Football girl {Book one}

By narrysoreox

85.5K 1.8K 116

Jardan <3 First book in the football girl trilogy Jordan Luck has had a perfect life. Father is a famous f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 24
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Hello everyone
Contact me

Chapter 2

9.1K 119 22
By narrysoreox

Jordan above (Kate Todd)

"Jay! Can you bring me a towel?!" I scream from the bathroom upstairs. The door opens to Jay with a towel. He shuts the door and hands it to me.

"Guess who's here!" Jay says smiling.

"Nick." I say drying myself off.

"How did you know?!" Jay asks.

"Because he texted me say he was coming today." I say laughing.

"Oh!" Jay starts laughing as I put on my clothes. Most girls would kick him out but it's not like I have shit to show.

"You seem happy today." I say and ruffle his hair. Like a normal boy he looks in the mirror fixing it. I swear the team is more into their hair and shoes than the cheerleaders.

"Yup! I'm with my best friend all weekend what could be better." He says with a smiling. I laugh

"You're here every weekend!" I yell laughing. I only have my bra and shorts on.

"Where are you guys?" nick yells from somewhere in the house. I get an idea. I grab my shirt and pull Jay out in the hall. I throw my shirt down. Nick starts to walk around the corner. I grab Jay's shirt and make it look like he pushed me on the wall. Me and Jay have played this trick on EVERYONE. Jay's mouth lightly touches my neck to make it look like he's kiss it, but not of real.

"Jay!" I moan softly as I see the top of my brothers head. I have to bite my lip so I don't laugh.

"What the fuck!?" Nick yells. Me and Jay burst out laughing. "Ha ha ha, so funny." Nick says then rolls his eyes. "Hey sis."He says and I hug him and he kisses my forehead. I grab my shirt and put it on.
"You better put that shirt on, I don't want to see those boobs of yours." Jay says laughing. I laugh.

"It's not like Jordan has anything to show anyways

The next day at practice coach tells me a boy from California is coming to our school today. I see a kid with blond hair walk onto the field. Oh hell no! "Who's the new kid?" Jay asks.

"Hell should I know." I say leaning on him. Nolan and Jason stand behind me.
The new kid talks to the couch then, starts walking over to me. I put my helmet on. My legs start to give out the close he gets. Oh, shit. He's, just... wow.

"You must be Jordan." He says and puts out his hand. His eyes are a light blue color. I shake his hand. "I'm Logan. So, I heard there's a girl on the team. Is she cute?" he asks me. I shrug and run off. What if he doesn't think I'm cute? What the fuck?! Why should I care? I hit myself in the head but my helmet blocks it. Practice ends, me and the guys to the locker rooms. I haven't taken off my helmet. Logan comes in and talks to JJ, Tyler and Brian. I take off my helmet and Logan turns around. His eyes grow big. He starts to rub his neck.
I take off my gear and put on a tank top and shorts. Logan watches. I walk over to him.

"What position?" I ask.

"Quarter back, but I see you've got it." He says standing up.

"Tomorrow, be ready for a workout." I say and grab my bag, I start to walk out.
Someone puts there hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Logan.

"What do you mean workout?" he says and crosses his arms.

"For me to know and you to find out." I say crossing my arms too. Me and Logan about are eye level; I have to look up a little. I'm 6 foot so he's about 6"1 or 6"2.

"You don't like me, do you?" he says.

"Just don't," I say and push him back a little. "Get on my bad side." I say and walk out. This guy is not just going to walk in here and take my spot. I seem like a total jerk to him. I walk out to my mustang; it's orange with black racing stripes. I see Logan starting to walk down the street. I sigh. I throw my bag in the trunk and get in the driver's seat. It roars to life when I turn the key.
I pull out of the parking lot. I don't want him to think of me as a jerk. I pull up next to him and he stops. "Jump in." I say. He looks at me like I'm crazy. Logan walks over to the other side and gets in.

"Nice ride." he says.

"Thanks, birthday present." I say and get back on the road. "Where's your house?"

"Um just up the road." he says and starts rubbing his neck.

"What's wrong dude?" I say.
"Nothing." He says and I sigh.

"So, do anything over than football?" I ask.

"Not really." he says. "Right here." His face turns red.

It's not a rich house.

Not a junky house.

It's a really very nice small house.

"You want to come in?" he asks seeming like not wanting to go alone.

"Sure." I say and turn off the car.

"I have to warn you, my sister might attack you." He says blushing. I laugh.

"It's fine." I say and get out. We walk up the two steps of the house. Logan opens the door and lets me in first.

"You brought a girl home!" a man says and jumps up. He has a beer bottle in his hand. The bottles are all around him. A girl, maybe 13, comes running out if the kitchen.

"Bubby!" She yells and hugs him.
Logan hugs the girl.

"Kelly, this is Jordan. She plays on the football team at school." He says looking at me. I man throws an arm around my shoulder.

"I bet that means you've been fucked a lot." he whispers in my ear. I shiver.

"No." I say. He slaps my butt and sits back on the couch.

"You want to go to my room?" Logan asks.
"Sure." anything to get away from the guy. I follow Logan to a small room. Just a bed and a bunch of clothes everywhere. Kelly walks in too.

"Can I paint your nails?" She asks.

"Kelly, Jordan doesn't do all the girly stuff." Logan says.

"Please," she asks. "I don't get to paint anyone's nails and I'm really good I promise!" she says.

"Ok." I say giving in. Kelly smiles and runs off.

"Sorry about my sister she doesn't have friends and doesn't get to do girly stuff." he says.

"She doesn't have friends? You mean yet? She's beautiful and doesn't have friends?!" I say.

"I hope she will make a friend." He says sighing. Kelly runs back in with a bunch of nail stuff. I sit on the floor with her and Logan sits next to me. She's smiling the whole time she paints my nails. I hope the team won't make a joke out of it. She does blue and pink as colors, I have to say she is good. I like the blue but not pink.

"Thanks." I say when Kelly is done. I hug her. She smiles.

"You should come home with Logan every day." she says smiling. I look at him. He's blushing. Why is he blushing?

"Maybe." I say. Kelly thanks me for letting her do my nails and runs out of the room. "She's so cute!"

"Thanks." Logan says.

"When's her birthday?" I ask. He laughs.

"Funny you should ask it's actually today."

"Can I take you and Kelly somewhere then?" I ask him smiling.

"You shouldn't have to do that." he says.

"But I want to! Go get Kelly I'm take you guys out, oh and wear something nice." I say.


I take Kelly and Logan back to my house. "This house is huge!" Kelly says walking in. Logan has a nice shirt and pants on. I told Kelly that my dad buys me dresses that would fit her not me.

"Thanks! Now come on Kelly." I say and leaned her and Logan upstairs. "Pick a dress you like." I say opening a big closet which has a bunch of dresses I don't wear. Kelly grabs the pink one. Oh pink, I hate you.

"Thank you!" she says and hugs me.

"You're welcome." I say and grab the dress, the only dress I wear because jay bought it for me and it's blue, and show her.

"Wear that." she says. Logan stands there blushing.

"Now, out while we change!" I say pointing to the door.

"I've seen you half naked Jordan." he say.

"But your sister should have privacy from you." I say and push him out the door.

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