I Should Have Kissed You (A O...

By shockeychick614

138K 977 106

Brianna's ex, Matt, was abusive. After their breakup she's made high walls around her heart. But when her bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 21

3.5K 23 1
By shockeychick614

This chapter's a bit intense... just a bit of "warning" I suppose. Thanks so much for over 2,000 reads. and 50 votes :D you guys are amazing. I hope you all like this chapter! xx Lindsay


Brianna’s POV

               It was PARTAY TIME! Holly and I were in my bedroom doing each other’s hair and make-up for going out tonight. The boys and we were all celebrating Liam and Holly’s birthdays as well as their engagement! I can’t believe my best friend was getting married already! I mean we only had one year left at University but still it felt so… soon. I was braiding Holly’s bangs back into her ponytail while she sat admiring her ring. You’d think that after two weeks with it on she’d stop staring at it as if she’d just gotten it. I was wrong. She looked at that thing more times a day than Zayn looked at himself in a mirror. Now that’s saying something. Holly sighed suddenly.

               “What’s up Hol? You okay?” I asked, doing the last twist of her hair tie.

               “Mmm? Oh yeah I’m fine it’s just. I can’t believe that I’m eighteen and Liam’s nineteen already. And I’m still in shock that we’re getting married.” She twisted the ring on her finger dreamily.

               “I told you he loved you… a lot.” I said turning to the mirror and starting on my make-up.

               “Did you know?” she asks.

               “Know what?”

               “That he was gonna propose?”

               “I had a feeling,” I said honestly, “but I had no idea he would do it the way he did. Nor did I think he was gonna do it already, but I still thought it was cute.” She smiled, then getting off the bed came over to me and grabbed my hairbrush that was sitting on the counter.

               “Girl, you need to hurry the hell up. We’re gonna be late. I’ll do your hair while you do your make-up kay? We’ll be done in half the time.” I laugh at her anxiety but don’t object. Once we’re finished we do a quick check over of each other and then ourselves in the mirror. (Brianna’s outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/brianna_club/set?id=44384002 and Holly’s outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/holly_club/set?id=46044956) I grab my car keys off the hallway table, shout a goodbye to my parents who are somewhere in the house doing God knows what. I shudder at the thought, closing my car door behind me. As soon as I turn the car on, Holly blasts the radio as loudly as possible.

               “Geez. Let’s not have our ears blown off before we get to the club. I know they’ll be dead by later, but I’d like to save my hearing until then.”  She chuckles and turns the radio down to a reasonable volume.

               “Where are we meeting them anyway?” she asks.

               “I thought you knew? Your boyf- I mean fiancé is more in tune to this than Louis is I’ll bet.”

               “Yeah you’re probably right. Should I call him and ask?”

               “Gee I don’t know!” I say sarcastically. She slaps me playfully before dialing Liam.

               “Hey babe where should we meet you boys again? Brianna and I can’t remember… okay… alright love you too… yup see ya soon. Bye.” She hangs up and puts her phone back into her clutch. “He said he’d meet us in the parking lot, which is behind the club.” I nod, keeping my eyes on the road. Holly turns the radio up again, singing along with Jessie J to Domino.

               “Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooooh! Rock my world until the sunlight, make this dream the best I’ve ever known. Dirty dancing in the moonlight, take me down like I’m a dominooo!” We shout together, totally off time and off key. When we arrive at the club, it takes at least another five minutes to figure out how to get to the parking lot. When we had finally figured it out, I parked and the two of us started walking back towards the front to get in.

               “Hey who are those beautiful ladies over there?” I’d recognize that voice anywhere. Oh my god. This was not happening. I was so tempted to just run but somehow my feet could not move. They only betrayed me and turned me towards the voice. “Brianna baby, I’ve missed you.”

               “Matt. Stay the hell away from her.” Holly said, stepping in front of me protectively.

               “Oh Holly,” Matt said, “no need to worry. I will stay away. For now.” He chuckled to himself and walked away from us. I was still frozen in fear even after he had gone.

               “Hey, hey Bri look at me. There is no way he will hurt you, or ruin this night for you okay? I just called Liam to come and find us. You’ll be safe. There are five boys in there who love you and will protect you okay?” I nod, subconsciously, still in disbelief that he’s back… again. I can feel my legs turning to jell-o.

               “Hol…” I say before collapsing on her.

               “BRIANNA!” she screams, thankfully catching me, but the two of us fall to the pavement. My body begins to shake. Not from the cold, but from fear.

               “Holly? HOL!” and there’s Liam, come to save the day. His footsteps quicken when he sees the two of us on the ground. “What the… are you two alright?” Holly says she is, but that I’m not. Isn’t that the understatement of the century?

               “Holly I just want to go home. Please.” I beg her. I can tell she’s torn. She wants me to be with her to celebrate, but she also doesn’t want me to be miserable.

               “Can you at least stay for a little while? Please Bri? It’d mean a lot to me.” There’s no way I can go home now without hurting her feelings so I just nod. Liam offers me his hand, which I gladly take, pulling myself off the ground. He does the same to Holly but keeps hold of her hand. I dust myself off and follow after them, towards the entrance to the club. Once inside, Liam takes us to a round table booth in a corner of the club where the other boys are sitting. I see Louis’s face light up when he sees me and then fall again when he sees my facial expression. He offers me the seat next to him which I gladly take, resting my head back against the vinyl seat. I feel his arm find its way around my waist.

               “What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

               “Oh nothing, just feeling a little lightheaded.” I say. He doesn’t question me any further, and our attention is turned to a waiter who has appeared with a tray full of drinks. We all thank him and clink our glasses together, toasting to Holly and Liam. I finish off my drink in one gulp, quickly summoning the waiter for another. After four drinks I can feel myself calming down, letting go.

               “Heyyylouuissletssdancee.” I slur, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the dance floor. I put my hands above my head, close my eyes and let the music take control of me. About halfway through the song, Louis grabs my hips and the two of us move in perfect sync. We dance for another three songs before I tell him I’m going to get myself another drink.

               “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” he asks, a bit concerned.

               “Noooimfinee!” I whine at him, stumbling through the crowd to the bar.

               “Can I help you?” the bartender asks.

               “Ummcanihaveauhhchampagne?” I hope he’s understood me. I turn in the barstool and stare out at the crowd on the dance floor. I can see Holly and Liam jumping up and down with the beat of the song; Harry, Zayn and Niall are with them, the five of them making fools of themselves. The only person I can’t seem to locate is Louis. Where has he gone off to? The bartender hands me a new fluke of champagne, which I thank him for and I head towards my friends, but I never make it. I’m grabbed roughly around the waist and dragged through the club. I try and scream out, but my attacker’s fist is in my mouth. I’m breathing heavily through my nose, panicking. What do I do? I need help but my friends don’t know where I am, they don’t know that I’ve been taken. I bite down on the person’s hand, causing him to loosen his grip. I turn around, thinking I’m going to hit him and run, but he hits me first. I hear a sickening slap as his hand makes contact with my cheek. I feel tears welling up in my eyes, the burning sensation taking over the whole side of my face. I scream out but nobody in the club cares to take notice.

               “You’ll shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you.” Matt’s voice is husky with anger. I sniff, keeping myself from crying as he grips my forearm and pulls me forcefully outside. We’re out in the alleyway behind the club now. I look around, hoping to find a way to escape, but there’s nothing. I’m surrounded by three walls of brick and the fourth a group of dumpsters at least two feet taller than I was. I was trapped. Matt comes towards me, reaching for my face. My instinct tells me to slap him and run back inside, but all I can do is back up until he has me cornered, my back against the brick. “Don’t try and back away from me Brianna, you know it won’t help. So where’s your so called best friend? Your new boyfriend, what was his name? Louis, was it?” I can feel my face changing expressions against my better judgment. “Mmm. That’s what I thought. So what to do with you? I have an idea. Since you’re such a slut why don’t we just do it right here in this alley. You can add it to your list of dirty places to fuck.”

               “But I nev-“

               “Save it. You don’t do it with me now; I tell everyone what a whore you are.”

               “I’m not a whore.” I say, trying my best not to sound upset or scared.

               “Well it’s your word against mine. Nobody will believe you.” He gets closer and closer so eventually I can feel his breath down my neck. He reeks of alcohol, I try my best to push him away, but I’m pretty drunk too so my sad attempt of getting him off of me just makes him laugh. “C’mere.” His lips move for mine, but I turn my head so he ends up kissing my cheek. “What’s the matter Bri? You’d rather it was Louis kissing you? Well too fucking bad. He’s not gonna save you… nobody will.” This time he grabs my face and forces his lips upon mine. His hands trail down my sides to the hem of my dress which he begins to lift up.

               “Mnoo.” I try and protest, but his lips muffle my words. My dress is now up around my waist, his hands reaching for my underwear.

               “Get ready for the ride of your life.” His voice is full of lust. I can feel the tears dripping down my face, streaking my cheeks. I flinch as I hear his belt buckle hit the ground. No not again. This can’t happen. I try and squirm from his grasp, but his hands are firm. His fist makes contact between my right eye and the bride of my nose. I yelp in pain, falling to the ground. “Looks like the perfect position.” He says, straddling me, looking down with disdain and victory. I scream as he gets inside me. “Yeah you know you like it.” I’m crying full on now, trying to get away but there was no way he was letting me go.

               “Matt. Please…” I begged, screaming and thrashing, only making it more painful for myself. He punched me again, this time on my left side. When he finally got off me, I just curled myself into a ball, crying, feeling as disgusting as the names he’d called me. Maybe I really was a whore, I mean look at me.

               “WHAT THE FUCK MAN!? CAN’T YOU JUST STAY THE HELL AWAY? WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO HER!?” I heard screams from the other end of the alley. Louis? I rolled over on the ground, trying to pick myself up, only to catch a glimpse of the boys going after Matt, before everything went black. 

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