Ch. 34

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Jamie's P.O.V:

"Come on, let's go get some CANDY!" Sky screamed. Yep, she was definitely a sugar queen.

"Candy! Candy! Candy!" Emmi screamed, as she ran around in her Elsa dress. Yep, she was also a sugar queen. The dance was over, and my siblings said that it was okay. Avia hung out with her friends, and so did Gavin. Emmi hung out with her friend Samantha and Libby, and I heard Sky hung out with Jodie. Mason hung out with his friends, I can't remember there names.

"Okay, but remember, not too much candy, save some!" Mom said, as we started to walk to other houses. We eventually meet up with Gage, Braille, and Winston. Gavin was a banana, Avia and Braille were zombie cheerleaders, Emmi was Elsa, Gage was pirate, Brock was a construction worker, Winston was a turkey, Daxton was a dragon, we us triplets were minions. Cooper wasn't here because he was in New York with dad, aunt Carlie, and the other relatives.

"Let's go!" Mason screamed as we all ran to collect the most candy possible.

We ran to houses, as we knocked on doors, and they gave us candy. We all said thank you, as we ran to the next house, and the next.

It was so awesome! Halloween is really fun!


"Hey Jamie, I wanna prank someone!" Mason said to me, later that day. It was a Friday night, so we got to stay up late, and eat candy. We had collected a whole bunch. Us triplets were in Masons room.

"Yeah, can we?" I asked. Sky shrugged.

"Sure, I guess! I'm in!" She said. We all smiled.

"Hey, doesn't that remind you guys of the time at the orphanage, when we pranked Ms. Lemons?" Sky said. I smiled, as I remembered that day. It was the day after, we got adopted, I think.

"Oh yeah, I am so glad we got out of there! I didn't like Ms. Lemons, she was so mean, and bossy!" I exclaimed. They all laughed.

"Hey remembered we found that file? And it said our last name was Butler?" Sky said. I do remember that.

Now that I think about it, why did it have the name Butlers on it? That doesn't make sense, considering we were adopted after we saw that file.

"Yeah, I remember it. It was weird, it said our last name was Butler." I said. From the corner of my eye, I saw Masons eyes darken.

"Guys, come one, it's probably nothing." He said. Oh he definitely knew someone. But I wasn't going to say anything just yet.

"Let's just do the prank!" He said. We began to plan the prank.

"Now, who are we going to do it on?" Sky asked. At that moment, we all knew the answer.

"Mom!" We all blurted out.

"But we have to do it when dad gets back tomorrow! Because we need him for it to work!" I said. We all nodded, as we began to plan the prank. And I knew this was going to be a good one!


"Hey dad, can you help us with something?" Mason said as us triplets came into his office.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked. We told him all about the prank and how we wanted to prank mom.

"Sure, let's do it!" He said.

"By the way where did you get the idea from?" Dad asked.

"RomanAtwood! Duh, he's a really good prank person!" Mason said.

It turns out, dad knew who he was, and he was really good friends with him. (A/N: just go with it, it's part of the story line.)


"Okay, we got everything?" Dad asked to all of us kids. Mom had taken a girls day out with Aunt Kayli and Aunt Carlie. There kids had came over, and so had Casey, and grandma and grandpa.

"Yeah!" We all said. Roman was coming soon, with his kids. It turns out, dad used to be really good friends with him back in high school. He was also helping us with the supplies.


"Plastic balls, check. Tramp, check. Thirty bags of plastic balls check!" Mason said.

We were doing a crazy plastic ball prank on mom, Carlie, and Kayli, but mostly mom.

"Okay, let's fix the indoor tramp up!" Dad said, as we finished moving all of the furniture out of the way. They set up the tramp. Then, a million plastic balls were released through the house.

Masons P.O.V:

"Yay!" I screamed as I ran through the millions of plastic balls that were there. I ran to the indoor tramp and jumped in it. This was awesome! Dad was vlogging.

"Look out!" Sky said as she jumped from the roof of the ceiling. Yeah, we were doing the prank in grandmas house, it turns out.

(A/N: just look up Romanatwood crazy plastic ball prank!)

"So Mason, your dad tells me that you are a prankster!" Roman said to me.

"Yep, that's me! I love pranking people!" I said, as he gave me a high five. Jamie, Braille, Avia, and Sky were playing in the tramp and jumping from the roof and stuff into the tramp. Gavin, Gage, Cooper, Brock, and Romans two sons, Kane and Noah. Noah is Kane's half brother, I think, and Noah is older.

"Cannon ball!" Dad said, as he jumped from the top, and did a front flip. Then, Roman also did it with dad.


"Everyone be quiet!" Dad said, as he hushed us. Everyone instantly stopped jumping and moving around. Dad's phone was ringing. He accepted the call as he put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Dad said.

"Hey honey!" She said through the phone. Sky was covering Jamie's mouth so she wouldn't laugh.

Jamie's P.O.V:

All of us girls were on the ground, with the balls. Currently right now Sky is covering my mouth, so I don't laugh. I was trying so hard, because mom won know what's going on.

"When are you come home?" Dad asked.

"Well Carlie, Kayli, Britney (Roman's wife) and I will be there in five minutes." Mom said.

"Okay, I love you babe, bye!" Dad said, as mom said a goodbye back. He shut it off, and the everyone laughed as they vlogged and played with the balls and in the trampoline.


"Okay, so when hey walk in, a billion plastic balls will fall on them!" Roman said, as he and dad set the balls up.

Mom was coming soon. But for now, we vlogged, filmed, and we played. It was so awesome!

Then, we heard a car pull up in the driveway.

"Everyone be quiet!" Dad quietly yelled. Then, it was silent. There were cameras to catch what was happening.

Then,as they opened the door, the plastics balls by the door we had set up spill right out in front of them.

"Shay!" Mom faked yelled as we all laughed.

"Wow! Who planned this?" Kayli asked. Everyone looked at Mason.

"Me! Well, Roman and daddy helped, and so did everyone else, but it was worth it!" He said.

For the rest of the day, we continued to play with the plastic balls. We jumped in the set up in door tramp also. It was a fun day!


Hey guys! So I decided to do a chapter, and bring back a little but of Masons pranks! And I got the plastic ball prank from RomanAtwoods channel! He does many pranks, and it's kinda cool, to me at least. Anyways, thanks for reading, and shout out to Doctor_Shepherd  and Maxhamtay8! So yeah, bye! 🎈🚀🔥🔴

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