Infamous Gray (Sequel to NLOA)

By VasilisaDragomir

2.6M 80.2K 21.4K

As if things weren't already complicated, now Avery Collins has lost her ex-boyfriend whom she still loves. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Part One
Chapter 19 - Part two
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Part One
Chapter 21 - Part Two
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

92.8K 2.9K 624
By VasilisaDragomir

Please read 'Keep Running' by Shadow45. It so good!


++++ Austin's POV ++++

"Why aren't you giving up?" Kale whispered harshly.

"Because I have a heart"

"That makes no sense"

I sighed heavily. "She made a promise with me"

"And you're going to watch her slowly crumble?" He said as he ground his teeth together. "She's going to be scarred for life and you're going to have this branded in your mind the fact that you could've prevented it"


Three weeks ago, I let Derek and his gang bring me to where I am now. I did it willingly so Avery would be safe and she wouldn't have to be the victim to any more of his games. A couple of days ago, I was sure about Avery's safety but since she kidnapped at a race, I lost everything.

I'd rather she stay at home with her brother than spend nights here with me. I mean the nights we spent, we could barely touch each other without her being in pain. And that pain was because of me. There was no telling of what Derek would do next and he was a sick bastard so he could attack at any given time.

I lost hope when Avery came but since the news of her brothers arrival, a bit of confidence built up in me. I knew her brother would find us but if I could just give up now, this would all end now. When Jake's gang and my gang come, I know they will bring others but it'll be like a war zone in this building. People will die and I just hoped to god it was no one Avery or I cared about- which was pretty much all our rescuers except for Jake's gang, I did have respect for him and I didn't want him or anyone in his gang to die.

What I did last year was stupid. Too stupid. I sold Derek's drugs on his territory. In my defense, what did you expect a 17 year old new gang leader to do when he found green liquid and needles? I sold them because I got money for it and I managed to get 500 000 thousand before Derek told me to piss off. Then I saw him on the news getting arrested for something he didn't do.

But he did create the drugs so he would've been convicted sooner or later.

"Wake up" Someone kicked my leg but I knew the kick, it was Austin's kick. He's been waking me up ever since we landed in Hawaii.

I was already awake and at any other time I would've been a smart ass and rolled over but for Avery's sake, I opened my eyes. And I just so happen to open my eyes the same time Kale softly shook Avery awake. She stirred and mumbled a few words before opening her eyes and sitting up. She rubbed her face and I couldn't help but think how cute she looked with bed head.

"Austin" I began to say my own name to a different person. As I said his name Avery flinched. "We're awake now you should get Avery some breakfast"

"No, I'm not hungry" Avery said immediately.

"You haven't eaten for two days now" I frowned.

"I seriously lost my appetite three weeks ago" She smiled a small one that I barely saw.

Austin and Kale set up the next torture chair for Avery and the whole entire time I was trying to rip apart the metal chains. Avery on the other hand was unsurprisingly, shaking. It only took them a while to get a chair and bring in a large metal wash bowl. The bowl was full of water and floating above it was a white cloth. I gulped loudly when I figured out what was going to happen. Avery looked at me with alarm and I gave her a questioning look that I knew she would have the answer to.

"No, Austin" She shook her head.

Austin looked up at the sound of his name but went back to business when he saw Avery wasn't talking to him. I clenched my jaw together in frustration. These stupid chains weren't giving in and neither was Avery. Trust me, I wasn't a guy to give in but if it was for anyone I cared for then I'd be the first.

"Good morning!" Derek walked in the room with a bright smile that agitated me.

"Piss off" I spat. Wow, I was angry today.

Derek gave me a dismissing stare before walking over Avery. And touched her. Well not sexually but it still annoyed and pissed me off. She squirmed away from his grasps but he managed to get a hold of her in no longer than 10 seconds and pulled her up. He unlocked her chains and tied her hands behind her back.

She brought her foot up and kicked it behind her so it hit his sheen. A laugh rolled out of my mouth and she even smiled to herself- that was until Derek grabbed her waist and she squealed. My eyes narrowed. He leaned forward and whispered something that I couldn't hear. Not even my practised ears could hear. The smile dropped from her face and she swallowed. My arms jerked against the chains causing a loud noise to echo in the room. Kale and Austin turned and looked at me before stepping away from the chair.

Avery was pushed forward and I had to painfully watch as they duct taped her to the wooden chair. Veins had to of been poking out of my neck due to my growing anger but if they weren't then shoot me.

"For gods sake I'm tired of you tying it up so tight" Avery put on a strong face.

"And I'm tired of Austin not giving up" Derek finished. "You don't see me complaining"

"Well, actually, you are complaining, everyday that Austin and I are in here is you screaming 'I'm complaining'" She retorted. I smiled.

Derek stepped back and John -who seemed to appear out of nowhere, stepped forward. I sucked in a quick breath and stared intently as Austin stepped forward with the bowl in his hand. No, no, I didn't want this to happen. This couldn't happen.

"No!" I yelled just as John picked up the drenched towel. "Please don't do this"

Avery's head turned to me and I was begged her with my eyes. She could die from this. She wouldn't live to the time when her brother came to save her. Jake would be wasting his time coming here if she didn't live through this.

"Do you have an alternative?" Derek looked at me. I knew what he meant, he wanted me to say 'yes'.

"No he doesn't" Avery butt in before I could open my mouth. I growled.

John shrugged and wrung the towel over the bowl. I gritted my teeth and breathed heavily. I swear I was about to turn into the hulk and as immature as it sounded, I really wished I did. Think about it, if I turned into the hulk, I could get both Avery and I out here without any trouble.

The towel was swiftly placed onto Avery's mouth and her eyes widened. The water in the bowl was poured over her face and she screamed. Derek spoke in a walkie talkie and another guy came in with a full bowl. Austin walked out empty and walked back in, full.

More and more water was poured over the towel and her mouth and she cried and screamed. But her screams and cries were muffled and it only meant she was choking on the water. John let her breath for a second and she coughed too many times. She kept gasping for air but it wasn't long till John placed the towel back over her mouth and more water was poured on her mouth. She must of been mid breath because she hurled forward and her chest rolled violently.

I closed my eyes and looked away so I wouldn't see her suffering but I could still hear her.

After an hour of short stopped torture. Derek called quits and Avery was released. She was chained back to her bed but she didn't have the energy to sit up or have the voice to talk to me. Her back was to me so I couldn't see what she looked like but I could hear her sniffles and hiccups.

They soon faded and I quickly guessed she had finally fell asleep. I sighed in frustration and in the next 5 seconds, I vowed to never leave her side and to always protect her.

Hours later there was a commotion just outside the room. I looked over at Avery to see she was still quiet and strained my ears to hear what they were going on about.

"We can't find Jake and it's only a matter of time till he finds us" The voice was muffled but I knew it was Derek who said it. "He's a large threat especially with Austin's father's people helping him"

My eyes widened. I never thought much about my dad's business. He is a gang leader like myself but what he did was so old, I never really payed attention. Plus, he started to fade away from all that so he could spend more time with my mum. But in saying that, he did influence a lot of people and the people he trained were as tough as Derek maybe even tougher. The guys he had mixed with Jake's and mine, hell we would be out of here in a matter of 5 minutes.

"We have to increase in securi..." His voice faded as he walked away and I sighed.

I guess learning that much was enough and it made me certain that help was coming. They will be in the next few days and yes I have no doubt in that.

But what would happen when Jake saved us? I vowed to never leave her but Jake would make sure I never saw her again. His little sister is only 18 and she's already experience things no normal girl would ever have to experience in her life time. Then again, what did he expect? He led a gang, he did drugs and involved himself with the same things that I did. He just managed to keep it as legal as possible and only did it if it was necessary.

It was clear that I was stupid and immature and Jake like his sister was responsible and mature.

"Austin" I heard Avery's voice croak.

"Yes princess?" I asked.

"I can't breathe properly" She had to stop in between words and gasp for air.

The chains rattled as I stood up and began walking to her. They moved the bed closer so I could walk over to her and thank the lord for that. But, it only allowed me to just reach her bed. I couldn't sit or lay down.

"Can you stand up?"

She nodded and managed to unsteadily get to her feet. My arms came out to steady her and place her in my arms. Her head rested against my chest and I let a few seconds pass before I spread the good news. I put my arms around her waist and she looked up at me with unshed tears.

"Your brother will be here soon" I smiled.

Her eyes lightened. "How do you know" She whispered.

"I heard Derek say that my dad's gang was with him. Jakes gang, my gang and his gang will be invincible"

A laugh escaped her lips but it came to an abrupt halt when she started coughing. "What's that going to mean for us?"

I frowned, what was she thinking?. "We'll be out of here"

She shook her head. "No. Derek is cruel, if he's desperate enough, he'll kill us"

My face hardened. Images unwillingly flood my mind. Derek holding a gun to Avery's head, cocking it and pulling the trigger. John tying a rope around her neck and letting her fall. Or worse, covering her in oil and letting her burn in intense, long, pain till she died.

"Avery, don't think about that, you're the positive one here remember?" I held her face and made her look at me.

"I just-"I stopped her before she could say anything else negative. My lips crushed against hers and for a moment she was stunned but she only then melted into my arms. It was a kiss I longed for ages but I could tell we were both about to get too carried away so I pulled back.

"Be positive for me" I whispered.


Kale decided to break the moment by walking in and offering food and water to Avery. She thankfully grabbed the water but refused to eat. She was growing weaker and weaker as each day passed and not eating was doing her justice. The water was in a 1 litre bottle so she placed it beside her bed as he sat down and began to talk to her.

He looked at her like I looked at her. Like she was his earth, what held him down so he wouldn't fade away. As if without her, he would be nothing and he would just crumble and fall apart. But there was no way he could develop that many feelings in such short time. He had to of known her before.

I quickly started to profile him and see if any features of him was something I could recognise but there was nothing I could come up with. He was a stranger, and to Avery he was too. That would mean, he knew her but she didn't know him.


I'm sorry that it's short and bad and you guys have had to wait a long time but life's been hectic and busy.

Love you all x

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