Hey guys! Diana here! What do you think will happen next. Comment in the comments! Thxz for reading! Bye!~ Diana🌃

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