Kakashi's Daughter! Book One:...

Da ErikaShinigami

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The famous Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan has a 12 year old daughter named Shiori. She plans on becoming a s... Altro

Kakashi's Daughter! Book 1: The Struggles Of Becoming A Ninja [Naruto Fanfic]
Character Profile
Sharing A Bedroom Can't Be That Bad...? *SHORT/EDITED*
[DON'T READ] I have question..


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Da ErikaShinigami

I haven't updated so here's the new chapter! Enjoy..

"Ugggghhh." I groaned as me and my team waited for my Dad on a bridge. I leaned up against it and folded my arms across my chest. 

Dad then appeared out of nowhere, smiling. "Hey guys! Good morning. Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life." He greeted happily causing me to sweat drop. 

Haha. Path of life my butt. 

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!"Sakura and Naruto shouted.

 "I'm ready for our next ninja mission. No more of this dumb beginner stuff! I want the chance to prove myself! I'm talking a real mission where I can show what I'm made of!! I'm burning up!! See?!" Naruto continued. 

"Uh..right but I get it. Now take it easy will you?" 

Naruto then sent a glare at Sasuke.

"BELIEVE IT!"he suddenly exclaimed. I bonked him on the back of the head. "Owww Shiori..that really hurt!"

"What's with all the glaring. That won't help you at all!"


During so much stupid missions we went on, Naruto tried to out show Sasuke which resulted with him getting a purple eye, getting saved from almost drowning, getting dragged by a huge dog, and getting blown up. 

"Look at you, you're hopeless."Sakura commented as we helped carry him. I stood on one side of him while Sakura stood on the other. 

"You're one big problem."Sasuke smirked. 

Uh-oh, here we go...Again. This is getting old.. 

"SASUKE.."Naruto growled. I immediately got in between of the two. We didn't have time for any pointless fights. "Hey-"

"Naruto..I care about you and all but this is the last time I'm telling you...QUIT IT or else!"I ordered, facing him.  Naruto scowled at Sasuke, furrowing his eyebrows. "Naruto! Seriously! This is getting stupid!"

"Our team work is all messed up because of you, Sasuke! You think you're better than everyone else?!"Naruto accused.

"Not everyone, just you." This isn't good..Please. "Face it, I'm better than you are. It's a fact, unless you have what it takes to prove me wrong." I growled with my fist clenched and crashed it on top of his head. "Hey! What was that for?!" 

"You two are so immature. Can't you spend a day without driving me freaking crazy?! Can't you get along?"


"Huh." I deadpanned.  

Why are boys so stupid? 

"Let's call it a day."Dad piped in. "You can beat each other to a pulp some other time. I have to file my report on the mission."

"Whatever, I'm out of here."Sasuke said.

"Wait, Sasuke! I'll go with you!"Sakura called out. I rolled my eyes. She doesn't give up..does she? "Let's do something more personal. I mean to improve our teamwork and all."

"I swear, you're just as bad as Naruto." Damn. She was just rejected. "Instead of flirting, why don't you practice your jutsu and make the team stronger? Let's face it, you're actually worse than Naruto." I couldn't help but giggle. No offense to Naruto but if you're called worse..That's pretty bad

"Sasuke, I hope you don't mind if I join you. I live near by you anyways." I said, running up to him. Sakura's mouth dropped.

"......Fine." I stuck out my tongue at Sakura as I walked with him. She glared at me but I didn't really care. She would be the last person to give me a tough time..Well in fighting that is.

Once we were further away from the others, I spoke up. "So Sasuke..I've been meaning to ask you something." 

"What is it?" He asked, bored. 

I hesitated. You can do it Shiori..It's not like you're asking him out or anything.

"During the land of waves..Did you.."I stammered. "What you said..Does that mean....You..like me?!"I burst out. I then covered my mouth in surprise. I didn't mean to say that!  He blinked a few times before his cheeks slightly dusted with pink. "Well? I didn't mean like in the other way but  like in the friend way..?"

He glanced at me for a moment but then began walking further away from me. "Forget about it."

I launched my hand out and pulled him back by the collar. "WAIT. You can't say that stuff and pretend like it's nothing! You really don't know how to treat girls!" 

He sighed and pulled my hand off of him. "Why do we need to talk about that? We have other things to focus on." 

I frowned and shot for his retracting hand. My lips were pursed and I felt myself getting flooded with embarrassment. I could have let go of his hand but I strangely didn't and he didn't tell me to let go either. For a brief moment, we stood in silence. 

I cleared my throat, "Why can't we talk about it? We're teammates so we should be comfortable with each other?" GAHHH THIS IS SO AWKWARD! "So do you like me or not? I'm not saying it has to be the other like but in general, I guess?"

"If I do or don't, does it matter?" His cheeks had flushed. 

I put a hand over my mouth. Why is this so adorable?!  I giggle but tried to force it down. "I'm sorry but that was so cute! I can't help it!" 

This only makes him more embarrassed, "I seriously don't understand you sometimes! You act like those tsundere type of girls.."

I stopped laughing, "EHHH?!"I exclaimed. He just called me a tsundere?! "No, I'm not! Don't call me that! Shut up!" A vein popped on my head. 

"Yeah, you are. Don't tell me you don't realize your own personality." 

"You..You.." My fist trembled in anger. He doesn't have feelings! That insensitive jerk! "You think this is something to joke about with me?... YOU JERK!" 



I grumbled under my breath as I stomped off by myself. "That jerk. He doesn't understand girls at all!"

 I then saw Naruto's little fan club- academy students Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi, and Sakura being bullied by two unknown shinobi. By their headbands, they must be from the Sunagakure. The eldest guy of the group was holding up Konohamaru by the collar. 

"First I'll take care of this little squirt, then I'll hurt the other one." he declared. The moment he moved his arm back, I grabbed it and flipped him over onto his back. "What the hell?!"

"Gah! Shiori! It's you! You saved Konohamaru!"Naruto exclaimed. 

I looked down at the guy, still holding onto his arm and stepping on his chest. "Don't pick on younger kids, stupid!"I shouted. "Who do you think you are?" I released my grip on his arm and placed my hands on my hips. 

"What did you call me?!" He demanded, standing back up. 

I rolled my eyes at him and heaved an annoyed sigh. I moved closer to him. "Did I stutter? I said it pretty loud...STUPID!" I shot back, emphasizing the word.

"Why you brat. I don't care if you're a girl!" Grabbing onto my shirt, he held his arm back, preparing to punch me but before he had the chance, he was stopped by a pebble hitting his arm. I quickly looked over to the tree, spotting Sasuke.

 I mentally groaned. I don't feel like seeing his face right now.  I was still bothered by what he said but at least he saved me all the trouble. 

"You're a long way from home and you're way out of your league. One more thing, hands-off."

"Oh great. Another wimp to tick me off."

"Get lost," Sasuke ordered as he crushed a rock in his hand. 

"Hey punk, get down here. You're the kind of pesty little snot I hate the most. All the attitude and nothing to back it up." The stranger then took something off his back. 

"What?! You're going to use the crow for this?!" The blonde girl with him exclaimed.

"Kankuro, back off." A deep voice ordered. On the other side of the tree stood a boy with reddish hair and thick black rings around his eyes. He also had a cold, unnerving stare.  "You're an embarrassment to our village." 

"H-hey Gaara."

"Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way here?"

"I know..I-I mean they challenged us. They started the whole thing." No, we didn't. Don't tell me he's afraid of him?!  "See here's what happened..."

"Shut up or I'll kill you." Gaara growled lowly. 

"R-right..I was totally out of line. I'm sorry Gaara." 

Gaara looked over to Sasuke and me.

"I'm sorry for any trouble he caused," Gaara apologized. He moved to the ground next to Kankuro and the girl. "Let's go. We didn't come here to play games."

"Hold on!" Sakura stepped in front. "Hey! I can tell by your headband that you come from the village hidden in the sand. Of course, the land of fire and the land of wind are allies but no shinobi can enter anothers' village without permission! So state your purpose and it better be good."

"Really?" the girl asked. "Have you been living under a rock or what? You don't know what's going on, do you?" She took out her passport from her pocket. "We have permission. Of course, you're correct, we are Hidden Sand genin. Our home is the land of the wind. We're here for the Chunin Exams. Get the picture?" Looking at it, I saw her name was Temari.

"The Chunin Exams? What's that?"Naruto asked. "I've never heard of any Chunin exams, believe it."

"I believe it alright that you're totally clueless."

"Naruto, those exams are what genin take to become chunin."I explained. "They are like graduation exams except a lot harder."

"Oh! I'm so there!"

 As the trio were about to leave, Sasuke stopped them. "Hey! You! Identify yourself!"

"You mean me?"Temari asked bashfully. 

"No." He gestured towards Gaara. "The guy with the gourd on his back."

"My name is Gaara of the desert. I'm curious about you too."

"I am Sasuke Uchiha."

"Hey! I bet you're dying to know my name right?"Naruto grinned.

"I couldn't care less." Ouch.. I looked at Naruto who lowered his head, slumping in depression. 

"Get over it," I deadpanned. "It's not a big deal."


I slumped against a bridge with the rest of my team. "It's been forever.." I mumbled. We were waiting for my dad but as usual, he came whenever he felt like. Like seriously, I never understood why would he tell us to come on time but he came way later. 

I need to have a serious talk to him about these tardies unless he's visiting them.. 

"WHY, WHY, WHY?!?!?!"Sakura suddenly burst out. "It's always the same! He sets the time and we have to wait hours for him!" 

"It's not fair!"

"What about my feelings?! I rushed here so fast I didn't have time to blow dry my hair!"Sakura complained.

"And I didn't even have enough time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!"Naruto added in.

"Ewww. Please shut up."I said.  I then glanced over my shoulder and saw Sasuke looked annoyed. 

Dad then popped out of nowhere, smiling. "Hey! Good morning everyone! Sorry, I'm late, I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life." 

"That's one I've never heard before."I muttered. 

He jumped down from the post he stood on.  "I know this is a bit sudden but I recommended you for the Chunin Exams. All four of you. These are the applications." He showed us the papers.

"I finally can move up to chunin rank! This is great!" I exclaimed and as I was about to hug him, Naruto jumped on him. 

"Alright! Don't slobber on my vest! Whoever wants to take the exam, go to room 301 at the academy. It's at 3 pm 5 days from now. That's it."

5 Days Later

We all met up at the destination and entered but saw a group of people with two guys in front. A girl with her hair in buns was on the ground with another boy. "The lives of your squad members are in your hands. You better be tough enough. Delicate little girls don't belong here." one guy said.

"You won't pass anyways. Go home and play with your dolls!" the other guy with him added.

"Real nice speech."Sasuke said as we started to walk in closer. "Both of you step aside and let me through and while you're at, reverse the genjutsu. We can see through your illusion. Anyways, we're going to the third floor."

"You've noticed the genjutsu huh?"

"Go ahead, tell them Sakura. I'm sure you saw it before anyone else did. You have the sharpest eyes and analyzing skills besides Shiori that is. You must of seen this coming from a mile away."

"Well sure of course! This is only the second floor." Sakura smiled and the genjutsu was reversed.

"Let's see you deal with this!" 

The kid was about to kick at us so Sasuke was going to block it but a guy stopped them both. It was the one who was on the floor with that girl. He had a bowl hair cut, wore a green suit, and had the weirdest eyebrows. A boy with brown hair and pupil-less eyes stepped towards him with the bun girl.

"You said to keep a low profile."

"I know but.." The boy looked at Sakura. He walked over. "My name is Rock Lee. You are Sakura right? Please be my girlfriend! I vow to protect you with my life!" He gave a toothy grin.

"No. You're a weirdo." He deadpanned at Sakura's response. 

"What's your name?"The brown haired boy asked Sasuke.

"It's common courtesy to give your own name before asking someone else."

"You're a rookie aren't you? How old are you?"

"I don't have to answer."

Is this some sort of interrogation?  What's next he's gonna ask what time were you born?

"What's that?' He started to get angry but Sasuke ignored him.

"Hey, let's go you guys."

 Nodding, we all headed upstairs.

 Everyone here are freaks or just off putting. I hope we don't meet anymore like them.

"Hey, you! With the attitude! Hold on!" 

Oh, it's the guy with the massive eyebrows.

"What do you want?"I asked. "We're busy at the moment."

"I want to fight.." He looked at Sasuke. "Right here and right now. My name is Rock Lee. You said it was common courtesy for the challenger to give his name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha.."

"So you know me?"

"I challenged you. Everyone is always talking about the Uchiha Clan and how great they are. I want to see if its true. I figure you test it for me. And also.." He exchanged a glance with Sakura. 

"You, Sakura, are an angel" He winked and shot hearts at her. She let out an "eek!" and bent down to dodge before she decided to hide behind me. 

I held up a clenched fist. "Will you quit it?! Stop shooting out hearts at her! What are you, a pervert!?" I cried out, my mouth twitching. 

"You don't have to be so harsh and negative.." He pouted. 

"Negative my butt! It's just saying the truth! She's not into you! Can you really not tell or do I have to spell it out to you-"

Sasuke stepped forward, interrupting me. "You've heard about the Uchiha Clan yet you're challenging me? You must be even more psycho than you look if that's possible. If you want to know more about my clan, I'll teach you..the hard way."

"Bring it on!"

"Sasuke, don't waste time trying to fight him! It's stupid!" He completely ignored me. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Hold it! I get him first!"Naruto declared. "This weirdo is mine."

"No thank you. I want to fight the Uchiha."Lee said. 

Ignoring that clear rejection, Naruto dashed towards him recklessly so Lee easily sent him crashing against the wall. 

I ran over to him and sighed. "You're such an idiot.."I muttered. "Don't run in like that..ever." I walked back after offering him a hand to get up. 

"You have no chance against. Your skills are inferior." Lee stated, looking at Sasuke. "You see, out of all the top genin, I am the best. I will prove it you."

Oh please. Acting all high and mighty is so annoying. 

"This will be fun. Let's do it." Whaaa?? "This will be all over in five seconds." 

Bold Statement. Before he headed over, I slid in front of him. "Really? Maybe we shouldn't entertain his idea like this? It's not worth it! He's just acting cocky!"

"I'm not backing down!" he replied, moving past me and making his way towards Lee. He attempted to punch Lee but Lee quickly moved out of the way. 

"Leaf Hurricane!" Sasuke dodged the kick but I saw he wasn't moving fast enough. Lee then actually landed a kick on Sasuke's face.

"Sasuke!"Sakura and I shouted as he fell to the ground. 

When Sasuke looked up, he had activated his Sharingan. 

He probably thinks this is a genjutsu..he's wrong. This is all taijutsu, hand-to-hand combat. 

He headed towards Lee again but he used an upwards kick on him. They started exchanging hits and blows but Sasuke was clearly losing. Lee kicked him up again, went underneath him, and started wrapping his arm bandages but before he could continue, he was stopped by a large turtle. 

 Sasuke crashed towards the ground so I ran over and caught him in my arms, holding him bridal style. "Are you alright? You're shaken a bit..Didn't I tell you not to fight him?" He glared at me. "Man you're lighter than I thought!"

"Can you put me down?"

"But it's fun to carry you! You're so light! I think you're even lighter than me!" He sent another glare. "I got it, I got it.." I placed him on his two feet. 

Meanwhile the turtle loudly scolded Lee. I never thought that sentence would ever come out of my mouth. 

"That last technique is forbidden!"

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to..I was not planning to use it. I was in the middle of a fight and I mean..you understand-"

"Hey! That weird thing he's talking to is a turtle, right? That means Turtles can be Senseis too!"Naruto pointed out. 

"You're a disgrace! Do you think you can get away with lame excuses like that?! A shinobi never reveals his techniques unless it is needed! It's such a basic rule, you should know it by now!" The turtle chided. Lee lowly apologized, slumping. "Are you prepared to take the punishment for your actions?!"

"Yes Sir.."

"Alright then, please come out..Guy-Sensei!" On top of its shell, smoke puffed and once the smoke cleared, a guy in green tights stood in a very strange pose.

"Hey! What's shaking?! How you doing, everybody?!" Our eyes anime whitened and we freaked out.


"He's got the biggest eyebrows yet! They're almost alive!"

"Do not insult Guy-Sensei! He's one of the greatest sensei in the entire world!"Lee shouted but then Guy punched him in the face.

  Wait, Guy sensei looks familiar and his name... I KNOW HIM!

Lee and Guy began to embrace and cry together. 

 Yup..I'm totally freaked out and disgusted. I wish I didn't recognize him. 

"Ugh.I need a bathroom. Need to hurl.. " I muttered before looking over at Sasuke. "I can't believe you lost to someone that lame, Sasuke!"I grumbled. 

Sasuke's left eye twitched. 

Guy and Lee planned to leave but Sakura stopped them, reminding them about the Chunin Exams. Guy then locked his gaze at us, seeming to pay more attention to me than the others. 

What the heck..Is there something on my face?

"Tell me..How is Kakashi?"

"Do you know him?"Sasuke questioned.

"Do I know Kakashi? Well, people say.. He and I are arch-rivals for eternity."

  Yeah right.

"Liar."I stated. "There is no way...YOU could be Dad's eternal-" He suddenly appeared behind the four of us. H-he's fast... "A-As I was saying...You can't beat my Dad."

"Wait a minute, did you say 'Dad'?" I nodded slowly. "Ah! No wonder you looked so familiar! You look just like Shiemi. It's Shiori-chan!"

"......You know I just remembered you. You would sometimes spend time with my dad" I responded. "Maybe I chose to forget about you because of how crazy your eyebrows and hairstyle look." 

"You mean you don't find me memorable?" I shook my head and he slumped in depression. "I guess that's understandable since I didn't visit him as much since he was busy raising you.."

"...So you claim you're his rival. Why you? I mean like how.. Just look at you.."

"You're so cold just like Kakashi!"

"Whatever,"I scoffed. 

"Anyways, Lee, good luck!" Guy held out his hand, giving a thumbs up and left. 

"Hey Sasuke.."Lee said. "The strongest genin is on my team. You're just practice. Now you are a target and I will crush you. Consider yourself warned." He then jumped off.

"Looks like the Uchihas aren't so great like everybody thinks they are."Naruto muttered.

"Shut up! Next time, I'll drive him to his knees."

"Yeah right. Who just got his butt kicked?" Sasuke glared in response. "You saw his hands..I bet old bushy brows has been training him til he drops..day in and out. He trains harder than you. That's all I'm saying." 

Sasuke turned away but smiled.  "The Chunnin Exams..This thing is starting to get interesting. Can't wait to see what happens next. Let's get started! Naruto! Shiori! Sakura!"

 I smiled and we kept going.


Dad stood in front of the entrance door. "I'm proud of all of you..Couldn't ask for a better team." He then moved out of the way. "Good luck."

"We won't let you down, Sensei! Believe it!"Naruto promised.

 Once we were inside, we looked at all the genin waiting to take the test. It was a whole lot of people. Even kids looking older than us were in there.

"Sasuke! Where have you been?!" a girly voice squealed. It was Ino Yamanaka, one of his main fangirls from the academy days. She jumped onto Sasuke's back and clung to him. 

I felt a pang of jealously. Huh.Why do I care? He's not anything except my teammate but I still feel jealous..really jealous. I've never felt this jealous in my entire life. 

"You have no idea how much I was hoping you would show up here." Ino said while on Sasuke's face was pure annoyance. "I've missed your good lucks."

"Hey, you porker! Back off!"Sakura shouted. "He's mine." 

Oh so now they are claiming him..

"Miss Forehead, they let you in?"

"Yeah well they let you in, didn't they?"I retorted. She glared at me while Sakura was surprised I defended her. "Why don't you find someone else to bother instead of Sasuke and Sakura?"

"It's you guys. I knew this was going to be a drag but I didn't know it was going to be this lame."Shikamaru said while Choji was chomping on chips, like always.

"So all three stooges are here?"Naruto said.

"Hey! You know what pipsqueak- Forget it! You are a waste of time." I sighed and he looked at me. "Oh I didn't know the famous Shiori was here."

"You know, I didn't think you would ever show up since you are so damn lazy and with your group, it's better if you just leave now anyways."I stated with my eyes closed casually. "All you do is complain, you're so lazy, you're the definition of it."

"Why you-"

"Well well..What do you know? It looks like the whole gang is together again." Kiba Inuzuka said. With him was Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame and of course his dog, Akamaru. "I'm actually glad you're here the most of all, Shiori." I rolled my eyes as he got close to me. "This is gonna be fun at least for those of us good enough to make the cut, right Sasuke?"

"Kiba, careful. You don't want to get overconfident." 

"Just wait, we're going to blow you guys away but for Shiori, I'll go easy." I sent him a glare. "Whats with that look?"

"Save it! Do you think I want you to go easy on me? You also act like we never trained a day in our lives."

"She's right! What do you think we've been doing?! You don't know what training means!"Naruto yelled. 

"Hey, you guys.." A guy with glasses and similar hair color as mine approached us. "Keep it down. I mean no offense, you are the rookies right? I wouldn't go making a show about your selves. Just cool it. This isn't a class field trip." 

"Who are you?" Ino asked rudely. 

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi but really look around you. You've made quite an impression." Everyone was glaring. "See those guys? They're from the rain village, very touchy. They all are. This exam makes everyone tense and you don't want to rub them the wrong way right now. Well, you can't help it. I mean. how could you know how things worked, you're just rookies. You remind me of myself a while back."

"Kabuto, this isn't the first time you've taken the exam?"  

"No, it's my seventh. Well they're held twice a year so this is my fourth year."

"You must be an expert by now!"

"Cool! You can give us all the insight and tips!"

"Yeah, well he never passed."

"Well, seventh's time the charm. That's what they say." He took out a stack of cards. "These cards have been chakra encoded with everything I've learned the past four years." He set them down on the ground. "I got more than 200...I haven't been completely wasting my time. They might not look like much to the naked eye. In fact, they appear blank. I don't want just anyone seeing this stuff."

Kabuto started using his chakra to reveal the images on the cards. It showed a map with the number of candidates who came to take the test. "Why do you think they come to take the test together?" Well, its to foster the friendship between the nations. "International brotherhood and all that. This way they can calculate the number of shinobi in each village."

"Do those cards of yours have any info on the candidates?"Sasuke asked.

"They might. Do you have someone special in mind?"


I'm betting its Rock Lee and that Gaara dude.

"Well, I can't promise my information is complete or perfect but I got something on just about everyone. Including you guys of course. So which one is it? Tell me everything you know about them."

"He's Gaara of the desert."

"He's got massive bags under his eyes," I added. 

"..Rock Lee of the Leaf Village."

"He's got some massive eyebrows!"I added in again. Sasuke rose an eyebrow. "What? That's giving a good description, right Kabuto-san?"

"Very much." He laughed a little. "First up is Rock Lee. Looks like he's about a year older than you all. Mission experience..11 C ranks and 20 D ranks. his squad leader is guy and in the last 12 months, his taijutsu improved but his other skills are pretty shaky. This will be his first year as a candidate..His teammates are Tenten and Neji Hyuga. Okay now for Gaara of the Desert, mission experience..6 C ranks and get this..1 B rank as a genin. There's not a lot of other information on this guy. he was a rookie from another land originally but there is this..he's survived every mission without getting a scratch on him." Whoa. 'The competition is going to be intense this time. In the four years I've been coming..I've never seen a group of candidates with this much potential." 

 Kabuto then sort of insulted The genin from the Sound Village.

 I noticed Naruto was shaking and he suddenly pointed to the group of genin.


 I blinked a few times. Did he just say that? Yup...He did since everyone is staring at us. They were pretty much giving us dirty looks. I held a hand over my mouth, holding back laughter. 

Naruto is so weird! 

"Naruto, can you say that again a little bit louder? Didn't quite catch it." Kiba mocked with a grin. 

"Are you trying to get everyone to hate our guts?"Shikamaru asked. 

Sakura angrily walked over and caught Naruto in a headlock, pretty much suffocating him so I pulled Naruto out of her grasp. 

Soon after, the sound shinobi attacked Kabuto. He dodged yet his glasses still ended up cracked. 

"How did that happen?!"

"It's a sound attack,"I answered. They looked at me surprised. "Didn't you see the device on one of the guy's arms-" Kabuto fell to his knees and vomited. "Kabuto-san!" The Shinobi who attacked stood in front of us, frowning.  There was three guys, one with bandages and there was a girl. . "Kabuto-san..."

"Not so tough guy after all..maybe that's why he's on his seventh time!"One of them spat.

"Write this on your little card, punk. The genin from the Sound Village will be Chunin when this is finished, guaranteed."

 A young-looking girl with dark red hair ran out from the crowd. 

 She cried out in worry. "Kabuto-san!" Kneeling down next to him, she placed a hand on his back. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "The rest of the team is waiting for you. " This girl looks younger than me. She caught me staring and inclined her head. "Hello."

'Uh, er, Hey.." 

Was she transferred here from another village?

I was pulled from my thoughts when there was a puff smoke and a man with a group of people behind him appeared. 

"Pipe down and listen up! It's time to begin..I'm Ibiki Morino, your proctor. From this moment..your worst enemy.."

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