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Two weeks Later

Sky's P.O.V:

"Come on Sky, we have to go in." Avia said, as the kids came off the bus, and gave us weird looks, and whispered about us to their friends.

I hated the attention. I had started to develop trust issues because of it.

"I don't want to, I can't go back, what if something like what happened, happens again? The last time we went in the school, Jamie and Mason were with us." I exclaimed, with a saddened expression.

"Sky, you have to, it won't happen again. If they were here, they would want you to go to school. They would want you to continue on." Emmi said, as I felt a tear fall on my face.

"Fine, I'll go, but it's for them, not for me." I said, as I grabbed my bag, and walked in, not looking back.


I remember when I was a little kid, and I was with my siblings, at the orphanage, around when we were five or so. We used to play this game, and we were obsessed with it, when we were little.

We had stolen a deck of cards from Ms. Lemons office, and would play with them all the time, even if we didn't know how to properly play cards.

Each of us would have three cards, and we would have to mix our cards together, all in one pile.

Then, we would each pick a card out of the deck.

It was a completely pointless game, now that I look back at it, but it kept us entertained. We would play with this for hours, it somehow satisfied our little minds.

I felt as though life was like that.

You would mix random cards, and whichever one you picked, would happen. Except there's a difference between the game, and life itself.

You didn't get to choose the cards you picked.

They were picked for you already.

"And the answer to number four, Sky, what is it?" My English teacher said, as I perked my head up. I wasn't the one who usually didn't pay attention in class, in fact, I was kinda a nerd.

"I think it's B." I said, guessing.

"Correct." The teacher said, as I mentally applauded myself.

My siblings, I missed them, it felt as if part of me was taken along with them, and for the second time, someone had been kidnapped. The odds of being kidnapped a second time were very low, but somehow, we managed to beat the odds and something had happened, like it always does.

"So what happened with Scout and her brother, Sky?" The teacher asked me. Couldn't she see, I wasn't in the mood right now, I would be happy to answer any other day but this one. I kinda felt depressed today, and I wasn't in the mood.

"I know the answer she-" was what a boy said, before the teacher interrupted him.

"I'm asking Sky." She said as she looked at me, and smirked.

"She uh, she-"

"Sky, you should be listening. Your parents said you were ready to come back! You should leave all your thoughts back at home." The teacher said, as the whole class looked at me. I felt myself shrink in my seat.

My cheeks turned red from embarrassment. I didn't want to come back, my parents just forced me to. I couldn't leave my thoughts at home, they came everywhere with me, wherever I went. They wouldn't be go away anytime soon.

"The answer is, Scout and her brother almost were taken, but they were found and-" Was what the teacher said, answering for me, as I interrupted her.

"Except the difference between this book, and real life, is that they probably would of been taken in real life, and not saved by a miracle."

"After all, my siblings weren't saved at all." I said, as the whole class stared at me in shock. Even the teacher, look surprised at what I had said.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." I said, as I grabbed the pass, and walked out of the room, leaving the whole room in shock of what I had just said.


Sky's mad.

What do you thinks gonna happen next?

If y'all could give the voting star in the corner a click, it would warm my icy cold heart!

Jk, lol!

Bye, ily guys!

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