Ch. 57

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"No! Dad, stop! Please!" A voice yelled from outside the door. I identified the voice as Chris. His screams echoed through the halls as a smack sound was heard.

"I don't care! What you did was wrong, you fucked up you little shit!" His voice yelled, as we heard some thuds. Sky winced, not being used to this clearly. Mason watched the door confused and frightened from all the noise.

But I just remained there silent. Deep down, I was feeling sorry for Chris, but I was stuck in here. As much as I wanted to go help him, I couldn't do anything about it.

I couldn't do anything. Everyday, the light of hope I had was burning out slowly and slowly. Our chances of leaving this place were getting lower and lower.

"Dad! Stop! I'm sorry!" He yelled or should I say pleaded.

"If your sorry, then you will spend time with the fucking brats in there!" He yelled, which did make me wince a little. I looked over at Sky, who had small tears running down her cheeks. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking about. Mason looked at me, not knowing how to help Sky.

There was nothing we could do.

Soon the creaky old door opened. A wave of sudden light hit us, as the three of us tried to shield our faces. I heard him chuckle, before throwing Chris in the room.

But before he shut the door, I caught a glimpse of a small door.

The door then shut, leaving us back in the darkness.

"He should die, he's not a good father."

"He can go fuck himself, to see what it feels like!"

"I don't care for him anymore!" Chris mumbled, as the three of us looked at him.

"Who are you?" Sky asked, as Chris jumped back. He must of forgotten we were here. Even though it was dark, I could see he looked scared.

Join the club.

"C-Chris. Who are you?" He asked Sky.

"Sky," She replied simply, not wanting to talk at the moment.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, as I noticed bruises.

"I would say that I'm okay and everything's fine, but I'm not." He quietly responded. The room became silent, as I looked at my handcuffed wrists.

"How long have we been here?" Mason quietly spoke up, in fear that he would hear us.

"I don't know, maybe uh-"

"Must be a fucking long time, considering we probably won't get out of here." I mumbled, as I looked down at the floor. I couldn't see much, once again because of the dark.

"I think, about three or four months." He said, as my eyes widened.

It might of been three or four months, but it felt like three or four years.

"This is shit, I hate this place." I mumbled once again.

"You can't say that, he-"

"He has kept us locked in this fucking room for about three or four months! We barely eat and we are starved! Our parents are never going to come! He hides us too well!" I fired back at Chris, as he quieted down. He knew that must of been true.

"So we will never get out of here?" Sky said in a defeated voice. I weakly sighed, it would probably happen. We would never leave this place.

"We will Sky, we have to." Mason spoke up.

"But you can't! Dad will catch you!" Chris spoke up.

Then it hit me, Chris was related to us. Since he must of been our so called fathers son, he was either our full or half brother. But did he know?

"Dad is a sick bastard! We have to leave, we can't stay! Please, you have to help us!" Mason begged, as he looked Chris in the eyes. Chris eye's widened at what Mason had just said.

"H-he's your father? We are all related? I have other siblings!?" Chris spoke, clearly surprised.

"Yeah, he's our biological father apparently!" Sky spoke clearly accepting the truth also. Chris rubbed his head, as he let out a frustrated sigh, clearly deep in thought.

"This is worse than I thought! He barely trusts me, as it is! If I tried to help you, and get caught, this would not end well." Chris nervously said.

"Chris, look what he did to you! He's going to keep beating all of us if we don't do anything! We need to get out of here! You can come with us! Please." Sky begged to him.


"If you don't help us, the beatings will only get worse! He has been beating you, hasn't he?" I asked which caused Chris to look down in shame, nodding his head.

"He will hurt us so hard one day that if he doesn't stop, it will kill us. We need to go before that happens!" Sky said, as Chris looked at the three of us.

Preach sista!

He stared at us in silence. The tension in the air was thick at this point. I could tell he was having an inner battle with his mind. Escaping must be hard, I didn't blame him. Not everything was all rainbows and unicorns anymore.

But we had to try.

After what seemed a while Chris finally decided to say something.

"Fine, I will try when he let's me out!" Chris spoke up.

I was wrong.

There still was hope left, we might actually leave this place! For the first time in a long time, I let out a half-heartily smile. It wasn't genuine, but it was something.

Near me, I could see that Sky and Mason were smiling as well.

"We are finally getting out of here." Mason said.

Finally, we were.


Wow, haven't updated this story in forever......

I've been really busy with school work, and I lost my iPad mini that I write wattpad on!

I hope you liked the update!

Next week I won't be updating as much because I need to study for some big tests that are coming up and I reeeaaaaaallly need to do well!

Bye guys!

The Forgotten Tards Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora