By AlYahya25

6.2K 446 837

When 4 detectives disappear in less than a year, the situation becomes critical. So when Rick Curt is forced... More

I Need Your Help!!!!!!!


154 11 39
By AlYahya25

Everyone was there now, Martin, Christy, Nessa, Jo, Andy, the twins, Bill, Rodriguez and even Rick, everyone but Serena.

"I am going to kill her"

Everyone smiled at Christy's comment.

"You know her, Christy," Andy said, "When you force her to do something, she has to be late"

"Yeah, and when you don't force her, she also comes late" Ryan added.

"So, Rick," Nessa said trying to make them stop talking about Serena, "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Why are you here?"

"I wasn't a good person in LA so I was transferred"

Martin let out a sarcastic laugh, which was met by a raised eyebrow from Rick, "Have a problem?" Rick said

"No, no, continue, please"

"How is LA?" Chris said when he felt the tension.

"It's amazing," Rick said with a smile "luxury, fun and everything that you want in one place"

"Of course, you wish that you could go back" Ryan commented.

"Won't you?"

"Why do you think that a good life should be led in those fancy cities? I mean I love Countyville" Andy said.

"And what do you prefer? The weirdness of the events or being locked in the middle of nowhere" Ryan asked.

"What weird events?" Rick asked with confusion.

Ryan Widened his eyes, "No one told you yet, come on people the man has to know what he will face"

"Hello, you miserable creatures," Serena said with a smile on her face.

"Look who decided to show up," Christy said between gritted teeth.

"Well, I was waiting for you to grab me from my hair," Serena said taking a chair and sitting between The Twins and in front of Martin and Rick. She sat like the cops in TV again and Rick had to smile.

"Ha ha," Christy said, "I am not kidding, where were you?"

She sighed, "I was talking with Commissioner James, OK"

"Really, did it go well?"

"Of course not, when does anything go well with him?"

"You are really being unfair to him," Bill said.

"What is it with you people and defending him?"

"Because you are wrong, Serena," Jo said, "He was going to kill Gonzalez today"

"What are you talking about?" Serena answered with confusion.

"When I showed him the evidence today he asked Gonzalez to tell him what really happened," Bill continued, "when Gonzalez didn't answer, he grabbed him from his collar and pushed him to the wall and then Gonzalez sang like a bird"

"You want me to believe," Serena said, "that Commissioner James Walker lost his temper"

"We don't want you to believe" Jo responded, "You have to believe, we were all there, right guys"

Everyone nodded and silence filled the table for a while.

"How is life with Bill?" Ryan asked Rick trying to kill the silence.

"I don't live with him"


"Have you seen his place?"

"What's wrong with my place, detective?" Bill asked offended. All of the previous detectives used to live with Bill since there were no empty places and no one ever complained.

"It's too small and you are too disorganized"

"Well, I am sorry because I don't live in a villa"

Everyone laughed at their silly fight.

"You live in the house in the forest, right?" Chris asked.


"So that house isn't small but mine is?" Bill said.

"At least, it's organized" Rick replied.

They all laughed again until someone spoke from behind them,

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss Killer"

Everyone looked to find the gang smiling.

"So, darling, how did you find jail, was it good?" Sam asked smiling.

"It was pretty good but don't worry you will know how does it feel soon" she replied with a smile.

His smile only got wider "You should really stop hanging around those people and start hanging with us, I mean you are one of us now"

"If you haven't heard, darling let me tell you," she replied with a smile, "I am innocent and they caught the real murderer"

"C'mon now, darling," he said approaching her, "so you are telling me that you had no hand in killing him"

"No, darling, I am going to dirty my hands only with your blood"

His smile widened more "my pleasure" He crouched next to her then said with a smile, "you know, we will make a great couple together"

She raised an eyebrow "Really?"

"Yeah," he whispered but everyone on the table could hear him, "C'mon Serena, you know that there is chemistry between us and with some fire it will ignite and no one could put it down"  

She grabbed his face so they were almost touching "That sounds good"

Everyone was staring now and Martin and Rick was about to kill Sam if Serena hasn't said "Too bad that I despise you"

Everyone clapped and laughed and was quite bedazzled by Serena's reaction, Serena then stood up and went to get her drink.

"You just got served, darling", Ryan commented.

Sam glared at all of them and then rested his sight on Rick "You are the new guy, aren't you?"

Rick raised an eyebrow, "Can I help you?"

Sam smirked, "Yeah, stay away from Serena, we don't want you disappearing"

Crab then laughed, for them, they got their dignity back, too bad that didn't last for long since Martin grabbed Sam's t-shirt and said between gritted teeth "If I heard you saying another word about that thing again, I will kill you"

Sam smirked again, "Isn't it cute? You are protecting your little girlfriend. Too bad that she doesn't care"

Then anger was unleashed and no one could hold Martin back as he started punching Sam.

Of course, people tried to stop them but it was no use. The only one who stopped them was Serena who stood between them pushing them away from each other.

"ENOUGH" She shouted, "Do you think yourselves teenagers? What the hell are you doing?"

"Ask your boyfriend? He was the one who attacked me," Sam protested.

She glared at him, "You know what, Sam, why don't you just leave? Take your gang and leave, nothing good happened since you came"

After looking at her for a second Sam took his gang and left and the crowd went back to their seats. The only ones who were standing were our friends.

"What are you trying to do?" She asked Martin.

"Haven't you seen him? How he smirks and says stupid things?"

"Does that mean that you go and kill him? I think that I have proved to everyone that I know how to deal with him and his kind, I don't need your protection, Martin"

Martin's eyes widened and he said with hurt in his voice, "Oh, you don't need it"

"No, Martin, I didn't mean it like this"

He approached her and looked straight into her eyes "Yes you did, you meant every word"

He passed her but she held his arm "Martin, please, just hear me out"

But he pushed her arm and left, she looked back to find them looking at her.

"I hope you liked the reunion, Christy"

"Are you seriously blaming me for this?" she replied angrily.

"Of course not," Serena said and pointed at the direction that Crab went "They are the reason for everything"

"You can't say that you were wrong, can you?" Jo said.

"Me? Wrong? I haven't done anything wrong except in the end with Martin"

"Well, I think that we should go home, now," Ryan said, "and let's continue our problems tomorrow" and then he elbowed Chris who approached Jo.

Chris cleared his throat "Hey, Jo it's late, now. Would you like me to walk you home?"

She smiled shyly "Sure if it's not trouble"

Jo left and Chris walked next to her after high-fiving Ryan silently.

"For how long did he want to do that?" Serena asked smiling.

Ryan rolled his eyes, "For years, today he decided that enough is enough"

"Good for him," Andy said wearing her jacket "See ya tomorrow"

She walked a few feet before Rodriguez shouted after her "Hey Andy, wait for me"

She looked behind her and when Rodriguez reached her, they started walking like kids.

Bill asked Christy to escort her home but she refused as she wants to walk before she goes home. So they both left after that and then Ryan looked at Nessa "We are the only ones left"

She raised her hand "Don't even think about it" and then she left.

He shrugged "At least I tried" and then he left.

They all left except for Rick and Serena.

"Is it always like this?" Rick asked.

"What do you mean?"

"The crimes, the fights, the tension, the drama"

"It has been like that for a year now"


Serena swallowed hard and then looked at her watch "oh, it's late, I have to run home, now"

"Would you like me to walk you home?"

She stared at him and smiled "I think that I am the one who should be asking you that, new guy"

"I would love that but you said you are running late"

"Goodnight then," Serena said with a smile.


And then they were parted.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that I rewrote the second part in chapter two and added an important information. I was displeased with the way I wrote it from the first day but when new ideas came to my mind I found a better way to write it. So, don't forget to read it and tell me your opinion. By the way, guys, pleeease comment more I want to know what you think but you never say so please comment more.

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