𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺 || 𝚓.𝚍.

بواسطة thekillerde4th

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Violet, an average girl that loves music and having a creative imagination makes her happy until she comes up... المزيد

introduction; Violet
1; a lot of moving
2; ummmm
3; seems like a shot
4; he actually cares. . .?
5; he wants me. . .
6; doritos locos tacos
7; real talk, right?
8; almost time
9; the concert
10; perfect music
12; giggles
13; why would you?
14; oblivious
15; a shock
16; choices
17; on the road
18; OMG
19; 2nd concert!
20; another city
21; it's happening again
22; the real deal
23; sudden burst
24; B.L.O.O.D.
25; celebration
26; nice to evil
27; someone
28; the truth
29; a day w/o him
30; a day w/o him part 2
31; settling it
32; a week or so
33; reality
34; calling
35; donuts
36; back in action
37; pain
38; relationship status
39; whirlpool
40; lights
41; special day
42; cohabitation
43; a new year
44; sudden kick
45; Providence
46; lacuna
47; help isn't enough
48; dif. perspective
49; turnover
50; hold up, grammy awards?
51; suffering
52; handling
53; mom care
54; a new face
55; dandelions
56; (i am okay)
57; coincidence
58; breakfast turns hot
59; water
60; house of gold
61; car radio
62; tear in my heart
63; polarize
64; the judge
65; not today
66; another blurryface?
67; a morning treat
68; death
69; death part 2
70; death part 3
71; back again
72; attacked
73; family #2
74; feelings brought more
75; no faces
76; a new "return"
77; turn of news
78; blink of an eye
79; Gulf Shores, Alabama
80; George, Washington
81; Dover, Delaware
82; life changer
83; Tøur De Cølumbus #1
84; Tøur De Cølumbus #2
85; Tøur De Cølumbus #3
86; artøpia
87; Tøur De Cølumbus #4
88; Tøur De Cølumbus #5
89; taken for granted
90; a normal life
91; time go quicker
92; it's time
93; the wedding
94; dun & dun

11; public humilation

107 5 0
بواسطة thekillerde4th

Violet's P.O.V.


I woke up sorta cuddled up more in Josh, and seemed to be really tired as well. He must've been banging those drumsticks hard on his drums, but that's what fame is to be done. Give out the best to whoever you love so much, and respect their wishes.

My eyes focused on his eyes closed still before he groaned and opened his eyes faintly.

He stretched out himself before he rested himself onto me before kissing my head. "I know you're awake..." he said in his morning voice.

I moved up so I face him his level before he opened his eyes at me and blinked before I said "I was just testing you..."

His smile crept up before he said "Oh really? Did you realize what test I may do?"

From what he said, he took me from surprise when he lunged forward, knocking me back before I hit my head on the corner of the dresser by the bed.

"Owwie..." I said before laughing and cupping Josh's face.

"You okay?" he asked concerned.

I kept laughing and nodded before I pulled him to kiss me before he started going in, if you know what I mean for kissing.

I heard the door knock and open a bit before my eyes seen Tyler. He seemed tired too.

"Whoa, kids, no need to be making so much noise," Tyler joked.

"Man!" Josh said jumping off the bed. "Make sure to wait longer okay?"

"Whatevs. We got to go soon, okay? Remember...?"

I looked at the two of them whispering something before I sat up and Tyler waved at me and Josh closed the door to come running back at the bed. He seemed so childish when he was with me, and so was I.

"What were you two whispering about?" I asked him.

Josh's face lit up before he looked at the door and said "Uhhh... he just wanted me to listen to his surprise we were planning for you."

"Oh, really?"

Josh nodded before pinching my cheeks and saying "It's going to be a doozy."

I giggled before Josh kissed me again while pulling me off the bed. "Come on!! Let's get ready for the little event!"

"Oi, okay..." I said wiping my eyes with my hands.

I hopped into the shower to refresh myself with a fresh pair of clothes.

I wore this to the little thing. Josh told me it was just a casual hangout day, but it was weird to see him say it was a surprise.

After putting my hair up in a cute way with the little bow, I stepped out of the room to see Jenna a little cute dressed up.

She looked and saw me before saying "Hey... You look really casual."

"Yeah, Josh told me to be like it," I assured.

"Yep, it's a little hang sesh."

I smiled before hearing Tyler coming out with Josh and laughing a bit. They really were like best friends, and I checked my phone before getting a familar text.

Sapphire 🔥: heyyy, mom and dad are getting triggered w/o u here

they is thinkin of having you come home now

idk if they're really tellin truth if they go to New York😱

I was shocked to see these texts... Sapphire was probably telling the truth, and Josh interrupted my thoughts before saying "Hello..."

It gave me chills when he did that, and I said "Oh, sorry... Sis texting me about my parents worrying."

"Worrying about what?" Jenna asked while leaving the hotel with the bags.

I was confused at first with the bags being brought out of the hotel, and I asked "Why are you bringing the stuff with you?"

"We're gonna go back to Ohio," Josh said. "You didn't forget, did you?"

I faked a smile before going back in the hotel and getting my stuff ready before coming out a little tired and said "I need a donut..."

Jenna laughed before saying "Plain?"

I shook my head and said "With Spwinkles..."

When I said that, Jenna giggled before Josh said "Aww!! You're so cute when you say that!"

He kissed me before taking my stuff and said "Keep being this cute and I'll be doing everything for you."

"Really?" I said in shock. "Why, my fine sir, you may proceed on."

Tyler sighed along with smiling while Josh left first with me following behind.


When we got to the airport, we got on the airplane before Josh sat down next to me along with an empty seat by him.

"You sure you don't feel awkward with someone sitting next to you?" I asked him.

He looked and said "Nobody will... There's barely anyone on first class, so..."

I sighed before he put his arm around me to kiss me again, and I said "I never got my donut with spwinkles..."

Josh looked at me and laughed with Tyler and Jenna looking over at us. "She's a keeper for me," Josh said smiling.

"You best wish so, Joshie," Jenna said giving me a thumbs up.

"I am so right."

The airplane intercom came on and said "Flight 1239 will be taking off in a few minutes..."

Josh sighed before I moved the little armrest splitting us apart so I can scooch in closer with him.

He rested his head on mine before I heard a "Aww" from Tyler and Jenna.

"They're SO gonna be annoying when they're with us..." Josh whispered.

"I know..." I said smiling. "We can handle it together."

I held his hand before he put his on mine before I did the same with his, and we kept playing until I gave up and couldn't wait to go back home.

Hopefully my parents wouldn't be mad...


It was pretty quick for a little travel since New York wasn't far from Ohio, and thank god it wasn't.

Tyler whispered "I'll guarantee he'll be wanting you when you go back to your house."

I smiled before we all got off the plane and went to the fresh air of Ohio before I heard a voice say "Violet!"

The voice was familiar before I saw it was Jade waving over at me in her all black outfit. Even her hair was mixed with the highlights of the color Jade.

"Jade!" I said running over to her. "I missed you!"

I hugged her before she said "Whoa, someone's been eager to come back home..."

"You don't know the feeling..."

"Oh, I do!"

Josh and the others came over by us before I said "Guys, this is Jade. She's my little sister, by like... 3 years."

Jade blew her hair before saying "Hello, fellow neighbor Josh, and the one and only Tyler from Twenty One Pilots along with the wifey Jenna."

They all seemed shocked, and Tyler said "You know us? Wow, that's a first for a fan to not freak out."

"Oh, yeah... I'm pretty familiar with meeting famous people since I'm on the road in my band."

"Wait, you're in a band?" Josh asked her.

Jade nodded and said "Listen, I'd love to talk more but I gots to go. Sapphire's the one driving though, so..."

I knelt down to see Sapphire with her headphones on and jamming. "Oh, okay."

Jade hugged me and said "I'll FaceTime you when I'm in Italy."

"Whoa, you must be pretty big for a band then?" Jenna chirped.

"Yep. We have that one song with the little monotonic voice in the beginning before it starts jamming out with the guy's voice distorted and whatnot. It's a big hit at the moment!"

She let me go and took her bag before saying "Byyyee!"

"Bye!" we all said in unison.

Jenna put her hand down before frowning at me. "What?"

"You're sister's pretty cool. And she's in a band!?"

"When has this been a thing?" Tyler asked.

"Since she was 7 years old," I said walking around the driver's seat door and opening it to see Sapphire.

She looked and realized me before jumping out and hugging me.

"Hey!" I said almost falling over. "You been enjoying your time, huh?"

Sapphire paused her music before taking off her headphones and asked "Are we really taking Twenty One Pilots to their house?"

I nodded before she squealed and popped the trunk. "Tell them to put the stuff in there, I'm nervous..."

I rolled my eyes to smile before I said "Stuff in trunk."

Everyone got everything settled before Sapphire moved her hair out of the way when she put her hoodie down and I got shocked to see it sorta like Josh's, but red.

"When did you get that haircut!?" I said in shock.

Sapphire looked at me as if I was stupid. "You should've been my Snapchat," she said. "I got it like this when you went to the concert night. I saw the little commotion on Twitter..."

My eyes looked outside before Sapphire heard the last door close and she turned the ignition and add "I'm sorry for reminding it... Didn't mean to kill your buzz."

I blew my hair out of my face before I felt Josh's hand go on my shoulder to see him smiling. "Your sister must be a fan."

I nodded before I turned around and Tyler said "Hey, so... Who's this little one?"

Sapphire blushed a bit and said "Name's Sapphire."

"Sapphire..." Tyler said while looking at Jenna. Jenna seemed a little confused, but added "I think Sapphire's a cool name."

"Thanks... Our parents decided to name us all after flowers then..."

I giggled before saying "Don't forget her name is a flower too."

"Really?" Jenna said.

I nodded and turned to Jenna. "Lily."

Jenna nodded before Sapphire turned the wheel a bit hard and I said "Calm down! You're not trying to kill us now, aren't you?"

"No..." Sapphire said blowing her hair out of her face.

Why did she do that...? Oi, Sapphire...


Sapphire parked in front of the house with a relief of a big gap to park, and put the car in park before getting out and popping the trunk.

"Well... I think we're probably gonna have to do a little introduction to Ohio again," Sapphire assured me.

I was confused along with Josh taking out the bags before Sapphire said "You're gonna go hang out with your friends!"

"Oh! Onya and them, I forgot..."

"You really forgot them all during New York?" Josh asked.


Josh laughed before Sapphire took the keys and got out of the car.

She even said "I'm gonna make sure your room is spiffy so you two can have sex in there. I even used Lysol!"

"Are you ser-?!" I said a little angry, but I sighed and brushed her away from my view.

"She's a little hand, you know?" Josh said closing the trunk.

"You have no clue with a little sister like her... She's just random much, you know?"

Josh smiled before saying "I'm gonna go inside to see parents. You should see yours, and then we hang."

I nodded and we kissed before splitting up and going inside.

After a few minutes with the parents, I saw Josh outside and I took his hand before we walked over to the park I knew not far from here.

Once we got there, I noticed a few girls over by a bench looking over at me before one of them said something and everyone gasped and laughed.

My eyes turned to another group of friends looking at me and whispering.

"So... You always come here?" Josh asked me.

I was sorta having a panic attack before EVEN little kids saw me and gasping.

"Ummm... Vi?" I heard Josh's voice say before I couldn't really hear much.

That's when I was going to flip out before one of the girls say "Oh my god, it's Violet! You girl are lucky to have a man like Josh!"

My ears stopped ringing before one girl added "You should probably find someone else."

They laughed before Josh rolled his eyes and I couldn't take it anymore before I ran away crying and looking away.

"Violet!" I heard Josh's voice say. I didn't stop for one bit until I got home...

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