
By fantasy_differ

13.6K 444 57

'Divorced' Spinoff... Kaxity White never grew up in a mansion, with a family that cares about her, nor with m... More

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Quick ch.28 (Suadela)
Quick ch.29 (Red Fox)
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Quick ch.31 (Suadela)
Quick ch.32
Quick ch.33 (Red Fox)
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Quick ch.36 (Red Fox)
Quick ch.37
Quick ch.38 (Suadela)
Quick ch.39
Quick ch.40
Quick ch.41 (Suadela)
Quick ch.42
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Quick ch.44

Quick ch.1

606 20 0
By fantasy_differ

"..Barcelona!" My mother practically yelled in shock while stand at the foot of my bed. I was currently packing my suitcase with clothing that I can wear in the sun. "Why Barcelona? I mean, what's there that's not here?"

I chuckled while shaking my head, "An opportunity mom. I'm getting paid over a thousand dollars for every painting and at the end there's a competition where I could win over twenty thousand dollars. That's enough to get me set."

My mother eyes went slant as she thought of what to say, "I don't trust this. Who would give people a thousand dollars and on top of that tweet thousand? Whoever is doing that is blowing their money away. What if it's apart of a sex trafficking scheme? No, definitely not."

"Mom," I whined. "Irvine has a mansion and a rack of security. Besides she's going to have a bodyguard." I actually don't know about the bodyguard, but she's going to have security...

"Still don't trust it."

"But you trust me, right?" I questioned.

Her face immediately turned soft, "Of course sweet heart."

"I'll be fine mom, don't worry." I zipped up my suitcase and set it by the door with the others.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

"Um," I hesitated before answering. "Eight months."

"Eight months! What the hell are you going to be doing- you know what... Aaron!"

I slowly rolled my eyes to the fact she's bringing my father into this. "Mom you don't have to-"

"Huh?" Dad walked into the room with a worried look upon his face. "What's happening?"

"Kaxity is going to Barcelona for eight months, to do this art competition."

"I get a thousand dollars for each artwork I do," I added in so he can see the value of this trip.

My dad as usual, looked into the distance as he thought of this plan. "Well, you do kill two birds with one stone. Kaxity is going to have fun and also make money, we can't stop her for doing that. Even though eight months is a little questionable."

"Dad you basically said yes with the choice. I'm going!" I ended the conversation before my mom could put her two cents into it. By giving my dad a glare, mom walked out of the room while mumbling a few unpleasant words. Dad of course followed her like a lost puppy.

Mike soon walked into the room with Neavia following behind like always. Her curly hair bounced on her head as she skipped along on Mike's footsteps. Ever since she could walk, Neavia has followed Mike around- it was cute to us, but annoying to Mike. "Heard you're going to Barcelona."

"Heard or ease dropped?" I questioned while checking if I had everything.

Mike chuckled while crashing his head, "Eight months though, that's a really long time."

I shrugged my shoulders as if it wasn't all that bad, even though it's basically a year to us. "Well, I'll keep in contact and you can always visit during the summer."

Neavia managed to pull herself on my bed, before laying in the middle of it with a huge smile upon her adorable face. "Kaxity leaving us?" She looked exactly like our mom; dark skin, dimples, dark brown eyes and chubby cheeks, the only thing different is that Neavia has long and loose hair.

"Only for a little, I'll be back."

She gave me a pout and her signature evil eye, "Mmhm,"

I chuckled while shaking my head at the maximum adorable behavior coming from her. "Come on guys, look on the bright side- I'll be getting out of my comfort zone and exploring a different place." I pointed out.

Mike was not convinced, but he eventually gave in with a heavy sigh. "Have fun."


Irvine giggled in excitement when she walked into her family's large vacation mansion that approximately have seven full rooms, a pool house, game room, home movie theater- all on forty four acres of land and only walking distance from the beach.

"Holy shit," I twirled while capturing the scenery. "This place is so..."

"Wait, before you say that-let's go see your room." Irvine grabbed my hand and tugged me down the hall and up a flight of stairs. Irvine soon opened the large double doors to show a large room that could fit three families and still have leg room. "They call this the queen suite, or as the Spaniard say: habitación doble.." She giggled some more while tugging me straight to the large window that shows the view of the large maze like garden.

"So beautiful," I comment. "I can't believe you all don't live here."

Irvine giggled once more while shaking her head, "I wish, but daddy is a politician- always gotta have work near by and have to love the all American dream- even though our blood line is from Sweden." She hopped on the well made bed with a huge smile upon her face.

"We have full staff; housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, maintenance and some other people my father pays round the clock to keep this place up and running. We even have an mechanic."

"Wow," I flopped down next to her with a sigh.

Irvine soon sat up and grabbed my hand once more, "You have to see the garden, it's like a rainbow of flowers."

I suddenly stopped her by putting my heels to the ground, "Whoa there, we have to be at the institution in another thirty minutes. We can't be late." I stated, causing Irvine to roll her eyes. "Irvine, it's not New York- you can't just show up two hours late because your daddy owns the company. Now come on." I tugged her into the other direction where a set of stairs went straight to the front door.

Barcelona is a very beautiful place, with the blue sky, colorful homes, flowers, warm weather and the people. Gosh it was so calm and quiet, I know it's only the first day- but I was getting an awesome vibe.

Irvine and I walked into the art institute, it was the only building that was modern and up to date; with its glass walls, television screens showing slide shows of different art, statues and red velvet couches- it was more like a modern business place instead of art institute.

"Miss Skargård, Miss White; right on time." A woman with platinum hair, tall, skinny frame, high heels and confident stance- she gave off confidence and power, even though she's dress like a secretary.

Irvine was the first to speak, obviously no match with her power that's radiating off her skin- she still sized her up with her eyes. "You must be Diana, Miss Gretchen's assistant."

Diana lips tugged into a cocky smile, "You're Mister Finn Skargård's daughter, you seem.." Her dark green eyes scanned up and down Irvine's body. "Responsible, enough."

Irvine face eyes slanted as her lips opened to speak, but I stepped in before she suddenly pops off. "Hi, Kaxity. We should get to the others, they're probably waiting on us."

Diana eyed me up and down as well, "Where you from?"

"Um, New York."

"Doesn't sound like it." She pointed out.

I nod my head in agreement, "Yeah, I've lived in Atlanta for college- their way of speaking kinda rubbed off on me."

"Hmm," Diana hummed before doing a perfect one-eighth in her heels and leading the way.

The three of us walked into a small room with a few others who sat and waited, talking amongst themselves about god knows what. A few spoke in their native tongue- Spanish, others spoke in English.

"Everyone," Diana stood in front of them with us beside her as if we were new students in class. "You all know why you're here, you all traveled so far- some of you were chosen, others paid their way; y'all know who you are- but let's not forget, this is for you- to expand your skills to the world by attending galleries. Of course you all will get paid a thousand dollars for each excellent piece you come up with- it has to be new, can't use old artwork. At the end of this long journey, we'll have a competition. This competition will be a large piece to show your skills, it will be displayed in the most famous gallery: The Louvre, in Paris. Whoever gets the most likes will win a twenty thousand dollar prize, the top ten billionaires will buy your artwork and you will also be shown on Ellen so the whole world will know you." During the whole speech, Diana kept her tone low and it lack enthusiasm- like I expected.

"What of the sponsor?" A guy said with his rough French accent that made his English hard to notice. "Where is she?"

Diana sighed heavily before saying, "Miss Hunt will not be attending our tour today, but she will appear at the dinner tonight- so dress presentable- not like you're going to a nightclub." I knew she was taking a jab at Irvine, considering my friend was wearing booty shorts and a see through top because of the weather.

"Let's begin, shall we." Diana once again did a one-eighty turn, but this time she lead all of us around as if we were taking a college tour and she was just showing us the ropes.

"Each of you will have your own studio pace, you will be assigned one and will have a key. That key only has two copies, one for myself and Miss Hunt- which means you would have to keep the room clean, you do not have maids here. The institute does not exactly have office hours, so you can come in at anytime- but if you throw a party here, you will be automatically kicked out of the program and sent home. There's a cafeteria, lounge, cafe, and an outside garden if you like to draw around nature."

Irvine nudged my side when Diana mentioned nature, to mainly take a jab at my beliefs and the setting I like to draw in.

"The dinner will start at eight sharp, do not be fashionable late girls and guys. Tomorrow you will show up bright and early here at seven in the morning, if late your pay for the painting will be deducted- this will continue for the time you are here, we'll notify you if plans change. If you are not a early bird or a person that looks crappy in the morning, I suggest you leave now because you are clearly cut out for this." Diana stopped in her tracks to look at all of us, to see if one of us will up and leave. Her lips tugged into a small smile, but it quickly disappeared. "Let's continue."


Irvine and I were in her mansion trying to get ready for this dinner, both of us wore classy dresses to make a good impression. I was already done, considering I don't really put on makeup and my hair only needs to be fluffed up before I go out. Irvine on the other hand takes forever to cake her face and do her hair.

"Do you think this Hunt chick is old and frail? If she is, daddy will have to hear my mouth." Irvine did her finishing touches before squashing her boobs together so they can look bigger.

"Irvine when Diana said that some of us paid to be here, did you pay my way or..."

Irvine laughed, literally laughed in my face as if I was telling a joke, "Of course not Kax, do you think I'm made out of money? I sent in some of you drawings that you gave me for my twenty-second birthday. I was planning this trip for quite a while if you didn't know."

"I suspected."

The sound of my phone vibrating on the marble container filled the silence, other than Irvine's pop music. I looked at the screen to see Joe's face and number- I should of blocked it a long time ago, but I was kinda in denial of our ruined relationship. However I was pissed off, with that I ignored the call.

Irvine eyes me through the large mirror, her eyes slanted in curiosity. "Was that Joe? She called me earlier today, wanting to know where you are."

"Fuck Joe. What did you say?"

Irvine lips tugged into a wicked smirk, "That we're in Barcelona, having a few laughs, drinks and sexy people grinding on us." She said while twirling her hips seductively.

I chuckled while shaking my head, knowing that would tick Joe off- but fuck Joe, she deserves this. "Let's not give her false statements then."

Irvine devious smile became bigger and brighter, "Finally!" She set her burgundy lipstick down next to her other bags full of makeup products. "We are going to have so much fun in these upcoming eight months. I can imagine it now."


We were back at the institute, but this time we were dressed to impress. Irvine and I walked in with our head held high as if we owned the place, our vibe spelt positivity but also bossy- well Irvine was bossy, I was mainly positivity. Everyone was dressed to impress, I haven't seen so much diversity in one room ever since- well never. I was already feeling it without even talking to others.

"Alright, lets scoop the area, see who's going to be a threat." Irvine said as her eyes went slant when she spotted Diana speaking to one of my components.

"Irvine, how about we just have fun and mingle? We're trying to make friends, not enemies." I pointed out before making my way to the refreshments table. I grabbed myself a few chocolate covered strawberries and a glass of champagne.

"Hermosa mujer como tu estas haciendo aquí?" A guy, brown of skin, hazel eyes and short hair came into my vision- he was handsome, a seven, but that accent and his native language makes him a ten.

"Oh," He caught me at my low, me stuffing my face with strawberries. I swallowed what was left in my mouth before speaking. "Sorry, um I don't speak Spanish- well I'm not fluent in it."

"Really?" He said, his accent rough and voice deep. "Apologies, I should of never assumed." He extended his hand out to me, "Vermont,"

"Kaxity," I grabbed his hand to only have mine become affected by his kiss. "You are partaking in the competition as well?" I asked to keep him from kissing up my arm.

Vermont pulled away, his brows raised in question, "Of course, I'm known to be the best artist in Brazil."

"Really?" I questioned because it could be true or hard to believe- either way this guy is conceited over his artwork and maybe looks. "Okay," I simply said because I didn't want to put fuel the the fire. "Nice to meet you, Vermont- good luck." I slide away like a shadow and made my way through the small crowd of components that was giving each other the evil eye- probably to scare each other off.

I managed to hide myself by the royal blue curtains that covered the large windows. The site of the sea behind us captured my eye, just imagining myself sitting on the beach and drawing seemed like a romantic date with myself.

"It's like a battle field out there." A woman with an American accent spoke, her straight brown long hair covered the side of her face, her skin tan as if she was kissed by the sun, sugar gray color eyes, pink plump lips and a radiant smile that made her seem friendly. "You seem..." Her sugar gray eyes scanned my body up and down, slowly making me turn red. "Nervous?"

I shook my head in disagreement, "No, I'm not nervous. I don't work well with confrontation and jealousy- it's a very negative vibe." I explained while looking away so she won't see that I'm sweating under her stare.

"You're all about peace and love- like a hippie. I don't blame you, half of these goons says that they're a hippie- but they're the main ones causing trouble." She pointed out with a devious smile upon her face- a smile that can cause trouble someday. "So, are you a hippie?"

I scoffed while shaking my head no, "No, more like a naturalist. We believe in the earth being a source in power but also believe in violence to put our point across."

Her devious smile suddenly turned into a smirk, "Hmm," she hummed. "I'm Violet by the way." She extended her hand and this time, my hand was not covered in saliva.

"Kaxity," I said with a sly smile upon my face.

"Everyone!" Diana stepped in the middle of the floor, causing everyone to gather around- even Violet and I stepped forward to the front of the crowd. Irvine found her way next to me, of course throwing some elbows along the way. "I know all of you have been waiting..patiently. Miss Hunt is here and will speak to you in detail about the next eight months here."

Violet chuckled before stepping forward to stand by Diana's side. Irvine's jaw hits the floor immediately, "I thought she was going to be an old woman," she whispered in my ear but because the room was so silent, everyone heard her.

Violet, or should I say Miss Hunt chuckled while shaking her head, "I get that a lot. As you know I'm Violet Hunt- I'm the one who planned this program to help artist like yourself expand and become known. Don't see this program as a competition, see it as a opportunity- an opportunity to no longer stand behind your parents name, nor stay in a place where you're not accepted. Art is you and you are art. You will have assignments, pieces that falls into the current season or whatever people are looking for and/or pieces that me or Diana want you all to paint. The first assignment will be an all about you- express yourself with your skills. There's no limit with this, only thing I ask for is to have this art piece on a canvas and in my office by tomorrow night. Supplies will be given in your selected rooms tomorrow morning. For the mean time, enjoy yourself."

People slowly started to disperse, whispering amongst themselves about Miss Hunt and how she was hot and young- others were mainly worried about how they're going to express themselves in their art. I, on the other hand, already had a great idea- considering that I did this once before.

Irvine and I stayed where we were, because Irvine needed to speak to Miss Hunt about her new secretary job. Once Diana and Miss Hunt seemed like their conversation was coming to an end, Irvine stepped in with her huge winning smile. "Miss Hunt, hello.. Irvine Skargård." She extended her hand, Miss Hunt took it without hesitation- her lips tugged into an radiant smile as well.

"Violet, please. I just spoke to your father this morning, says you're going to be my secretary, if I'm not mistaken."

Irvine shamefully nods her head yes, "Just gotta say, I will try my-"

"No need to say that to me, Irvine." Violet cuts her off, that smile still upon her face. "You are actually going to assist Diana, she has so much work on her hands- it's time for a little break."

Irvine instantly turned pale, "Oh,"

Diana smirked from ear to ear, she crossed her arms in front of her C-cup chest- at the moment she looked like the grinch after stealing Christmas. "We are going to have so much fun working for me."

All of us knew fun in Diana's words could actually mean hell. Irvine became pale like a ghost as she slowly stepped back- she was stuck because she had nothing to say nor do.

"Is she okay?" Diana asked with an unamused face expression.

I waved my hand in front of Irvine's face, she was still as a rock. "Uh, Irvine does this when she's ecstatic."

Violet chuckled before giving Diana a shrug, "I should get going, you two enjoy and make sure both of you come back at seven in the morning."

I nod my head in understanding, "Yup."

Violet looked me up and down before walking off.


Irvine stormed into the mansion, face red with anger and teeth grinding together. "I can't believe she's going to be my boss. Diana is a bitch, a huge bitch!" She yelled out while throwing her jacket anywhere. A housekeeper immediately picked it up and placed it correctly over the couch in the large living room.

"Irvine, calm down." I said in a soothing and calm voice.

Irvine paced back and forth, waving her arms around to fan herself. "Gosh this is so messed up. I hate that my dad is making me work- this is supposed to be my vacation." She whined while stomping her foot like a toddler.

"Irvine this is a good opportunity, yeah Diana is a hard ass- but it'll help you learn some things about working."

Irvine groaned, she was on the bridge of pulling her hair out. "I don't need to learn, I want freedom and relaxation. I don't want to be anyone's mule!"

"Irvine, you're getting paid." I pointed out, causing her to stop her pacing. "Six hundred bucks a day. You know this money thing is actually making me question if Miss Hunt is getting bored with her money."

Irvine laughed, actually laughed at me. "Violet Hunt is the most wealthiest woman in the whole world. She probably richer than Bill Gates. In every country, she has a business- she makes a million dollars every hour of the day. Yeah she's giving up money, but she's actually gaining some too."

"Wow," I said. "That explains everything."

Irvine eyes went slant on curiosity, "You like her."

"Excuse me, I just met her two hours ago and she's basically my boss." I chuckled while shaking my head.

"You think she's hot," Irvine stated.

"Yeah, she's hot. Who wouldn't think that? I'm not having this conversation with you, we gotta wake up bright and early tomorrow- I'm going to bed." I walked out the living room and practically ran up the flight upstairs to my room.

Once I was safe and sound from Irvine's interrogation, I pulled out my phone to see over twenty text messages from Joe and a few phone calls- all showing one bullshit after the other. Then there was a text from mom, a photo showing a score board: 46-10.. It was Mike's basketball game and his team was winning. Mike was like the star of the team, considering he plays in varsity at his age and makes most of the shots- he was on the roll of a basketball scholarship if he keeps things up and leave the girls behind. He's a player, as mom would say. Mike had a girlfriend name Brittany, but they broke up in ninth grade for some odd reason- she became popular so quickly and he did not, not until he started basketball.

A proud smile tugged on my face when I saw the video my mom sent me- Mike was taking the final shot, ten seconds on the clock, the crowd was going wild and then the video ended.

I immediately sent Mike a text, being that it was two o'clock in the morning back home- I couldn't call him and show how proud I actually am. So proud of you.. I wished I would of been there tonight... Love you.. I added a few kissy faces here and there before sending it off.

When I thought I was free to get ready for bed, Joe's number came up once again and this time I answered it. "What?"

Joe let's out a sigh of relief, "Kaxity, I was worried sick-where are you?"

Worried sick? Oh please.. "I'm in Barcelona, Joe. If you are actually worried about me- stop calling me, I left for a reason."

"Kaxity I'm sorry. Listen I know what I did was so fucked up, but baby we can fix this." Here we go with that lame ass excuse that I heard before from a past ex.

"Fuck you Joe! We can't fix anything between us- you cheated on me, had me walk in while your side bitch was there naked, have her stand in my face, and you didn't even try to hide your steps- so fuck you Joe! And go suck a big fat dick!" I hung up on her so fast, I was winded afterwards.

Katherine McNamara as Irvine Skagård

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