His Princess

נכתב על ידי baileybear301

641K 9.6K 5.2K

Joker. The King of Gotham. The craziest man the world has ever known. The man needs someone new. Someone i... עוד

His Princess
Thank You Guys!!!


26.5K 454 92
נכתב על ידי baileybear301

Corruption of light

Always seen

Glowing eyes

Always watching

Light musn't touch the dark

It's a soft movement. Skin on skin. A small twitch. A flinch even. The angel is burning.

Joker wakes to a sweaty Billie, her skin burning and her stomach visibly contorting. As if something is begging to get out. Scratching at her insides. He's quick to wake her up and bring her wet skin to his own. "Tell daddy what's wrong". "F-Fine. Feel fine". Joker isn't convinced. He knows her too well and knows that she never admits when something is wrong. Never admits when she's hurting. He presses his slightly chapped lips to her temple, his hands dancing down her sides. "Baby. You have to tell me so I can fix it. Okay"? "No. 'M fine. 'M fine". "You aren't Billie. I don't want to get angry with you. Tell me where it hurts".

Sighing, she sets his hand on the right side of her lower stomach, slightly flinching at his touch. "It hurts". "How bad"? "Really really bad. It feels like it's burning". "Is it down your side too"? Billie nods, not being able to find her voice. "Down your back a bit"? "Mhm". Joker sighs then, realising he's gonna have to hurt her to make it better. "Baby. I can fix this, but it you won't like it". Billie slumps against him and whines. "Fix it, please". Joker lands a small peck to her lips, puffing out a small breath against them. "Lay on your side". Billie obeys slowly, her body now facing the window."Hold onto something"? "Why"? "Just do it". Billie nods and grabs the sheets, bunching them a bit.

"Take a deep breath and don't move". Billie obeys only to cry out seconds later as Joker massages out the pinched nerve in her side. She wriggles away, his free hand sliding her back and holding her down. "DADDY PLEASE! NO! IT H-URTS! NO MORE PLEASE"! Her loud screams of agony make him sigh and moves his hands away. "Baby. I know. I know it hurts, but you have to let me do this". "H-Hurts too much". He wipes her tears and sits her up, moving her into his lap. "Sh. I know it hurts, but you've got to let daddy do this. Okay"? Billie nods, her breaths slowing and becoming long. "Lay back down for me so I can fix this".

She lays down, not being able to contain the fear of the pain she knows she's about to feel. In an instant she's yelling again, crying out at the pain. Joker continues to massage out the knot and try to painlessly. His face turns to one of sympathy when she cries for him to stop again. "PLEASE DADDY! PLEASE! IT HURTS SO B-BAD! I-I PLEASE"! He continues trying to help massage the cluster of nerves. He knows it's hurting her and that she can hardly bare it, but he knows it can't be helped. "Almost over baby. Almost over". He continues for a few more moments until the knot is worked out and she's only sore.

He carefully brings her back into his lap and kisses her head. "Let's go take a bath". "W-Wanna lay here. With you. Please"? Joker kisses her head and sighs. "Yeah. Alright baby. We'll lay down". 

Joker lays back, his princess pressed into his body and their breaths mingling. He runs his hands down her back, slowly lulling her to sleep again.

Her tears fall down to his shoulder and slip onto the bed. 

He stays awake until 9, not daring to sleep if she's at risk of hurting again. He watches her sleep for a second longer before sliding himself out from underneath her. She whines loudly, grasping onto his wrist with sluggish movement. 

"Don't go Daddy". "Baby-". She cuts him off with a whine and rises to her knees, pulling him closer and begining to kiss at his neck. "Stop it Billie. I'm late". Billie only whines, begining to suck marks into his neck.

Joker lets out a growl and pushes her back by her shoulders, looking her in the eye. "I've got things to do". "Yeah", she pauses and lays back, spreading her legs. "Me". Joker kisses down her thigh and rubs the smooth skin there, blowing a puff of hot air against it. "Listen Cupcake, Daddy's got a lot of work to do and you're not helping". "Leaving"? "Yes". "Can I come"? "Not this time". Billie sets her hands on his and toys with them as she rocks her legs side to side. "Okay". She slides away and turns into her side.

"Does daddy get a kiss goodbye"?  "No". "Does daddy's gun get a kiss"? "Yeah". She turns and kisses his shining gun, giving him a sinful glare as she does.

Before she can turn back around,  Joker pulls her to him by her jaw and kisses her with every ounce of sin he possesses. "Maybe you can come with me. Can you shoot or does daddy have to teach you"? "I dunno how to shoot". "What if daddy gives you a machete instead"? "Can't you teach me"? "I will, after you go get dressed". "Into what"? "Something sexy. Daddy just put new clothes in your closet". "And if I don't want to wear clothes"? "Daddy will be very very angry with you. No one gets to see you like that. Just daddy. Understand me"? "Yes daddy". "Go get ready". Billie nods and stands, slumping over to her old cell.

She grabs royal blue lace boy shorts and a matching tank top, matching them with her glittering royal blue heels. Not knowing what to do with her waves, she leaves them to frizz.

Deeming herself ready, she waltzes down the steps and stares at the dominance before her. "Ready"? "Can I sit with you this time"? "Yes baby, you can sit with me". Suddenly she's being lifted onto his hips with fingers digging into her sides. "Are you gonna be good for daddy"? "Are you going to punish me if I'm not"?

Joker chuckles and kisses her neck, slowly sucking a bruise. "If you aren't, I'll make you ride my fingers while my boys watch. Do you want that"? "No". "Didn't think so. Don't test me Princess".

Joker kisses her cheek and walks to the awaiting decoy van. He sits with her in his lap, a thin plastic wall separating them from his goons. "Daddy might need you to use a gun. Can you do that"? Billie shrugs, looking away with a slight pout. "What"?  "It's scary". "I know. But if you can't do it, it's alright. Daddy won't let anyone hurt you. You know that right"?  "Yes". "You're my Princess and I will never let anyone hurt you. Ever".

Billie smiles and kisses his lips slowly. "Thank you daddy". "I want you by my side". "What are we doing"? "Picking up daddy's package".

It takes an hour to get there. When they park is when sweat begins to form on Billie's palms. "What if you get hurt"? "Shh". "Bu-". "Billie stop it. Now. It's all fine". Billie nods against his shoulder and sighs. "Promise"? "Billi-". "Promise"? "Yes baby. I promise".

Joker tightens his hold at the sounding of a knock. He presses his finger to her lips and listens intently to the sounds. "Baby", he whispers. "Don't get scared".

Billie perks up but immediately ducks at the sound of bullets hitting the van and being shot from the van. "Shhh. You're okay".

And suddenly it's all in slow motion. The van is flipping and Billie's being ripped from his arms by the force of gravity.

Blood is dripping from her head and there's a ringing in her ears.


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