
By fantasy_differ

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'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

Quick ch.1
Quick ch.2
Quick ch.3
Quick ch.4
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Quick ch.19
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Quick ch.21
Quick ch.22
Quick ch.23
Quick ch.24
Quick ch.25
Quick ch.26
Quick ch.27
Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.30
Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.34
Quick ch.35
Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
Quick ch.43
Quick ch.44

Quick ch.5

376 10 0
By fantasy_differ

I've done the impossible... I've stayed in the studio all night, pondering over what I'm going to draw for this assignment: an assignment to make your own superhero. I could think of anything, until the clock strike seven and an idea suddenly popped up in my head. In that hero I made my artwork and send to Violet's office. Luckily she wasn't there to see the bags under my eyes, hair flat, skin slightly pale from the lack of sleep.

I blew raspberries before wiping my face with a wet paper towel to wake myself up. "Gosh, you look like shit." A woman with slightly tan skin, long raven hair and a small smirk upon her face. She does not look like one of the participants in the programs, because of her outfit that spills out confidence. "Long night?" She stood beside me to watch her hands.

"Kinda," I wiped my face dry before rolling my shoulders to get the tension out.

The woman turned off the faucet, fluffed up her hair and sighed deeply before giving me her full attention. "You should always keep a night bag, it'll help when your sleeping in your office or have a one night stand."

"Okay," I simply said because I had nothing to say. She was catching me off guard, my brain was still on sleep mode and my nervous system is reacting very slowly.

Of course this woman does not understand boundaries when she fluffed my hair out and pinched my cheeks so it could gain color. "There, that's slightly better. Names Isabel by the way."

"Kaxity. Thanks." I plainly.

"No problem. Have a nice day." She looked at herself once again before exiting out the bathroom- pride in her step, twirl in her hips and chin held high.

I exit out the bathroom to only walk back inside when I saw Diana; face red, eyes slanted, hands clenched into fist. Irvine once again did not show up for work, her and James had a long night- when I say long night, I mean all night fucking. I couldn't let her corner me, especially when my mind is not here on this earth. I pulled out my phone to give Irvine a warning that Diana is on a rampage.

Taking a deep breath, I poked my head out to see if Diana was still in the hall. Being that she is not in the hall being a raging bull, I walked out of the bathroom and speed walked into my room. Unfortunately I was not fast enough, Diana spotted me when she turned the corner into the hall.

"Kaxity!?" She head for me, nose flared, eyes bulging and hands clenched. "Where's Irvine? She's missed work for two days straight." She pointed out.

"Uh," I was stuck- trapped between a wall and angry lion. "I-I don't know."

"Bull!" Diana said louder than it was attended. "Tell your friend if she misses another day, she's fired." With that Diana left with a cloud of smoke behind her.

I could breath easily or don't breath at all since morning breath burned my own nostrils. "Jesus." I mumbled while stepping inside my room.


I laid upon my bed, taking in the fresh scent of flowers and detergent, snuggling in the sheets while trying to fall asleep. In which I did, until Irvine walked into my room with shopping bags in her hands, sunglasses upon her eyes, and her cute sundress that I brought for her birthday. I sat up to prepare myself for the conversation she'll toss my way.

"James went shopping with me and brought everything I picked out. It's so great." Irvine basically dumped everything at the end of my bed.

I stared at her blankly because my brain was still cloudy, "Listen Irvine-"

"Look, I brought a dress for you." She pulled out a blue sundress that was definitely cute and would distract me from a serious conversation. However it would not be today. "Irvine, you need to go to work. Diana basically ran me down like a bull because you never showed up this morning."

Irvine groaned while slowly rolling her eyes, "I hate that job. Diana makes me get her coffee that's all the way across town. I'm like a pack mule to her."

"That's work, Irvine. That's what you have to do, it's work." I pointed out while sliding out of bed now that I'm wide awake.

Irvine groaned once more and followed me into the bathroom so she can lay out her problems.. "I never wanted this job. Dad just laid it on me because of his crazy theories."

"Then prove him wrong. Start going to work, so Diana can get off both of our backs." I said before brushing my teeth.

Irvine slowly rolled her eyes before taking out her phone, "James is going to take me out for dinner tonight, you wanna come?"

I spit out the foamed toothpaste into the sink before saying, "Don't want to be a third wheel."

"So you just going to stay in the mansion all night. Why not go out with Max and Justice?"

"And be a third wheel to them, hell no. I'm fine, I need to relax." I made up an accurate excuse that would not convince Irvine, but she'll have to deal with it. "Besides Mike is supposed to FaceTime me tonight before he goes to school." I said with a cheerful smile.

"Even when you're not home physically, you're there mentally." She said while stepping out the bathroom.

"What does that supposed to mean?!" I yelled out before going back to brushing my teeth.

"It means you need to experience Barcelona like a regular twenty-two year old woman. Go to a party, a bar, somewhere to get your freak on!" She said back.

"Maybe I don't want to get my freak on. I didn't exactly come to Barcelona to go party, I'm here to get this money so I can start over in New York."

Irvine was unusual silent... No comeback, no snort, not even a heavy sigh.. She probably left the room in defeat, but Irvine always get the last laugh. I walked out the bathroom after brushing my teeth and washing my face to see Irvine on my phone, typing away. "Seriously!" I yelled out, shocking her into dropping my phone on to the hard wood floor.

I rolled my eyes at her before picking my phone up to see what she's been doing. Irvine was texting to an unknown number in my phone, whoever it is seem to like to text in slang. I had to reach into the very back of mine to understand everything. "Why are you setting me up on a blind date? Who is this person?"

"I'm not setting you up on a date. And Marcus is one of James friends."

"No, I'm not doing this."

"Why not?" She whined while stomping her foot like a child. She sweep her red hair off her shoulders with a pout upon her face.

"I don't want to." I plainly said while deleting the conversation, but I did not block the persons number because apart of me is interested. "I'm going to go to the outside and appreciate the fresh air." I grabbed my sketch book and pencil before putting on my slides.

Irvine bite her lip to keep whatever comment she had inside her head. "Fine." She simply said before collecting her belongings. "I'm going to get ready."


I sat outside on the garden bench surrounded by lilies, roses, daisies and wild flowers. It was beautiful...inspiring...motivating. My pencil moved upon the paper so fluently...smooth....flowing. My bottom lip was tucked in between my teeth as I concentrated on my artwork...my quick fix for the day.

My heart picked up pace, I was at the tip of my high- close to finishing. The taste of blood coated my tongues my teeth bite down harder on my lip. Breathing became rapid, eyes widening, insides tightening. Yes...Yes... I sighed heavily when I finally lifted my pencil off the paper, my eyes looked over my work. However I did not smile in appreciation nor happiness, instead I frowned upon my work- disappointed...sad...insane... Violet stared up at me...her smile bright even on paper, eyes full of life and joy, her hair flowing behind her.

"Get a hold of yourself Kaxity," I said to myself before flipping to another page. The pencil met with a blank page once again, but I could not think of anything- only her...only my crush. I practically threw the pencil into the garden so the earth can have it.

"Is it the wrong time?" The woman from the bathroom stepped from around the bench to take a seat next to me. Legs crossed, head held high and hands on her purse as it was settled on her lap.

I looked at her as if she grown two heads, as if she was a ghost. "What-"

"Wow, didn't know you forgotten my name already. Isabel-"

"I know who you are. I'm just trying to forgive out what are you doing here. Are you-"

"I'm not stalking you." Isabel beats me to the punch. "Isabel Harris, I'm the head security adviser for Irvine and the mansion. I do annual check ups; make sure everything is right and secure."

"So going to the institute-"

"Had to see where Irvine is working with and for whom- that's part of my job."

"Now you're checking out the friend, to see if she's not a lunatic." I said, obviously reading her thoughts.

She smirked and chuckled before nodding her head in confirmation, "How long did you and Irvine know each other?"

I sighed heavily as I recalled my past memories, "Five years. We met in Atlanta when I was going to school and she was staying with her grandmother. I went to Spelman."

"Wow, impressive. Have you ever went to wild and crazy parties with Irvine?"

"Well yeah, she basically dragged me to every party- in Atlanta and New York." I stated as I remembered every crazy party Irvine practically dragged me to, some of them were actually fun- the others were chaotic. "Irvine may have her days, but she's a chill person."

Isabel did not exactly take my word for it, she gave me a questionable look before sweeping a lock of hair behind her ear. "Fine. What are you drawing?"

"Nothing, I lost my pencil." I pointed out, even though she probably witnessed the action. "For a security manager, you dress really..."

"Professional? Like I have a sugar daddy?"

I nod my head yes, "Yeah, like you have a sugar daddy."

Isabel chuckled, her laugh smooth and contagious. I even laughed myself and shook my head, however we laughed no more- her smile faded into a frown and that spark was no longer in her eyes. "I own a flower shop in town, you'll imagine how many people like flowers here." With that she stood to her feet. "And yes, I do have a sugar daddy as well- his name is Harold. Bye." Isabel walks away from the garden and down the long path back to the mansion.


"This is so cute," Maxwell pinched the hem of the light blue sundress Irvine brought me yesterday. I decided to wear it because...well I was in a happy mood. The sun was out-like always- birds were singing, flowers blooming and Violet is here in the institute doing her daily checks; making sure the participants are on the right track. Also it's pay day, so that brought a huge smile upon everyone's face.

I gave him a little twirl before saying: "Thanks, Irvine brought me this yesterday."

Maxwell sat on his leather sofa in his assigned room. His room had a good view of the ocean- it was a awesome advantage for good lighting since the water reflects the sun rays and the smell of nature would put any artist in a drawing mood. "Maybe I should have her buy my outfits." He said while crossing his legs.

"Where's Justice?" I asked, mainly because I see him around Max all the time.

Maxwell sighed heavily while rolling his eyes, "Out with friends. Apparently James and his friends are the jocks/ popular kids in this institute. Feels like high school all over again." He blew raspberries before huffing, indicating Justice absence was really getting to him.

"Excluding the bullying." I point out to make him cheer up a little, that didn't work. "Maybe Justice is missing you, he's probably pouting, sighing and only thinking about his boo." I pinched his cheeks, making his skin turn red.

"Whatever... You wanna go out, walk around town."

Walk around town or stay here for Violet so we can have a small and awkward conversation that'll end with either me or her walking out of the room... "Okay," I decided to go with the first choice, mainly because the second one seems desperate and crazy.

Maxwell stood to his feet, a small grin was placed up his face as he rustles with his platinum blonde hair. "I found this arcade in town that'll keep our minds occupied and it's a outdoor gallery next to that if you want to look around." He opened the door for me to exit out his room, in which I did with a small smile, however that smile turned into a frown when I saw Irvine being tormented by the bull.

Diana's skin were red, eyes bulging, nose flared, teeth clenched. Irvine looked like a little mouse compared to Diana, I was scared for her. Maxwell eyed the interaction before tugging me away so we won't get trapped in that mess. "I would hate to be Irvine at the moment." He comments when we're downstairs on the main floor.

The arcade was like the one in Dave&Busters, but with less kids since they're at school. The games were updated, the tokens were gold coins and the prizes brought out my childhood. Maxwell and I had our fun playing zombie games, pinball, and more shooting games. It pushed out the thought of Violet and my crazy on her, it's unprofessional and like I said...crazy.

Maxwell and I turned in our tokens we received from pinball; I got a small stuffed bear while Maxwell received an plastic green and pink guitar. His tongue came out his mouth as if he was doing a guitar in a large concert. I laughed while shaking my head, "Put your tongue away," I said with a huge smile upon my face. Maxwell put away with a smirk upon his face, before walking out the arcade with me in front of him.

"Maxwell?" Both Max and I looked to our left to see Justice, James and a few other guys from the institute that's apparently his new friends. Justice stepped forward towards Max with a small smile. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Maxwell smile faded slightly so he can come off serious, "Well Kax and I were just at the arcade- having fun. What are you doing here?"

Justice lips tugged into a smirk once he figured out what Max is trying to pull off- trying to be annoyed with him showing up. "Just came from playing fútball," he said, causing both Max and I to examine their wet hair and drenched athletic clothing.

Maxwell groaned before looking away to get the urge of jumping Justice bones. He took a deep breath before giving him his full attention, "We're going to the outdoor gallery." He simply said.

"Really?" James questioned with amusement in his voice, it was meant to be a nice gesture- it was rude and non funny. Although it was not funny, his friends laughed like it was; except for Justice because Max was giving him a look.

"Yes. We're going to the gallery, would you all like to tag along?" I asked while jabbing my thumb behind me. The laugher faded into the air once they realized I'm serious. "I'll meet you there, Maxwell." I dismissed myself before I was sucked into this group of sweaty cavemen.

The outdoor gallery did not have much people, which is good because it's not as crowded. Mostly all the paintings were of flowers, landscapes and dancers; ballerina, salsa, and tap. Ordinary but still interesting.

"I'm not really a fan of galleries," Warm breath fanned the side of my face, the smell of sweat filled my nose and warmth covered my skin- but it wasn't from the sun. A guy from James entourage stood beside me and admired the painting of a couple doing the salsa; the woman was dressed in red and black with a red rose in her hair, while the man had on a vest suit. "It always show me that other people are better than me in some way."

I looked up at him, honey eyes stared down at me, wet curly brown hair stuck to his forehead, his pink lips was spread into a friendly smile, he's tall and lean... an ordinary guy.... "Insecurity?"

The guy sighed in disappointment before nodding his head in confirmation, "Pretty much. Marcus Winters."

Suddenly my eyes went slant when Irvine's voice popped into my head. However I did not jump into my defense mode...yet. "Kaxity White."

Marcus features turned slightly stern as if he gotten himself in an awkward situation. "Kaxity? As in Irvine's friend?"

I nod my head in confirmation, "That's I, I didn't want to say anything; it'll make things awkward."

Marcus lips tugged into a small smile as he nod his head in agreement, "Yeah, very awkward. So awkward I think you're going to fake like you don't like me, but you secretly do."

I laughed out loud, causing a few art admirers to look at me as if I had five heads. I covered my mouth with my empty hand while snickering quietly. "What happened to the insecurity?"

Marcus shrugged his shoulders, "It's still there, but I was trying to make you laugh- apparently the only way to do it is to be cocky and confident."

"You've nailed it." I gave him the a-okay gesture that made him chuckle. "I just gotta ask one thing, why the slang?"

"Slang?.. Oh." Marcus chuckled before saying, "James took my phone and thought just because we're American, we use a lot of slang. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Irvine took my phone as well."

"No wonder there were a lot of heart and winky face emojis."

"Hearts and winky face? Do you think they were flirting? Or doing foreplay?" I said in a seductive voice that didn't become awkward on my part. I looked back to the painting in front of us, Marcus held a smirk upon his face as he step closer to me. He didn't try anything out of line, Marcus just stood there, smirking and admiring the painting; until he looked away to see James and the three other guys that was certainly his follows walk into the opening. "I'll see you around," Marcus suggested, knowing the guys will make some ruckus.

I nod my head in agreement, knowing it's best for him to drag them out before the police do. "Yeah."

Marcus gave me a once over before walking towards James, to convince them to leave- in which they did in a cheerful way. Marcus probably told them he seduced me into giving him my panties, I would be mad at him if he did. James and his friends were like jocks, if only it was high school, they're intimidating pretty boys with money. A guy like Marcus, the way he presents himself as a ordinary guy, would seem out of place. He would try his best to fit in.

Maxwell and Justice walked into the space with small smiles upon their faces, Justice probably convinced Max to put his guard down- either way Maxwell was happy and smiling. "Y'all kissed and made up." I stated the obvious as they walked closer towards me.

Maxwell's cheeks suddenly went flush when Justice snaked his arms around his waist. "Kaxity-"

"You want to cut this day short?" I bet Max to the punch. "It's fine, go ahead."

Maxwell gave me an apologetic smile before sighing in relief, "I'll call you."

"Okay." I waved them goodbye before Justice decided to tear Maxwell clothes off and take him in the middle of the gallery, in which he was so close into doing from the way his hands could not stay to himself.

"Get home before sunset and call me if there's trouble." Maxwell giggled while being dragged out of the opening.


I walked around town, eating ice cream and window shopping. The sun was now setting, the sky were painted with purple, blue and orange streaks with a touch of yellow. I sighed in relief before going down the path that would lead me out of town and towards the mansion.

It wasn't a long walk, just needed to get through a dirt path in a plain. Besides if anything or anyone decides to attack me, I have pepper spray and a taser waiting for them. I was at the gates of the mansion, or the gates of heaven considering I no longer have energy left in my body. I pushed the gates open and slipped through so I can walk another mile or so to the front steps.

"Kaxity, thank god your back!" Irvine yelled out while meeting me at the front door. "Diana was riding my gears,"

"Well you missing work gets you those results," I said while walking past her before I pass out from exhaustion. "I'm going to bed."

"It's seven,"

"It's midnight somewhere!" I yelled back while taking a step at a time.

"Oh wait," Irvine ran after me with a bouquet of wild flowers in her hand. "This came for you."

I sighed heavily while holding my in my smile, only because Violet's face popped up in my head. However I knew it wasn't from her. I took the card that stuck out of the bouquet before reading it, the words were well written and showed masculinity with every curve. "Maybe this can represent a fresh start.." I said out loud.

Irvine gave me a look before opening her mouth, but she closed it. She had no words, which worried me. "I don't know who these are from." I said with concern in my voice. "It can't be from Marcus, I just met him three hours ago and I think we hit it off."

"I would comment on that, but I have no words. Only person I'm thinking about is Jeffery, that two face price of shit. I smell fuck boy."

I wanted to throw the flowers down the stairs, but I didn't because I'm a sucker for beautiful flowers. However I did throw the card over my shoulder, "Screw him. Night."


When I walked into my room, I set the flowers down onto the small table near the window. I then pulled out my phone to see that same unknown number that belonged to Marcus. 'Do you like jazz?'

My lips tugged into a smirk before I replied back. 'Depends.. Can I wear my tap shoes?' I couldn't help but chuckle at my own joke as I take a seat on the arm chair behind the table.

'I'll bring mine. Tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at the institute.'

'See you then.' I immediately added Marcus to my contacts and set my phone down onto the table. As much as I grinned from ear to ear, my crush for Violet was high and it made me feel weak and vulnerable like a teenager with out of control hormones.

Emeraude Toubia as Isabel Harris...

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